Spore Story

Chapter 369 The conspiracy of the friends, the New Year's Eve

Chapter 369 The conspiracy of the friends, the New Year's Eve

Sorry for being late, the main reason is that we don't want to split this chapter, so today is a big chapter~\(≧▽≦)/~
Thank you for the winter tipping O(∩_∩)O
"From AD 10 to AD 15, with the support of a stable external environment, our industry and commerce achieved rapid development."

"Among them, the establishment of farmers' associations and trade unions is an excellent decision made by the management for the benefit of the general public. It has won the support and welcome of the general public, represents the interests of the public, protects the rights of the public, and is more It cleared up the government’s management blind spots, and made a powerful contribution to the government’s better serving of ordinary people;”

At the annual meeting, Mu Wen talked eloquently on the podium.

"The improvement of the Chamber of Commerce and the Commercial Regulatory Commission has further accelerated the rapid development of our family's business, activated the industrial and commercial market, and made everyone's life more colorful. Up to now, people can get access to various places without leaving the city. This is inseparable from the efforts of the merchants of the chamber of commerce and the supervision of the members of the chamber of commerce;”

Hearing this, the members of the several major trade unions who were allowed to join showed pride. Among friends, the major trade unions can be said to be second only to the government, and they enjoy a great reputation among the people. Of course, the government does not Don't worry that they will threaten you, because the trade unions that seem to be civilians are actually still in the hands of the elders' house.

"...In the past five years, the government has gradually released the management rights of hundreds of small factories, which has invigorated our family's industrial market. While expanding the number and types of industrial products, it has also improved the quality of industrial products. , let some people get rich first. At the same time, it also set up goals for many businessmen;”

According to a report from the Bureau of Statistics, there are now more than 7000 registered merchants in the Chamber of Commerce. Compared with the population of nearly 40 people from the same family, friends and Dunjia people, it can be seen that the proportion of merchants is large.

"At the same time, the construction of infrastructure in various places has made people's living environment better. Up to now, 70% of the reconstruction of cement towns at the municipal level has been completed. This is the result of everyone's joint efforts."

After a pause, Mu Wen, who was speaking on the stage, took a sip of tea to moisturize his throat, then glanced at everyone present, and shook the teacup in his hand and said to everyone.

"It's like this cup of tea in my hand."

"More than ten years ago, we needed to run hundreds of meters or even several kilometers, risking danger to the river to fetch water, and then use wood to boil it in a smoky open air environment, and then take out the water picked from all over the place. You can imagine the manpower, material resources and time it takes to drink tea with different flavors before you can finally drink tea with a slightly weird taste. But at that time, drinking such a cup was already a kind of enjoyment for people; "

"Five years ago, we still had to walk a little distance, and we had to work hard to get the water out of the deep well by stirring the wheel at the head of the well. Then we drove the smoke from the charcoal in the kitchen while boiling the water. Finally , and then take out the long-awaited tea leaves brought by the merchants who waited so hard, and drink a cup of slightly bitter tea, and at that time, drinking such a cup of tea was also the privilege of a small number of people; "

Of course, Mu Wen wouldn't say something like 'this small number of people are everyone present'.

"But now, we can turn on the faucet and use the filtered clean water that flows from the city's suspended water supply system. We can boil it anywhere we want with a small ceramic stove and a copper pot on it, and then sit in the yard and take it out. Delicious fresh tea leaves that can be found in any store, leisurely drink a cup of green tea. Nowadays, anyone in the ethnic group can drink a cup every day as long as they want to.”

"From this example, everyone can see that our friends are developing step by step; people's lives are improving step by step, aren't they?"

She winked cutely at the crowd. Mu Wen, who is only in her 30s and nearly 40 years old, can only be regarded as an adult among friends; and among Yiren, she can only be regarded as a girl.

