Spore Story

Chapter 368 Change of ideology, deformation

Chapter 368 Change of ideology, deformation

The Friends Clan holds a big annual meeting every five years, which is scheduled from the very beginning, and members above middle-level managers from all over the country will participate. It has to be said that it is a grand occasion.

As a matter of course, every New Year's Eve meeting will be very lively, and this aspect has become the consensus of everyone.

Needless to say, in AD 1, this is an annual meeting for slotting, and it cannot be too lively; in AD 5, it was at a critical juncture in the Pengling War, and with the high-level government change, Die Wu replaced Lingxue, who had to free up her hands to participate in various wars, as the patriarch , this time can be regarded as the first gathering of military and political leaders; in 10 AD, the third-generation Muwen government came to power. Although it was considered peaceful at this time, the end of the Pengling War, the joining of the Dunjia tribe, and the recovery and development after the war The planning and so on have become the hot spots at this annual meeting...

And now, in AD 15, it's another big annual meeting.

"Yo, the mayor of XX is here too." On the street, a peaceful word came out.

(What are you talking about? The mayor must arrive at the New Year’s Eve. Can I not come?) Even though he wanted to make complaints about it, this 'Mayor of XX' still responded with a gracious smile: "A certain mayor, you are here too, can I not come? Haha."

Well, in fact, the entire friend city at this time is full of exchanges of this kind.However, the residents of Pengcheng, who have become accustomed to this, calmly ignore these mayors and senior officials, and go about buying sesame seed cakes for themselves, and soy sauce for soy sauce...

"This is the legendary capital effect. At this time, a single lightning strike can hit several middle-level managers."

An ordinary-looking male Yiren was walking on the street with another ordinary-looking female Yuanren, and the male Yiren sighed.

Now there are more than 22 middle-level and above managers in Pengzu's 213 provinces and 1000 cities. This is the result of Pengzu's fine-tuning and streamlining of government agencies.

Looking at the people around him from time to time, the male Winged Man seemed full of interest, while the female Yuanren kept staring at the Winged Man, looking very affectionate, but maybe this was just an appearance.

And people clearly saw the original person's lips moving, but they couldn't hear any sound.

In this regard, the people around are not surprised.Because this kind of situation is too common, those who have just learned to connect with the spirit and are not used to communicating with the spirit will appear to be connected to the spirit, but they will still speak subconsciously. For friends who have a large number of schools , such people are very common.

In connection with the seemingly young age of this original person, everyone naturally attributed it to this category, but they obviously didn't know that their own thoughts could be clearly seen in front of these two people.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect the method of brain supplementation to be applicable anywhere. They can give such a reasonable explanation even though we blocked the voice."

"Well, can't you keep peeping at people's thoughts like this? It's not good for people to know, after all, everyone still has some privacy."

"Tch, don't you also do this yourself, let's laugh at two or fifty steps."

"Uh," the man was obviously at a loss, but he quickly reacted and said nonchalantly, "I'm here to understand the situation of the people so that I can make a development plan suitable for the people, so as not to be divorced from reality."

"The strong words are unreasonable. 8051 commented very contemptuously."

Obviously, with this kind of suffix, no matter what they look like, they can be recognized by familiar people. This is probably why the other party wants to block their voices.

At this time, Yuanren 8051 seemed to finally be unable to hold back his curiosity. He grabbed the illusory wing root and said viciously, "How did you come up with this method, tell me!"

The people around were obviously a little surprised by the change in the situation. After a slight turmoil, people gave flirtatious explanations and continued to do their own things.

"..." The emptiness and 8051 who have been peeping at the people around them are speechless at the same time.

If it is an ordinary organism, if the wing root is caught, it can be regarded as being completely controlled. Therefore, the wing root of a winged person is a forbidden area. Of course, that is for those who are not familiar with it.

But Kong Huan is different. Even if he is caught by the wing root at this time, there is no problem. I saw that the wing root where he was caught by 8051 suddenly flashed, and 8051's hand broke away from the wing root. Her hand went through the root of the wing.

