Spore Story

Chapter 367 Development Direction and Ideas, Night

Chapter 367 Development Direction and Ideas, Night

Thank you zload and Mango Heroes for the monthly pass at the beginning of the month~\(≧▽≦)/~
There are many secrets in this world waiting for people to discover. Therefore, people will never lack the goals to be explored, but only lack the actions to explore the goals.

In fact, even if there is action, whether it will be successful or not is actually two things.

In the long history, there are countless people who stayed in the process of exploring the goal, and most of them became "giants" stepped on by later generations.

So, people actually need some luck.

However, there is an easier way to get the secret for our friend-lord minded fantasies.

That is……

Just ask 8051 directly, ga.

Back to the topic, when discussing the evaluation of the planet's will, Kong Huan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he felt that he had discovered a key point.

So, like a good student who always sits in the front row in class, gets the attention of the teacher, and maybe even brings a few bars with him, he decisively raises his hand to ask questions.

"Then, what's the use of the evaluation of the planet's will?" Kong Huan felt that he had grasped something, and after asking the question, he lowered his head and thought again.

"Just as you think. 8051 doesn't find it difficult to understand."

Taking a deep look at Kong Huan, 8051 did not refute the answer that Kong Huan thought, but directly replied: "If the evaluation is low, of course it will be punished; if it is high, of course it will be rewarded. This is a matter of course."

"Those with high ratings are considered friendly by the will of the planet. Therefore, in order to promote the improvement of the friendly side, the will of the planet without self-awareness will follow the instinct to reward by regulating the weather, expanding the supply of consciousness, and mobilizing simple biological groups. this species."

"It means that if you do a good job, then the weather will be smooth in the place where you live, the newborn will become smarter, the speed of the cultivation of individual consciousness will be improved, and the food will be satisfied, etc. Natural benefits, these will serve as Long-term rewards, unless your ratings drop."

"The evaluation is low, and it is considered hostile by the will of the planet. Of course, its development will be curbed."

"It means that if you do too badly, then there will be continuous natural disasters in the ethnic settlements, the low level of consciousness of newborns, etc., it will be difficult for individuals to cultivate, it will be difficult to obtain food, and so on. It's going to get more and more miserable."

"For example, the same person, the same level, and the same method of cultivation, when the evaluation is 0, the consciousness will be increased by 3 points every day; when the evaluation is +1000, the consciousness will be increased by 5 points every day; Alright."

When saying these things, 8051 had a nonchalant expression. Obviously, this kind of influence should not affect her and everyone in the friend clan, otherwise it would not be so easy.

"Sure enough," Kong Huan had a new understanding of the will of the planet that controls the consciousness cycle of the entire planet: "So, what is the evaluation of our friends?"

"This is what I want to say. When it comes to this evaluation, Pengzu actually has a great advantage," 8051's face gradually softened when talking about Pengzu.

In fact, compared to the emptiness that took more than 100 years to build the Pengzu step by step, 8051 is completely from the perspective of a bystander, watching the Pengzu from a small cell in the editing space, and developing for billions of years. As it is now, speaking of it, her love for Pengzu will never be less than that of Kong Huan, and her understanding of Pengzu may even surpass that of Kong Huan.

Gathering his mind, 8051 said with a smile: "First of all, of course, I am the executor of the will of this planet. When your evaluation drops, I can give you warnings or side suggestions. For example, in the last war of spirits, many of the spirits controlled the death of creatures, so I said that the responsibility was shared between the two sides of the spirits, not the friends who actively attacked the animals;”

"Uh, speaking of which, the evaluation of the Pengling War dropped a lot last time." Thinking of the losses of both sides during the war, especially the loss of animals controlled by the Spirit Race, Kong Huan wiped his cold sweat subconsciously.

"Indeed," 8051 also frowned: "Pengling war, the evaluation of the Pengzu's large-scale extinction of underground creatures is at least around -10000. If you follow the will of the planet, I am afraid that it will be a few years of drought. .”

Wiping off the cold sweat, because this kind of drought did not happen afterwards, Kong Huan also knew that some adjustments should have been made: "It was 8051 that you helped suppress?"

"I'm just an executor. I was just a negotiator at the time, so I don't have that much power." 8051 spread his hands and continued: "This is another advantage I want to talk about."

"That is, the mission mode of emptiness."

"By continuously completing the missions issued by the will of the planet, the main consciousness of the empty fantasy has a very high evaluation in the will of the planet. After all, it is impossible for the will of the planet to issue tasks that violate its own principles."

"And because you are the main consciousness, the evaluation of you also affects the species, neutralizing most of the negative evaluations of the friends, so that the evaluation of the friends after the war is actually only -700."

Speaking of this, 8051 shook his head with a slight sigh: "Actually, if it weren't for the negative evaluation, there might be more than a dozen Youshen-level friends in the Pengzu at this time."

"And to be honest, if you are a kind of unscrupulous person who does nothing to achieve your goals, and you don't know the evaluation system of the planet's will, I'm afraid you have already been destroyed by the planet's will."

