Spore Story

Chapter 370 Changing career training, the doorman is ideal

Chapter 370 Changing career training, the doorman is ideal

Thank you Youjiang for the update ticket =w=
"Hey, Feng Kong, why are you going?"

On the flat concrete road, a primitive person sitting on the side of the road leisurely drinking hot tea, facing another primitive person who is rushing out from the distant village connected by the solid dirt road asked loudly.

Seemingly surprised by being stopped, the original man stopped and followed the prestige, and just saw the original man who was drinking hot tea leisurely under the big tree beside the concrete road, his face suddenly became pale. Some rich.

"Hey, Fengkong, did you notice that you look very good today?" Yuanren sitting on the side of the road did not consciously tease the other person, but found that the other person's expression was constantly changing, looking very complicated: "What's the matter? The expression looks surprised and emotional, it seems a little strange, are you surprised to see me?"

At this time, the stopped Yuanren had already rushed in front of the leisurely Yuanren. He looked at the other party curiously, and then said calmly, "I'm going to class."

"Lessons? You kid... uh."

Yuanren froze suddenly, because he thought of a very important thing, and his expression became troubled.

Seeing the other party's expression, the original man named Feng Kong immediately covered his forehead and sighed, but seeing the other party standing still and not moving, he couldn't help roaring at the other party angrily: "Hurry up and go back to get things! I Just waiting for you here for a cup of tea time! Really, such an important matter is still drinking tea here!"

"Ah, damn it, I forgot about it!" With a cry of surprise, Yuanren didn't even bother to pay attention to the tea set by the side of the road, and just brought out a cloud of dust and disappeared at the end of the road.

After two cups of tea time, two panic-stricken original people ran quickly on the concrete road leading to the town.

Since the division of occupations was officially stipulated in July, many friends who were originally in low-skilled positions began to gradually withdraw from their original occupations. In order to accommodate those who were older and lacked basic education, they still had friends. Workers with basic human qualities, and at the same time, in order to give full play to the brain advantages of friends and widen the gap between friends and Dunjia people, friends have set up special remedial classes in various schools in each city, for these Friends provide targeted technical and practice guidance.

And these two original people are two of them.

Among them, the original man named Feng Kong, 41 years old, used to be a lumberjack in the provincial capital's logging field.Because I have been practicing slowly, I have stayed in the mid-level of the ghost level for a long time, and I am already in my 40s, and I feel hopeless about pupation. .

As for the original person drinking tea, his name is Tingyu, his name is very poetic, but he is lazy and indifferent, and his appearance is also ordinary. The 43-year-old is a little older than Feng Kong, but in terms of all aspects of ability, he is a little lower than Feng Kong, and he is also a mid-level ghost.As for him, who used to be a meat divider in a slaughterhouse in the provincial capital, because of the similar cultivation and pupation conditions as Feng Kong in the same village, the two of them can only be said to be half-hearted, half a catty.

In August, following the advice of the manager of the corresponding factory, the two chose to leave their current positions, and then studied basic cultural courses for 8 months at the basic school in the town. According to the remedial class teacher, as long as you can graduate, you don't have to worry about three or four hundred copper coins a month after you go out, and the job is definitely easier and better than the previous job.

Thus, the two brothers and sisters in the same village became friends in this way. Although it can't be said that they have cheered up and worked hard, they still have a short-term goal in life, which is to graduate from the extension school.

In this way, life doesn't seem so boring anymore.

And today, it happened to be the first day of the official opening of the extension school, but Ting Yu actually forgot, which obviously surprised Feng Kong very much.

"Hurry up, look at the weather, if you don't hurry up, I'm afraid we will have lunch after being scolded!" Feng Kong in front kept complaining; while tightening the backpack on his back , which contained the books required by the extended school.

Because the two were trainees rather than regular students, they had to buy these books at the bookstore next to the town library at their own expense.

Fortunately, both of them have worked for more than ten years, and the treatment in the Pengzu factory is not bad. The total price of these books is more than 100 copper coins, which is easily affordable for both of them. of.

"I'm so tired, I'm exhausted. It would be great if I were Yiren. I'm afraid it's just a cup of tea to fly over."

Panting heavily, Ting Yu, who works in a slaughterhouse, obviously doesn't have as much vital capacity as the one who works in a lumberyard. He is only a few kilometers away, and he is a little out of breath, but the town is just ahead, and he also Didn't intend to stop at this time.

"If it was Yiren, we wouldn't have run away here!"

Feng Kong answered Ting Yu angrily, because he hadn't pupated yet, and Feng Kong was already desperate for his pupation.Furthermore, he also developed a trace of resistance to Yiren, which usually manifests itself in being taciturn when he sees Yiren, and irritable when he hears Yiren.

What makes him even more dissatisfied is that recently there is still a trend of 'looking for a partner and a wingman', which makes Feng Kong even more dissatisfied.Fortunately, he is married, and his wife is also very hardworking, and he only treats this kind of atmosphere as occasional jokes, so Feng Kong is not more depressed.

