Spore Story

Chapter 375 Improvement, Building and Land

Chapter 375 Improvement, Building and Land

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"In other words, your idea is to change the previous modular building design based on a single wall and the assembly of parts to a modular design based on a single room and the overall accumulation?"

"Yes, Lord Void."

"We took advantage of the opportunity of the Chinese New Year holiday to assign tasks to investigate the changes in the buildings in various places during the earthquake, and at the same time applied to consult the government's statistics."

"Later, we found that most of the wounded were injured because they ran into the gaps between these building parts during the earthquake, and when the earthquake broke out, these parts squeezed each other, and the gaps fluctuated, eventually pinching the wounded. "

"More importantly, the walls of these buildings, because of the mutual extrusion of the earthquake and the accumulated small damage, eventually caused a lot of cracks." Looking at the inside of the not-so-thick cement parts with mental power, It is not a problem for people with mental power control around Lv3, and there is no lack of existence of this level among these researchers.

After calming down, the researcher continued: "Later, we found that the roads built in the modular way of overall stacking only had modules shifted, and there was no breakage of a module. Therefore, they It is only necessary to level the foundation, and these modules produced according to the uniform standard can almost be used as new factory modules."

"Therefore, in our opinion, this overall stacking design can not only save production materials, but also protect the safety of personnel."

"The idea is good, but what about the specific experiment situation?" After listening to the researcher in front of him who had been arguing with the discussion group before, Kong Huan nodded slightly, but did not make any further explanations.


I understand the identity of the existence in front of me very well. Most of the researchers and demonstrators present know that as long as they pass the technical test and get the approval of the existence in front of us, even if the funds cannot be resolved temporarily, the phased start method can also be proposed by the other party, and that At the same time, no one in the government will be dissatisfied.

Therefore, I also know some researchers who seem to work very hard: "In order to simulate the earthquake effect, we use logs of different sizes to erect the overall plate, and then place test objects on the plate, and the strongest students will pull the plate in an earthquake-like way. , to create simulated earthquakes."

"The test results show that this independent hut can resist any kind of vibration that our family has ever recorded, and its basic defense can also resist dozens of blows from ordinary primitive people."

"Oh?" Kong Huan was a little surprised, and the expression that was originally intended to keep calm began to loosen a little.

(There is drama!)

People from both the argumentation team and the research team were all brightened, and turned to stare at the researcher who was talking.

But this guy didn't realize it, and just continued on his own: "However, that's just the effect of a single cabin. A single cabin module is the standard size of 7:7:5, which is the size of a winged bedroom. standard, and the architectural model we are used to, generally two floors, five bedrooms, two living rooms, two bathrooms and one kitchen, and the structure of upper and lower corridors (standard private houses in provincial cities)."

"So, how did you solve it?"

Although he knew that the effect after mixing was definitely not as good as a separate hut, Kong Huan had a good impression of the researcher's honesty, so he encouraged him to continue talking.

"For the expansion of the cabin, we further designed the building skeleton. In fact, it is a frame to fix the cabin. The standard cabins are divided into bedrooms, halls, kitchens and bathrooms, etc., and then these standard cabins are embedded in the frame."

"As for the corridors, the gaps between these standard cabins can be filled with various original parts and modules."

"In this way, during an earthquake, unless the intensity of the concrete hut is completely torn apart, everyone can hide in the overall hut, and only need to guard against accidental damage caused by the falling of fragmentary items in the house. "

"Of course, places like corridors are not so safe. When an earthquake erupts, people need to hide directly in the huts."

After thinking for a while, the researcher continued: "In order to measure the seismic performance of this frame structure, we cooperated with the Meteorological Bureau and the Geological Bureau of the Ministry of Industry to carry out a preliminary classification of the earthquake."

"At this time, we set the largest earthquake that Pengzu has ever encountered as a magnitude 8, while the earthquake some time ago was rated as a magnitude 5."

"And this kind of hybrid frame structure, in the case of level 5, is completely worry-free because there is a buffer structure made of clay, paper and grain straw at the joint. Although people inside will feel shaking , but not hard-contact shaking, but slow and gentle shaking, so there is no danger."

"At level 6, if only one floor is built, there is still no worry; if there are two floors, there may be collisions at the joints of the structures. At that time, although the vibration will be greater, there will not be much The danger is that the service life of the frame will be reduced; but if it is three floors, the frame fixing the module of the hut may be in danger of breaking, even if it is not broken, the frame needs to be replaced after the earthquake to avoid danger.”

"In the case of level 7, there will be problems with the frame of the two-story building, but the cabin module is still without trouble. Of course, the first floor is just as safe."

"So, the test result of this design is that if the standard two-story structure is still built, under normal circumstances, the personnel will not have any problems?" Kong Fan asked after thinking about it, interrupting the conversation.

If it is really feasible, he thinks it is a good consideration to use it as an alternative architectural model for the next generation, but in terms of promotion, there may still be some problems.

