Spore Story

Chapter 371 Battlefield, Super Earthquake

Chapter 371 Battlefield, Super Earthquake

Haunted, Ga=. =
In the dim space, the chaotic battle continued.

However, for the participants in the battle, this is just a hopeless killing. It is meaningless for them to kill the enemy in front of them, or to be killed by the enemy in front of them.

Because both the enemy and the enemy are just 'tools'.

This is the chaotic underground continent cave battlefield.

This is just an inconspicuous corner of many battlefields.

A Fiji dragon that can only appear on the ground is now roaring in this dark cave, using the faint light of the underground fluorescent grass to display its vision that can only be better displayed on land. rushed to the enemy in front of him.

The opponent is also a Fiji dragon, which makes this Fiji dragon feel a little kind and nostalgic, but how can it be?
The battle of the same clan is very common, not to mention, this is the battlefield of the underground cave.

But the Fijian dragons biting fiercely at both ends without showing any emotion or hesitation, their two pairs of bright black eyes were full of sadness and unwillingness, as well as endless and unspeakable resentment.

Because they can't control their bodies at all.

All of this, whether the opponent swung his sharp claws and scratched his right foot, or he opened his mouth to bite off the opponent's neck, or the opponent twisted his tail and slapped his waist, it was beyond their control .

Perhaps, only the same, inexplicable light flashing in the eyes of both parties is the only thing that can be controlled by themselves.

In just a few breaths, the battle came to an end.

The Fiji dragon crawled out of the pile of corpses, walking with a limp, its eyes were a little numb, scanning the dark surroundings.

This is where?

Why, am I here?
The eyes of the Fiji dragon are full of similar questions. In my memory, it has its own family. The family members are crowded together in a small cave, listening to the drizzle outside the cave; or hiding together in the haystack , ambush the silly prey in the distance; or run happily on the ground, chasing the food in the distance...

Running around for food every day, working hard and repeating for children's hunting and training, although tiring, but full of hope, however...

That day, everything changed.

The Fiji dragon, who was going out to ambush its prey and intended to bring a late-night snack to the pregnant female dragon, became inexplicably unable to control its own body. down, down...

And just like that, all hopes, dreams, and futures vanished...

What it faces is no longer fatigue and family, but killing day after day, meaningless killing.

At the very beginning, after it bravely wiped out several strange creatures, it could still stand proudly beside the corpses of the creatures, showing off its achievements, while tasting the mountain of food in front of it, imagining how to use these Take it home and give it to your family.

However, as long as it and its inexplicable teammates go out of a certain range, they will automatically walk back inexplicably, again and again, never changing.

This makes it very angry, feeling that the majesty of the king of a region has been provoked, it roars, charges, roars, bites...

But in the end, it got nothing but hunger and unwillingness.

Therefore, it was passive and sabotaged, and when fighting the enemy, it just slowly grinded against the enemy in front of it, just like a game, and did not kill another enemy, because he found that as long as he survived for a while, if his enemy attacked If you enter the back of your own side, you and the enemy in front of you will become teammates in a short time.

This is really a strange world and a strange phenomenon, which makes the Fiji dragon even less motivated to kill this kind of meaningless.

However, those unknown beings who brought it underground, confined it to areas, and drove it to meaningless battlefields seemed to be dissatisfied with its performance.

Before long, it can no longer control its body in the event of a fight.

In the beginning, because of the rigid body movements, it occasionally affected my behavior, after all, I still wanted to live; but after a long time, even if I didn't affect it, my movements became smooth.

But looking at the enemies, teammates, and unknown creatures that died under smooth movements that were not under his control, he no longer had the mood to fight.

Sometimes, Fiji Dragon even wonders.

Perhaps, just repeating this time and time again, continuing day by day, and then one day, like those companions, I was killed by the other party, then all this is over, which seems to be good.

The battlefield, this is something Fiji Dragon didn't know when to understand. From its point of view, there are only meaningless killings here, not predation, not survival, just pure hunting.

Gradually, I don't know when it started. After understanding the "meaning" of the battlefield, the Fiji dragon, which is obviously a carnivore, has no appetite for the corpses scattered all over the battlefield, even if the food is eaten by scavengers It is riddled with holes, and it no longer has the slightest interest in the delicious food it once had.

At the beginning, because of hunger, it would taste a little bit to fill its stomach;
Later, after being hungry for a long time, I once again ate too much like a madman, but somehow vomited it all out;

After that, it stopped eating meat on the battlefield. After it couldn’t find meat outside the battlefield, it would rather devour those plants that it had no interest in before. Stomach, but still stubbornly persisted.

How ridiculous and sad it is for carnivores to become vegetarians.

Walking stiffly, from the center of the battlefield, stepping on piece by piece of meat to the edge of the battlefield, Fiji Dragon's eyes could not see a trace of life.