Obviously, she was very satisfied with the actions she had taken. She looked at a group of high-ranking officials and mayors in their 60s and [-]s, most of whom looked focused and serious. Style, while continuing to talk about...

These are the development records of the Friends Clan in the past five years. If it is eye-catching, it is obvious that the "Twelve Cities Rebellion" during the period was more powerful.

But this is not very glorious after all, and the wood grain was only slightly mentioned on the third day of the conference to remind everyone in power not to get lost.After receiving the desired effect, she skipped decisively.

And when everyone calmed down and carefully reviewed the development history of the Pengzu in the past five years, they found that compared with the first Lingxue government's "establishment of a unified ethnic group government"; the second Diewu government's "before and after the war" Response and stability'; the achievement of the third Muwen government in the past five years is to 'vigorously develop industry and commerce'.

"In the past five years, the copper coins issued by our Peng family have increased from 7 million when the copper coins were first issued in 200 AD to 10 million at the beginning of the current government's coming to power in 500 AD. 15 million pieces were counted at the beginning of each year."

"Of course, we can't just look at how much we earn and how much we distribute. After all, we are responsible for all the people."

"However, what makes us satisfied is that while so many copper coins have been issued, the price level of the entire group of friends has not changed significantly, and it is still maintained at the level around AD 7. In this regard, we must We would like to thank the Technical Bureau for providing the "Currency Issuance Standards", and also thank the Ministry of Finance and Commerce for their good cooperation."

Speaking of this, the leaders of the two ministries stood up as a matter of course, and nodded to the surrounding people to express their excitement.Regarding this, Mu Wen just looked at the few people with a calm face, and only continued his speech after they finished speaking.

On the first day of this year's annual meeting, of course, it is to arrange the meeting process and other trivial matters;

The second day is a review of the past five years.

And because the situation in the two five-year period from 1 to 10 AD was not very stable, the "five-year plan method" proposed by Kong Huan could not be truly implemented until the Mu Wen government came to power and gained a relatively stable opportunity.

On the third day, some irrelevant things were discussed, such as 'Twelve City Rebellion', 'Discovery of ShadowClan', 'Reduced frequency of Eldar' and so on.

Then it entered the fourth day. In fact, at this time, the conference was considered to have entered the formal discussion process.

The next discussion, of course, is 'development arrangements for the next five years', 'relocation of personnel from various regions', 'infrastructure construction in various regions', 'emergency plans for disaster prevention and response in various regions' and so on.

On the 11th day of No. [-], there was a rather small accident.

A bewildered mayor actually pointed out at the meeting: "According to the rules of our clan, patriarch Lingxue and Patriarch Diewu have only served as patriarchs for five years, whether patriarch Muwen will also be transferred to the elders' house and elected Who will choose the next patriarch?"

The mayor's words immediately made many people's faces black, but Mu Wen just smiled and told the other party: "This government will continue to be re-elected."

After that, she continued to preside over the meeting with a calm face.

On the surface, it looks very calm, nothing happened.

But in fact, in the following two months, the shadow guards of the Elder's House (handed over by Konghuan) began to go to various places to investigate.

In the following year, amidst the tranquility, the head of the Executive Yuan returned home and transferred to a local school as a teacher; two senior managers stepped down due to physical discomfort and other reasons; sixteen mid-level managers were relocated...

"It has to be said that there will always be some guys whose ability and ambition are out of proportion," this is what Mu Wen expressed in the elders' house afterwards.

Time moves forward step by step like this...

When the issue of "God Clan" was discussed at the annual meeting, it was already the No. 15 day of the annual meeting, and the Dunjia people were temporarily excluded because only senior managers (senior officials) were selected to participate in this discussion. And even if the Dunjia people fully joined the friend clan, and then some mayors appeared, they were only middle-level managers.

Unexpectedly, most of the people support this decision that will obviously cause major changes in the organization.

"They are very open this time. Aren't they afraid of losing real power because of this?" Tiya, the Orthodox God of the Far West at the time, put forward his own ideas in the elders' house.

