Spore Story

Chapter 377 The old forces, kill them

Chapter 377 The old forces, kill them

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In the lightless hut, more than a dozen creatures with slightly red eyes were looking at each other without saying a word.

It wasn't until the small door was gently closed that a voice broke the dull silence.

"I won't talk nonsense anymore, everyone is a loyal believer in the God of the Night, and everyone can understand the crisis at this time."

"Yeah, what happened many years ago, although we haven't personally experienced it, everyone who has inheritance, you probably know about it." The sinister voice came from the hut, which shocked everyone present into a cold sweat.

"However, the new chief of Thunder God may not necessarily do that."

"Hmph, did those Thunder God chiefs who failed at that time think the same way? But we know what happened to them. Do you think there will be no inheritance on the Thunder God side? This time hundreds of Thor believers popped up all at once. It's a fake Is it? So..."

"Do you think they will let us go? Humph."

Speaking of this, the dozen or so pairs of red eyes present shrank at the same time as if they had been rehearsed, the scene was indescribably weird.

"However, the God of Darkness didn't respond at all. How can we fight against Thunder God and her powerful gods? This is killing gods... woo."

"Hiss!" A series of gasps of extreme panic filled the entire hut.

"Shut up! Afterimage, do you want us to die!"

"Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't notice it for a while." The Shadow Clan member named Remnant said carefully, and at the same time shook his head helplessly: "But after all, the other party is a god. Do we have this ability?"

"Huh, Thor seems to want to preach now, but it's not a good god to let those believers ignore them many years ago." With a cold smile, the voice continued: "We just need to let this Thor lose to the Shadow Clan." Interest, it won't be long, don't forget, most of the Shadow Clan people still believe in our great God of the Night."

"But will the God of the Night come back to help? Our strength, even if it is a family, is not guaranteed."

"I don't know about this, but I know that the God of the Night is definitely on our side." The man's tone was firm, which inexplicably gave confidence to many people around him, but at this time, an unspeakable voice came Come.


"So what?" After being frightened twice in a row, the crowd obviously didn't feel good about the chief named After Shadow.

Carefully reaching out to touch the air beside him, the afterimage that found nothing, lowered his head like an ostrich under the eyes of everyone who cannibalize him: "No, I'm sorry, I'm too nervous."


"Damn it, it's okay to get out of the way!"

"Speak the truth!"

"Although the God of the Night did not appear in front of us in the way we thought, I clearly know that the God of the Night is on our side."

"But we have been in touch for a long time, and the God of the Night has not given us any guidance. How do you know that the God of the Night is on our side?" The voice hesitated for a moment, and suddenly seemed to think of something, and said in shock: "Could it be, could it be Fenye, have you contacted the God of the Night?"

But the firm voice before hesitated for a moment, but did not say what everyone expected, but instead asked: "What is the connection with the God of the Night?"

"This, it should, appear like Thor." The voice also seemed a little hesitant, but it was more fearful.

After all, after seeing the power of Thor with his own eyes, and knowing from those who have been to the border of the legendary Protoss that there is more than one person as powerful as Thor, few people can still live here.

"No, you don't know. It seems that your belief in the God of the Night is not firm enough! Let me ask you, Fengsheng."


The sound of the wind was a little stiff, and the scene became silent, which further set off the weirdness of the voices from the two parties.

After all, all those present here who were able to come here were all firm believers in the God of the Dark Night. At this time, the other party said that they were not firm.

If it wasn't for the fact that the other party was the leader that everyone had acknowledged before, I'm afraid this time it would not be quietly waiting for an explanation, but a scuffle.

"I ask everyone, where are we now? What time is it?"

"In the house, of course, at night..."




The atmosphere froze again, and none of the people present were idiots, so they obviously thought of something from it.

And the person named Fenye smiled slightly, nodded with satisfaction and said: "Very well, it seems that everyone is a firm believer in the God of Darkness. I apologize for my doubts before."