After all, Pengzu's concrete buildings are already very effective in terms of earthquake resistance, and the cement renovation has been completed to the town level, and it has to be revised just after completion. This is obviously a waste of resources. A well-educated one The embarrassing situation is that the populace is getting smarter and thinking more, and it is necessary to keep the government happy if the government is to be kept in place.

(Looking at it now, the policy of obscuring the people in many countries is probably to make the rule easier, but this kills the country before the future, huh.) Shaking his head, Void brought his thoughts back to reality, and looked at the person in charge Report to the researcher.

"This... Strictly speaking, we still recommend using bungalows." At this time, the researchers obviously did not see the cannibalistic eyes of most of the demonstration team and a small part of the research team.

In terms of facts, I have to say that these researchers are still very simple.

"It's not bad, but you also know that the ethnic group has just completed the cement reconstruction at the town level in various places, and the effect on earthquake resistance is also good. Obviously, if you want to carry out your research results suddenly, you will encounter great opposition. This, You think about yourself and others, you should know it when you think about it.”


"Don't worry," waved his hand to stop the researcher who was about to say something, Kong Huan smiled and continued: "After all, your research results have just come out, whether they are mature or usable, you have to wait for me to go back and report to you." The Technical Bureau requires personnel to come over to verify it, and according to the regulations, it needs to go through a two-month trial period."

"Yes," the researcher was also aware of the safety regulations, so he could only nod in agreement.

"Of course, if I am qualified, I can propose to the government to adopt it in the Northeast Underlight City, which was a bit severely hit by the disaster before."


A group of researchers was clearly confident in their work, and after hearing the hollow promises, it became clear that their results would be uncompromisingly generalizable.

The initial promotion of the scale of a provincial city is already considered very good.

As long as Youguang City can succeed, will there be fewer other provincial cities?

"No, Lord Void!"

When he returned to the Elder's House at night and raised this point with Mu Wen, Kong Huan unexpectedly met with opposition.

"But if this technology is feasible, it can indeed better protect our personnel, can't it?" Kong Huan was stunned for a moment, and shook his head with a wry smile, because he found that he was actually very similar to the person who recommended the results to the demonstration team researcher.

Hearing Kong Huan's words, Mu Wen also froze for a moment, then smiled and waved his hand: "I'm not against this technology."

"Huh?" Kong Huan was taken aback.

Inertial thinking, coupled with the quarrel between the research group and the demonstration group that I heard at school in the afternoon, made Kong Huan subconsciously think that the objection of wood grain was also due to his opinions on the waste of resources caused by technology promotion. But unexpectedly, it was denied.

"My lord, do you think that the small taxation of the friends can support more and more infrastructure, technology research and development, etc.? I agree with this matter, what about the next one? What about the next one? ?”

"What? Is there a problem with the funds?" Facing the aggressive wood grain, Kong Huan asked cautiously.

"Yes, the houses of our family were built by the government before, and then distributed to ordinary people for free as their urban residences." Mu Wen rubbed his forehead, tapped the table subconsciously, and waited for his mood to recover slowly. calm.

In recent years, when budgeting, the wood grain always has a feeling of powerlessness, which makes her feel very bored.

Many large-scale infrastructure projects in the ethnic group are projects of 'government expenditure without any income'.Although it also implicitly promotes the development of industry and commerce, compared with the tax revenue brought by the low tax rate, the slow increase in the government's available funds obviously makes specific managers complain.

"Some guys below even said disgusting things like 'the patriarch opened his mouth and the officials shed tears'. I have nothing to say about it. After all, I also support these things. But we can't just let it be done and not give it away." , let everyone feel dissatisfied."

Looking at the resentful wood grains, Kong Huan took a step back subconsciously, then twitched the corners of his mouth in embarrassment, and asked doubtfully, "Could it be that taxes are going to be raised?"

But Mu Wen thought about it, and shook his head: "It is necessary to increase the tax, but it must not be now. The new tax rate has only been implemented for a few years. It is best to increase the tax after everyone has stabilized."

"Then what should I say?" Seeing the seriousness of the wood grain, Kong Huan also collected himself.

"We have been distributing houses for free to urban factory workers and other permanent population before, but I think this is not good."

Pointing his finger to the outside of the elder's house, Mu Wen said with resentment: "Among the population of these cities, we have calculated the tax paid by one person. In 30 years, it is less than half of the cost of the house they got. , which is very unreasonable to our government. Even if we have factory support."

"Master Unreal, we all know your desire to make everyone's lives better, and we are all very grateful, but you also need to consider realistic factors, and don't be too idealistic."

What he said made Kong Huan speechless, but it was good that this aspect was not brought up, but when it was brought up, Kong Huan had to face the reality and admit these issues that he was slightly evading.

After all, after living for so many years, he didn't know that this was too idealistic.

"But what to do? Repossess the house? People are used to getting a house for free, suddenly change, will they agree to this policy?"

"Of course not." Mu Wen answered decisively, completely without the consciousness that she herself was the one who made this suggestion before, as if she had become a victim.

