Spore Story

Chapter 366 Planet Species Evaluation, Annual Festival

Chapter 366 Planet Species Evaluation, Annual Festival

On January 15, 1 AD, with a burst of space fluctuations, 1 arrived as scheduled and went home for the New Year.

But when she returned to the elders' house, the first task she received was to pull out a group of Youshen-level people who had fallen into a state of madness according to the wood grain, one by one, from the boudoir compound. No, it's better to say bang out, ga.

"Really, I knew the truth of 'if you can't figure it out, don't think about it' before, how come everyone has become a brainless person this time? 8051 is deeply helpless at everyone's persistence."

"It's not easy to find a way, so I'm very excited," smiled flatteringly and shook his tail, Kong Huan turned around and nodded to everyone and said: "Well, the Chinese New Year has already started anyway, so everyone Go back and rest, think about this time, I am afraid I have accumulated a lot of things that need to be resolved."

They looked at the people meaningfully. These people were all members of the Divine Court and the Elder's House. They didn't work for more than half a year, and they could be so leisurely because there were no major events happening in the ethnic group. However, there were still a lot of documents that they needed to review.

After everyone had left, Kong Huan fell down heavily on the special bench for Kong Huan in the Elder's House, let out a lazily breath, then looked at 8051 who seemed a bit tired standing aside, and asked softly.

"8051, how's your year going?"

But Kong Huan found that it was good if he didn't mention this, but when he mentioned it, it was like stepping on a cat's tail, and 8051 immediately exploded.

"Ah! I'm exhausted!"

"These guys are super restless! This year is really painful. 8051 is planning in distress, whether to curse these annoying guys to death with circles."


After wiping off his cold sweat, Kong Huan naturally couldn't ignore it, so he asked out of habit.


"Hey, I'm tired." 8051 turned around and sat down heavily beside the other person like Kong Huan. His body, which was completely composed of unknown substances, fell onto the chair lightly without any weight, but Kong Huan hissed in pain. , because his tentacles were squashed.

(Did you do it on purpose?) Facing the empty eyes full of resentment, 8051 smiled cutely, making an innocent expression, and then leaned on the soft rattan chair, using her unique bland expression. The voice tells the resentment accumulated this year, or several years.

"It's only now that I realize that the outside world is so complicated. Things like these..."


The breeze of early spring sweeps away the city of friends with the chill of severe winter, but it can’t stop people’s growing enthusiasm. Outside the elder’s courtyard, it’s a lively New Year Festival. Almost everyone gathers in the square, admiring it with the high-level officials. An increasingly rich cultural life.

And in the elders' courtyard separated by a wall, Kong Huan just sat quietly, listening to 8051's confession to himself.

In this way, the time passed step by step in the action of the sun going out from the east and returning home from the west. Before that, Kong Huan probably never thought that the time of his annual festival in 15 AD would be like this, simple and simple Accompanied by 8051's complaints and complaints in the past.

But for this, he has no regrets, (maybe, because he has lived for a long time, and he doesn't care about the occasional New Year Festival?)

(No, just because of this comfortable feeling.)
Looking at the existences in front of me complaining endlessly about those who are constantly causing trouble, from civilized races to epic creatures; from bad weather to naughty plates; from the sky to the ocean...

Only then did Kong Huan realize that, compared to 8051, who had to consider the entire planet, it was really easy for him, a guy who only had to think about one species and who could be lazy from time to time.

"Take your time, after all, obtaining the will of the planet can't be achieved overnight, right?" He stretched out his hand and rubbed 8051's head, the illusory movement froze when it was 80% complete, carefully Swallowing, Kong Huan lowered his head and looked at 8051 who was still talking, (It seems that we are a little carried away, huh.)
But the surprise is that this time, 8051 did not slap Kong Huan's hand away as usual, but seemed to ignore the palm placed on her head by Kong Huan, drinking tea on his own, and narrating by himself, selfishly...

"Hiss~" (this time the wings are pressed =. =)

Quickly retracting the palm that could bring neither good luck nor misfortune, the cup that 8051 handed over to him was still gentle.

(Are you really tired?) Sighing slightly, he refilled 8051's empty cup with tea, and Kong Huan continued to listen to 8051's nagging sentence after sentence.

