Spore Story

Chapter 374 Conflict, Reality Affects Technology

Chapter 374 Conflict, Reality Affects Technology
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"According to the latest statistical results, no members of the Peng family died in this disaster..."

"...But there are 37 injured. In terms of engineering and construction, the loss is relatively large, especially in the northeast province of Youguang. Three villages need to be rebuilt, two cities need to be repaired, and the provincial capital also needs to be repaired, especially Youguang. The water supply system in the city is still under construction, because it is not yet stable, the earthquake caused most of it to break, and it needs to be completely restarted."

"In addition, there are problems with the displacement of cement modules on highways everywhere, but it is only the displacement of the modules rather than the rupture, so it is only necessary for the provinces and cities to send personnel to re-level the foundations, and then put the displaced modules on the ground. Just go back, and it is estimated that it will be fully renovated within half a month."

"These are fixed losses, because our family doesn't have a corresponding mechanism yet, so we can't come up with the estimated economic losses you proposed, Mr. Unreal, but I have already suggested that the Ministry of Commerce should support it with the support of the Ministry of Development and Reform. , and set up separate divisions or bureaus for this kind of work.”

"In addition, the Far West and West Land races were far away from the center of the earthquake, so they didn't feel any obvious shock... Well, it stands to reason that there shouldn't be any loss, but the report said that one unlucky ghost suddenly felt nauseous while flying and bumped into it. The cliff was cut by a branch, and finally fell straight down, so... the dead soul has now returned to the temple."

"...囧." Everyone looked at each other speechlessly.

"...These are the general damages of our clan in this shock. Since we got an effective early warning, except for that unlucky Yiren, the loss is not big." Closing the report in his hand, Mu Wen read Look at the people in the elders' house in front of you.

"However, regarding the economic loss estimation department, the Ministry of Finance proposed that it should be assigned to the Bureau of Statistics, but the Ministry of Commerce has only three bureaus so far, while the Ministry of Finance already has seven bureaus, so I transferred it to the Ministry of Commerce. I don’t know what your opinions are on this matter?”

"Oh?" Regarding the organizational framework, he was still a little more sensitive to illusions. He looked up at the wood grain in doubt, then thought for a while and said: "Let's record this issue first. Recently, we are discussing the issue of the Protoss system, and it happens to be possible to make it clear." Add it in."


(Transferring the discussion of the existing system directly to the discussion of the future system, it seems that Mr. Unreal is eager to complete the transformation of the Protoss of the friends.) After thinking about it in my heart, there is a little hopeful wood grain , nodded and stopped talking.

At this time, Kong Huan seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly said to Mu Wen and the people in the elders' house: "I just thought of a problem. Although we have received an early warning from 8051 this time, we can obtain almost non-destructive results, but we can't do anything. Please trouble 8051."

"As for disaster warning, response, and post-disaster processing statistics, I think the top management should set up a special department, or even a regular department, to deal with it. What do you think?"

Looking around at everyone, the people around them began to think.

But out of various considerations such as their trust in the illusion and their own factors, when people think about this issue, they think more about 'after adding a department, how should the relationship between this department and other departments be adjusted' rather than 'Should this department be added'.

After Mu Wen thought about it, he frowned slightly, and then looked at Kong Huan and said: "Although disaster warning and handling are indeed important, disasters do not happen often. If this department is included in the regular department, I am afraid it will further aggravate the government's burden." Bloated."

"Really," rubbed his forehead, Kong Huan shook his head and said, "There must be a corresponding department for disaster response, especially after a disaster breaks out, this experienced and prepared department needs to coordinate the various departments, so as not to There's a mess of things going on."

"Well, let's set up a simpler organization, which usually guides local government departments in various places and prepares disaster response plans. When a disaster breaks out, they will assist local officials and form an emergency command center to coordinate disaster relief in various places. question."


"It's like our budget, but the plan is an advance plan for how the government and the court should respond when a certain disaster breaks out. The main function is to have a reference after the disaster breaks out, so as not to be in a hurry."

"Oh, that should be fine. Such a department does not need too many personnel. The whole ethnic group has less than [-] people, and the increased burden is not too much. Two or three people in each province will be assigned as official administrators, and they will be responsible for these things at ordinary times."

"That's it," Kong Huan nodded and continued: "In this regard, we can still..."


After informing Mu Wen of the working mode of some disaster warning agencies originated from human beings, Elder Yuan basically confirmed the establishment of this emergency department, but it will take about half a year to formally establish it. After all, the selection of personnel and the place of work Arrangements, coordination of various departments, and discussions on work content... etc., cannot be resolved in a short while.

Because of this shock, the harm to the friends was not great, and everyone just got to know each other about the situation before breaking up the meeting and leaving.

Of course, the people in the elders' house are not idle.

They have to take advantage of the almost non-destructive earthquake response situation and rely on the network in their hands to be responsible for disaster emergency publicity in various places.

At the same time, in terms of public opinion, everyone should use this disaster response to enhance the image of the government and the court, and at the same time consolidate and strengthen the disaster knowledge of the people everywhere.