But this time it was a fantasy that had already been figured out, and answered the other party's reason: "Since we know that the whole world is not only a race of our friends, everyone's class view is no longer limited to the friends. Then, as a friend Becoming the "God Clan" above all races, even if they are a small mayor, they can have a very high status, right?"

"What's more," at this time, Dark Blood interjected with a smile: "They are senior managers, people with experience, ability, strength, and a lack of ethnic groups. Even if we organize system reforms, it is impossible to spend time and effort Go train a new batch, and as long as you don’t make mistakes, don’t let them take over, these guys see it very clearly.”

And after finalizing certain details of "Gods", everyone's topic entered the last one on No. 20 days, which was "the issue of foreign races".

"Because it takes time to perfect the internal system of our clan, we cannot let the outsiders know our specific situation for the time being."

"Therefore, my suggestion is to temporarily close the borders of our race, maintain communication with foreign races, and maintain the influence within the other party, and use members of the other party's species to carry out missionary activities of the friend race within the other party. At the same time, through these missionaries who can confirm loyalty , to flow out some industrial products of the friends in exchange for food and other items from the other party..."

These regulations were already discussed by the Council of Elders, and then finalized by the Executive Yuan.

It was brought up at this time, but it was just to support the current decision of the friends to 'delay full communication with foreign races', so the conference established this decision in just one day.

In this way, the 21-day annual meeting ushered in the late night of the last day of the meeting after the last day's summary.

When the conference closed, it should have been 21:00 at night.

"It seems that I have to find a more accurate and general-purpose time calculation tool."

The bonfires inside the venue have already started to go out one after another, and all the participating members have started to leave the venue one after another. They will return to their respective posts in the next few days and continue to work in accordance with the decisions made at this meeting.

And on the dome of the venue, accompanied by a wave of light and shadow, the small Tyrannosaurus rex in the sky twisted for a while, and turned into an elder with a special status in the Pengzu.

Then, he turned his head and looked at the large net rabbit flying beside him.

It has to be said that there is still a flaw in this transformation method, that is, the overall volume cannot be changed, that is to say, it is temporarily impossible to be as tall as Wuhuan imagined, or as small as a mosquito.

Playfully tugging at the half-person-sized net rabbit ears, Kong Huan withdrew the palm that had been bitten by the other party angrily, and said in a calm tone: "Five years, it seems that nothing can be done."

"The stall is getting bigger and bigger, and it takes more and more time. Now it takes half a year or even more than a year for a basic research. It seems that we can accumulate some civilization points through missions and upgrade the civilization control center again."

"As for the development of the ethnic groups, one after another, in a regular and planned way, we will always succeed."

The net rabbit next to him didn't seem to have the idea of ​​changing back. He just sat on the ground with his short legs outstretched in a funny way, holding a teacup in his two rabbit paws, breathing in the fresh fragrance of tea while responding: "So, let's continue like this." Just go down."

"However, why are you looking for dozens of Dunjia people and Yuanren in such a hurry? The Ministry of Industry has finally found a good mine that can attract your attention?"

"Yes, this is a general-purpose metal that is more suitable than copper. It is very suitable for large-scale smelting." Speaking of this, Kong Huan seemed a little excited, but only stayed for a while, and his face sank again. .


The net rabbit on the side took a sip of tea very cutely, then let out a mouthful of hot air lazily, turned to look at the happy mood just now, and quickly became depressed.

"It's nothing, it's just that the consumption of charcoal may increase, so..."

Looking at the worried face, Wangtu tilted his head cutely, and then asked with a smile: "Is it because you are worried about the lower evaluation of the planet caused by excessive logging?"

In this regard, neither Konghuan nor 8051 will keep secrets from the Elder's House and Shenting, so people on both sides already know about this situation.

"Yes," nodded, Kong Huan looked up at the city he valued.