In fact, this is true.

"It's actually very simple." After getting rid of 8051's clutches, Kong Huan immediately explained: "This is a matter of thought. The consciousness body is just like what you told me in the editing space, it has no fixed form."

"When I became Youshen class, I recovered many indifferent forms and realized that as long as I agree with which form, the consciousness can actually become that form."

"You think consciousness is plasticine! It took me a long time to barely change my ideology! 8051 is very dissatisfied with the illusory talk."

"But I did make it like this." Spreading out his hands, Kong Huan expressed his powerlessness: "As for the skin that ordinary people can see, it is just a mixture of things such as sediment and calcium carbide powder extracted from the formation with mental power. Yes, if you are more advanced, you can also wait until the 'light theory' of the priest school is perfected, and then develop a method of refracting light with mental power or mental power to create illusions."

Ever since he successfully experimented with the transformation method of the conscious body in the Shadow Clan, Kong Huan seemed to enjoy it all the time, but since he came back, he was discussing the issue of upgrading the Youshen level to the Yinshen level with the Youshen level, so he has not yet show up.

During the Chinese New Year, when life becomes easier, Chu Xia and the others need to pay attention to the things around them from time to time.

Perhaps what they saw at first was a Hell Butterfly, the next moment it would turn into a net rabbit, and the next moment it might be a big spider, and it is very possible that some strange creatures will appear again. Let everyone dizzying.

Of course, these are just pranks that are illusory and dispensable. It is fun for everyone to watch, but they will not feel disgusted.

On the contrary, Chu Ling and Lingyun were the happiest about this, because the illusory consciousness body can take their appearance and become similar to their appearance.

For example, the emptiness with butterfly wings, the emptiness with rabbit ears...

However, Kong Huan is of course very resistant to this appearance, after all...

"It's cute and cute for a girl to change like this, but as a boy, I can only be regarded as a novelty!" Therefore, he is more likely to completely become a certain kind of creature, such as a complete body. Hell Butterfly, Complete Body Net Rabbit...Gah.

After that, under the urging of several people who were interested in it, Kong Huan summarized the theory of [Consciousness Transfiguration]. Even Bainong, who has not yet broken through the peak of the soul level, has tried to change successfully, proving that the soul level can also be used.

Of course, the soul level without the help of mind power, no matter what it becomes, cannot be seen by creatures that cannot observe the pure consciousness body, but there are many friends in the wing, so there is no need to worry about the problem that others cannot see it.

However, the Youshen body is often recognized because no matter how the consciousness changes, the energy core that has been fused with consciousness and thought power cannot be concealed.

And because Chu Xia started to energyize, 8051 directly told the other party not to use this ability before it was completely successful, because it might lead to unknown situations.

Therefore, there are only Lingxue and Diewu who still retain their bodies at the Youshen level, and they can use this ability at will after their consciousness is separated from the body.

Of course, at this time, this ability is only a game for a few people.

At this time, the number of pedestrians on the street gradually decreased, and most of the well-dressed people on the road were also gathering in the center of Pengcheng.

Looking up at the sky, the spring sun is hanging in the east, slanting through the gaps between the houses and trees and spreading across Pengcheng.

(According to the revision by the Pengzu Technology Bureau, a day is divided into 24 hours, and 12:00 noon is the best time to determine the time by light. Up to now, Pengzu is based on the time of the peak of Mount Ga. The magnetic field communication network contacts all places to confirm. When Pengcheng enters the cloudy sky, there will be a backup time light pointer table on the priest mountain in the southwest and the Yunlu mountain in the north.)
Lala was very dissatisfied, but 8051 was even more depressed because he knew that Kong Huan hadn't lied. Kong Huan followed those well-dressed people: "The time for the New Year's Eve is coming, let's go and have a look."

These well-dressed people are the managers of various places.

Follow the "Organizational Regulations Act" issued by Pengzu in 13 A.D., which requires government managers to dress strictly.Although no special clothes were designed, these managers had to pay attention.

