Spore Story

Chapter 376 Shadow Clan Transformation, 9 Gods

Chapter 376 Shadow Clan Transformation, Nine Gods
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Just when the Pengzu internally began to discuss dozens of land-related laws and regulations that had just been issued; students, businessmen, and managers from all over the country who became interested in current affairs were talking about the fact that the land of the Pengzu began to become restricted. When households started to argue about their own lands, the Friends of the Shadow Clan were also in full swing to establish churches and spread their beliefs.

In September of 16 AD, nine high-level soul-level high priests sent by the Peng Clan to the Shadow Clan's Split Shadow Plain followed Chu Xia, the leader of the team, to the Shadow Clan settlement.

Along the way, there are more and more soul-level independent consciousness bodies (dead souls) roaming and patrolling recently. Their function is to drive away any civilized individuals who have not been allowed, so as to drive the Friends and the Southern Shadow Clans from the Black Clan. The bone race is separated.

As for the Shadow Clan, headed by the great chief, representatives of six upper-level tribes, 27 middle-level tribes, and 130 two small tribes have been notified early and gathered in the center of the Split Shadow Plain.

Although there are many people who are suspicious of Thor, and even occupy the majority of them, but because the high-level officials, including the speaker, have announced that they have joined the belief of Thor Chu Xia and the others arrived.

However, based on the strong performance of "Thunder God" Chu Xia in the council hall last time, no one dared to cause trouble here at this time. Even the fanatical believers of the God of Darkness just kept praying and begging for instructions from the gods.

It has to be said that in this regard, seeing that these chiefs were invincible, they asked the God of the Night for help with a probability of more than 99% that they would not respond.

After all, when the God of Thunder (Chu Xia) with the light of thunder descends, accompanied by nine soul-level high-level wingmen in Thunderscale Type 1 armor, all of whom can easily perform lightning strikes, no one here is in the mood If you ignore these things, you will probably disappear into the long river of history like the chief of Thunder God many years ago.

As for whether there will be a "Return of the Night Lord" like the "Return of Thor" in many years, this is not something that the current Shadow Clan people whose longest record is only 71 years will pay attention to.

And these Shadow Clan people obviously don't know that these powerful Thor gods in front of them (those high priests at the soul level) will actually die of dehydration if they are hit by their strong poisonous needles, but their dead souls Still will continue to 'live'.

"It is said to be a combination of kindness and power. Now that the 'power' is given, it should be 'grace'." When seeing these Shadow Clan people and finding that even those stubborn chiefs of the night god lowered their heads obediently, Chu Xia She nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at one of the high priests beside her. What she was holding in her hand was a kind of food with a low promotion rate from the friends.

"It's already September, and the planting period for bean vines and rice is over, so I can only use it." This is what the Minister of Agriculture said when he handed it over to Chu Xia who came to look for plants.

What was placed in front of a group of Shadow Clan rulers was an unremarkable, even flat, fist-sized plant... a tuber.

"This is?"

"This is the living food that our clan bestows on you," said the soul-level high priest beside him, well upholding Chu Xia's exhortation to "maintain majesty, and bring the strength and kindness of God" before leaving, and spread it all the time. It has a strong deterrent effect, but unfortunately, these Shadow Clan people have not been able to receive the spiritual power of their friends for the time being.

"This, just a few?" The old man of the Shadow Clan in front of him felt profusely sweating, although the khaki-yellow things in front of him, suspected to be plant tubers, should, probably, maybe, maybe be edible, but there were only a few of them. , There are more than 3 people in the whole family, and the teeth are not enough.

"Are you questioning God?" The thunder light from the high priest frightened these Shadow Clan people who unexpectedly had extremely low resistance to electricity. The high priest felt a little complacent in his heart, and then continued Said with a straight face.

"It's September now, and they can be planted in mid-October. At that time, more gods will send enough for you to plant. Before that, I will be responsible for teaching you how to plant and eat this kind of food. food."

At the end, the high priest added: "The name of this thing is Mingguo (actually it is something similar to potatoes, it is called Niguo in Pengzu, ga=.=), it is because our people take pity on your hard life, One of the rewards given in recognition of your loyalty to the faith."

"One of them?" The eyes of the surrounding Shadow Clan people suddenly lit up, and their greedy expressions were revealed without any concealment.

"Hmph! Is this the courtesy of believers?"

After being given a cold look by the high priest, the big brothers of the Shadow Clan who were numb all over their bodies suddenly became nervous. Among them, the chief who had been to the Xiaoshu military camp reacted faster, and he said in a grateful voice: "Thank you!" The gift of the God of Thunder! Thank you for the gift of the Protoss!"

As a result, most of them were old foxes, which led to a group effect, and the more than 1000 Shadow Clan people who came to greet them on the entire plain began to learn howling from the people in front of them.

Of course, the same is true for Zhong Wei who are staying outside at this time. Although they are the Chosen Ones, the Shadow Clan doesn't have much faith in Thor at this time, so they just stay behind the chief.

However, because of the problem of language education, these Shadow Clan people still use the Shadow Clan language. In this regard, the Friends Clan are not in a hurry.