"Of course, there is another reason why the friends' evaluation is good."

"This may be helpless to you and Chu Xia, but it is a good thing for your race to develop civilization. That is, the Peng race has a small population and a low reproductive rate, so interference with nature is also very difficult. It’s less, so the change in evaluation is much smaller.”

"From this point of view, this is also the reason why everyone's strength has improved so quickly in the Friends Clan," Kong Huan said thoughtfully, "This is actually a question of pros and cons."

"Positively evaluated species can rely on the support of the planet to improve their racial strength by relying on their individual strength. If they develop further, they may be similar to 'individual strength civilization'."

"This can be said to be a virtuous circle. People gradually pursue individual strength, and the bad influence on the environment becomes less, so the will of the planet continues to support them, and they continue to develop. If at this time, the individual of this civilization can further understand The importance of the relationship with the planet can be further developed;”

"The negatively evaluated species tend to be worse in terms of individual strength and environment, so they can only expand the power of the race through a reproduction rate that is not controlled by the will of the planet."

"And the greater the number, the greater the impact on the environment; coupled with the inability to develop individual strength, they can only continue to develop external strength to resist the harsh natural environment. A civilization based on technology] is like..."

Stop talking, Kong Huan smiled and shook his head, then turned to look at 8051 beside him: "I found a problem, whether it is the former 'individual strength civilization'... well, for convenience, it is called [In vivo technology] Right. Whether it’s an internal technological civilization or an external technological civilization, when it develops to the point where the planet cannot be restrained, won’t it be able to escape the influence of this evaluation?”

"This one……"

Dazed for a moment, 8051 gave Kong Huan a strange look, shook his head and said, "Do you think there is a planetary will in the planet, and after entering the universe, there will be no similar restrictions?"


"Okay, let's not talk about this kind of topic," it seemed that 8051 didn't want to talk about it, and directly changed the topic to normal.

At this time, her eyes became strange, and she, whose main body was covered by a colorful mist, nodded her cheeks, stared at Kong Huan with crystal eyes and said: "Xong Huan~"

"Ah!" Hearing the tender voice, Kong Huan's body trembled unnaturally, and then he realized that his skin had a natural biological reaction, and subconsciously took a few steps back: "What are you doing?"

"Oh hehehe, that's the reaction, it's really fun. 8051 is very satisfied with the reaction of the illusion."

"..." ==#
"Okay, that's right." Seeing that Kong Huan might go crazy, 8051 reached out and patted the other party, and then asked with a serious expression: "Now that you know this, what is your plan? The development of the friends is in the body? Or outside the body? ?”

"Wait." Shaking his head, 8051 paused for a moment: "You bypassed it all. It should be, should you maintain the relationship with the will of the planet? Or carry out the so-called 'defying the sky'?"

"Which way is easier?"

"It's not easy. 8051 spread their hands."

"Which method is better?"

"It's hard to say either, it's up to people. 8051 continues to spread its hands."

"Then in which direction do you think we should develop?"



"Okay, okay, since 8051 is developing towards the will of the planet, how could we choose other directions?" Kong Huan said hastily, waving his hand to stop 8051 who seemed to be exuding the aura of keeping strangers away.

In fact, from the very beginning when 8051 seized the will of the planet, this path has been determined, but the current illusion has made the direction clearer.

"That's right. 8051 is very satisfied with the attitude of Wei Junjie, a illusory person who knows current affairs."

"...Don't use that sentence, we are not traitors or traitors!"


The conversation between the two continued like this...

In the middle of the night, the bonfires from the square are still dazzling, but the noisy and noisy sounds are gradually decreasing.Although the technology of the friends at this time is not bad, in order to respond to Shenting's "environmental protection" initiative, saving wood, etc., is quite out of date for friends who are surrounded by forests, and there is no better lighting at night. Under the way, everyone still adheres to the life pattern of 'working at sunrise and resting at sunset'.

Therefore, the habit of staying up all night has not yet been popularized, and everyone who was tired from playing at this time also began to return to their homes, or lay down by the campfire and fell asleep.

Under the light of several piles of fire in the square, the faces of the people looked serene and happy, quietly calming their hearts.

"8051, you should know. When I was a second-year student in the past, I had the idea of ​​'if human beings only stay in the ancient small-scale peasant life mode', would it be much easier?"

"I'm not interested in such small thoughts. 8051 said that he is only interested in interesting things in the phantom memory."


"Forget it, I just want to say, and then I thought that for people who are used to modern society, it is obviously impossible to live in that mode for a long time; but for the current friends, if they continue to live like this, it seems to be a good way .pity……"

"What a pity? 8051 is staring at the people beside him curiously."

"We are all forced!"

"Originally, the individual strength of the friends made them not have to worry too much about the threat of natural animals; but with 8051, you don't have to worry too much about the threat of the natural environment, but there is another heaven... 嘎."

At this moment, the illusion is completely in OTZ...

