Spore Story

Chapter 372 Diary, thoughts of historians

Chapter 372 Diary, thoughts of historians

A diary is a record of one's own past. For most people, it is just a memory of the past.

But when this person's past encounters something that is extremely important to the world, or if this person himself is an extremely important person, then this diary is not just a person's past, but a diary that belongs to the world. the history of the world.

The diary was dug out by the scholar from the corner of the library. Perhaps few people paid attention to it before it was found by the scholar. Therefore, it lay in this corner for a long time. It smells of loneliness.

However, when the scholar obtained the information inside the diary, he was in ecstasy and almost wanted to lift his limbs to express his gratitude to the government's Document Protection Act.

The administrator who happened to pass by just confirmed that the other party had not caused any damage to these documents, then nodded with a smile, and turned to leave. She had seen this kind of situation a lot in this area.

The "Document Protection Act" is based on the idealistic statement that "any written record is the course of civilization, whether good or bad, must be preserved".

In the beginning, people just regarded it as a gesture of the government.

But as time went on, this decree became more and more effective, and the discovery of important diaries by scholars like this is just an inconspicuous example among many cases.

This Act stipulates:

First of all, any carrier that records text must not be destroyed privately, and must be confirmed by the Document Protection Bureau before making a judgment.

Secondly, within half a year after the document loses its holder (including the death of the holder, the holder has no interest in the record, etc.), it must be sent to various libraries for preservation, otherwise, the relevant personnel will suffer according to the recorded text. Penalties depending on the amount and the extent of the damage;
Furthermore, no matter how many books are issued in batches of the same edition, a minimum of five volumes must be kept.Among them, one volume is stored in the central library; one volume is stored in the regional national library; and the remaining three volumes are stored in various private institutions.This item is to avoid problems such as waste of resources caused by excessive repeated storage of published books with the same content.

In the end, the government specially initiated the establishment of the [Documentation Fund] to establish such storage and display areas for libraries around the world. On the one hand, it is to protect the physical versions of these books as long-term historical records. Open to users, as a carrier for people to understand the past.

By the time scholars dug out the diary, this decree had been in effect for an unknown number of years.

Nowadays, the size of the [Memory Corridor] area of ​​the national library in each region is far larger than that of ordinary book areas, and its popularity is not inferior to these ordinary areas even under the restrictions on users.

As for the Central Library... Maybe it's better to call it the Central Book City, and it's still a three-dimensional giant city with two cities in the sky and underground. The owner of the library, Pengzu, is an existence that is extremely fanatical about knowledge.

Withdrawing his thoughts from the worship of this decree, the scholar carefully attached to the surface of the diary with his thoughts, and then lifted it little by little.

Although you can use your mental power to see the text inside without opening it, scholars always stubbornly believe that only visual confirmation is the respect for these histories.

Perhaps it is this stubbornness that makes such a scholar.

In the diary, the record of that period of history is as follows:
On 15/15/2, it was sunny and breezy, and the sky cloud jellyfish were very active, as if they were dancing, spinning and moving.

Of course, you have to speed up the time flow dozens of times to appreciate all this, otherwise it is just a few cloud jellyfish floating lazily, I really envy their leisure.

Also, I don't have the ability to adjust the time, gah.

Still, let me get back to reality.

Ever since I came to this area, I feel a little strange. The same forest, the same plain, the same hills, and even the climate are similar, but why is the biological composition here so different from that in the northern part of the Pengzu?Is this a miracle of nature?
After collecting the materials a few days ago, I didn't go out today, but just sorted out the materials in the cave.

So, in the blink of an eye, the day passed.

The map of the area is roughly drawn, which is really troublesome. It seems that no matter how much I study, there is no room for improvement in painting. I should go back and let the Ministry of Development and Reform send someone to correct it.

Hey, why do I still want to sleep so much when I am the soul-level early stage me?

(This happened two days before the earthquake. It can be seen from this that, except for the suspicious biological composition mentioned in it, there seems to be nothing abnormal. This seems to be the case when the accuracy rate of geological disaster prediction reaches 99.998% nowadays. Extremely disharmonious, no matter how this time, there should be some beasts roaring, birds flustered, bricks refuting rumors, etc., ah, please ignore the last one.)
On 15/15/3, light snow, light wind, it is strange to see cloud jellyfish in this kind of weather, but those guys live above the clouds, and have never seen them come down. I think I have never experienced the beauty of a snowy day, sympathy .

Although there are some suspicions of laziness, the general situation of these areas can be sorted out.

I have more than [-]% confidence that there is definitely something wrong with this place. According to the biology curriculum of Pengcheng School, the biological chain of an area must be neat and perfect, but here is not a super small animal or a giant animal. None of the medium-sized creatures?

