Spore Story

Chapter 380 The beginning of the era of Shenzhang, the Zhang family

Chapter 380 The Beginning of the Age of Mythology, Go Home
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"What's the matter? History of the gods."

After leaving the fantasy world, the high priest of the 'Shenshi' seemed very silent, and Chu Xia was not worried about it.

Originally, people who have just left the fantasy world, especially the creators of the fantasy world, will generally have this expression of loss in silence, just like facing reality after waking up from a dream, but even the fantasy world is far more real than the dream world. Times, it shouldn't take so long for the Illusory World Maker who has passed the training to recover. Moreover, Chu Xia doesn't seem to be lost...

"Ah? Master Chu Xia."

Obviously, the distracted high priest didn't notice what Chu Xia said before, she just froze for a moment, then looked at Chu Xia with embarrassment, like a kitten begging for mercy, which made the peaceful Chu Xia even more Is completely unable to get angry.

"What, haven't you recovered yet?"

Asked gently, out of concern, Chu Xia swept across the other party with her mental strength, and then she was shocked.

"They are all at the peak of the soul level!"

The difference between the high soul level and the peak is not the amount of consciousness, but the quality, which is the heart.

Generally speaking, no matter how hard many unqualified people work, they will be tall enough to reach the high soul level; and if they can break through to the peak of the soul level, she will have half a foot in the ghost level.

Therefore, among the friends, the status of the soul-level peak is much higher than that of the soul-level seniors who are not much different in strength. They will also be called "quasi-ghosts" in private. Of course, this kind of The name spread is not widespread.

The ascension of the high priest of the "Shenshi" shows that her mind has been further expanded, and her future is bright.

And combined with the other party's reaction before, a smile appeared on Chu Xia's face.

(The importance of the fantasy world seems to need to be improved a bit.)
"Congratulations, Shenshi."

"Ah, thank you, Master Chu Xia," bowed embarrassedly to Chu Xia. The high priest didn't doubt how the other party would know about his situation, even though he had become the Youshen class now, and Master Chu Xia who was about to enter the Yinshen class In front of her, she was still just a child.

However, there was still a hint of hesitation in the expression of the high priest of the 'Shenshi'.

After thinking about it, she looked up at Chu Xia with determination and asked, "Master Chu Xia, can I ask a question?"

"It's about the history of the gods."

"Eh? Ah, yes."

Looking at the high priest of the "History of the Gods" who is full of expectations, because the other party also participated in the compilation of "History of the Gods of the Double Moon", there are obviously more doubts about the history of the Gods than ordinary people.

Chu Xia knew very well that any one of the editors actually had their own understanding and doubts about the history of the Double Moon Gods. Some of them dared not ask, some didn't want to ask, and some asked decisively...

After all, most of the past things described in this history of the gods were unknown to them before, but belonged to the deified reality.Every time they review, these people will gain something and put forward some opinions according to their own characters and understandings, thus further perfecting this "history of mythology".

"Tell me, are you so timid after only leaving me for a few years?"

The high priest in front of me has been working as a teacher in the school of priests for several years. This time she chose the other party to follow because she is a good student handed over by Chu Xia. At this time, how could Chu Xia refuse the other party's question.

"Well, there are two."

"It's very greedy, but for the sake of my lovely disciple, let's say it." The pretentious and bold tone made the high priest of "Shenshi" seem to have returned to the days when his friends ran around behind Chu Xia, his expression Relaxed.

"First, are those epic creatures the ancient races in the history of gods?"


(Such a rich imagination, should I complain?) With her thoughts, Chu Xia wiped off her cold sweat. After thinking about it, she felt that there was no conflict anyway, so she nodded: "How did you think of it? I remember that you have never seen Epic creature."

"Ah, I haven't seen it before."

"But the ancient species in it were all simulated by Master Void for us through the dream world. Although I have never seen an epic creature, I already know from the data that three of the dozen or so people have seen an epic creature with their own eyes. Creatures, one of which seems to be called Chiying, is actually a mid-soul level."