At this time, the battle is over, and the thing that controls him has disappeared, but Fiji Dragon knows that as long as he walks away, or the team moves, or when the battle happens again, that thing will reappear, if the most terrifying existence , the most vicious existence, leading the Fiji dragon to kill the enemy.

Walking on the edge of the battlefield, smelling the damp, bloody smell and a nasty smell in the air, the Fiji dragon's eyes flickered slightly, and then the blood-filled head underneath swallowed it little by little, growing A small grass next to the fluorescent grass.

This is the only plant Fijilong knows, or the only plant recognized.

Because, that was one of the plants that vegetarian animals liked to eat most when they were hunting on the ground.At that time, in order to better hunt these vegetarian animals, Fiji dragon learned to know and look for this kind of plant from his mother when he was very young.

And since vegetarian animals can eat this kind of thing, they should also be able to eat vegetarian animals.This is the idea of ​​the Fiji dragon who tasted this grass for the first time. Although the taste was not very good at first, and he had to spit out two mouthfuls after eating three mouthfuls, but after gradually getting used to it, it seemed to be much easier to eat.

The shriveled stomach seemed to be slightly swollen, and Fiji Dragon licked the scar on his right leg.

That was the scar I just met on the battlefield. The third Fiji dragon I saw after I came here was the same kind that was bitten off by "myself". The saliva of the Fiji dragon can heal this small wound But he had just licked it when he stopped suddenly.

It's not that it was controlled again, but that it suddenly thought of something.

If, if because of this injury, I can just stop like this, it doesn't matter if I die or get eaten, it seems to be fine.

The expression is constantly changing, and the expression at this moment seems to be more complicated than the expressions produced by the countless battles before.

Gradually, its expression returned to calm, and the treatment finally stopped.

With his right leg still bleeding, Fiji Dragon turned his head to look at his teammates.

Teammate, this is another strange term. To understand this term, it is the name of these strange companions after the life of the Fiji dragon combined with the life on the ground.

Of course, this is just an impression in the mind, it can't speak yet, even if it speaks, the other party can't understand it.

Most of these teammates are animals that Fiji Dragon has never seen before, but there are also animals of the same kind that they have encountered on the ground, such as former enemies, former prey, former dangers, former...

All this is already in the past, because now, these teammates, like myself, destroy the enemies they feel in their minds on the battlefield, and subconsciously help teammates who are usually together.

But even so, these teammates have changed crop after crop.

The teammates I was familiar with at the beginning no longer knew whose stomach it was. Now the Fiji Dragon just watched from the sidelines and was controlled to destroy the enemy during the battle, although that enemy might become a teammate after a while.

this complicated relationship.

It would be nice to just die like this, the darkness without any hope, it would be best to end forever.

It's just that it's really a pity that I couldn't eliminate the unknown existence that controlled me and brought me here.

For some reason, the eyes of the Fiji dragon felt blurred, and two drops of liquid fell out gently, and then lightly hit the bright little flower. The surroundings of the small flower were all eaten by the Fiji dragon. The clean grass, but the little flower was not harmed at all, except for the beating of the drop of clear water...

At this time, Fiji Dragon's body froze suddenly, and then walked forward automatically.

With Xiaohua's weak light, he saw the figures that gradually appeared in the darkness ahead, among them were the former enemies, the former prey, the former dangers, the former...

And now, they are the enemy.

The hopeless battle broke out again, and the wreckage of the previous battlefield that had not been swallowed by the underground scavengers ushered in more friends...

"Really, those ends don't seem to be usable anymore, but they were all used smoothly."

On the edge of the battlefield, a cluster of strange shadows complained to the same kind beside them through their spiritual power. If there was the light of fluorescent grass, people would be able to recognize that these were two standard spirits.

"Then is there any way, according to me, it would be best to directly replace the brains of these things, but we don't have the ability, I'm afraid Lord Ruler can't do it."

"Forget it, if it's broken, just go to the ground and look for it. Of course, it's best to find the same one. Speaking of which, the last time I went to the ground, there were so many of these things. If it wasn't like this, we probably wouldn't be able to get here. .”

This companion's indifference infected the other party. Hearing the same kind of talk about the ground, the other spirit seemed to have a strong interest in it, so much so that part of the mental power used for fighting was withdrawn for communication, making He paid much less attention to the battlefield.

As a matter of course, his mental strength was distracted by distraction, so he didn't notice the situation on the battlefield.

In the middle of the battlefield, a Fiji dragon who was pierced through the heart by another Fiji dragon without any movement due to lack of effective control, and one leg was injured, his eyes were wide open at this time, with a trace of Unwilling and aftertaste, slowly poured down.In the slightly opened mouth full of sharp teeth, there is still a lot of green juice exuding the fragrance of green grass.