"Uh," wiped off his cold sweat, Kong Huan nodded in satisfaction with the role of wood grain. This is also a way for managers to better understand the public's response to policies.

After a pause, Kong Huan raised his head and asked, "Then what are you going to do?"

"It's not what I want to do? It's about you, Mr. Unreal, do you think this kind of free welfare should be corrected?"

"If you think 'yes', I will immediately go back to discuss the improvement plan with everyone in the Executive Yuan; if you think 'no', then I have reservations, and I will come to you when this kind of welfare makes the government have no copper coins."


(How else can I answer?) Shaking his head with a wry smile, Kong Huan reached out and rubbed Mu Wen's head in retaliation, ignoring the dissatisfied movement of the other party and said, "Yes, go and change it."

"But! One thing we must pay attention to, that is everyone's feelings. After all, we are all friends, so why should we care too much about each other? Right, what we manage is not a quarry, but a family."

"Even if you don't mention this, Master Konghuan, I know it. Then, I'll go first."

Quickly jumping away from the empty body range, until now it is only the wood grain of the advanced soul level, turned and left the elders' house.

Although he wholeheartedly wants to make his friend clan the most beautiful and happiest group, but with the step-by-step development of the group, Kong Huan realizes that things are far from as good as he thought.

"Many things, in fact, cannot be determined by personal will!"

"Maybe, my ability is too weak."

With a sigh, Kong Huan raised the teacup in his hand, swung it far to the northeast, and then sat back on the rattan chair woven by tough vines.

A faint singing sound came from outside the door, it was the entertainment of friends whose lives were gradually stable in their leisure time, and for Kong Huan, it had a far more beautiful meaning than singing.

Because that means that illusory efforts are still rewarding.

Only in this way can he have the motivation to continue to persevere.

after all
The hard time was still too long for Kong Huan, so long that he already felt that his whole body was supported by his will.

In July 16 AD, after the review by the Council of Elders, the "Personal Land Act" proposed by the Executive Yuan was officially promulgated.

The decree stipulates that the land in various places of the existing Pengzu is divided into five categories: [housing land], [industrial land], [agricultural land], [commercial land], and [public land].

Among them, [housing land], of course, refers to the land used for housing construction.Each person will have a land of no less than 50X50, and the area will be divided according to the residence of the existing personnel, combined with personal opinions and opinions of the local government. Specific measures [beep——];
[Industrial land], generally in urban industrial areas, or non-urban industrial areas such as mining areas outside the city, requires the government or the organization of the chamber of commerce to apply for specific measures [beep——];
[Agricultural land] refers to the land used for agricultural planting, which is divided according to the amount of individual planting.If you want to reclaim land, you need to follow the principle of protecting the environment, and analyze it based on the previous farmland conditions of the person, or you need to report before you can reclaim it. Specific measures [beep——];
[Commercial land], of course, is the land occupied by commercial buildings such as hotels, which is similar to industrial land, so the specific measures are still [beep——];
[Public land] refers to all land other than the above four types of land, which are all public land and belong to the government. Specific measures [beep-ga].

After dividing the land, the government then issued the "Land Private Act", which assigned all housing land to each individual.

Agricultural and industrial land is publicly owned by the government and individuals, and taxes will be levied.Among them, the tax on agricultural land is actually the tax on farmland, that is, the tax on farmland, the tax on industrial land, which is actually the tax on factories; the tax on commercial land is also classified as commercial tax; name only.

But this kind of name paved the way for future tax changes.

As for public land, the ownership and distribution rights are in the hands of the government.

After the decree was promulgated, it was clarified that the existing land and houses on the land would be privately owned by the existing residents such as the city, and those who entered the city in the future would get a piece of standard land distributed by the government free of charge. As for the houses on the land, they need to build them by themselves.

For the image of the city and the safety of the residents, the houses they build must comply with the specifications issued by the government.

"In this way, isn't it just changing the name and letting the people build houses with their own money? There is so much land and so on. The government has nothing to spend, but the people who sell the building materials make money. Obviously Simple things, why so complicated?"

Lingxue, the first-generation leader who originally lived in a public ownership society, complained directly after seeing the report made by Kong Huan and Mu Wen.

"There is no other way, Master Lingxue."

I don't know if it was an illusion of Kong Huan, but he found that Mu Wen's attitude in front of Lingxue was obviously more respectful than that in front of Kong Huan. OTZ
"If you directly turn free into self-pay, everyone will definitely be unhappy."

"But now turn around, keep what you have before; the newcomers get a piece of land for 'free', and can build houses according to their own 'ideas', and everyone's resistance will be much less. This is what Master Unreal said The art of words, well done, ga.”

"As for the restrictions on housing specifications, as long as the publicity is done and everyone realizes that this is necessary for everyone's safety, they will understand it after all."

"Ah, that's fine."

In this way, the Peng clan suddenly changed from no system of land to private ownership of land.

(End of this chapter)

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