"And when the history of the gods progressed to the 'Ancient Era' and the subsequent place where the ancient civilization was punished, all three of them showed extremely strong reactions. Through the difference in level, I checked the perception of two of them and found that reason."

Shaking his head, the unicorn on his forehead swayed mischievously, the High Priest of 'Shenshi' continued: "I combined intelligence and analysis of their reactions and found that it is obvious that the creatures in it should have a basis in reality. "

"Although most of the life stories of ancient species are compiled by scholars, their existence is true. By analogy, many stories in the history of gods may be adapted from real stories."

Speaking of this, the High Priest of the "History of the Gods", who seemed to be a detective, suddenly asked anxiously: "Then, then, the second question, the previous history of those friends, is it also...really?"

Dazed, Chu Xia smiled and patted the other party's head and said: "You who participated in the compilation should know the essence of "The History of the Double Moon Gods". It is an exaggerated modification of the real thing, at most it is rich It’s just a little bit, as for the degree of exaggeration... Hehe.”

"So, those are all true!"

"I didn't say that, the important thing is your own understanding."

In fact, Chu Xia, who knew about the editorial space, was very aware of the truth of these stories. Of course, the other people who knew the inside story also knew, and in her spare time, she even simulated their previous lives.

But in Chu Xia's view at this time, those things should be troubled by biologists, and rulers like Chu Xia need to consider not academics, but racial interests.

For this family who are about to be deified, regarding these things, in terms of ancient history, "The History of the Double Moon God" is obviously far more attractive than the boring "History of Biological Development", and it is also more beneficial to this family.

The history of the gods and its additional functions are actually very large, and the budget will bring the Pengzu a prosperous period of more than 300 years.

The first is the [Strength Period] to fight against bugs.At this time, with the history of the gods as the history, and with the support of the Pengzu in 8051 and many Youshen and later Yinshen, it should be possible for the Pengzu to gain strength for about 200 years.And relying on these strengths, the friends can lead the double moon star species to unite, resist the enemy, and even destroy the bugs;

After that is the [stabilization period].Once the Evil Moon is eliminated, the goal of the Evil Moon will come to an end, and without an enemy that needs to be confronted together, the Double Moon Star Race, which has lost the foundation of unity, will not have civil strife for the time being, and should enter a stable period of licking wounds.And this stable period may only be a few decades, but in these few decades, many things will be overthrown, and many new things will appear.

Then, it will enter the inevitable [turbulent period].There will be a head-on conflict between the history of the gods and the history of ancient times, and the history of the gods will eventually fail. This is beyond doubt, but it is also possible to fight for tens of hundreds of years for the friends to develop internally and coordinate relations with various ethnic groups.

The above period of time, the idea of ​​the elders' house is that it can be called "the age of mythology".

The Friends also have the confidence to develop the Friends into the strongest civilized species on the Shuangyue Star during the 300 years or so [Age of Myth], and take the absolute initiative.

At that time, even if the friends are pushed down from the altar, they have the capital to fight against the evil moon, have the foundation of their own strength, and have 300 years of stability, so why fear other races of the double moon star.

At that time, if the various races wanted to attack the Pengzu, the Pengzu didn't mind leaving only one civilized species on Shuangyuexing, that is, the Pengzu themselves.

These are the period of the role of the mythological history after the secret discussion between the elders' house and the gods' court.

These things, like the editing space, belong to a level beyond secrets, and will never be disclosed, and for the control of high-end elders' homes and gods, they are confident that they can control the behemoth of the friends, step by step along this road go on.

"Uh, Master Chu Xia, you are so cunning."

Apparently dissatisfied with Chu Xia's answer, the High Priest of 'Shenshi' immediately made a pitiful expression. Anyway, in front of Chu Xia, she was just a little girl, but obviously, it was invalid this time.

"Well, you are still young, and you have to understand many things by yourself in order to get exercise. I don't want a little girl who doesn't know anything to join the elders' house in the future."


In the spacious hall, Chu Xia, who looked completely like a little girl, just stretched out her hand to caress the high priest who was slightly taller than herself.

———————The beginning of the age of mythology—————

November 16 AD, Pengcheng.