But in fact, these so-called nagging are big and small things all over the Double Moon Star, and any of them can affect the environmental changes of a place; affect the future development of a family.

It's just that the two people present thoughtlessly took it as a topic of chatting.


On January 15st, 1 AD, it entered the night in such a quiet and peaceful manner.

Although Chu Xia and the others also came here, most of them left after saying a few words, and only Kong Huan and 8051 stayed here in the end.

In fact, Kong Huan is already used to this way of getting along with the two of them, he is calm and comfortable, and he doesn't need to think too much, just like this.

"You really look like an old man? 8051 despises illusory wishes."

"It's billions of years old. If you say it's a young person, I'm afraid it will be killed by resentment."

"Cut." Although he thought about refuting the illusion, 8051 recalled his life from the small cell period, and stopped his thoughts, but changed the subject and talked about his own way of planetary will.

According to 8051, her method of obtaining the will of the planet is a bottom-up process.

In the beginning, she needs to be recognized by most species on the planet. The higher the proportion of species, the higher her right to speak in the will of the planet.

For example, when the ratio reaches 10%, she is called a [Representative], and she can gain affinity and a sense of identity in various species, and her status is slightly lower than that of species master consciousness, but higher than that of ordinary members;
When it reaches 30%, it is called a [negotiator], its status is higher than that of the main consciousness, and it is even possible to assign the main consciousness to some species that are not very intelligent and have not produced the main consciousness.Of course, at the same time, she also took the responsibility of protecting the stability of various species;
And when it reaches 60%, it is called [executor], and its status is already second only to the subjective consciousness of the planet's will, and it can mobilize part of the spiritual power of the planet's will if allowed.And because the subjective consciousness of Shuangyuexing has not been awakened, in fact 8051 has always been the existence with the highest status.

At this time, she can not only mobilize the dead souls of creatures that have returned to the will of the planet, understand their memories, but also distribute the supply of planetary consciousness to the consciousness of various species on a small scale.Of course, her responsibility is also heavier.

When the amount of control reaches more than 90%, she will officially become the [subjective consciousness] recognized by the will of the planet. At this time, unlike the first three, there will be a downgrade after a mistake. If she becomes subjective consciousness, it will be fixed. No need Worried about losing the will of the planet for some small mistakes.

At that time, although 8051 can't fully control the will of the planet, it will already be considered invincible, and the next thing to do is to take over it bit by bit.

But it is not a simple matter to be recognized by most species.

Even with the strength of 8051 spirit god level, up to now, it has only obtained the recognition of 63% of the planet's species, that is, it has reached the level of [Executor].

As for the issue of how 8051 obtained the recognition of the plants without brains and the animals of the '10-1' level, 8051 said it, but the illusion didn't understand, so neither of them continued to struggle with it. (=.=)

"This becomes more and more difficult as you go to the back. 8051 feels helpless for the novel that gets easier as you go to the back in Kong Huan's mind."

"..." Kong Huan didn't know how to answer this.

However, according to 8051, the civilized species is indeed a troublesome thing for the will of the planet, at least for 8051.

It is said that she has obtained nearly 70% of the species recognition, but because of the large number of civil wars of civilized species in recent years, coupled with the engulfment of nature by the population growth of civilized species, 8051, who is somewhat restrained when dealing with civilized species, is in Identity among natural species has been lowered quite a bit.

Among them, the one that depressed 8051 the most was the Eldar.

Because of the nature of the spirit race's warfare, every time it fights, it brings the death of a large number of non-spirit race natural species, so it has become the most unpopular among the wills of the planet.

"You don't know those bastards of the Eldar, the loss of animal species caused by the civil war in the past few years alone has reached tens of millions, and no fewer than seven hundred species have become extinct!"

Gently stretched out his hand and rubbed 8051's head, Kong Huan thought that since the other party did not object, then making progress or something usually means making progress.

What made Kong Huan even more satisfied was that 8051 didn't seem to mind it, but said to himself: "Speaking of which, I recently discovered a problem with the spirit race. Because of the disgust of the planet's will and the large number of creatures The resistance of the species, I planned to give an active lesson to the Eldar."