Under the night, everyone had already started to fall asleep, except for those City Affairs Bureau staff who were still lighting torches and leaving the venue one after another after cleaning.In the distance, several residential areas became lively.Thousands of managers are half of Pengcheng's permanent population.

"My current plan is to increase the evaluation of the planet's will as much as possible to increase the cultivation speed and development potential of the friends, but excessive logging and burning charcoal will obviously reduce this evaluation."

"8051 also mentioned it, suggesting that we find an alternative energy model as soon as possible. But in terms of electricity, the popular manufacturing process is still not enough; as for other energy methods, we have no idea."

"After all, until now, we can only use charcoal and furnaces to generate the high temperature required for smelting. There is no coal, no oil... It is impossible for us to go to the crater, right?"

"I don't know as much as you about energy, but I remember 8051 also said that the evaluation of the will of the planet can also be compensated in other ways, isn't it?"

Shaking his long rabbit ears, a net rabbit next to him was holding a teacup and talking, his behavior was obviously very strange, but it made Kong Huan feel that there was a strange harmony.

Of course, Kong Huan and this 'net rabbit' are obviously not normal people, and they don't mind at all in this respect.

"Make up? Are you saying let me speed up the task?"

"No." Shaking his head, the rabbit ears shook again, making Kong Huan feel dizzy: "No matter how many tasks you do, it is only your business."

"According to 8051, the positive score obtained by the task is equivalent to your task reward points. Now the population of the friends and the outer domain are only close to 20, and your task may still be maintained. But with the development of the race, Your mission reward alone will one day be unable to neutralize the negative evaluation brought about by civilization."

Hearing this, Kong Huan suddenly showed a bitter face, and simply turned himself into a net rabbit, shaking his ears and looking at the sky: "So, I have to think of other ways, it's really troublesome."

"Is there anything more troublesome than developing a civilization from cells?"


His face immediately relaxed, and Kong Huan stretched comfortably, but now the rabbit's short legs obviously couldn't reach the top of his head, and his lazy waist was full of naivety.Fortunately, there are only two 'pseudo.net rabbits' here, so they are not afraid of being seen.

"So, don't be lazy. In fact, these things are something we need to consider from the beginning." Blinking the red rabbit's eyes, the net rabbit continued to talk while holding a teacup.

"Didn't 8051 say that the kind of reasonable deforestation, because it doesn't do great harm to the forest, can actually promote the growth of small trees, so the evaluation on the planet is also good?"

"Yeah, wait, do you have any good methods?"

Kong Huan looked at Wangtu in surprise, with a hint of satisfaction on his face when someone else helped solve the trouble.

Of course, for the two 'pseudo.net rabbits', they don't understand expressions or anything.

"It's okay, we can do this: on the one hand, supervise the good friends so that this good logging method can continue to be implemented; on the other hand, we can replant new trees in certain forest areas that have been cleared."

"We use the power of the race to seek rewards purposefully, it's better and faster than you doing it alone, isn't it?"

Kong Huan thoughtfully nodded the rabbit's head, and his ears twitched immediately, in exchange for the starry eyes of the rabbit next to him.

"Actually, there is a better way, Master Konghuan," Wangtu grinned, and then said with a smile: "Your task mode, we all can do it."

"No, there are hints in the task mode, which can only be done by me, and the number of helpers is limited," Kong Huan shook his head depressedly: "If everyone could do it, I would have raised the Civilization Control Center by an unknown number of levels. gone."

"Well, what I'm talking about is another aspect." Shaking his head, Wangtu continued, waving his short hand, "Think about it, what Master 8051 said, the missions provided by your mission mode can increase Isn’t it an evaluation? Besides, there are too many tasks in it, aren’t they?”