The friend city in late autumn is golden yellow, and I don’t know if it’s because the natural world is too similar. The red leaves all over the friend city of Double Moon Star really make the walk in the emptiness, giving birth to a sense of time and space confusion, as if I have returned to The earth is average, but now, the earth is nothing more than a world in a story to Void.

Walking on the spacious streets of Pengcheng, stepping on pieces and piles of crunching leaves under your feet, but the empty heart is full of peace.

Heart is like water
Perhaps this is the feeling. Of course, Kong Huan is neither a monk nor a Taoist priest.

A gust of wind swept by, mixed with the coming winter chill, awakened Kong Huan from this comfortable feeling, bent down personally, picked up a leaf with his hand, smoothed it and carefully put it in his arms, Kong Huan saw it Seeing the hurrying people around, he turned and walked towards the elders' courtyard in the distance.

On both sides of the road are mostly two-story home huts, and closer to them are one-story commercial shops. They separate the resident huts from the road and provide few services for the residents in the city.

With more than ten years of development, although the scale of Pengzu's business is not huge, it can be said to be lively.

With the gradual increase of the city's idle population (workers, relatives of managers), businessmen have less and less leisure time. In the "square debate" encouraged by the government in the past, the protagonists have also changed from businessmen to leisure time. There are students, housewives (male) who like to hang out with children, and the like.

However, although other people don't feel it, Kong Huan seems very embarrassed to men at home with wives and children. After all, they still lived in a male society for thousands of years, so it is understandable that they couldn't change their ideas for a while. ('one time'='billions of years', ga=.=)

But think about it carefully, as a man's emptiness, now doing tasks and doing research, is it considered to be inside or outside?

As for the ladies who have a better relationship with Void:

8051 went out and did not return, busy with work, there is a certain probability of meeting each year, typical of elusive;
Dark Blood doesn't see anyone all day long, so what if he sees him, he and Kong Huan are almost the same person, Kong Huan firmly believes that he has no self-interest, so the two continue to maintain communication between clones;
The rest, regardless of Chuxia, Chujie, Chuqin, Chuling, Lingxue, Lingyun, etc., are all members of the race created by Kong Huan, and there is nothing wrong with saying they are children.And Kong Huan is obviously not the kind of father-married party, let alone a scumbag who played with mother, daughter, granddaughter... all the way down in Western mythology... (There is absolutely no feeling of envy or jealousy =.=)

"So, sure enough, we and 8051 are destined, Quack."

(In fact, there is only such a choice, and this kind of tragedy will not be explained =. =)

In fact, this is just a matter of going back and thinking about it when you are idle. How many fanatical researchers have paid attention to this aspect, and Kong Huan is exactly the same type as these fanatic researchers.

As the civilization of the species develops more and more deeply, he thinks more and more, and of course he thinks less and less about other things.

Human beings still have a family to supervise, and Kong Huan can be said to be immortal, so he has no motivation. In Kong Fantasy, with his current level of existence, if he really wants to fall in love, it may take hundreds of years. It's all short...

As for hormones, physical needs, psychological needs...

Come on, after billions of years, will that thing still work?

In fact, Kong fantasized about comparing monks and Taoists, but when he suddenly remembered monk consecration, Taoist priests and Taoist couples, he felt embarrassing at the time.

"Should I complain about our tragic life?"

Kong Huan, who was about to reach the gate of the elders' home, suddenly moved his body forward and made a standard OTZ posture (the scientific name is frustration forward bending).But at this time he would think about these things, which clearly showed that he was bored again.

But if you want to think about it, talk about it, Kong Huan is actually hesitant to these things because he values ​​them too much.

It's not that he has no illusions about 8051, but he maintains that the two of them are at a distance and are both naturally dumb. Obviously, no one has made things clear, and they have some ideas for each other from the backstage to the foreground.

So, the two of them continued to live such an ordinary and comfortable life, day after day. (This is the situation of Shenma [Turn the table])
As for the people in the Elder's House, they had already seen the true face of Kong Huan clearly, and they had already given up any thought about Kong Huan.

So, as if he had suddenly figured it out, Kong Huan howled up to the sky like a wolf.

