Spore Story

Chapter 373 Judgment, the Birth of the Will of the Planet

Chapter 373 Judgment, the Birth of the Will of the Planet

"It's really spectacular."

"Yes, Master 8051 is really powerful."

Standing in the compound of the elders' house, a group of elders felt the small building shaken violently amidst the natural anger, feeling heartlessly.

Due to the original anti-seismic design, although the two-storey small building composed of parts and modules continued to shake, it only brought out the accumulated dust and snowflakes that flew down yesterday, without any movement to collapse.

"By the way, everyone has been notified, so there should be no problem, right?"

Kong Phantom seemed to wake up suddenly, and confirmed it to Muwen beside him.

And hearing Kong Huan's words, Mu Wen covered his forehead helplessly and said: "Master Kong Huan, this is the 12th time you have asked."

"After receiving your notice yesterday, I first issued an early warning to the receivers in various places through the magnetic field communication system; then I confirmed the communication reached various places through the temple system. In this way, three consecutive confirmations, no matter how stupid the guys below will be It doesn't matter how serious it is."

"Also, early this morning, there were reports from all over the world that schools were closed, factories were on holiday, businessmen were closed, except for those who maintained order, even the government was suspended, and everyone was playing in open places such as squares."

"However, because we are not sure how strong the earthquake will be, we did not inform everyone of the reason for this evacuation."

"Why don't you say, if they don't realize the importance, and slack off this action?"

"Don't worry." Seeing Kong Huan's reproachful face, Mu Wen firmly shook his head and said, "In this regard, everyone trusts the government. Even if we don't tell the reason, they won't have any problems."

"What's more, in order to ensure smooth operation, the temples everywhere know the reason, and they will work hard to maintain order."

"And if you tell the reason in advance, because you are not sure whether the magnitude of the vibration will affect us, if it does not affect you, although at the beginning, people may not mind the government's actions, but over time, people with ulterior motives will use it to reduce The credit of the government, this is not worth the loss for us."

The reason for the wood grain sounds reasonable, at least the illusion cannot be refuted.

But what Kong Huan is worried about is that those who don't trust the government, so they stubbornly don't hide. No matter how much they do, the government can't cover everything after all, and there will always be something that makes people dissatisfied.

But judging from Mu Wen's reaction, Kong imagined that she might think that it was not bad for these people to disappear directly because of this.

This is where Kong Huan is really worried about Mu Wen. After all, Mu Wen is a leader he is very optimistic about.

So, he vaguely mentioned a few precautions to the wood grain, and after barely getting the wood grain to admit that it could not be so extreme, the illusion stopped.

"Sure enough, I'm still a bit short on psychological problems. It seems that I should start a psychological research group in Pengcheng."

As the vibration gradually decreased, everyone began to get busy.

Although Pengzu received an early warning because of the 8051 problem, the loss of personnel can be predicted to be very small.

However, under the shock of this scale, the northeast of the Pengzu, which is close to the earthquake center, may still suffer relatively large losses. This is not something that everyone can avoid.

"8051, did you go too far this time?"

"It seems to have gone too far. 8051 is a little flustered about the situation at this time."

In the center of the earthquake, no, it is 8051 who is the center of the earthquake. After mobilizing the power of the will of the planet and launching a major earthquake to punish the spirit race, looking at the collapsed dome, the chaotic biota, the backflow of groundwater, and The exposed sky finally realized that what he had done seemed to be too much.

Wagging its tail uneasily, 8051, who confirmed that his behavior was a bit too much, dared not stop for regrets.

She immediately mobilized power to calm down the restless geological activities, but after the earthquake, the temporary qualification of "mobilizing the full power of the planet's will" has been withdrawn by the planet's will, and all she can exert is the ability of the executor.

But the scale of the shock was too large. Even if she prevented further chain reactions, she, who was only an executor, could not reverse the area where the two caves began to disintegrate.

"This time it's troublesome."

Powerless, seeing a large number of innocent creatures dying continuously, 8051 suppressed the regret in her heart, and tried her best to rescue the surviving creatures, but even as a spirit god, she could only protect a very small number of animals from death.

When the sun rises and sets, when the land returns to calm and the sea becomes stable, standing on one of the many islands that have been forcibly piled up by relying on one's own strength, looking at the frightened animals beside you, it feels like 8051 has been pulled out. With general strength, his legs softened, and he sat heavily on the wet soil.

"what did I do?"

"This is...how could this be, emptiness."

After several days of hard work, she rescued no less than a million animals and plants, but compared to the number of creatures lost due to the earthquake, this is just a drop in the ocean.

"The sea? It's really turned into a sea, haha."

Dozens of days have passed, and it was originally just a punishment for the Eldar, but because of a moment of emotional excitement, it turned into a sea-building movement.

Sitting blankly on the island, 8051 watched another round of sunrise and sunset, lowering his head with a heavy heart.

The hit didn't stop there.

From the moment the earthquake broke out, 8051 has been under the tremendous pressure from the will of the planet all the time.