After a pause, Kong Huan thought quietly for a while while Wangtu stared at him, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

Kong imagined the key point: "You mean, give those tasks that are piled up and I don't have time to do to the friends. In this way, although there is no civilization point reward, it will definitely improve the evaluation of the behavior , will definitely allow everyone to get positive comments. As far as I am concerned, I have a lot of tasks anyway, and I have nothing to lose!"


Net Rabbit nodded cutely, because the head was hanging too low, and the long ears drooped to the ground, causing Kong Huan to laugh.

"Okay, alright, Master Konghuan, but what is your purpose of improving the will of the planet? I always feel that it is not just to increase everyone's cultivation speed."

Hearing Wangtu's words, Kong Huan stopped smiling and looked up at the sky.

After waiting for a while, he calmed down and said, "This thing is still related to the 'God Clan'."

"If we say that using public opinion to guide the public's concept of 'marriage with Yiren' is to improve the low-end strength of the newborns of the friend race; The improvement of the high-end strength of the clan."

"If things go according to my plan, after a hundred years, the average strength of the newborns of our friends will enter the early stage of the Yinhun level; while the high-end strength will be composed of the Yinshen level. If possible, there will even be a spirit god like 8051 Level, in that case, won't we be able to secure our title of 'God Clan'?"

"In this way, the appeal and strength of the friends have been improved. After encountering the guys in the sky, we will be able to command other races stably. Under the management of a unified command organization, we will not only preserve our strength, Responding to the threat of the enemy..."

"It can also weaken the strength of foreign races, right?"

"Uh, that's how it should be."

"Originally?" Wangtu's mental power exuded an emotion called doubt.

"Yeah, at first I just thought that I could use this to weaken the strength of the foreign race, but after thinking about it, I realized that it doesn't have to be like this."

"Look, when we really become a protoss with a strong appeal, these alien races will be our foundation. At that time, it will be too late to protect them. If we talk about weakening, at most it will limit the development of the opponent's high-end strength and technology. That's all."

"So that's it," Wangtu nodded in agreement, and then raised his doubts again: "However, the Bureau of Statistics has calculated that if the 'marriage with Yiren' is implemented, the population of our friends will be further reduced. This is for the development of our friends..."

"Don't worry, population or something..."

"Find a solution?"

"No." Kong Huan said firmly.


Smiling triumphantly, Kong Huan stretched out the rabbit's paw, intending to pat him, but found that the paw was too short to pat him.

Under the watchful eyes of the net rabbit who was contemptuous of him, Kong Huan snorted coldly, and saw that short rabbit paw suddenly stretched, and stretched again... Finally, the paw reached the opponent's head, and patted it lightly. He clapped, then shrank back.

"...Uh, okay, so curious."

"Well, don't care about the details, those who care about the details are 10-1."


"Okay, okay, let's get down to business," waving his hands (claws?) to stop the net rabbit who wanted to go crazy. I don't know if he was molesting the other party. At this moment, Kong Huan looked relaxed: "The problem of population is actually not a problem. , The reason why it became a problem before was only because our previous vision was too small. Looking at this problem now, I find that we should not care about this problem..."

"Ah! Don't bite, even though it is a conscious body, it will still hurt!"

"It's just to make you sober, Master Konghuan, huh."


After a while of fuss, the two net rabbits sat down again.

"What I mean is that those who can't get up and down are actually the most difficult to accomplish. The reproductive rate of our race is already like this, and it is impossible to develop into a race that relies on numbers."

"If you think about it, the main purpose of our population increase at the beginning is actually to expand our industrial production capacity, as well as the area of ​​ethnic control and the amount of agricultural planting."

"But since we want the friend race to develop into a 'divine race', we can't think in terms of ordinary species."

"As long as you become a race of gods, at that time, members of our species who believe in us can actually become our suppliers, just like the current Dunjia race; and the territory controlled by our species can actually be said to be Our territory...these are all conceptual issues."

"The key point is: 'Protoss' is not an ordinary civilized race."