"No need to do that, Fenye."

"Yeah, we are in the dark night, isn't the God of the Dark Night the appearance of the dark night?"

"Indeed, the God of Dark Night is actually watching us every day, why should we doubt the existence of God?"

"What doubts do we have! Tell me, Fenye, what to do!"

"Thank you for your trust. All of us are for the God of Dark Night and to destroy the revival of the God of Thunder and Lightning!"

"For the God of the Night! For the God of the Night!"


Under the shroud of darkness, these fanatics seemed to be falling into some kind of fanaticism, but in fact, from their still slight voices, one could clearly feel the truth of the facts.

They are just a group of poor people who are bound by the past, trapped in delusions of persecution, and afraid of becoming examples of what they used to be.

In the dark night, more than a dozen people left one after another and went to various places.

By midnight, hundreds of black shadows had surrounded the 'Palace of God' built by Chu Xia.

"Hey, comrade-in-arms, what are we doing, why are we surrounding Thor's residence?" On the encirclement, a Shadow Clan member seemed to sense something was wrong, and carefully asked his teammates not far away.

"I don't know, be careful not to talk, you have forgotten the hidden rules?" He replied angrily. In fact, this Shadow Clan member himself has no idea. I called over and said that there was an important task.

Task?Alright, the Shadow Clan people are doing tasks all the time, since they are here, just go.

But when he arrived here, he found that the task was to surround Thor's residence, (God, do you want me to die?)
He must go there every time, and listened to the "History of the Gods" told by the Lord of Thunder God, the powerful gods in it:
Eliminate Thunder God Chu Xia, General of the Evil Moon, with a Thunder Blow;
Chu Jie, the God of Fate who destroys the flying wings in the sky with shining light;
Destroy the Butterfly God Chu Ling, the evil god of Fukong Mountain, with incomparably powerful pressure;

Commanding the entire Protoss...

The one who controls the world of the dead...


All of this made him feel a deep shudder.

And the more powerful and terrifying one is Kong Ling, the god of the earth who knows everything in the world and controls the cycle of life...

(God, patriarch, don't make any wrong decisions.) At this moment, he has already analyzed what the crowd's actions are, and he no longer knows what to do. The task is important, but it comes from biological Survival made him hesitate.

This Shadow Clan man only felt that the air around him was getting colder, his body's sensations were becoming dull, and his movements were becoming stiff...

(What should I do? Run? No, as a Shadow Clan, if you run away, you will be expelled from the Clan forever, no matter the reason, so no.)
(Stay here? How can this work? Looking at the posture, the patriarch is determined to launch an attack on Lord Thunder God. God, you...uh,) He was suddenly taken aback, and his expression became annoyed, because he just remembered at this time, His patriarch is a fanatic of the God of the Night.

Judging from the current situation, it might be that the God of Night and the God of Thunder are going to strangle them, they are just pawns.

(However, even if the God of Dark Night comes out, he should only have the same strength as the God of Thunder and Lightning, but as for the God of Thunder and Lightning, besides herself, there are nine other gods, and this is only part of the God of Thunder and Lightning's clan .)
Thinking back to the past few days, although those nine were stern, they couldn't hide the kindness of the gods among them. The kind of intimacy that made him feel good, made him feel that he was completely unable to deal with these gods, (actually It should be that I was solved by the adults of God.)
Shaking his head with a wry smile, he was a little disheartened at this moment, and suddenly found that his companions around him started to move.

"Is it about to start?" The patriarch's instructions seemed to come from a distance, and the Shadow Clan people couldn't stop thinking, but they had to follow the habit, slowly and standardly sneak towards the residence of Thunder God. (Maybe, seeing what Thor's residence looks like before he dies is also a good benefit, hehe.)
"God of Thunder and Lightning, please forgive me, I was also forced."

"is it?"

