Spore Story

Chapter 378 Dreamland of Infinite Possibilities, History of Gods

Chapter 378 Dreamland of Infinite Possibilities, History of Gods
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[At the beginning of the world, there was no heaven and earth, everything was in chaos, there was nothing, nothing could be seen, and no sound could be heard...]

"Uh, what's the sound?"

Chi Ying, who opened his eyes again, suddenly felt such a sentence coming from his mind, and immediately looked around with black lines all over his head.

"This, where is this?"

There is no top, no bottom, a misty world, just like that sentence said, Chi Ying can't see anything at all except himself, and can't hear any sound.

She even realized that her words were all because of her own thinking, so she thought she heard them, but in fact she didn't make any sound at all, so the previous words seemed to appear suddenly in her mind.

This world feels like a world where there is nothing in a dream, she can't feel anything.

In fact, this is just a way of the dream. It feels the world of nothingness in a way that can barely be understood by the entrant.

Gently moving her hands and feet, she found that she could move the red shadow, but she didn't feel much joy, because without a reference object, she didn't know whether she was moving as a whole, although she didn't know the reference object. Salutation, but it does not prevent her from using this experience.

Everything around her felt so illusory, Chi Ying didn't even know what state she was in.

"Is anyone there?" Chi Ying called out loudly, and only then did he realize that he had entered the divine kingdom of the "Shen Shi" who belonged to the gods?Why is there nothing here?

"Sure enough, it's because the gods are only gods, not thunder gods, so the kingdom of gods is this kind of world of nothingness?" Chi Ying, who had heard the "history of the gods" about "The History of the Double Moon Gods", naturally thought The Kingdom of God is linked to the world, and in the story, the world was nothingness at the beginning.

"Damn, this Hun Dan is really rude!" The High Priest of the 'Shenshi', who didn't know where he was hiding, gritted his teeth bitterly, glared at Chi Ying's direction, then retracted his gaze and stabilized his mind.

"Damn guy, I don't bother to talk to you, we belong to God, hum."

The illusion world is a powerful weapon for users and creators, but the more powerful something, the higher the limit.This sharp weapon will hurt the maker himself if he is not careful.

It is not only effective for the users who enter it, it is actually more effective for the creators who create this illusion. Of course, the requirements for the creators are also extremely high.

First of all, it is a 'mind requirement' for the maker.

The xinxing requirements are both internal and external.

'Inside', because the creator has complete control over the fantasy world, as long as the maker is in the fantasy world, any thought will affect the changes in the fantasy world.

Just like the trace of resentment that "Shenshi" had towards Chiying just now, the nothingness beside Chiying shook violently. If Shenshi hadn't controlled himself in time, Chiying might have experienced all kinds of pain, or was kicked directly go out.

Experience this omnipotent feeling in the illusion world, which is much more real than the dream world, and no creature can resist this feeling.

As a matter of course, the maker will have the feeling of 'do not want to leave', and expect to stay here forever, this feeling is called "Dream Confusion" by the [Illusory World Makers] who have obtained the permission issued by the friends. 】.

Even the dream world, which is several times simpler, can make people get lost in it, not to mention the incomparably powerful fantasy world, which is almost comparable to the real world.

Therefore, for any illusion maker, the friends have carried out extremely strict psychological training, and many times let them enter the fantasy world created by other members, by surviving by other people's rules, or obtaining permission, in other people's In the fantasy world, experience the omnipotence of the self-illusion world, so as to hone the mind and test the results.

In this way, most of the people who can really get the permission are above the soul level, those who have satisfied their hearts and strengths.

But even they, in order to avoid being attracted by the dream and get lost, have to be vigilant at all times and keep themselves.

And as a [Fantasy World Maker], a clear understanding of reality and dreams is only the foundation.

This point is 'outside'. Their greater role is to maintain various changes in the illusion world and provide various supports for the users of the illusion world. This is the firmness of the mind of the illusion world maker, and The ability to multitask creates extreme demands.

The key lies in the 'heart', or more commonly, 'self-control' and 'control'.

The above are the requirements of Xinxing.

Secondly, it is the "strength requirement" for the maker of the illusion.

The strength here actually only refers to the strength of consciousness, because nothing is talked about in the fantasy world, only consciousness, but the consciousness of the creator and the user is very different, for example, the creator is above the soul level, and the user is the ghost level In the mid-term, then, the creator can even directly brainwash the user through the fantasy world.

And because Chiying is in the middle stage of the soul level, Shenshi is only in the advanced stage of the soul level. In this fantasy world, Shenshi can only vaguely feel Chiying's emotions, and can't even hear his thoughts.Of course, the other dozen or so people are no more than the early soul level, and most of them are below the high level of the ghost level. This is also the result of the screening.

Therefore, there is a great demand for the strength of the illusion maker. After all, if the strength of the creator is too low, causing chaos in the illusion, the loss outweighs the gain.

Finally, there is the 'reality effect' of the phantom world on the maker.