Could it be that the biological chain in this place is different from that of the friends, large animals hunt all kinds of small animals no bigger than their thumbs, and then eat them as interdental fillings?

Or maybe Pengcheng's biology course is wrong, is there some kind of extreme rule here, and the mediocre existence of medium-sized animals is completely denied?How can this be?

God, if this is really the case, I can be regarded as a medium-sized creature. Don't deny me. Even if you want to deny it, please wait until I go back before denying the medium-sized creatures in this area, huh.

Well, just kidding.

At noon, I ate the food I picked up. It didn’t take much effort. I walked out of the cave, found the target, picked it up and looked at it, it was relatively fresh, so I brought it back... If every area is so beautiful, maybe there is no one except this small animal. Who will be starved to death now.

This is a small animal that is almost infested throughout the region.

If Pengcheng's biology lessons are correct, then it should be that there is a lack of medium-sized creatures that feed on them in the biological chain of this area; so this small animal breeds in a large area, almost flying a short distance to form a litter, and There are also many young children.It can be predicted that if these children are fully grown up, if they pass by here next year, they may step on one in two steps.

However, I am afraid that this situation needs to be postponed, because the weather is cold in snowy days, food is scarce, and the number of such vegetarian animals is too large, so there is even less food to share on a certain small animal. What they ate seemed to be a small animal that starved to death or froze to death.

For some reason, I feel like I can't eat it.

Could it be that I am the only intermediate link in the food chain here, so what will happen to those high-end creatures?Eat small animals instead, or come after me?
Ga, just thinking about it gives me chills. If the intermediate annelids here suddenly disappear, then the remaining high-end environmental animals will definitely surpass me. In this way...

Then, so, just like that, because of the snow, apart from eating and so on, I secretly built a few snowmen in the snow, and then went back to the temporary cave to rest. I have lived in this cave for more than ten days. little home.

(Of course, scholars with extensive knowledge can immediately see that the food chain problem here is obviously not formed naturally, but man-made. Then, what is the connection between this unnatural situation and the disaster that will happen tomorrow? So far, there is no clearer record of the God’s Punishment Super Earthquake. Seeing the above text, the scholar was a little excited. He felt that he was probably approaching the real cause of the earthquake.)
On 15/15/4, heavy snow and no wind.

With such a huge amount of snow, I wouldn't be surprised if a curious cloud jellyfish was pressed down by the snow because it flew too low.Maybe I can also act to rescue the other party according to the situation, and then the other party will turn into a beautiful woman to repay the favor or something, that would be great, Quack.

Cut, this is not a fantasy story.

I get up early in the morning, not because I have become more diligent, but because of my soul-level perception, which makes me feel that something will happen today.

The mood is really irritable, is it possible that I finally can't stand the loneliness of this kind of travel?
It seems that it's time to go home too. I've been away for more than six years. Thinking about it, there should be no one who has run farther than me.

Haha, I'm the best quasi-priest, ga.

So, I packed my luggage, put on my backpack for quasi-priests (produced by Pengcheng Leather Factory), and finally took a look at the cave, and left a 'XX' in this cave where I lived for more than ten days. A visit', and then back to my hometown.

I don't know what will become of it?high priest?Management God?Or join the team?Or become a manager, a great existence like an educator?

Still, really worried.

(This is the first half of the day. Although the handwriting is not up to the level of a calligrapher, it is still neat, showing the good education level of the friends. But the handwriting in the latter part has become extremely messy. Even if the weight of the handwriting is not considered, The handwriting alone can make scholars feel the panic and confusion of the owner of this diary. And it can be clearly seen that there is a gap in the recording time before and after the same day.)
Is our world going to be destroyed!
Even I, who was flying in the air in the heavy snow, could feel the air beating and the world roaring.

Fortunately, there is our best friend cloud jellyfish in the sky, otherwise I can't even imagine what it will be like. As for the animals living here, I can only say sorry.

As I write this, my cloud jellyfish friend beside me still discharges electricity from time to time to express her inner unease.

And if I hadn't risked my life and crossed the clouds in this turbulent magnetic field to find a restless cloud jellyfish, and finally calmed it down as a temporary resting place, I might have been overwhelmed by the changes in this world. Scared to death.

But how is this possible?
Even the clouds below the cloud jellyfish are fluctuating. God, this cloud is at least four or five kilometers above the ground. When will disasters like earthquakes affect the sky?Could it be that the clouds have become the ground!
It was a loud sound. Although it was blocked by the clouds, I could still hear the roar like the world was collapsing. What happened?

Maybe, all this is just a dream. When I wake up tomorrow, the diary is still number 3, and nothing I wrote today appears.

