Spore Story

Chapter 379 The difference between the protoss and the gods, friends

Chapter 379 The difference between the protoss and the gods, friends

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The things that appeared one after another brought the whole land closer to the familiar world of the Shadow Clan people.

And when they saw some of the familiar plants, the few members of the Shadow Clan who couldn't control their emotions even yelled.

Regarding this, the High Priest of 'Shenshi' frowned slightly, then smiled and dismissed it, because she remembered that when Master Chu Xia simulated these things for her back then, her own reaction did not seem to be any different than those of these people. How much better.

So, she stabilized her emotions, continued to control the world, and operated step by step according to the narration of the history of the gods.

Then, there are various stories of the earth, the appearance of the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, the eruption of volcanoes that generate heat for the earth, forest fires caused by accidents, floods that bring silt to the earth, earthquakes that change the terrain, the ground The battle of creatures to establish order...

In short, they are all ups and downs stories embellished by scholars, and these are obviously added in a lot.

[Among the races that first followed the Ancestor God to the land, 33 races gained great wisdom because of the Ancestor God’s love, and they established tribes...]

What appeared in the eyes of everyone was a group of creatures of all kinds and sizes. The only impression they gave to the Shadow Clan people was that they were 'powerful', splitting mountains and cracking the ground, flying into the ground...

(What a dangerous world), this is clearly the voice of more than a dozen members of the Shadow Clan, and among them, Chi Ying saw a familiar figure.

"Why is this kind of creature here?" However, no one explained her doubts, even the high priest of the "History of the Gods" who heard it didn't care.

[As time went by, these races began to compete with each other for territory and food, making big moves...]

The story continued, but at this time, the High Priest of the 'History of the Gods' lacked a lot of reverence.

Because she knows that many of these stories are just stories made by scholars themselves, but the Shadow Clan people who watched the show turned pale from the battles of various powerful races. One battle destroyed the mountains and filled the lakes. Modifying things like the river course is obviously beyond the imagination of the Shadow Clan people at this time.

"This is the story of [Ancient Times]," the High Priest of 'Shenshi' sighed, controlling the world to continue.

"Those powerful races disregarded the expectations of the ancestor gods and conquered each other for self-interest. Seeing that the earth was about to turn into a chaotic world like the ocean, the ancestor gods were finally angry."

"The ancestor gods sent divine punishment, deprived these races of 'wisdom', scattered them back to the ocean, into the mountains, and down the ground, leaving the ground clean."

The narration at this time was said by the high priest of the "History of the Gods", but no one cared about it.

Seeing the chaotic life of those powerful races without wisdom, they felt a deep fear of the power of the ancestor gods; at the same time, they felt a little bit of pleasure in the punishment of these unsatisfactory guys.

(Is this why they have no intelligence?) Looking at the giant creatures wandering around the ground, Chi Ying nodded knowingly.

At this time, the background-like narration continued, and the topic began to enter the focus.

[The 'Ancient Era' in the natural world ended with the wrath of the ancestor gods. The ancestor gods reselected some weaker races and bestowed them with wisdom...]

At this time, the Shadow Clan people finally found their own kind among these races, which was the Shadow Clan in ancient times.

This made the Shadow Clan people feel more cordial, and their sense of identity with these stories has also improved a lot.

And with the passage of time, the development of the Shadow Clan in the story is more and more in line with the ancient history of the Shadow Clan they know.

Some of the legends of the Shadow Clan many years ago also began to appear in these stories one after another. Seeing those predecessors, struggling for survival, fighting against nature... Chi Ying and the others felt a little moved.

But at this time, the picture suddenly changed, heading north...

[With the experience of the ancient times, the ancestor gods are not going to give them any help for the good of these races, and let these races be self-reliant, but the ancestor gods, after all, still love the races they created. 】

Seeing the four-winged and wingless creatures that began to appear, Chi Ying's heart skipped a beat, and she became more focused.

[Therefore, in order to avoid repeating the stories of the predecessors, the ancestor gods created a brand new race based on themselves as a template when these intelligent races appeared. 】

[Some of them have four wings and are responsible for patrolling the land in the sky; the other part has no wings but has powerful power and is responsible for building civilization on the earth. 】

Tribes appeared in the world one by one. Looking at these powerful species, Chi Ying felt a trace of reality, but also realized the gap between the two sides.