After waving his hands, Kong Huan continued: "So, after figuring this out, we simply let the members of the Pengzu completely separate from basic production and focus on cultivation and technology research and development."

"Cultivation is to ensure the absolute strength of our clan; technology research and development is to control the growth of other races and ensure the stability of our clan's status."

After thinking about it, Wangtu nodded, but he was still unwilling to simply agree with the other party.

This is not a personal petty temper, but to keep the other party awake.

So she went on to ask the question:

"Aren't you afraid that they will strike back?"

"That also requires them to have that strength."


It has to be said that the seemingly democratic government management of the Pengzu is not really the case.

Its true rulers are still the Elders' Court and the Court of Gods controlled by Kong Huan and others.

Many of the issues discussed at the annual meeting were nothing more than things that had been confirmed by the elders' house, and then handed over to the annual meeting to work together to improve the details, and the general decision-making was actually decided by the elders' house.

Just like that night, Kong Huan and Ling Xue, who were sitting on the dome of the venue, chatted to the conclusion.

Because of the validity of these conclusions, they were soon submitted to the House of Elders.

At this point, it is just for the House of Elders to discuss the feasibility, correct some areas that may have been overlooked, and then hand it over to the top management for discussion.

And the so-called discussion is nothing more than a re-improvement of the conclusions issued by the elders' house, and the top management will generally not reject these conclusions.

Thus, in April 15 AD, several topics discussed by the two 'pseudo.net rabbits' on the dome of the venue were successively approved by the top management and began to be implemented in the whole clan.

"Lumberland Regulation Act", this decree directly specifies the specific method requirements for logging in lumberyards built on the edge of the forest and transported by wingmen; it arranges for the deployment of teachers and the establishment of supervisory agencies in various lumberyards; at the same time, each logging There must be a corresponding "tree planting department" and other things that the logging farm needs to pay attention to.

The "tree planting department" will obtain the corresponding "tree planting amount" according to the "logging amount" of each month. They need to complete the corresponding "tree planting amount" at the specified place and time set by the [Natural Bureau] agency under the Ministry of Agriculture of Pengzu. '.

And this 'tree planting department' is not unique to logging sites, it comes from another decree.

"Nature Friendly Act", which stipulates the way to maintain balance with nature in various places, the 'tree planting department' is just one of them, in addition to the 'wildlife exchange department', 'ecological management department', 'environmental monitoring department' and so on.

Many of these are institutions similar to farmers' associations that the government encourages non-governmental organizations, relying on the spiritual strength of the Pengzu. These departments have played an extremely important role in the history of the Pengzu. Some scholars even commented in later generations: These departments are the friends of the Pengzu. The key to rapid development.

The "Forest Deforestation Act" requires all localities to report to the Natural Bureau under the Ministry of Agriculture while establishing various facilities and expanding the area of ​​activities.

Because everywhere is now a forest environment, expansion represents an encroachment on the natural environment, so it is necessary to obtain the permission of the Natural Bureau and take corresponding "natural compensation measures" before proceeding.

In addition, a large number of laws and regulations have been promulgated one after another. The beginning of the second five-year period of the Muwen government has been jokingly called "the beginning of returning to nature".And relying on the strength of the government as the background, the implementation of the decree is very smooth.

But to achieve results, it is obviously not something that can be seen in a year or two.

After the promulgation of this series of decrees, everyone turned their attention to another aspect, which was the issue of the friends and other races discussed by the two 'pseudo.net rabbits' that night.

In May 15 AD, the "Proposal on the Work Standards of Friends" was submitted for discussion by the Presbyterian Court.

This suggestion is made under the general direction of the development of the protoss, to encourage friends to develop into technical and cultivation positions, and to hand over other basic, non-technical jobs such as miners and lumberjacks to Dunjia people Responsible advice.

The promulgation of this decree is to let friends take advantage of their own brain and cultivation advantages, and it is also a way for Dunjia people to get more positions and stabilize their internal emotions.