Especially with the further revision and perfection of laws and regulations, the rights and obligations of each position are more clearly defined, and the differences are of course more obvious, which makes managers have to pay attention to their own performance from all aspects in order to pursue a higher status.

In this regard, although Kong Huan is somewhat worried that rights will lead people to use unscrupulous means, but at least for now, this method not only streamlines government personnel and reduces expenditures, but also greatly improves the government's work efficiency, and he has no reason to object.

8051, who was pulled by Kong Huan, just curled her lips in dissatisfaction. She actually planned to continue her work on January 1st, but maybe she was too tired and wanted to seek a peaceful and relaxed life. The family stayed for a full ten days.

"Unreal, I've been playing for so many days, it's time to work."

The look in 8051's eyes is a bit sad, this is the look that every person who has worked hard for several months and got a few days off, and then it is the last day of the holiday in a blink of an eye, will have a look.

In this regard, the illusion is also very understanding.

Smiling slightly, Kong Huan reached out and patted 8051's shoulder: "If you're really tired, it's okay to give up. After all, as long as you stay in the friend clan, you are the greatest support for me."

"No, I've been tired for so long, wouldn't it be a waste of effort to just give up like this? It's even more annoying." Shaking his head, 8051 wagged his tail and walked aside: "Then, I'll go first, see you next year."

"Okay, let me be the one waiting for you at home now, see you next year."

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, 8051 nodded, and disappeared before Kong Huan's eyes with a wave of spatial fluctuation.

"Everyone keep working hard."

He patted his face, stretched his body heavily, and hid in a corner of the city while everyone was not paying attention.With a flash of brilliance, a [Fan Pterosaur] that can be seen everywhere flew out of the alley and stayed above the venue.

(Huh? Ga.)
Looking at the Hell Butterfly on the wall on the other side of the venue, Kong Huan smiled, carefully sneaked behind the other party, and then suddenly jumped out of the wall, throwing the Hell Butterfly to the ground.

But after the other party's brilliance flashed for a while, it turned into a giant python with a thick bowl mouth and wrapped itself around the neck of the fan pterosaur.

"Sure enough, Ga."

"Let's see who has changed dramatically."


(I am not Erlang God, nor Monkey King.)
Although this ability was created at the beginning, it cannot be denied that there is a little childhood dream, but Kong Huan does not want to be regarded as a monkey or a three-eyed man.

Accompanied by the same flash of brilliance, the fan pterosaur turned into the same giant python, took advantage of the other party's stunned moment to get away, and then quickly stretched out two pairs of wings behind the giant python, and flew away like this stand up.

"I'm not in the mood today, let's play next time."

"Also, can you still do this?"

A familiar voice came from behind, and Lingxue, who had changed back to the hell butterfly, surrounded the four-winged flying snake suspiciously, she was able to confirm that she had never seen such a creature before, or in other words, it should not be real biology.

This is the difference between Konghuan and Lingxue. Although Lingxue and the others can be considered to be able to master several changes, they are all transformed after getting familiar with the corresponding creatures in nature. It's just the appearance and shape, and no one has the heart to change the inside.

In comparison, the illusory change is completely random, changing the body into whatever one imagines.

The illusory changes of the two are numerous, but because of the lack of thought, they cannot be imitated. Anyone who knows them can recognize them at a glance; There are fewer types, but once it changes, no problem can be seen from the appearance and activities.

Previously, the illusion of recognizing the difference between the other party was only because the friends considered the toxin of the hell butterfly and restricted the living range of the hell butterfly.

Hearing Kong Huan's explanation, Die Lingxue of Hell Prison beside her nodded: "Be careful, so that you will be less likely to be recognized in the future."

He shook the wings on his back nonchalantly, and shook his body in a vain show-off, and immediately stretched out his four claws: "It's very simple, in fact, it's just a matter of combining the parts of various organisms, it's fun, isn't it? Is it?"