Of course, she is more aware of the difference between the "family of gods" and the "god".

【They are the 'friends' of all races; the 'monitors' of the natural world; 】

With the appearance of the Protoss in sight, with the sense of belonging brought by the previous Shadow Clan, these Shadow Clan people have no doubts about their authenticity.

The friends in the narration are friendly, powerful, full of wisdom, and represent the race of ancestor gods.

The strong one among them is the [God], who manages the world; the middle one is the [Teacher], who builds civilization; the lower one is the [Foundation], which supports the tribe.

They protected the weak armored people; punished the spirit people who used other creatures as tools; guided the black bone tribe to defeat the evil god...

In fact, there was a discussion in the Pengzu Presbyterian House for a while about whether to tell the Shadow Clan people about the situation of other civilized species.

In the end, Chu Yi said: "Sooner or later we have to know. Now we, the friends, will figure it out first. In the future, whether we are preaching in other species, or when the Shadow Clan encounters other species, we will all benefit. Lord 8051 The benefits brought, discarded, expired and become invalid.”

Therefore, in the history of the gods, whether it is the Black Bone Clan, the Dunjia Clan, the Shadow Clan, the Spirit Clan, or even the Sea Clan created by the ancestor gods in the ocean that restored order, they are all described in detail, and they should be accepted under the distribution of the ancestor gods. A race guided by friends.

Relying on the history of each ethnic group brought back by 8051, this mythic history only needs to be slightly changed for each ethnic group, and it can be used universally within each ethnic group.

And from this, we can see the ambition of the friends.

However, only the Shadow Clan are starting to receive this kind of education now.

Even the Dunjia tribe within the Pengzu is cautious because the Dunjia tribe has a deep understanding of the Pengzu. The elders' house and the Shenting are still discussing the details. It is expected to be used with the Pengzu. Published together with the history of the gods.

As for the explanation of the reason why the Pengzu did not appear at the beginning in the history of the gods, it is because the ancestor gods need to teach the Pengzu various knowledge in order to cultivate the individual strength of the Pengzu, and also to test whether the Pengzu is qualified.

Everyone was moved by the responsible attitude of the ancestor god...

As for the history of the gods, the people of the Shadow Clan have accepted most of the settings. In fact, the high priest of the history of the gods should be the first to accept herself.

As for what they didn't accept, it's just that they still can't understand it, or even make up their minds.

[After completing the unified structure of the friends, the ancestor god who has a long life but has been tired for so long thinks that he can finally rest (it's time to leave =. =), but he is still not at ease (- -). 】

[Thus, he separated a part of his consciousness, and formed a god among the many gods of the friends, who has the knowledge and special abilities bestowed by the ancestor gods. He will cooperate with the gods of the friends, and on the one hand supervise the friends behavior; on the other hand, it also helps friends and manages many races. 】

[In the end, the ancestor god was able to rest. (The big boss exits=.=)]

Appearing with a gentle voice is the ancestor god who scattered into nothingness.

And Chi Ying and the others finally saw the world they were really familiar with, from the southern border of the Peng Clan to the Split Shadow Plain of the Shadow Clan, and even the Grand Canyon between them was recognized by everyone.

The next story, of course, is the least modified place.

That is, some of the major events in history recorded by the Pengzu are only modified in detail behind the scenes of these major events, such as hailing certain disasters as the test of the ancestor gods, and pushing some bad things to 'evil' body.

In fact, these things don’t need to be shown to the Shadow Clan people, but the High Priest of the “Shenshi” was addicted to seeing them, and she thought that it would have no effect, so she simply released these things, anyway, to show them to the Shadow Clan people outside. It's not like she didn't tell a story when she told it.

Afterwards, there is a key point, which is to create a "moon of evil" that the high-level people know that ordinary people are just spreading rumors.

In "The History of the Two Moon Gods", the "Moon of Evil" gave a new explanation.