What followed was the ever-decreasing support rate, 60%, 50%... 35%, due to the mass death of innocent creatures.

After several years of hard work, and returning to the beginning because of this one mistake, it seems like a joke made by the system.

"Will we go back to before liberation?"

"I'm afraid it will be much more difficult to get the support rate this time."

Shaking his head with a wry smile, 8051 patted the wet soil under his body, spread a piece of lawn on these places, and then got up and looked to the southwest.

(I want to go back, back to my friends, back to Kong Huan.)
As soon as this thought passed through his mind, 8051's expression was suddenly startled, and then he became numb.

"The will of the planet, actually..."

"It's all right now, you don't need to worry about increasing your approval rating."

—————— Disaster, the way forward is broken? —————

in the will of the planet

With the death of a large number of creatures, a huge amount of consciousness returned to the will of the planet.

In the process of these consciousnesses being purified and integrated into the will of the planet according to the procedure, countless memories were thrown aside.

According to the general situation, these memories will gradually dissipate due to the lack of carrier support such as consciousness, but this time is different.

Because the memory is too large and rich, there is no shortage of smart animal memories with complex thinking, and because they are too concentrated, they cannot dissipate on their own, and they begin to respond to the same kind around them under the operation of a similar self-protection mechanism.

In the sea of ​​consciousness of the originally ignorant planetary will, from the fusion of the first pair of free memories, all the remaining memories, like a chain reaction, crazily merged all the surrounding memories.

However, at this time, they can only be said to be forming a huge memory fusion library.

However, as the so-called quantitative change produces qualitative change.

Afterwards, these fused memories began to divide their responsibilities little by little, and combined with each other, forming a group of unknown existences that were neither consciousness, nor spirit, nor soul, nor even memory.

It doesn't know itself, nor does it know emotions or anger, it just floats in the world of the will of the planet in such an ignorant way.

Time, just like this little by little.

However, all this is not over yet, on the contrary, it is just the beginning.


With the existence of the unknown, after merging all the memories, it turned its attention to the memories stored in a small corner of the planet's will before 8051.

Among them, most of them are the interesting memories accumulated by 8051 when they lived inside the will of the planet.

Among these interesting memories, the memories of friends who returned to the will of the planet after dissipating are the main ones.

Whether it is a coincidence or necessity, the unknown existence formed by the fusion of dissociative memories naturally merged with these 8051 items.

And because the memory of the spirit person was identified as the object of punishment from the very beginning and was forcibly dissipated, so at this time, among the unknown existence mainly composed of animal and plant memories, the most powerful civilized memory is the memory of the friend. .

Gradually, the ignorant and ignorant unknown existence, after fusing these memories, began to have a little self-thinking, began to pursue their own past, know their own present, and think about their own future.

Then, it turned its sights to the surrounding sea of ​​pure consciousness belonging to the will of the planet.

The two belonged to the same origin, but according to the original process, the unknown existence and the sea of ​​​​consciousness that were mechanically separated and circulated began to re-integrate.

And because the unknown existence is the real self that is allowed by the planet, this process is not only not hindered or restricted at all, but as if it has been waiting for this moment for a long time, the sea of ​​consciousness quickly fills in the unknown existence.

This movement, once started, cannot be stopped.

I! ?

Time goes by bit by bit, the unknown existence is no longer worried about the problem of dissipation under the constant return of consciousness, it seems to have begun to realize something, but it still cannot understand the huge number of memories it has recorded, and its thinking is like a newborn Like a baby, pure as one.

The huge memories that have been fused before are just like books piled up in the study room. If you don't read them yourself to understand, they are just piled up there.

But at this time, the will of the planet that was valued by 8051 and tried hard to obtain, but still failed to obtain, the huge sea of ​​consciousness is still actively converging towards this baby-like self-consciousness.

A little bit of time passed like this, and soon, this small group of self-awareness generated from the memory fusion action was promoted into a huge consciousness group, completely replacing the circulation node of the previous sea of ​​consciousness and becoming a new one. Consciousness loop point.

At this moment, the truly autonomous will of the planet has successfully emerged.


Things have progressed here, and it stands to reason that it should be over.

But there was a little accident here, the gestation process that was supposed to be over, suddenly had a slight deviation.

First of all, it was the mass of consciousness that suddenly fluctuated violently, as if something in it was resisting the fusion.

Then, the lump-shaped consciousness cluster suddenly split into two clusters like a cell splitting.

The large one quickly recovered its calm, but the small one maintained an active and fluctuating posture, constantly jumping around, as if looking for something, but it seemed to be blocked by the surrounding invisible objects and could not leave.


In the world of the will of the planet, a language of friends suddenly popped up. Fortunately, there was no one here, so there was no riot.

And the existence that seemed to utter that sentence, that large group of consciousness, suddenly trembled again.

However, this time it did not split again as before, but began to stretch its body.

The first thing that appeared was the hands. When the two short hands stretched out, they reached out to the active consciousness group and grabbed each other in their hands.