Although it was just a suggestion and not mandatory by law, my friends did not have much resistance to this suggestion.

Because, although most friends are in charge of the above-mentioned occupations, even the friends who are currently in the basic occupations of logging, except for a few personality reasons, are more of the jobs assigned by the friends under the shortage of population. .

As for the Dunjia people, such a suggestion has won their great support.

Obviously, 80% of the Dunjia people are concentrated in agricultural positions, and some of these "elites" among these Dunjia people are already somewhat dissatisfied, and they are obviously very satisfied with being able to enter urban industrial positions at this time.

But these Dunjia people, with their brains of level [-] close to level [-], without knowing the 'root cause', obviously can't think that this suggestion is actually 'contains evil intentions'.

For example, logging occupations, although from the perspective of race, because there are both logging and tree planting to make up for it, the evaluation of the will of the planet will not change much.

But if you look closely, people can find that the person who cuts the wood is not necessarily the person who planted the tree.

Therefore, in the will of the planet, the "logger" will still be degraded, while the "tree planter" will be upgraded.

"I said why these professional workers improved very slowly when they practiced, and I only found out the reason now."

After seeing the special statistical report of the Bureau of Statistics, several senior managers and commander-level managers who were originally opposed by the top management dropped their last trace of resistance.

After all, they are still friends.

Therefore, replacing the woodcutters with Dunjia people just because of lowering the evaluation, inhibited the potential speed of the Dunjia people's cultivation, thereby limiting the opponent's threat to friends in an extremely secret way; most of the people who planted trees were handed over to friends do it, here it is...

"I always feel that it's not kind to do this," Lingyun was still complaining in the elders' house, but she just complained and didn't object.

In comparison, Mu Wen is obviously the person who supports this decision the most: "Our goal is to become a protoss, but now the gap between us and ordinary species is too small, especially the Dunjia people have integrated into the friends, if they are expelled , Whether it’s a friend or a dunjia, they will obviously be dissatisfied with our management, which we don’t want to see.”

"As for the key point of 'evaluation of the will of the planet', only the elders' house, Shenting and me, the patriarch, know. Everyone will not talk nonsense. Therefore, there is no need to worry about being discovered."

"In this way, in the long run, the gap between the Peng Clan and the Dunjia Clan will only widen. At that time, it will be impossible for the Dunjia Clan not to look up to our friends, and we can take the position of the Protoss."

"So, we are here for the future."

As a result, this proposal has been further improved and has begun to enter the formal stage.

Of course, upholding the friend clan's consistent practice of occupying righteousness, it is related to the Dunjia people, and the friend clan still needs to get their consent.

Therefore, in July 15 AD, the 'Pengdun Occupational Division Conference' was held at the Pengcheng conference venue after a month of publicity preparations.

The purpose of the "bright face" of the meeting is to let friends and Dunjia people discuss together, and then divide the work occupations of the two parties according to the actual conditions of the "physical factors" of both friends and Dunjia people, taking care of both parties. Types of.

After the division is complete, the corresponding occupation will be given priority to the corresponding species.

However, in the eyes of the 'Dunjia tribe', the purpose of this meeting is to take care of them by the Muwen government.

It has to be said that friends can perform well in most positions.

Therefore, except for a small number of special occupations (such as 'drilling wells' and 'drilling holes'), there is no situation in which friends have to give up positions 'because of physical factors'.

However, Dunjia people are weaker than friends in all aspects, so far they can only focus on a few mining occupations, such as 'drilling wells', 'drilling holes' and so on.

Even 'mining', Dunjia people are not as good as friends.Because the fingers and claws of the Dunjia people are part of the body after all, it is okay to dig dirt or even stones. As for those ores, it is a bit reluctant, and if they are replaced with tools such as copper shovels, they do not have the strength of the original people. In this respect, Dunjia Human strength is probably smaller than that of human beings.