By the way, maybe this is just the dream world trial I joined before, and now my teacher is still watching me somewhere, and I am only a student of the quasi-priest school, today is 9 years ago, quack .

Well, teacher, you have won, please let me out, I am already tired, even if I am not a quasi-priest, even if I am laughed at, no matter how natural this kind of disaster is, it is impossible for it to happen, even if it does happen, for us Is the requirement for a quasi-priest too high?

(After that, the time in the diary was interrupted for several days. Although a little unwilling, scholars also know that this should be because the quasi-priest forgot about it because of confusion and panic. Think carefully, if you were there at that time , maybe I can’t even write the diary for the second half of the day.)
April 15, 15, sunny.

In the end, I couldn't help being hungry. After a few days of eating the dry food in the backpack, I flew down from the cloud jellyfish.

As for me who passed through the clouds, I actually didn't know if I was crazy, or if I was really in a dream world created by a great, powerful, and abnormal teacher.

But the few diaries in the backpack clearly recorded the process of the past few years. It should be impossible to dream for six years. After all, according to my memory, the dream world of the ethnic group can only be adjusted to 1:10 at most. It's just time.

So, is this reality?
But I clearly remember that the place I stayed a few days ago was still a world composed of forests, hills and mountains that were full of vitality except for the lack of medium-sized animals.

I can even easily pick up starved and frozen animals outside the cave to fill my stomach pouch and keep me warm.

But now, who the hell tell me what's going on!

Why is there an endless sea under the clouds!

Is it possible for such a thing to happen in real nature!

Even if my memory is confused!Nervous disorder!Crazy!

But I still remember that this is an inland area!Soul light!


(A few heavy strokes scratched the diary, and even brought up a few debris. It can be seen that the owner of the diary is in a bad mood. But the scholars who saw it here admired the owner's luck and reaction.)
(You know, after screening and screening the "Lost God's Punishment Land" in various places, it has been roughly determined that the Shuanglun Sea located in the northeast corner of the mainland is the former mainland=.=, and according to the records in the previous diary Look, this quasi-priest is in the middle of the Sea of ​​Two Wheels. It is conceivable that this person survived, which is a miracle.)
On June 15, 16, it was sunny...Maybe, anyway, I can stay safely above the clouds because of my cloud jellyfish friend. As for the weather below, it is none of my business, I just want to go back Family.

I don't even know where I am, I only know to chew the dried fish every day, and then chat with the cloud jellyfish companion below me.

Maybe I'm really crazy, I think cloud jellyfish can understand me.

However, that's fine too.

After at least six years, it is a comfort to finally have a creature who can understand me.

Even though, this is probably just my fantasy.

The gods of the Pengzu, the righteous gods of the east, the gods of the north, and the head of education, please bless me, and bless your pious and unfortunate believers to return home smoothly.

I have already made a decision. When I go back, I will become the most diligent high priest and serve you forever.

On 15/17/9, the rain, the cloud jellyfish in the sky left.

Yes, he left, really reluctant, and took me all the way to the southwest to fly to the present, a friend who has been with me for more than a month.

I am now on land.

I found my way home!


God, have you finally heard the prayers of your devout believers?
So, did you guide my cloud jellyfish friend and lead me to find the way back?
Don't worry, after I go back, I will take an oath to become the most diligent high priest and serve all the gods of my clan for the rest of my life, especially the Eastern Righteous God, Northern Righteous God and Master Education.

O sea, which was once the sea of ​​the land world, our farewell.


Gently cover this ancient diary, the words behind the diary may be completely gone because the diary is finished, or the owner is no longer willing to record.

Heaving a sigh of relief, the scholar tapped his thighs, got up and put the diary carefully on the bookshelf. Looking at the various ancient documents on it, he smiled gratifiedly.

Rubbing his sore wrist, he turned around and put away his pen, then checked the words he had copied that day, closed the brand new notebook, sighed slightly, and walked to the counter.

After getting back his ID card, the scholar bowed gratefully to the administrator, and walked towards the nearest hotel in the dark.

The vicissitudes of life are the result of strength, and most of the time it is used to describe time, but in the eyes of scholars at this time, it seems to be better used to describe nature.

A few years later, relying on this confirmed diary, combined with his own historical records summed up over the years, the scholar published a book called "The Vibration of Nature".

Afterwards, he was placed on the non-welcome list by the Eldar.

After that, he gained a very high status in the academic circle because of his interpretation of this period of history.

In the end, in his later years, he became a fanatical conservationist and ecologist, and finally passed away peacefully when the cruise ship passed through the middle of the Shuanglun Sea.

I just found out it was Monday, so I decided to ask for tickets~\(≧▽≦)/~
(End of this chapter)

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