Of course, there is also an assessment of the damage to the facilities in various places in the earthquake to determine the next step of rectification.

In January 16 AD, after a small year was passed in a hurry, and then a small annual meeting was held, everyone continued their work.

"However, how about 8051?" I didn't wait for the illusion of 8051 during the Chinese New Year, and looked to the northeast with some worry.

I don't know when it started, Kong Huan got used to spending the New Year with 8051. At this time, he didn't see anyone, and he felt a sense of loss in his heart. But fortunately, everyone in the elders' house is also a family member of Kong Huan.

"It really feels like an old man," Kong Huan shook his head with a wry smile, he also believed that nothing would happen to 8051, just like 8051 believed that Kong Huan would tolerate her everything: "It should be bound by this earthquake Hold your hands and feet."

Recalling the time when 8051 did not come back for several years during the period of frequent earthquakes, the illusory thought that the reason had been figured out temporarily suppressed the worries in my heart.

"Only when my strength is high can I help 8051."

And he didn't know that 8051 at this time was still in the island group in the center of the 'Shuanglun Sea', using the power of the spirit god level to connect these islands little by little; and he didn't even know that the will of the planet at this time Internally, those memories are constantly merging...

On March 16, 3 AD, after obtaining the latest survey report on infrastructure in various places, Kong Huan came to [Pengcheng School of Architecture] located in the Pengcheng College District.

Pengcheng School of Architecture was founded on October 5, 10 A.D., on the basis of the "Architecture Research Group" specially established in order to respond to the Pengling War, which was in full swing at that time, and to speed up the construction of the three fortresses. expanded.

Up to now, this college has become a relatively large medium-sized classification college among the classification colleges, with about 30 teachers and about 200 students, and other employees are counted separately.

But the School of Architecture is most famous for its other element: it is one of the few schools that are open to the Dunjia people, or that the Dunjia people can be admitted by their ability. This college has more than 70 students. Dunjia students.

However, Kong Huan didn't come here this time to see the Dunjia students.

Under the guidance of a teacher, Kong Huan came to the research and development area next to the college through the spacious school gate, neat playground, and sharp-edged corridors.

This is the area that every school of the Pengzu classification has. They are also the most important technology research and development institutions in the development of the Pengzu technology, in addition to the three major research departments of the illusory research model, the Technology Bureau, and the Ministry of Armed Forces.

It is also the most important theoretical research and demonstration institution. Most of the theoretical knowledge derived from the research model is handed over to classified schools in various places for demonstration and inversion, while adding it to teaching immediately.

Of course, there are specializations in the art industry. The research here is different from the cultivation research in the priest school. You can tell from the name that the research here is for knowledge related to architecture.

"So, why do you need to modify it! It's already very good for us, isn't it!"

Kong Huan, who had just walked to the gate of the research area, heard a roar coming from a room in the research area. Although eavesdropping is immoral, Kong Huan felt that standing like this and looking at the scenery, he accidentally heard the noise around him. If there are some voices, then it is not considered eavesdropping.

So, he waved his hand decisively to stop the teacher leading the way, and under the strange look of the other party wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh, he led the other party to stand outside the door, cast his gaze to the sky, and his ears to the inside of the room.

As for the house, the quarrel is still going on...

"There is no way to do this. Do you know the cost of funds that will be caused by this? Now it is not the same as before. We used to produce something and everyone worked together. Now everything costs money, so we have to pay attention to this aspect! "

"Tch, of course we know that our budget team is not vegetarian in this regard, but is it necessary to lower the standard just because of a little money, and to disregard human lives just because of a little money!"

Judging by the voice, the speaker obviously lacked confidence, but he was still stubborn.

When it comes to excitement, the person's last sentence seems a bit excessive.

"Please make it clear, who the hell is disregarding human life! Huh?"

The sound of slamming the table startled both Kong Huan and the teacher outside the door. They looked at each other with wry smiles, but they continued to 'eavesdrop'. Obviously, the two unscrupulous guys were addicted to listening.

"Okay, okay, calm down," another calm voice seemed to hold someone who was slapping the table, and then continued: "The opinion of our discussion group is that we must add some practical considerations after research and development. This Everyone knows it too."

"Your research and development this time is indeed possible, or indeed very good, but it is too advanced. Once you want to rectify it like that, most of the government budget of the ethnic group will have to be transferred here. Do you think it is possible?"

"This, this, can't it be divided into stages like before? Can't we rectify the important places first?" It seems that he has recognized some problems, but the owner of this voice is obviously still full of unwillingness and continues to put forward his own ideas. .

"It would have been good a few years ago, but," the calm voice sighed helplessly, and continued: "Now it's not the same as before, and there are too many things to consider."

"Phase-by-stage? It's easy to say, but it's difficult to say who comes first."

"Don't think I don't know what you're thinking!"


"You're thinking 'this stuff is up to the government', right? But why can't we figure it out ourselves first and have to let the government figure it out?"