"This guy is still such a spoof." Standing in the distance, Chu Xia and the others, who were struggling to support the gods with serious, majestic, and friendly expressions, struggled to hold back their smiles, and saw the high priest of "Fate Fruit" reply proudly After reaching the queue, Chu Xia nodded to the other high priest, and the other high priest walked forward with satisfaction.

Then, just like the previous 'Fate Fruit' High Priest, when the High Priest stopped, a stone platform that just reached the High Priest's waist suddenly rose slowly in front of her.

Thus, a half-meter-sized wooden house was placed on the stone platform by the high priest.

And with the example of the previous high priest as a god, the chief of the Shadow Clan asked respectfully and familiarly: "This is it?"

"This is a wooden house, made of trees, which is better than your huts. It will be a place for you to live in the future, shelter from wind and rain, keep warm from the cold, sleep and sleep peacefully." It hurts, the assistant who has studied this method sorted it out, the high priest of the 'wooden house' looked at everyone with a stiff face.

Although I really want to complain about "such a small house, how can I live in it", but the chief and the old foxes around him have already learned how to behave, and just stared at this petite, seemingly young genus with expectant eyes. God, he had no intention of 'disturbing' the other party.

But they didn't know that the poor High Priest of the 'Wooden House' was completely mechanically waiting for the Shadow Clan's questions because of nervousness at this time, so as to proceed to the next question according to the procedure, but the answer to the next step turned around a lot in her mind This time, these people just didn't speak, and the situation became so stiff.

"..." Shadow Clan people
"..." the high priest
"My God," Thunder God Chu Xia said.

Depressed, Chu Xia didn't know why the other party, who had performed well during rehearsals before coming here, would have stage fright at this time, but she knew that this stalemate could not continue, because some instability had already begun to appear among the Shadow Clan people Emotions.

Connect the mental power to the other party, and first comfort him, so as not to cause the high priest to make any excessive actions during such a tense time, which would arouse the suspicion of the Shadow Clan people.

Then began to guide the high priest, what she should do next.

Fortunately, she was only a little nervous, which caused her to temporarily fall into an endless loop of thinking, and she only needed to get out of this endless loop.

Finally, the high priest regained his composure, then glanced at everyone and said, "I, in the following days, will be in charge of guiding you into the world of 'manufacturing', using trees to make all kinds of things that you have never seen before, but can make you Get something for a better life, and this log cabin is one of them.”

(Finally speaks.)
There was a sound of relief from around, and the great chief carefully wiped his cold sweat. Under such pressure from the other party, he found that he was slightly fainted.
And he obviously ignored the scorching sun in the sky and the slightly tense face of this godly man...

Next, there are nine teachings on 'pottery', 'weaving', 'leather', 'language', 'calendar', 'history of the gods' and 'sacrifice'.

These are the first steps in the transformation of Shadow Clan.

The first few are all based on real interests and are used to show the power and friendliness of the Protoss;

And the subsequent "language" is to understand the different cultures that the Yingzu may have, and to establish a stable exchange between the two sides; "Calendar" is of course to link the Shadowclan to the Pengzu and let them recognize the dominant position of the Pengzu. Of course, in terms of Shadow Clan, it is necessary to join the 'clan' inter-customary practice, ga;

As for the 'sacrifice', it is to expand the Shadow Clan's stable belief in the Protoss with the mysterious form of sacrificial gathering, and to leave the shadow of God in people's psychology through mysterious rituals.

Among the nine items, the "history of gods" is the most fun, but the most sinister place. Because of its fun and storytelling, the history of gods is deeply loved by the film clan, men, women and children who lack entertainment. The greatness of the Friends Clan was planted in these people's hearts, because at this time, the Shadow Clan people could not tell the truth of the story.

Think about the riots caused by the friends who couldn't tell the truth of the story when they met a guy who made the moon of evil into a story. At this time, the friends are going to use this method.

This is a mythological novel rewritten by several scholars from the Ministry of Education, based on the history provided by Kong Huan, and after adding artistic rendering and exaggerated propaganda, seven points are true, two points are exaggerated, and one point is false, which is obviously very convincing.

As for the history provided by emptiness, of course it carries the story of the planet from evolution to soft-bodied organisms and perception of the world.

However, because these scholars do not have the same level of secrecy or relationship as the people in the elders' house, what Kong Huan told them is actually something with the artistic decoration of Kong Huan's self.

For example, the history of fleeing from deep-sea volcanoes during the period of molluscs was changed by Void to that Void witnessed the eruption of a large submarine volcano and the subsequent formation of land. (Land formation is actually known from 8051.)
And these scholars further changed it to, the ancestor gods at that time faced the boredom of the ocean, in order to create a land suitable for the survival of more powerful creatures, and released the earth energy stagnant in the deep sea, and then these air Propelling the trembling of the world, causing the soil to rise continuously, and finally forming the most primitive land...

And so on, after the illusory and unscrupulous detailed rhetoric, coupled with the exaggerated tampering of scholars with good strength, and further adding illusory and some cosmic conjectures of 8051, a book from the beginning of creation to the present The "History of the Double Moon Gods" was just released. 【sprinkling flowers】

Of course, this "History of the Double Moon Gods", after continuous revision and improvement, finally added the understanding of 8051, the records of the double moon star race, and the rumors about the evil moon in the sky and other details, it became a double moon. Yuexing's far-reaching masterpiece.