"But who knows, their way of breeding is too abominable!" Speaking of this, 8051 shook his fist heavily, drank the fresh tea that Kong Huan had just filled in one gulp, and then handed it to Kong Huan naturally.

(I've become a waiter, duh.) He raised his eyebrows with black lines on his face, and under 8051's watchful eyes, Kong Huan retreated resolutely and unscrupulously, pouring tea while continuing to listen.

"You know the way the spirit race reproduces, illusory, and because creatures such as the double scythe are not intelligent, it is impossible to belong to civilized races, that is, natural creatures, so if you do something to the spirit race, there will be no planet The permission of the will can easily lead to a further decline in the biological identity rate. 8051 complained distressedly about the spirit of the Eldar who originally thought of this method of reproduction."

"In this regard, 8051, you don't have to worry so much." Thinking of something from 8051's words, Kong Huan raised the teacup in his hand and took a shallow sip, and then said: "Don't forget, you are now the executor of the will of the planet. If the Eldar really angered the heavens and the people, the will of the planet will be angry sooner or later, won't it?"

It has to be said that bystanders are right to know this truth.

Because they are not in the position of 8051, Kong Huan calculates the gains and losses of 8051 and the others with the attitude of a bystander, and what he said after that immediately makes 8051's eyes shine.

"That's right! The extinction of natural creatures caused by this fellow of the Spirit Race is too much. It is impossible not to be angry with the will of the planet. In fact, if you think about it carefully, the Spirit Race will not be able to wait for a long time to be evaluated by a catastrophe. At that time, Quack. 8051 exudes boundless resentment, expressing his true inner thoughts."

"..." Regarding this, Kong Huan didn't know what to say, so he could only continue to play the role of a listener, while mourning for the Spirit Race.

However, he was a little curious about the will of the planet and the evaluation of civilized races: "Hey, 8051, what is the evaluation of the will of the planet?"

"Huh?" Snatching the teacup in Kong Huan's hand with a wave, 8051 was taken aback for a moment, and his face quickly returned to calm: "I don't know if you had this thing in your previous world, but in this world we live in, maybe it's the system's hobby or the To perfect the world, each ecological planet has an evaluation system for each species."

"This kind of evaluation does not only refer to civilized species, but because civilized species have a wider range of influence, civilized species are unique in the evaluation of planetary will."

"Its evaluation criteria for species are actually based on the amount of impact on natural stability."

After thinking for a while, 8051 pointed to the surrounding environment and said: "For example, if a biological individual hunts a meat ball beast for food a day, which is just enough to satisfy the individual's survival, then it hunts and kills a meat ball beast every day, and the planet's will will control it. The evaluation is 0, neither good nor bad."

"But if it hunts two meatball beasts and wastes one of them, like burning or something, then the evaluation will become -1, because the burnt meatball beast is completely wasted, which seems very Small, but if this number is increased by tens of thousands of times, it will cause great damage to ecological stability."

"Of course, if it changes to breeding meat ball beasts, does not cause damage to the ecology, and even maintains the situation, then the evaluation may become +1."

"However, the calculation method is very complicated, at least I don't understand it thoroughly."

"The evaluation of ordinary creatures in nature has a very small rate of change, and most of them are concentrated within plus or minus 100. Even some plants have only single-digit evaluations. Even for the races of ordinary creatures in nature, their overall evaluations are mostly concentrated in the Within plus or minus 1000."

"But civilized species are different. With the development of their civilization, their evaluation changes will increase rapidly. If a large-scale event goes wrong, there will be plus or minus thousands of evaluation changes. At this time, ordinary creatures in nature cannot compare."

"Especially the wars of civilized species, because many of them are not natural recognized causes of survival, and the damage caused can completely turn into a negative evaluation."

At this time, 8051 paused for a moment, and said with a bit of displeasure: "For example, the Spirit Race, during the recent war, their ratings increased by more than '-4000' every day."

"Really, although I don't know how much the evaluation will cause a catastrophe, but judging from what you said, the spirit race is about to be unlucky."

"Yeah, hehe, the Eldar, hurry up and increase your negative comments, quack. 8051 is waiting with great anticipation."

"That's not what you, the executor, should say."

"Hmph, I want you to take care of it! Pour tea."


Ask for support as always, ga =w=
(End of this chapter)

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