"Find it yourself? Isn't it just to let us simplify the results, but what's the use of this?" Although the voice seemed to lack confidence, anyone could hear the resentment in the speech.

"Of course it is useful. Aren't we also doing it in stages? Separate the process of realizing your research results, and make changes little by little and step by step."

There was a hint of temptation in that calm voice, and of course, there was a lot of threat: "You know, according to your thinking, the budget occupied is too large. Once you occupy these budgets, other What about projects? Road construction, water supply systems, village renovation, drainage systems, town planning... they all have to trouble you!"

"But, but this is really a good plan! You see, if it is remodeled in this way, basically there will be no loss of buildings in an earthquake of this scale, right?"

"Of course we know, otherwise we wouldn't be arguing with you here. But it's because we think it's good, so we don't want your research results to die because of too much effort. There is a gap between reality and ideals, and you are also adults. , you should know that technology also serves reality.”


At this time, two students passing by outside the door, after hearing the voice in the room, said with a helpless smile: "Which research group and demonstration group are arguing again? Speaking of which, it is really painful to join the demonstration group. Offend people everywhere."

Another student smiled wryly and shook his head: "It can't be helped. The research team developed the best technology; the demonstration team transformed it into a second-rate technology. Everyone's resentment towards the demonstration team is not a day or two."

"That's because everyone didn't understand. I also stayed in the demonstration team for half a month. I had too many things to consider. I couldn't stand it so I quit. To be honest, both sides are right, and the world is wrong!"

"Uh, what are you crazy about smoking?"

"囧, I'm sorry, my mood has been a little unstable recently."


Listening to the conversation of two passing students, subconsciously hid by the flower bed, the two unscrupulous guys who didn't want to be found eavesdropping were speechless at the same time.

"Are there many cases like this in your place?" After the two students walked away, Kong Huan asked the embarrassed teacher beside him.

"This," hesitating for a while, the teacher still thinks that he should tell the truth.

The main reason was that he remembered that the person in front of him was a Youshen-level elder. God knows whether the other party's level of spiritual power can perceive his own thoughts, so it's better to answer honestly.

"This, how should I put it, should be a common phenomenon. Not only our college, but also major classified schools, and I even heard that there are certain similar situations in priest schools."

"What's going on specifically, tell me?" Frowning dissatisfiedly, Kong Huan stared at the teacher in front of him, warning him not to play tricks.

Pengzu's technology update speed has been so fast that Kong Huan didn't pay much attention to the situation below. He just focused on doing tasks and starting research. Recently, he didn't even go to the technology bureau.

Obviously, the Pengzu has only been unified for more than ten years after all, and there are still many internal problems.

"It's mainly the transformation of private ownership in recent years. Although it's not big, the government's work has begun to speak according to the plan and budget. Some urgent research projects are still there, but the budget is waiting for them."

After thinking about it, the teacher shook his head in a rather 'unbearable past' attitude and said: "However, some non-required research projects, after the following people have researched them based on their own understanding, in order to promote them, they must pass demonstrations. group verification."

"And the demonstration team is actually very difficult to do," Jian Kong Huan seemed a little dissatisfied with the demonstration team, and the teacher who had a few students in the demonstration team knew the reason, so the demonstration team could only be said to be angry at both ends .

Therefore, he didn't want to let the empty illusion be misunderstood, so he quickly explained; "The argumentation team probably considers no fewer issues than the research team. They make the final decision on each research project based on the budget balance transferred to them by the government, and then combined with realistic considerations. .”

"In order to promote good technology as much as possible, the demonstration team often suggests that the research team temporarily modify the technology to reduce costs, and then improve it into a full version after it has been promoted."

"This is good intentions, but you are also a researcher, Mr. Unreal, and you should know that you are required to change the results that you have worked so hard to achieve. It will always make people feel dissatisfied, so the research team and the demonstration team are somewhat dissatisfied. friction."

"This, Master Konghuan, that's about it."

"Is that so?" Hearing what the teacher said, Kong Huan fell silent.

Listening to the teacher, in their opinion, the culprit seems to be private ownership and government standardization, but the senior leaders of the Pengzu clearly know that even the former tribal public ownership is actually just missing the link of fund calculation, but Back then people still had to think about staffing, food, time, and so on.

In other words, the key issue lies in the reasonable arrangement of resources such as manpower and time.

"In this regard, the Elder's House will discuss it, but as far as the college is concerned, those technologies that cannot be promoted for the time being can be preserved first, and they may be useful at any time, you know?"


"So, where is the goal this time?" At this time, Kong Huan remembered the purpose of this trip, which seemed to be to see the latest earthquake-resistant architectural design of the college.

But at this time, Kong Huan found out strangely that the teacher next to him had a strange expression after accidentally looking behind Kong Huan.


"This, Mr. Void."

"Our goal seems to be what they are discussing inside."


The two looked at each other in silence...

The cold wind approaching the early spring blows gently, rolling up a leaf that does not know when it will appear.

(End of this chapter)

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