"Then, stand still and wait for the end of the matter." A voice suddenly sounded around him, and he stood there in horror. The red eyes of the Shadow Clan people looked around, but found nothing.

"This, no, it is indeed a god." The Shadow Clan man who roughly thought about the reason stopped with a sigh. He didn't want to die. Still chose to live.

What's more, this is God's order, and in this way, it is not considered a cold run.

At this time, a teammate not far from him who also stood up in a daze looked up at the sky with less and less light, and opened his mouth to say a word.

"got windy."



On the night of September 16, 9 A.D., the fanatics of the Dark Night God within the Shadow Clan intended to rebel against the God of Killing, and it ended extremely quickly under the powerful offensive of the nine gods of Thunder God.

Under the powerful strength of the gods, the whole rebellion ended hastily like a farce.

This battle lasted less than a cup of tea. After passing through this station, people marveled at the omniscience of the thunder and feared the power of God.

Because of this rebellion, Thor declared the God of the Night to be an evil god. Although the belief in the God of the Night did not stop, everyone knew how to choose. Soon after, the belief in the God of the Night was forced to go into the dark. Will wake up, or just disappear slowly.

"Why don't you just stop the belief in the God of Darkness?" A high priest asked Chu Xia, and Chu Xia replied with a smile: "Everyone has a rebellious psychology. This is the result of the psychological research team."

"If we directly forbid it, the belief that has been widely spread among the Shadow Clan will make many rebellious Shadow Clan people, mostly young people choose the God of the Night, but now, we don't let the Shadow Clan people choose by themselves without any superficial oppression, They will make correct and rational decisions.”

In fact, after arriving at the Shadow Clan, Chu Xia's quasi-Yin God-level spiritual power covered the entire Split Shadow Plain.

Because the Shadow Clan can't fly and dig, and because the plain is basically a horizontal plane, relying on the method of projecting spiritual force on the plane, Chu Xia can monitor every corner of the entire Split Shadow Plain in real time.

As for the previously mentioned difference in the mental power of the friends and shadows, which resulted in the problem that the friends of the friends could not find the spiritual powers of the Ying clan, this really couldn't be solved.

But 'couldn't find', that's only when ShadowClan enters a state of lurking and not moving.Under normal conditions, any creature that speaks or moves will have an impact on the surrounding environment.

After all her spiritual power covered the Split Shadow Plain, Chu Xia, who was already careful in observation, soon sensed the abnormal gathering of the Shadow Clan people in that hut.

And through the auditory simulation method of the independent consciousness, after setting up a mental film in the cabin, Chu Xia could hear what they said clearly.

Although she was accidentally sensed once during the period, Chu Xia moved the location afterwards, and those Shadow Clan people lacked this kind of common sense, so they couldn't find it even if they were more vigilant, so they didn't attract the attention of those guys.

In other words, from the very beginning, these poor fellows were doomed to fail, because their behaviors that they thought were hidden were completely under Chu Xia's surveillance.

"However, that sub-leaf has a bit of ability to confuse people's hearts. It's a pity that we can only say that they are unlucky when they encounter existences like ours that are beyond their common sense."

As for the high priests who show their power at night, they are all in Chu Xia's spiritual power, so Chu Xia can protect them with mental power at any time.

And when wearing the Thunderscale 1 armor, when the circuit above the armor is constantly activated at night, revealing various mysterious circuits that the Shadow Clan people see, the power and magnificence of the gods are deeply reflected in that night. In the hearts of the surviving Shadow Clan people.

It has to be said that this is completely crushed by civilization, there is no suspense.

"In this way, the future promotion will be smoother."

After Chu Xia used thunderbolts to turn the dozen or so conspiring fanatics into ashes by means of "God's Punishment"; after handing over some stubborn soldiers to the chief, and then announcing the release of those that night, Because of being deceived, after the soldiers who finally woke up in time and did not participate in the attack, Thor's justice and strength have further penetrated into the hearts of the people.