Except for the soul world of the six ghost gods, the other illusion worlds are temporary, and they will disperse sooner or later.

And when the fantasy world dissipates, no matter how high the creator's xinxing is, every maker who wakes up from the fantasy world will have a sense of loss due to the gap between reality and dreams.

Think about the omnipotence in the fantasy world, everything can be done in one thought; but in reality, everything needs to be done by oneself.In contrast to each other, the loss during the period is hard for ordinary people to imagine, which is thousands of times stronger than the gap when people suddenly wake up from a dream.

But at this time, it is the tempering of the mind that takes effect. It is its existence that allows these manufacturers to wake up quickly. It feels that their cultivation will be harder and closer to success.

Although, there is no one in the entire Peng Clan who can really reach that level, but this is a hope and a goal.

Return to the History of the Illusionary World

When Chiying was taken aback by the sudden fluctuations in the void space, Shenshi also realized that his mood swings were abnormal, and he had to wait until the few people who entered began to be emotionally unstable before starting to tell the story , The "virtual reality movie" "The History of the Double Moon Gods" based on the history of the gods started ahead of schedule.

As a result, Chi Ying, who was in it, felt that the surrounding void space began to gradually fluctuate.

In the distance, a strange thing appeared in the void, shaking the only visible limb - the tail.

[After endless years have passed, the very first existence has emerged between heaven and earth...]

(The first existence between heaven and earth has nothing else, but it already has a tail?) Although I have heard the story before, it is another matter to see it with my own eyes. At this time, the red shadow is unconsciously swaying Tail, continue to listen to the narration of this world.

Fortunately, her thinking cannot be felt by Shenshi...

【...It is the ancestor of all things in the world, we call it the ancestor god. 】

"God Ancestor, what is it?"

Although he felt that sentence in his mind, but because Chi Ying could only see what was in front of him, he wanted to see the other party closer, so he leaned closer to the other party carefully.

But as the distance got closer, the coercion (actually a sense of oppression) she felt became heavier. In the end, she could only obediently watch from afar.

Then, taking advantage of the infinite possibilities of the fantasy world, the high priest of the "Shenshi" began to connect the small stories in the first draft of "Shuangyue Shenshi" into a series according to the rehearsal done at the beginning of the Pengzu, facing into this world. More than a dozen people from the fantasy world showed up.

These dozen or so people are invisible to each other at this time, even if they are in the same position, they can only see the empty space, the ancestor god in front of them, and themselves.

After the appearance of the deified small cells, the fantasy world began with the "new small cell story" that was changed without integrity, and it became the story of the "empty world" at the beginning of the world.

[Because of nothingness, there is no need for perception ability here, so only a moving tool is needed, and the ancestor gods just wander around in this world...]

(A dumpling swims in the water with its tail.) Although he knew that the one in front of him was the ancestor god, and he had paid enough respect to him, he still had this strange thought in his heart, which made Chi Ying very distressed .

[Gradually, the ancestor god became dissatisfied with this boring world of nothingness, so it devoured the nothingness, and then released the spirit of the world. 】

The void world seemed to be completely swallowed into the belly of the 'ancestor god' in front of him. The red shadow couldn't move, even felt unable to breathe, and struggled painfully.

But after a while, a fresh and vital breath emanated from the surface of the 'ancestor god', and Chi Ying took a deep breath.

[With the appearance of the air of the world, water first appeared in the new world, and then it was soil to carry and fix more and more water...]

[After a lot of time, the 'Sea World' appeared after the 'Nothing World', and the nothingness world became an ocean. 】

"It's so comfortable." Wandering in the water, but without difficulty breathing, Chi Ying followed behind the 'ancestor god' in shock, but still couldn't get close.

And yet, the 'crazy mythologization' continues.

After more than a dozen people from Chiying watched the process of the transformation of the 'empty world' into the 'sea world', the words that could be heard without sound continued to sound, and the world continued to change.

At this time, it is the turn of the story of the unrecognizable soft-bodied creature that has been changed again.

As for these stories, only Void and 8051 know the facts;

The people from the Presbyterian Court and the Court of God who followed Void at the beginning were barely close to the truth, and this group of people also called 8051 8051;

Several other top-secret people, such as Mu Wen, know a general idea. These people and the people after them all call 8051 "Master Kong Ling" because they don't know the specific situation of 8051, only know about 8051 and the will of the planet. related;
And those scholars who consulted with empty illusions already knew that the story had changed a lot;

It is conceivable that after being modified by scholars again, what is the relationship between this story and the original version?
[In order to see the ocean he created, the ancestor god created eyes; in order to touch the ocean he created, the ancestor god grew limbs...]

(So ​​this is the appearance of the fish?) Looking at the fish-shaped 'ancestor god' dangling in front of her eyes, Chi Ying was wiping off a cold sweat while admiring her. She didn't know why she had such a contradictory reaction.

[Because I feel that I am the only one who exists, and I am too lonely, the ancestor god started to create more things according to his own appearance...]