"It's fun, but what we're thinking about is the practical value of this method," Shaking his head, Lingxue flickered for a while, changing from a hell butterfly to an illusion-like appearance, and then back again, at this time , she froze, and said with a wry smile: "Let's go down quickly, didn't you see that Xiaomuwen's face is swollen?"

In fact, it was all due to Kong Huan and Lingxue's change of acting like no one else.

You must know that this is the meeting place, and the New Year's Eve is just about to start at this time, a bunch of people gather here or chat with each other, or just look at the sky in boredom.

At the beginning, the hell butterfly appeared on the wall of the venue, but no one responded.It's just a Hell butterfly that went to the wrong place. There is no danger to the friends present, and the management of these big butterflies is the matter of the City Affairs Bureau, so everyone doesn't care, let alone the Hell butterfly and friends. The special relationship between people, although they don't know the inside story, they can feel it;

Then, the fan pterosaur appeared on the other side.This kind of creature is also a common species in nature. In addition, the ecological situation of the friends is good, and everyone is used to flying in some natural creatures occasionally.A few days ago, these participants saw a few pterosaurs descending to the top of the water tower to drink water. That time directly caused the City Affairs Bureau to be in a hurry, taking care of the pterosaurs, cleaning the water tower, and checking the clean water system.

Therefore, the appearance of a fan pterosaur just made some participants who had never seen it curious;

As for the later fan pterosaur attacking the Hell Butterfly, some of them were still a little restless, as if they were planning to become the Hell Butterfly, but that was all.The law of the jungle in nature, these people who live in a group of friends who live in a vast area with sparse population and good natural ecology, are not uncommon;


Then it was time for everyone to be dumbfounded. That Hell Butterfly, which was still a butterfly before, turned into a giant python all of a sudden!

"I, am I dazzled?"

"Ah! The butterfly turned into a snake!"

"No! It's a giant python!"

"What's the mess, Mayor of such and such, please be quiet?"


After a burst of commotion, everyone looked to the sky and saw the battle of fan pterosaurs, hell butterflies, giant pythons....

Afterwards, Kong Huan's shocking spread of wings pushed the enthusiasm of the venue to a climax, so that the wood grains that had just arrived could not be controlled.It has to be said that the hobby of onlookers should be common to all creatures.

Accompanied by a flash of light, in the strange silence after the sound of inhalation, Kong Huan and Lingxue landed next to the wooden tattoo, and then made flattering expressions: "Sorry, Mu Wen, you continue, we are just passing by of."

After finishing speaking, Kong Huan and Lingxue made movements intending to slip away, but they were naturally caught by Mu Wen.

But Mu Wen, who was planning to give a good lecture, returned to calm after scanning around the members present: "Master Kong Huan and Master Lingxue, please stay for a while. If you feel bored, you can change into other forms, as long as Just don’t make big moves.”

"Really?" When did Mu Wen become so talkative? Kong Huan looked at Mu Wen strangely, then turned to look at Lingxue, only to find that the other party made a clear expression, and flew to Lingxue with Kong Huan. Above the venue, it became a Hell Butterfly again.

"What's going on? Lingxue." The bewildered Kong Huan asked.

Lingxue pointed to the rest of the venue, and the emotions transmitted through the spiritual connection showed that she was smiling badly.

"I believe that if there are bad guys below, when they do bad things, they will definitely hide from hell butterflies, giant pythons, fan pterosaurs, four-winged flying snakes and other animals in the future."

And Kong Huan is not a fool, he understood the key in an instant when he was hit by such a point.

He twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and said to Mu Wen and Ling Xue beside him: "In this case, why don't you give a performance to everyone."

Therefore, on the first day of the big annual meeting, while listening to the arrangement of the annual meeting, all the people attending the meeting looked at the two big bosses Kong Huan and Lingxue above the venue from time to time, because they needed to confirm from time to time that before it was still Ming The prison butterfly's opponent, the next moment, will it become a net rabbit, or a camel dragon, or even...

"In this way, I'm afraid they will need to clear the field when they do something bad, quack!"

In the elders' courtyard at night, such laughter came out...

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(End of this chapter)

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