Therefore, until now, the Dunjia people have mainly concentrated on the profession of 'farmer'.

And once the respective positions of the two races have been standardized, the Dunjia people can enter these corresponding occupations and practice step by step without worrying about the competition of friends. At the same time, because these occupations do not require high skills, even if they are handed over to the Dunjia people, they will not There are adverse effects.

As for the division of Dunjia people who focus on labor and other jobs, and friends who mostly focus on brainpower and other jobs, although some of the Dunjia people are not very reconciled, because both parties are based on the principle of 'openness and honesty', they have to admit that both sides difference.

What's more, from their point of view, the Dunjia people have already gained a lot in this meeting.

However, the 'actual' purpose of this meeting is neither the apparent purpose nor the purpose that the Dunjia people thought. This purpose is only known to the three parties, Shenting, Elder's Court and Muwen Patriarch, that is...

"Through this meeting, we assigned 37 types of jobs to Dunjia people, such as lumberjacks, butchers, charcoal burners, excavators, etc., that may cause negative evaluations of the planet's will. If this goes up, friends will get more Rapid development, but Dunjia people will stagnate."

"Could it be too late?" Chu Xia frowned and said in the elders' house, "If the Dunjia people's evaluation is too low, causing natural disasters, don't forget that these disasters do not distinguish between the enemy and us, and they still Living within the group of friends obviously affects us."

"Don't worry about that."

Waving his hand nonchalantly, Mu Wen said: "The Dunjia people have followed us since the animal period, after all, we can't treat them too badly."

"That's why we also handed over some of the manpower-intensive jobs such as tree planters, tree care for the City Bureau, and animal husbandry to them, so that their strength evaluation can be maintained."

"Yes, that's fine."

"However, in this way, the good and the bad are all given to the Dunjia people. What about our friends?" Chu Qin who was on the side asked her own question.

(This tragic Dunjia man,) Kong Huan was wiping cold sweat heartlessly, shaking his head speechlessly thinking, (However, if you don’t have the plan of your friends, you develop civilization on your own, maybe it’s even more likely to use in vitro technology The old way, so we can be regarded as helping you, Nan Wusan.)
"Actually, don't worry about this." Hearing Chu Qin's words, Muwen blushed a little, and then covered it with a teacup, twitching the corners of his mouth a few times and said, "It's like planting saplings, caring for young animals, cultivating agricultural seeds, etc. I will definitely leave it to our friends for posts that will definitely increase positive reviews."


Several people around were full of black lines, and Lingxue even expressed the feelings of everyone: "For the Dunjia clan, there are positions that will 'definitely' lower their ratings and 'may' increase their ratings; Friends are jobs that are 'definitely' going to increase your rating, and 'definitely' not going to lower your rating... Ah, good thing I'm a friend, ga.”

"No way, who told us that we are all friends, and we have to work hard to develop ourselves? Right."

Looking at Mu Wen who spread his hands innocently and made a gesture of 'We are also forced', Kong Huan and the others shook their heads dumbfounded.

In this regard, Kong Huan himself has no chance to refute the opponent.After all, the original proposer of this method seems to be the illusion itself.

"I have to say, no matter how we cover it up, we are still selfish creatures after all."

"What's the matter?" Hearing Kong Huan's words, Mu Wen frowned dissatisfiedly and said: "Master Kong Huan, you need to pay attention, this is not selfishness; it is selfishness of the 'clan'."

"What are we doing this for, not for our race."

"For the sake of this race, so what if you are selfish."

"What's more, we have also left guarantees for the Dunjia tribe. Most of the industrial production will be handed over to them in the future. They only need to work hard, and it is not difficult to obtain a happy life. They can even become the second happiest below friends. Species, isn't that bad?"


Dazed for a moment, Kong Huan looked at the serious wood grain on his face, thought for a while, and his face softened again.


Ask for support at the beginning of the month, two rabbits skip =w=
(End of this chapter)

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