At this time, several tuo beasts ran out from the city gate, and behind them were dragging several four-wheeled trucks, which were filled with various goods, and the convoy ran along the concrete road to the next town.

I looked at these trucks with a little envy. The most important thing was the businessman sitting leisurely and dozing on the truck. Ting Yu said with a slightly sour air: "Look at these businessmen, they are not afraid of the car running and falling. Cut, if Just run towards the city, and you can also take a ride."

"That's a good idea. Who would run to the town from the outside this early in the morning?" Seeing the gate of the town from a distance, Feng Kong slowed down a little, turned around and glanced at his companions behind him, and said with a frown, "Jia Tuo The beasts are all trained by master beast tamers, along this concrete road, unless the businessman drives them down, even if there is an earthquake, they will not leave the road."

The animal tamers mentioned by Fengkong here refer to those animal tamers who have a mental power control ability of Lv3 or above and who have mastered at least elementary animal communication skills.

They can communicate through spiritual power, perceive the emotions of animals, and then cooperate with some effective actions to slowly let the beasts develop corresponding good habits.

These trained Tuo beasts are the favorite of businessmen, because they can only follow the concrete roads at the "city-city" level that most of them are now connected, and they will not leave the road;
If you run the same road for a long time, Tuo Beast can even remember these routes by itself, and run along this road to the destination without going astray because of a fork in the middle. As for those who can't remember the fork, they will generally Stop at the fork and wait for directions.

Speaking of this, I have to talk about the composition of Pengzu's cement roads. Pengzu's existing cement roads are divided into four levels:

The first-class road is ten meters wide, divided into two by a big tree in the middle, and has its own single forward direction, so there will be no collisions.Currently, only two such roads have been built: 'Pengcheng to Shuilan City' and 'Pengcheng to Nanbian City', but the total length is nearly [-] kilometers, and the construction took nearly ten years.Of course, the reason for such a long time is that it was developed step by step from the ordinary road;
The secondary road, seven meters wide, is also separated by a big tree in the middle, and is divided into two one-way lanes. This is the main road connecting the provinces of Pengzu. It was completed in 13 AD;

The third-class road is five meters wide and has no intermediate intervals. It is a connecting road between the province and the city. Relying on the principle that each province is responsible for its construction, it has basically been completed so far;
The fourth-level road, three meters wide, is a concrete road connecting the city and the city. Although the manpower or financial resources of each city are responsible, and it has also received the support of the chamber of commerce, because the length is too long, 40% of the cities are still in the road. under construction.

However, the city where Feng Kong and the others are located, because it is located in the inner ring, has been built and put into use early, and this is also due to the joint efforts of everyone during the slack season.

Of course, this had nothing to do with the two who were still working in the city at the time.

"Stop, what are you doing!"

The two who hurried to the gate of the town were stopped by the patrolman 'of course'.

Stopping and taking a deep breath, Fengkong shook the backpack (schoolbag?) behind his back, smiled wryly and said to the guard: "Brother, stop playing, we will be late if we don't go."

"I knew I would be late and you came so late, hurry up!" The doorman frowned, as if he wanted to reprimand him, but realized that now was not the time, so he simply waved his hands to let Fengkong and the others pass.

"Come on, I don't want to be late on the first day."

"Slow down, my feet!"


The guard at the gate looked at the two people who ran away, smiled wryly and shook his head, the conversation between the two was still echoing in his ears.

"Your elder brother is really strict."

"No way, who told us that we are only at the mid-level of the ghost level, while the eldest brother is at the advanced level of the ghost level, and according to the current new level method, the eldest brother seems to be at the first level of the third rank, and I can't compare."

"Wow, it's amazing, I don't know how much I am..."


"That younger brother of yours is still so outrageous," the guard's teammate rubbed his troubled cheeks. In the War of Friends, the friends of the patrol team are not usually vigilant, and the boring life of guards keeps them looking for topics at any time.

Shaking his head, the guard gave a wry smile, and leaning against the five-meter-high and two-meter-wide wall behind him, he said, "There's no way, we're all middle-aged, and those of us who haven't been able to pupate have fixed our tempers, and we can't change them even if we want to." Just like me, knowing that I don’t need to worry about him, but I still can’t help it.”

"You," pointing helplessly at the guard, the teammate smiled, leaning on the spear in his hand and looking up at the end of the road in the distance: "It seems that our patrols are not bad, but when you think about it, compared with them, It’s really hard to tell who’s good and who’s bad.”

"We looked lucky at first, and were selected into the patrol team. We thought that if we worked hard like this, we would be able to join the team in a few years, but after nearly ten years, we are still patrol team soldiers."

"Why are you so depressed, you, a third-level and second-level guy, don't have the qualifications to say these things in front of me."

Patting his teammates heavily, the guard saw that it was early in the morning and there was no one around, so he simply sat down on the ground, hugged his spear, and looked at the large expanse of long green grass surrounding the town from a distance.

Even under the cold of winter, this kind of grass still has green vitality, which makes people feel emotional.