Although the whole book is full of YY and Xiaobai, full of beauty and evil, full of vulgarity and contradictions... etc., but it can never eliminate its long-term significance in the double-moon star race, and readers who admire it are constantly Under the imagination, any contradiction becomes a hidden reminder; any unreasonableness becomes a lack of understanding... and so on. (=.=)

Because it is the first step in the systematic and complete myth history of Double Moon Star, and it becomes the source of creation for future generations like a seed.

And with the advancement of science and technology, some of the cosmic phenomena that are illusory and known in 8051 and have been changed into mythological versions, after being discovered and confirmed by people, have increased the influence of this "History of Gods", Even after a long time, it was promoted as superstition by a bunch of people with half a bucket of water, criticizing a lot of unreasonable things in this book, but it still caused the slightest decline of this book.

But at this moment, in September of AD 16, this "History of the Gods" only records a part, a collection of short stories about the history of the friends after the mythification.

"I think these guys are just listening to stories." Seeing that there was no one around, the High Priest of 'Shenshi' complained to Chu Xia depressedly.

Smiling, Chu Xia stretched out her hand and patted the high priest, and said gently: "It's only the initial stage, everyone uses realistic methods to teach the Shadow Clan people without distinction, but it's only for a short period of time."

"Gods are mysterious, and it is impossible for us to be in contact with them for a long time. Therefore, it is our goal to select those who are devout to us from the teaching personnel. These people are what we really need to teach."

"They will be the key to spread the beliefs of the Protoss and facilitate our rule. They will also be responsible for spreading the knowledge we teach them to the members of the Shadow Clan. We can't let us teach them one by one. Bar."

"I know this too, I just feel that those guys don't have much respect for us at all. When listening to the story, they swarmed up, everywhere on and under the tree. After listening to it, they urged to continue listening. If I hadn't fired , one or two are still hanging on."

"Haha, isn't it very good, it means that our god history is very popular," teasingly patted the guy in front of her with her tentacles, Chu Xia smiled and blinked her eyes: "There are very few of these Shadow Clan people who really believe in us now." , they are just holding a wait-and-see attitude.”

"Actually, it's not good for us to stand in the foreground at the beginning, but we don't have the experience and don't have the time to do this kind of secret preaching, so we can only use this method."

"And when it comes to popularity, you are the most popular among the nine high priests. The 'priests' are very deserted."

"Hey, who told him that his memory is not as good as mine." When he said "sacrifice", "Shenshi" raised his eyebrows, showing a charming expression.

"Okay, okay, in a few days, we will open the fantasy world after selecting the right candidate. I will protect the bodies of the nine of you, and you will teach them well in the fantasy world."

Speaking of this, Chu Xia watched the nine high priests of the earthen house "belonging to the gods" that she had erected in the time of a few cups of tea with her thoughts, nodded her head, and then continued .

"Everyone, remember that in the fantasy world, you are omnipotent gods."

Seeing everyone's excited expressions, Chu Xia patted the guy in front of her with a serious expression, and then said: "But you need to remember a few points: First, you must realize that there is an illusion world, not the real world. Otherwise, you You will get lost in it, and those of you who have experience in creating dream worlds before should know the importance of it."

"Yes," there was an example of the unlucky guy who created the dream world privately, but because he got lost in it, he waited until he starved to death before 'waking up' in the state of a dead soul. These high priests all know the importance of it. For the living, The biggest limitation of creating a fantasy world is that it can only last for seventeen days without food.

"It is especially important to note that the Shadow Clan can only last for nine days without food, so it is best for your progress in the fantasy world to end within two months. Of course, everyone has trained, so you can do well if you think about it."

"Second, in the fantasy world, you can say less, do less, and show less, but you absolutely can't say more, do more, and show more. We must keep the Friends Clan secret, and we must not let the Shadow Clan know the specific situation of the Friends Clan. "

"In this regard, there is an empirical method: create a sky city in the fantasy world, which is like a floating island, and in the sky city, you can play as you like; but the Shadow Clan people who enter it must put everything in place In the ground world of realistic design, they can look at the sky from the ground, but they can never touch the sky."

"Yes, I got it." After thinking about it for a while, everyone who went from ordinary members to the position of high priest quickly understood what Chu Xia meant.

"Three, each of you has your own direction of guidance, so you only need to educate within your own scope of guidance, don't teach too much, just follow our original plan."

Seeing everyone nodding to show their understanding, Chu Xia glanced at everyone again, then nodded in satisfaction.

"You are all 'gods' chosen by me, don't disappoint the trust of me, the 'Thunder God'."

"Yes, Lord Thor, hahaha."

Under the silent night sky, the people of the Shadow Clan in the Split Shadow Plain were all sharing their day's harvest with each other.

In a hut, a dozen cautious members of the Shadow Clan, after confirming that no one was around, finally took a deep look at the 'Palace of God' in the distance, then turned and closed the door.

(End of this chapter)

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