"If, if we continue to take this road, this road that is based on internal technology, and if we want to go to the dark, then we must increase the minimum strength of the friends."

After waking up, Kong Huan dragged 8051 to sit by the deserted bonfire, looking at the dancing flames and the slightly bursting firewood from time to time, his face was glowing bright red.

Pulling the flames with mental power, moving the ashes to the center of the fire, Kong Huan pointed to the surroundings, and said to 8051: "The entire friend family, the average level of consciousness of newborns according to the current statistics is the peak of ghost level;"

"Generally between the ages of 6 and 9, the average level is at the early stage of the ghost level; after hard training, ordinary primitive people can pupate between the ages of 15 and 40. After success, the minimum level of winged people who have obtained a fifth-level brain is also The middle stage of the ghost class is close to the high stage."

"But there is one thing that is more troublesome." Lying on his back and looking at the stars in the sky, Kong Huan shook his head and said: "The data of this newborn is just the data of the original couple, but..."

"However, although it is more difficult for winged couples to reproduce than original couples, and only original newborns are produced, after more than ten years of statistics, we have also discovered a phenomenon, that is..."

"Wings of Winged People, even when one of the couple is Winged, the average level of consciousness of the newborns will be at the early stage of the ghost level."

"The most important thing is that this kind of newborn, unless it is lazy and does not exercise, as long as it works a little bit, it can successfully pupate before the age of 40."

"Isn't this great?" 8051, who was sitting on the side, pulled Kong Huan's wings spread out on his side and smoothed them out, and then lay down comfortably, not paying attention to Kong Huan's gloomy expression.

After hearing 8051's words, Kong Huan moved 8051 slightly with his tentacles to make his wings more comfortable, then shook his head with a complicated expression and said: "This is a long-term problem. If it can be more detailed, it may not be exposed now, or even in a few decades. But in the future, this is likely to cause trouble for the internal stability of the Pengzu."

"Think about it, the newborns of the original couples, the Biyi couples, and even the single wing couples are a whole level lower in strength. In the long run, won't the gap between the two parties become bigger and bigger?"

"Well, how about this," 8051 on the side turned over slightly, its tail still swaying mischievously on Kong Huan's wings, and then ignored Kong Huan with a wry smile and said: "Isn't it true that there is a decree prohibiting original people from marrying original people?" That's it. 8051 agrees with his idea very much."


"My lord 8051, if this kind of thing gets out, it will really damage the government's image and intensify internal conflicts. Our government doesn't have the power of a crab."

Seeing 8051's innocent expression, Kong Huan covered his forehead and sighed depressedly, and patiently explained: "Perhaps from the perspective of species development, we can use this method to further enhance the overall strength of the friend race, and even after more than a dozen generations, the friend race The average level of the newborns of the clan is maintained at the early stage of the Yinhun class, and even after the age of 40, all members are winged."

"However, the reality is not calculated in this way. The reproductive rate of Yiren couples is lower than that of original couples. Even if they are successful, according to the calculations of the Pengzu Statistics Bureau, the original population of nearly 300 million will drop to 400 million in [-] years. "

"In addition, we also need to consider the psychological emotions of the original people who are the basis of the friends."

"In the final analysis, it's actually a matter of concept." The voice from the side attracted Kong Huan and 8051, because the relaxed atmosphere here, coupled with the safety of Pengcheng, made the two of them pay no attention to the surrounding situation.

Looking up at the target, it turned out to be Dark Blood.

And I have to say that women's thinking is indeed much more delicate (8051 is put aside =.=), the point of what she said is the reason why Void rejects 8051.

"Is there any solution?" Looking over 8051 at Dark Blood, Kong Huan asked expectantly.

"Although the speed is slower, it is actually not difficult for us who have mastered public opinion and strength."

Smiling, Dark Blood set up a [sound-proof force field] that has been perfected several times around the three of them, then curled up his legs and stared at the fire in front of him and said: "You can let Shenting publish similar inspirational stories and life stories. Goals and other things that guide social ethos, such as 'marry you after becoming a wingman', what matters is not rationality, but resonance."

"Let all friends form a concept, 'Marrying/marrying a winged person, becoming a winged person and marrying/marrying someone you like is the success in life', so that the people's ideas can be influenced in a subtle way, although the speed will be very fast. Slow, but it will cause fewer rebounds, if you persist, after dozens of generations, you will be able to achieve the effect before the illusion of you."

"Of course, for this kind of thing, it's best not to disclose the reason until you see success. After all, people have a rebellious mentality, and we need to pay attention to this aspect."

Kong Huan nodded thoughtfully. Concepts are divided into regions when information transmission and public opinion are relatively small.

But now, with the development of popular communication network technology among friends and the speeding up of road transportation in various places, if it is really carried out by the court of God or even the elder's house, then it is obviously not impossible to achieve the effect that Dark Blood said.

"Well, let's call the Shenting and the Elder's House tomorrow to discuss this matter."

It's the beginning of the month again, let's continue to ask for monthly tickets and all kinds of support

(End of this chapter)

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