"Speaking of the ground, it was actually okay at the beginning. There were usable things everywhere, but later it became less and less, just like our underground."

"Could it be that those organizations caught too much?"


The conversation of the spirits is still going on. This is just a small corner of the entire spirit race battlefield. The spirits and animals on both sides of the battle are only in single digits, and the animals are also in double digits. Whether they win or lose, it seems that it has nothing to do with the battle situation.

Of course, in order to obtain new supplements, in order to obtain good supplements, the two still control those 'tools' that seem to be getting tired of fighting, and frantically rush to the enemy's battlefield while maintaining their own exploits.

Gradually, the "tools" of the two sides became less and less, and both sides seemed to have a tacit understanding, and at the same time let the "tools" withdraw backwards, announcing another temporary truce.

Originally, if everything was normal, they would continue to repeat the previous process, over and over again, over and over again, but...

Suddenly, above the heads of the two spirits, a burst of colorful brilliance flickered.

The intruder brought an extremely dazzling light, like a sun, illuminating the entire continental cave nearly a hundred kilometers wide and several kilometers high like daylight on the surface.

Many spirits who obviously have no eyes screamed in pain under the radiance of such light. After bursts of sounds like bathing in magma, the nearest spirits, regardless of enemy or friend, were all in these Under the shining of the light, it got a fair ending and turned into a few wisps of green smoke.

But under such a powerful light, those dazed animals didn't have any problems at all. On the contrary, because they hadn't seen the sun for a long time, after this kind of light appeared, even though their eyes were stinging instinctively, they still stared stubbornly. The sky seemed worried that the rays of light would disappear.


All the animals had such a thought in their minds. Although they did not want to be separated from the light, the majestic and friendly voice in their minds guided everyone to the ground from all the passages in the cave.

The Fiji dragon, who was about to take his last breath, closed his eyes contentedly under the light. He saw with his own eyes the two creatures that controlled him turn into green smoke. His wish seemed to have come true. If he didn't close his eyes, the light would If it disappears, maybe it will be unwilling again.

It's a pity that it didn't feel the ground and the sky that started to shake the moment the light retracted.

"No! How can these hateful spirits be punished with such a small punishment!" In the sky of the cave, there was such an angry roar from the colorful figure.

8051 felt the memories and emotions separated from the souls of the dead in the cave, and with boundless anger overstepped the authority to launch a bigger shock.

On May 15, 15 A.D., violent vibrations suddenly occurred in the caves of the two continents where the Five Spirits organizations were fighting each other.

The intensity of the first shock was very strong, but it was still within the acceptance range of these creatures, but it still destroyed most of the troops of the Five Spirits Organization in the caves of the two continents in an instant.

Just when the remaining survivors were at a loss, the second earthquake that followed suddenly broke out, followed by the third earthquake in another cave.

"The sky... has collapsed!"

These are the last words of those spirits.

This earthquake was called the "God's Punishment" super earthquake by the academic circles of later generations.

Although in fact it should be divided into two locations, a total of three earthquakes of different sizes, but the difference between these earthquakes was no more than half a day, and they were all aimed at the two continental caves where the spirit clan fought.

Therefore, after discussions, scholars agreed to classify them into the same earthquake.

The magnitude of the earthquake cannot be accurately judged and recorded based on the technical level of 15 AD at that time, so people's research on this earthquake can only stay on the historical documents and folklore of various places.

In addition, the place where the earthquake erupted happened to be in the northeast corner of the mainland, and there was no gathering of civilizations, so there were not many accurate records left behind.

However, scholars have come to an astonishing fact from the literature records of various places, that is, the earthquake was basically a global shock, because whether it was the Peng people in the Far West, the Peng people in the West Land, or the Peng people in the Central Plains at that time The Clan, the Black Bone Clan in the southern land, and even the Sea Clan in several oceans all clearly felt the earthquake.

Among them, the Peng Clan, Shadow Clan, and Black Bone Clan in the Central Plains felt the most clearly. According to the inference of later generations of scholars, the magnitude of the earthquake that spread to the territories of the three clans alone would not be lower than magnitude 5, or even higher.

What a terrifying conclusion this is. You must know that scholars had confirmed the earthquake center at that time, and the nearest one of the Lisan clan was thousands of kilometers away...

In this way, scholars are more interested in the situation of the earthquake center, but because of the lack of records, people have studied for decades without any results.

At this time, the persistent scholars accidentally found the diary written by a quasi-priest in a pile of old books in a remote library of the friend family at that time, and the scholars were shocked to find that the quasi-priest at that time , unexpectedly, was in the area between the two continents when the earthquake broke out.

This diary has become the clearest written record of the "God's Punishment" super earthquake.

After confirming its authenticity, it became a priceless treasure.

A licensed scholar carefully turned over the most important pages with trembling mental power, and looked at the text on it...

Please support as always =w=
(End of this chapter)

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