[When in the ocean world, the evil that was spread by the ancestor gods gradually became stronger because of the negligence of the ancestor gods, and finally condensed the "moon of evil" in the sky. 】

[Originally, the ancestor god could easily solve the evil moon, but after thinking about it, the wise ancestor god thought that the evil moon should be used to gather everyone, let everyone return to the original unity, and let people personally destroy the evil moon to prove themselves. 】

【Thus, the ancestor god retained the existence of the evil moon.And the Evil Moon constantly exudes its own evil, affecting the world. 】

[After the ancestor gods fell asleep, the evil moon developed even more rapidly. They didn't think that the friends created by the ancestor gods could stop them, so it expanded unscrupulously. According to the friends' estimates, the evil moon will be as big as 200 years at the earliest. will come to the world. 】

Rumors about the 'Moon of Evil' have been circulating within the Friends Clan for a long time, and everyone has entered the stage of getting used to it.

And now, the rumors of the 'Moon of Evil' are beginning to flow into ShadowClan. According to the plans of the Friends, it will soon enter other tribes together with the revised "History of the Gods of the Double Moon" and become another weapon of the Friends against the enemy in the future. .

"What are you afraid of? We have nothing to worry about with the ancestor gods around."

After seeing the history of the friends who fought against General Evil Moon, although it has been revised, everyone has realized the power of Evil Moon.

Although the power of Chu Xia and other friend clan gods gave them some confidence, the dozen or so Shadow Clan members were still a little worried.

"No, this time, the ancestor god will not help us."

The words of God in "History of God" shattered the fantasy of more than a dozen Shadow Clan people.

"'Evil' is what the ancestor gods punished us for. What we have to do is to destroy each other ourselves. Otherwise, we will let the ancestor gods down."

"Then what about the gods... friends who belong to the Lord God?"

Hearing that the ancestor gods would not come to help, Chiying immediately became anxious. Although it said that there were still about 200 years left, seeing the current Chiying from the beginning of the creation of the world, he also began to think about the future from the height of race.

She didn't want her ShadowClan to become brainless idiots like those ancient races.

Smiling slightly, just this action made more than a dozen members of the Shadow Clan feel a burst of comfort and joy.

This is a world dominated by consciousness. As the creator of this world, the "historical history" can certainly affect the emotions of these people... Chi Ying reluctantly, huh.

Because of this, those who actively enter the fantasy world have complete trust in the creator of the fantasy world, because you can't be sure if you will not be yourself after you go in once and come out.

And look at the dozens of Shadow Clan members who have completely put themselves in the first class of ordinary civilized race status at this time, looking at the higher-level manager in front of them, the high priest of the "God History" who belongs to the God Clan and belongs to the God Clan , you can know.

"Our friends of God's Clan were originally born to lead everyone to live a happy life and defeat our evil. This is our eternal duty."

From the perspective of the senior members of the Friends Clan, the Friends Clan will eventually encounter the enemy one day. From now on, it will be the greatest support for the future to cultivate the awareness of all races fighting Zergs.

Therefore, even for internal propaganda, the battle with the 'Moon of Evil' is the top priority.

In this regard, what 'Shenshi' said was actually her own realization.

Because she is now a soul-level senior who can use the illusion world, regardless of her character and strength, it shows that she will enter Youshen one day.

Then, hundreds of years will no longer be a distant future for them.

Inspired by the "history of the gods", without being affected by it, more than a dozen members of the Shadow Clan naturally felt the fighting spirit and persistence that filled the space.

Thus, the unconscious influence has succeeded instead.

"The fantasy world is too... I don't know how to say it," this is what Kong Huan said to Chu Xia beside him after receiving the in-depth research report on the fantasy world.It has to be said that this thing alone has given the Friends Clan a great advantage in the development, even if it is just a fantasy world that has just appeared, it can at least speed up the development of the Friends Clan by 40%.

Even if the Pengzu has obtained the permission to use the fantasy world, there are only less than a hundred people except Liumingshen.

But they are able to rely on the functions of the fantasy world, and at the same time educate an almost unlimited population.

Of course, in order to maintain the quality, there are corresponding restrictions on the users of the fantasy world and friends.

Except for the six worlds of undead, as long as the undead can enter, the users of other educational fantasy worlds, except for special cases (Chu Xia and the others this time), need to undergo a xinxing test.