And by this, Chu Xia announced that the nine gods have selected a list of candidates to enter the kingdom of gods and learn the knowledge of gods.

Faced with the joy and anxiety of being selected, and the annoyance and envy of not being selected, the panic of the previous rebellion was quickly diluted, and the tension and fear brought about by the "God's Punishment" of several patriarch-level existences disappeared without a trace. without a trace.

Before the whole venue waited for the dozens of poor piles of ashes to disperse, they entered the next topic.

Each high priest is a god, and they have selected ten to twenty Shadow Clan people, involved their consciousness into the 'Kingdom of God', and brought their bodies back to the Hall of God.

And the great chief who thought that only a powerful god like Thor possessed the "Kingdom of God" had to respectfully encourage those of the same kind who fell into ecstasy and anxiety because of being selected, and at the same time reasserted the strength of the God Race in his heart. raised once.

"Unfortunately, we have already been to Lord Thunder God's kingdom of God, and this time we will not have the opportunity to join the kingdom of gods belonging to the gods. I really want to see Lord 'Shenshi''s kingdom of God."

The familiar female voice at the side caught the great chief's attention, and when he looked back, he happened to see the red shadow walking with Zhong Wei, his eyes rolled, and an idea came to his mind.

"Great God of Thunder and Lightning, can you listen to a small request from your followers?"

"Say?" No more emotions could be seen in the gentle smile, Chu Xia just stared at the big chief who was prostrate on the ground in front of her.

Although there is still a little doubt about the former speaker and the current great chief, the work of the other party is indeed good. At least most people in the entire Shadow Clan have begun to believe in the God of Thunder, and after what happened last night, the rest People will not hesitate to come.

Chu Xia, who was in a good mood, had a much gentler tone.

Of course, not many capable people can understand the tone of a single word...

But the great chief still showed a grateful expression, pointed to a female shadow clansman not far away and said: "Great god of thunder and lightning, that is your loyal believer Chief Red Shadow, she is very grateful." I wish to go to the world of Lord 'Shenshi' and learn about the glorious past of my god, and as her elder, I ask for your permission."

"Oh," narrowing her eyes slightly, Chu Xia raised her head and looked at the red figure in the distance who became a little nervous because she also noticed this place, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

"It's Red Shadow."

"Who?" Chi Ying, who was looking nervously at the chief, not knowing what the chief was doing, was startled when he heard a voice beside him.

"Do you want to go to the world of 'Shenshi'?"

The voice sounded again, and she had already learned the believer's exclusive skill of 'If you don't understand, just push it to God or the enemy of God', she finally looked at the God of Thunder and Lightning in the distance, and then instantly understood the words, her expression Overjoyed, he nodded fiercely.

"Yes, of course."

"Then go, remember to study hard."


And at the same time as saying this word, Chi Ying felt his body suddenly froze, and the God of Thunder and Lightning in the distance seemed to nod to the god of "Shenshi" beside him, and then, Chi Ying's eyes flickered, and everything around him suddenly disappeared without a trace.

In the eyes of everyone present, those who were selected suddenly loosened their bodies, and then began to float away from the ground. Together with the nine gods, they entered the nine gods that had just been formed by the God of Thunder and wrapped around the palace of gods. In the palace.

Afterwards, the God of Thunder and Lightning turned his head to look at everyone. Everyone felt a burst of pressure, but after a while, they became relaxed again.

At this time, the god of thunder and lightning in front of everyone had disappeared, and the enlarged temple of god was blocked by the rising walls.

"Great Chief, is Chi Ying okay?" Zhong Wei looked worriedly at the surrounded God's Hall, then at the old man beside him.

"Don't worry, have you forgotten our last time, didn't you come here as well, this is Chi Ying's luck."

"Thank you, Chief."

"It's nothing, haha, I still have to thank the great God of Thunder and Lightning."

"Of course."

(End of this chapter)

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