But it only imprisoned the movement of the consciousness group, but it didn't have any consciousness to take the opponent back into the body or hurt the opponent.

"Redemption? I don't understand."

After the hands, stretched out are two short and cute feet.

And with the appearance of the feet, a small piece of grass appeared under the feet.

He leaned over and put the consciousness group on the grass with both hands, and the consciousness group didn't move any more this time, just staring at the big consciousness group that just stretched out its hands and feet.

They obviously don't have eyes yet, but the two obviously look at each other, but there is nothing weird about it.

"Death, life, and punishment."

At this time, the big consciousness group changed again, a thing that should be a head protruded from the top of the hands, and something that should be a tail protruded from the back of the legs.

After an unknown amount of time passed, the long tail began to sway, and the head showing the facial features also began to stabilize.

Afterwards, the clump-shaped body began to become slender, and tentacles resembling the gathered hair began to appear on the head.

Pat it lightly with your hands, and the little head is shaped like this.

At this time, the active little consciousness group under his feet jumped to the opponent's shoulder with a burst of beating, shaking a little bit as if talking about something.

"I don't understand, but I agree."

Nodded, at this time it was completely the appearance of a little girl from the friend clan, she blinked her eyes slightly, and finally opened her big and clear eyes, revealing slightly green pupils.

Then, the little Lolita stretched out her hands and held the small consciousness cluster on her shoulders in front of her. With a pair of crystal eyes, she stared at the existence in front of her without any emotion.

Under such sight, the small consciousness group just trembled slightly, and held his little hand together, as if telling the last words. Accompanied by a puff of green smoke, this active little consciousness group condensed into a crystal clear gem-like , no more action.

And little Lolita carefully put the gem into the clothes that just appeared on her body.

Then, she looked up to the world around her.

From time to time, consciousness suddenly appears here, and then automatically splits into pure consciousness and empty memory; from time to time, pure consciousness disappears, and empty memory disperses.

In the center of this world, above the grass where little Lolita is, a small cluster of consciousness has just formed.


Spewing out two standard friend words from her mouth, the little loli looked up at a corner of the world, tightened the jewel in her pocket, and then disappeared into the world with a slight vibration of space.

And in the world, there is only this little loli left, who uttered another word.

"elder sister."

------Danger?Loli floats by—————

The time goes back to 15/16, AD 20, when the will of the planet just formed a memory fusion body.

8051, who has felt all this, realized the meaning of what is happening according to the process of self-awareness of the will of the planet that is preserved in the few memories that really belong to her.

"What have I done?"

The same sentence used to be sympathy for creatures; but now, I am afraid I have to add sympathy for myself.

"Once the self-awareness of the planet is created, it will be irreversible. I have failed."

At this time, 8051, it can be said that all thoughts are lost, decades of hard work, although short, but extremely tiring.I thought I would reap success, but what I got in the end was just a mistake, which brought about a complete failure. How could 8051 accept it.

"Sorry, Void."

Sitting on the island in pain, she just quietly looked at the sky that obviously began to produce some kind of fluctuation, which was the mood of the planet, a kind of joyful and complicated mood.It is rejoicing for the future it is about to conceive, and it is also sad for the lost life.

Feeling something pushing her beside her, 8051 turned her head and saw a group of animals surrounding her, who were rescued to the island with all her strength.

At this moment, they are staring at 8051 with worried expressions.

Though not intelligent brains, the animals had emotions of their own, acknowledging the presence in front of them, and therefore worried about her instability.

Some did not dare to look at their eyes, 8051 turned his head away as if avoiding it, and looked at it.

But all around were rescued animals, and among them, there were even many ground creatures caught underground by the Eldar.

"Thank you for your support." Shaking his head with a wry smile, 8051 gently caressed a giant crocodile that jumped to his side, and said to himself.

"Self-awareness has already begun to emerge. No matter how hard I try, no matter how much support I get, I can only stay at the point of [executor] at best, and I will have nothing to do with [subjective consciousness], let alone the will of the planet."

"Will the void blame me? Will it blame me, no."

Gently patted the enjoying giant crocodile, 8051's mood seemed to recover a bit, she turned her head to look at the dozens of large and small islands around her, closed her eyes and released her huge mental power.

Being punished by the will of the planet, she has returned to the level of an agent, and the ability she can display is only twice the ability she can display when she is a spirit god.

"It should be fine. I'm sorry, this is a little compensation for destroying your homeland."

Accompanied by the words 8051, there are pieces of rising land.

Under her careful attention, the shocking scene did not cause any disaster like before, and even there were only waves on the sea that could not push even a small sapling.

After that, the scattered islands were connected by the newly formed ground, and a brand new giant island was formed in the center of the Double Wheel Sea.

Finally, the paved grass, trees, rivers and lakes...

Showing an apologetic expression to the animals running on the big island, 8051 let out a heavy sigh of relief, and gradually floated up from the ground and flew to the southwest.

"Anyway, it's already like this, so let's do whatever you want, I'm tired too."

(End of this chapter)

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