However, this is all after the opening of the psychology research group.

At this time, the story of Shenshi finally came to the contact between the Shadow Clan and the Friends Clan.

[The Shadow Clan team contacted the 'basic god sons' (basic gods=.=?) who are still at the level of ordinary creatures, and let the high-level members of the friend clan realize that the communication with other species will start at that time. 】

【Thus, in addition to sending Master Chuxia, the god of thunder who once traveled in the Shadow Clan, to lead the Shadow Clan to regain their faith, the Friends of the Clan will also lead the Shadow Clan into a better world. 】

Finally, the story came to the arrival of Thor and the Nine Gods.


Standing on the solid ground, Chi Ying looked up at the huge city in the sky, and a shock flashed in his heart.Hearing Chi Ying's words, Godly, who was still flying in the sky without flapping his wings, smiled.

According to the plan of the ethnic group, the reform of the Protoss is not to completely limit the gods to the friends. If the Shadow Clan people in front of them continue to work hard, they can also get the title of "God".

And even now, the opponent's soul-level mid-term strength can still be awarded the title of "Guru", and the status difference between the two is not big.

"No, just started."


One day in the middle of the mountain is a thousand years in the world.

Putting this sentence at this time, to Chi Ying and the others, it means "The Kingdom of God has been in existence for hundreds of millions of years, and the world has been in the world for ten days." '(The reason is that fast forward is enabled =.=)

Gently opening his eyes, what Chi Ying saw was the bright blue sky, without the emptiness and dullness of the night, and the floating cloud jellyfish and white clouds were playing happily like two pairs of brothers.

The joyful feeling made Chi Ying couldn't help laughing, and then woke up, and found that he was in a simple but mysterious hall, and the hall was covered with different patterns. (The high priests are bored to contact the painting, the drawn circuit diagram=.=)

Lowering her gaze, the first thing she saw were her teammates lying neatly in the hall, and they all woke up one after another.

Everyone didn't know how long it had been outside, and they were not interested in knowing.

After looking at each other, the dozen or so people seemed to have experienced a new life, and they got rid of their previous impetuosity.

At this moment, Chi Ying even had a feeling: he was looking down at his own race, standing even higher than the great chief.

And the only ones who can stand against him are these teammates in front of him.

Of course, there are friends.

(The sequelae of watching historical documentaries and other things, many people have it, ga =. =)

"Welcome back."

The gentle voice made everyone feel friendly and natural. A dozen people immediately stood up and followed the prestige. What they saw was the same God of Thunder, and the same God of God followed behind him.

But goodbye at this moment, the fear of the opponent's strength faded away, and everyone felt more deeply respected and yearned for.

"Thor! The history of God belongs to God!"

Everyone bowed respectfully, and seeing all this, Chu Xia raised her eyebrows slightly in surprise, then recovered quickly and nodded in satisfaction.

"Then, go back to your world and don't keep your loved ones waiting."

Following Chu Xia's words, everyone felt that their bodies suddenly flew up lightly, just like that, they crossed the wall that appeared at an unknown time, and then landed on the square outside the wall.

"Great Chief, Zhong Wei!"

The red shadow floating in mid-air was not restrained from other actions. When she saw the two people waiting in the square after being notified from a distance, she only felt a burst of joy in her heart. The feeling of superiority before was slowly returning, but now The belief planted in the fantasy world will be difficult to eradicate.

Of course, this is not a bad thing.

"In this way, Shenshi, your propaganda is very successful."

"Although the other eight people who came out of the illusion are all grateful and awed, but those are mostly born of strength and gratitude, unstable and unnatural."

"But you are different here. I can't feel anything abnormal about these dozen people. They seem to be very rational, but from the way they look at you and me, I can feel the faith and friendliness of these people."

"Overall, well done, Shenshi."

Smiling and patted the high priest next to her, Chu Xia was thinking about the reply to her friends, and at the same time, she was thinking about whether to perfect this method and popularize it to all places that need to spread faith and find friends.

In the quiet hall, no one noticed that Chu Xia's dark pupils were changing to light blue.

And her body was emitting a slight blue light.

[Pure energy conversion: 80%]

(End of this chapter)

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