Because the assessment of the ghost level requires a certain amount of manpower, the priority of the assessment is: first the various teams under the Military Academy, then the managers of various places, and then the patrol teams of various places, and finally ordinary people.

A few days ago, after the patrol team evaluated their abilities, the manager of the evaluation once patted the shoulders of the two of them, praised their strengths, and asked them to continue to work hard.

This made both of them excited for a few days, but nothing happened after that, and their minds faded away.

"You said, will the manager choose us into the team? Didn't he say that we are very good?"

People like to think wildly when they are leisurely, and this doorman is the same.Although he knew it was impossible, he still imagined that if such and such things happened, and then he continued to practice, and promoted to the soul level as an original person, would it be different from now?
However, his teammates seemed to be more sober, or more realistic. He sat directly in the corner, looked up at the white clouds passing by, and said calmly: "Don't be delusional, if we are really important, we will not I will be a small guard here, after so many years, I am also used to this kind of life, and I don’t want to change.”

"I heard that the average strength of the original people in the provincial team, the ghost level, seems to be above the fourth level. This is something we little guys can't compare to."

"Where did you hear the nonsense?"

The majestic voice from behind startled the two of them.

The two original guards immediately jumped up from the ground, stood upright and looked towards the source of the sound.

It was a burly original man in Thunderscale Type 2 armor.This original person is the idol in the hearts of the patrol members in the entire city. He was promoted to the soul level as an original person and became the patrol captain in the city.

According to what the teammates said in private, if the captain entered the soul level a few years ago, this original soul level status alone would allow the captain to go to Pengcheng to be a team leader or something.

But today is not what it used to be. Although there are still not many soul-level original people, there are still many.The freshness has passed, and it is not as popular as it was a few years ago, but the captain still took the position of patrol captain with his own excellent strength and good communication. Even the wingmen in the team were obedient to him, Herein lies its means.

"What rumors are you talking about? Is it so easy to find someone from Tier [-]?"

It seemed that he didn't mean to criticize the two for their dereliction of duty. Seeing that there was nothing to do, the patrol captain simply sat at the door by himself.

The moment the bronze armor touched the ground, it made a series of crisp collision sounds, which aroused the envy of the two team members.

The teammate of the door guard stared at the armor, swallowed his saliva, and said with a smile: "We small soldiers can only hear hearsay, how can you see the management mansion report like the captain? You can tell the brothers about this." say?"

"Boy, do you want to inquire about military secrets!"

"How come! Captain, don't talk nonsense."

Seeing that the two were taken aback, Captain Yuanren immediately burst into laughter: "Okay, okay, it's not a secret."

"The provincial team is said to be a team, but in fact it is just a strengthened patrol team in the provincial capital, and their situation is not a secret. If you want to ask me about the situation of the three major teams, I can only hear the news, but this is the provincial team. ..."

Shaking his head, the patrol captain curled his lips nonchalantly and said: "Although the soldiers in the provincial team are basically high-level ghosts, according to this rating, most of them are only at the third level. Maybe I can be a team leader or something."


"Why, are you excited?" Seeing the two people's expressions jump, the captain asked jokingly: "Do you want me to talk about it? According to the strength of the two of you and the merits of arresting the spirit man last time, it is still possible to go there. "

"This, captain, is it really okay?" The guard suddenly became emotional when he heard the captain's words.After all, staying in a town can't compare to the prestige of a provincial team.

"I'll forget it. It's better to stay in the town and relax. If you really go to the province, you won't be exhausted." The teammates on the side seemed unmoved, and he shook his head nonchalantly. Disdain.

"You two, I really don't know how to become friends."

Laughing and patting the two of them, the captain patted the doorman heavily and said, "If you really want to go to the province, just send me an application and I'll arrange it for you."

"Yes, thank you Captain."

"However, if you go to the provincial team, you have to be prepared to suffer. They are training there except for the busy farming."

"This... this, I'm fine!" He hesitated for a moment, thinking that although he had begun to get used to the stable and peaceful life of the patrol team, he had suffered a lot when he was a child, so he should be fine.

Seeing the reaction of the team members, the captain nodded slightly, and then said: "Well, don't disgrace our city patrol team when you go."

Sitting up from the ground with his hands propped up, the captain suddenly frowned.

"What's the matter?" The guard suddenly became nervous. Could it be the captain who wants to go back on his word?
Fortunately, the captain only frowned slightly, but recovered quickly.

Hearing what the guard said, he shook his head, then turned and walked towards the city.

But when he turned around, he thought for a while and stopped for a while, and then said to the two: "It feels like something is wrong, you two cheer up today, don't make any mistakes."

"Yes!" They both replied at the same time.

As for the captain's perception ability as a soul level, the two who have worked together for several years are obvious to all.

"It seems that we need to be more careful today." The guard said seriously, and his teammates nodded in agreement, carefully holding the spear in their hands, and looking around.

At this moment, a feeling of dizziness and nausea suddenly rushed into the hearts of the two of them.

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(End of this chapter)

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