(Fish schools come out.)
[Afterwards, the ancestor gods created plants. While transforming the boring environment of the ocean world, they also satisfy the food consumption of living things...]

(So, are all the creatures in the beginning vegetarian?) Thinking about the smell of those grasses, the face of Chi Ying, who had eaten grass out of curiosity when he was a child, suddenly turned bitter gourd.

[At the same time, in the ocean world, as the number of ancestor god creatures continues to increase, new creatures that are not created by the ancestor gods also begin to appear...]

In fact, the high priest of the "History of the Gods" who showed these shows also demonstrated these with reverence.

What she knows is actually the same as the scholars, so in her opinion, even if the embellishments and apotheosis of those scholars are removed, this ancestor is still great and admirable.

Therefore, in this fantasy world, affected by the emotion of its maker, it is full of sacred nostalgia and admiration, just like an ordinary person looking up at the growth history of a great man.

At this time, although the high priest of the "History of God" is controlling the world to demonstrate and tell, but in her own view, she is actually looking up at the past with the dozen or so people in Chiying who are in it, and of course, Chiying A dozen people were affected by this emotion and also had this feeling.

So, seeing more and more creatures in the ocean, and being in it, like a fish swimming in one of them, Chi Ying and the others became more and more grateful and awed to the ancestor god.

The story then moves on to the aquatic life stage.

Of course, it is still modified beyond recognition.

[Initially, the creatures in the ocean lived together peacefully, but as the number of creatures increased, they began to fight...]

(It’s too crowded, so I have to mark the territory and grab seats?) Chi Ying tilted her head cutely, but I don’t know if it’s subconscious self-protection. She used thinking instead of talking, maybe the situation caused violent fluctuations when she spoke at the beginning. She left a deep impression on it.

[Then, as the intelligence of creatures improved, they also began to have bad things such as desire and greed. The originally peaceful and beautiful ocean world gradually became a mess due to fighting and hunting...]

【Thus, the ancestor god was angry, and he lowered the 'evil', allowing the 'evil' to invade the creatures in the world, limiting the wisdom and life of the creatures. 】

Seeing this, the people of the Shadow Clan who have been watching for so long have actually thought from the standpoint of the 'ancestor gods', and because of this, they also feel angry. They are angry at these existences that ignore the expectations of the ancestor gods, and they can't wait to see them. Get rid of one of their claws; and for the coming of evil, they applaud.

"If you do bad things, you will be punished!" Chi Ying didn't need to say it this time.

[Because of the fall of 'evil', creatures that originally had endless life and only needed to inhale the breath of the world every day to survive, now need to attack each other in order to obtain food and survive. 】

[Moreover, they also have different lengths of life according to the identity of the ancestor gods. When the time is up, they must return to the sea of ​​​​consciousness and start again...]

At this time, a sentence spread to everyone's ears.

"In fact, the ancestor gods only need to destroy these creatures cruelly, and then create new creatures in a better way."

This is actually the high priest's own understanding of the story, and of course, these understandings carry her own thinking: "Perhaps, it is the ancestor god who is full of affection for these creatures and cannot bear to destroy the creatures he created us."

Therefore, the Shadow Clan people who have begun to identify with the 'ancestor god' were moved by the kindness of the ancestor god, embarrassing.

"Then what happened later?" At some point, Chiying and the others could already see each other, and the words before were said by the godly lord who owns the kingdom of God.

More than a dozen people looked at me and I looked at you, and then bowed respectfully to God together.

"My God will show you the history of God, watch it well, feel it well, plant the kindness from the ancestor God in your heart, and leave gratitude to the ancestor God."

After finishing speaking, the body of the High Priest of "Shenshi" was nothingness. In fact, she was continuing to control the fantasy world and undergoing changes.

Then, began to enter the land phase.

[The ocean is already in chaos. Although it is slowly forming its own order, the ancestor god is already tired of the ocean. He wants to create a new world, but he can't start with the old ocean world, because it is full of his soul after all. hard work. 】

Chi Ying, who kept the wooden sticks in the hut well, nodded in agreement.

[And among the races in the ocean, it is not that there are no existences that the ancestors admire, so the wise ancestors intend to create a composite world based on the ocean world. 】

[It lowered the divine power, created the vibration of the ocean, raised the soil, and created a vast land comparable to the ocean world...]

[Afterwards, the ancestor god brought these races he admired to the earth. 】

In the image at this time, the land is a world without plants or anything else, like a large piece of bare flat land.

[In order to make these races live better, the ancestor gods created mountains, lakes, rivers, deserts, forests...]

These processes are actually the high priest of "Shenshi". Refer to the ability displayed by Youshen class when using mind power to create a map with a small world (actually a sand table). Of course, it is magnified countless times, and it is of course awe After all, they are just ordinary primitive-level Shadow Clan people.

[Since then, the world has entered the complex 'natural world' from the 'ocean world'. 】

(End of this chapter)

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