"Harem man or something, go to hell!"

Then, he added in a low voice: "Why not me." (Man =. =)

"What harem man?"

Very calm voice, so calm that the whole world seems to have quieted down at this moment (in fact, the people around were frightened by the illusory roar, and then quickly left the scene=.=).

Kong Huan suddenly turned into a rock, turning his head stiffly (hey, won't it break, right?), completely forgetting that there is such a thing as spiritual power, and then, a calm face appeared in front of Kong Huan.

When it comes to peace, many people may think of the great Muwen patriarch, but there is still a voice in this world.Through the sound, Kong Huan could hear it. The person who made the sound was a certain spirit-level powerhouse named 8051 who was in YY just now.

According to the principle of 'level oppression', unless 8051 deliberately shuts down its own abilities, it can definitely hear the minds of people below the mid-level Yinshen level without any errors.

Those who want to turn off this function are just because of lack of character, but 8051 is obviously not, so she obviously can't hear illusory thoughts.

Therefore, it is more obvious that Void is like confessing to 8051.

(Should flowers be sprinkled?)
As for the explanation of the term 'harem man', as 70, who clearly understands all the interesting memories (including 8051% of the ACG) in the phantom memory, don't you know?do you know?
Obviously don't know.

"Yo, 8051, long time no see."

The empty fantasy who said this sentence quickly felt the stagnation of time...



—————The red leaf-shaped UFO circled and floated above Kong Huan’s head—————

"Why did I seem to see a river just now, and there was a very familiar old man calling me on the other side of the river?"

A trace of doubt flashed in his mind, Kong Huan followed his body's reaction and opened his eyes.


"Familiar ceiling."

"That's the sky."

A powerful spitting sound came from beside him, causing Kong Huan to tremble subconsciously.This is entirely a physical reaction, and has absolutely nothing to do with the fear reaction of the illusory consciousness.

"Ah, 8051, long time no see."


To Kong Huan's surprise, 8051 just nodded, and sat beside Kong Huan with his knees folded, his expression was very calm, so calm that it was weird, and he didn't feel guilty at all for killing Kong Huan just now.

This tranquility made Kong Huan feel great pressure, he had to take the risk of going to the river to see his grandfather again, and said again: "This..."


"8051, can you stop learning from that girl Mu Wen, she's very scary, it's not suitable for you." Kong Huan burst into tears.

After saying this, he consciously closed his eyes, waiting for the judgment of the God of the Earth.

But after waiting for a long time, the expected critical attack did not come.

And just when Kong Huan was about to open his eyes, a pair of cold little hands touched Kong Huan's face... the neck below.

"At this time, what expression should I use?" He opened his eyes and looked at 8051 with a hint of pain in his expression, Kong Huan's heart tightened, as if he felt the other person's emotions personally, he pulled the muscles on his face stiffly , intending to make a reassuring smile.

But 8051 just pulled Kong Huan's face with his hand, and then said: "As long as you don't laugh, it's fine, you laugh so scary now."


Immediately, Kong Huan turned into a bitter face, while 8051 on the opposite side laughed heartlessly.

But from it, what Kong Huan felt was bitterness and regret.

Fortunately, there is still a trace of joy and relief in it.

Of course, for 8051's abominable behavior, Void is going to impose punishment.

Empty, who was following the style of a standard lazy person, since he was lying on the ground at this time, of course he would not sit up.

In order to keep himself on an equal footing with 8051 in the subsequent speeches, he resolutely stretched out his left hand, pulled 8051 down, and pressed it beside him. (pull down?)

As a result, 8051, who just made an ineffective resistance, lay on the ground with big thorns like an illusion.As for the dust and so on, was it still rare to encounter the fantasy of animals? The 8051 is about the same.

Of course, the location of the two of them at this time is in the elders' courtyard, not on the street. Even if the elder Kong Huan doesn't care about this image, he still has to take into account whether 8051, the god of the earth, is right.

After thinking about it, Kong Huan looked at 8051 who still had a smile in his eyes, and patted him with a smile.

"Tell me, what happened?"

(End of this chapter)

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