Spore Story

Chapter 381 The emergence of new energy sources, Qiu Yuyan

Chapter 381 The emergence of new energy sources, Qiu Yuyan
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'The 8051 never hides from the illusion' may not be quite true.

However, the words "Konghuan's question to 8051, as long as 8051 knows and can say it, will never refuse", this sentence can be said to be absolute.

When she was in the editing space before, this might only be a mandatory requirement of the system, but since 8051 left the editing space, these are all her own choices and have nothing to do with others.

Therefore, after hearing Kong Huan's question, although he didn't want Kong Huan to be disappointed by his failure, 8051 only hesitated for a moment, and said the content in detail.

Maybe it's because sooner or later you need to tell the other party, maybe it's because of 8051's trust or understanding of the empty illusion, anyway, she didn't make any changes.

From when I received the task, to when I notified my friends just in case, when I arrived at the two underground continental caves, when I felt the despair and resentment of those animals, when I raised the punishment level under my anger, and then Then to the unparalleled supernatural earthquake...

In the end, the topic ended at the point where 'the will of the planet began to appear because of this accident'.

8051 herself didn't know what she was feeling, she just watched Kong Huan carefully, her former strength seemed to have completely disappeared, at this moment, she was more like a child who made a mistake, obediently waiting for the judgment of the adults, God knows her When making such an expression with this Yujie's appearance, Moe killed so many cells of Kong Huan.

"Foul! Such an expression!"

Kong Huan glared at 8051 viciously, then hugged 8051's weightless body tightly with his hands, and said with a smile: "Why make that pitiful expression, this is not the 8051 I know."

"Do you still remember what I said when I left last time? 'As long as you stay in the friend clan, you are the greatest support for me'."

"And now I want to say, just stay with me, that's better."

"Really shameless."

Feeling the softness and smoothness of the person in his arms, whether it is temporary or permanent, such a good opportunity, Kong Huan will never let it go.

So, under the oppression of 8051 in the past, Kong Huan, who had no ability to fight back at all, decisively put his hands on 8051's head, and then slowly rubbed and rubbed...

"How does it feel?"

"Very good... uh."



—————Sound Shocked the World—————


"It's the sky!"

"Ah, that's what I was about to say, Xiao 8, you really understand us, ahahaha."

"Want to die once?"

"Our little 8 is not Xiao Ai."


"Calm down, let's get down to business."

It is natural to say that 8051 knows Kong Huan extremely well, but after getting along for so long, it is impossible for Kong Huan to know nothing about 8051.

Therefore, the word 'business' quickly diverted 8051's attention, after all, both of them were considered adults. (=.=)

At this time, the sky seemed to be about to rain. Although dispelling the rain clouds was a thought for both of them present, the fantasy of lazy people and 8051, which was indifferent to these things, obviously would not waste this thought.

(Mr. Yuyun breathed a sigh of relief. "Working in the friend clan's territory is hard work," Yuyun said)

Pulling 8051 to sit under the ancestral tree at the side of the yard, with a wave of thought, a solid platform slightly higher than the surface appeared on the ground.

Then, the soil began to gather together, and in the blink of an eye, a small soil tree house was formed like this. The two of them walked into this room just before the drizzle fell, and it was covered with a scale-like roof composed of red leaves. live in a cottage.

As for hiding under a tree during a thunderstorm, this is obviously a death-seeking behavior for ordinary people, but it still doesn't explain it to Konghuan and 8051.

"Is this called opening a room?"


8051, who entered the hut, said a word directly, which made Kong Huan behind him unsteady, and almost pushed the guy in front directly.

"Don't pretend to be ignorant!"

Knowing the character of the other party very well, Kong Huan pretended to be annoyed and pushed 8051 into the room, then closed the door heavily, and there were tables, chairs, and tea sets in the room. (The bed wood has =.=)

Obviously, he is very good at lazy fantasy in normal tasks, and he is already very good at making these leisure items.

In fact, Kong Huan was very happy to recover from the pain that 8051 had when he came back, but it was a bit depressing that the pain was replaced by Kong Huan himself.

After brewing two cups of hot tea, Kong Huan moved their chairs together, and then asked, "Any plans for the future?"

Dazed for a moment, 8051 lightly tasted the hot tea in the cup, the scalding temperature was nothing more than that to the two of them, until the trace of heat flowed through her whole body, she calmly said: "What else can you plan, you Don't drive me away."

"How is this possible!" Facing the jumping thinking of these guys, Kong Huan helplessly rubbed his forehead.

"Then stay and follow me and watch me lead everyone to success step by step."

"Yes Yes."

8051 waved his hand, responding copiously to the illusory pride.

But after a pause, she calmed down and said carefully: "In terms of the will of the planet..."

"If you don't want to say it, don't say it." Interrupting 8051, Kong Huan listened to the sound of drizzle outside, shook his head and said: "You have helped enough before, relying on these, we can make There are many things, such as the "History of the Double Moon Gods" this time."

"Chu Xia wrote back and said that this book, which was originally regarded as a story by us to entertain everyone, is likely to lead the development of Shuangyuexing for 300 years. Among them, the most important contribution is made by you, and now, You just need to rest well."

"Okay, empty fantasy. I'm glad you worried about me."

Looking at Kong Huan who was dissatisfied because of being interrupted, 8051 somehow felt a lot better.Patting the void in front of her, she shook her head and said, "Everyone knows the importance, and I have to explain clearly about this."

"Oh, tell me."

"Well," nodded, 8051 began to sort out his situation.

In fact, as early as April, she almost completed the chain of islands in the Two Wheels Sea, and then rushed to the friends.

But on the way, she suddenly had the idea to take a closer look at the world.

When doing missions before, she was completely utilitarian to obtain biological support, so she didn't observe the world carefully at all.

After this shock, the will of the planet began to appear, which completely blocked the possibility of 8051 getting this position (she didn't know that there would be an extra sister=.=).

At this time, the level of support seems to have little meaning to 8051.

Then, it's better to practice hard and try to see if it can be effective to reach the legendary [God] realm.

In this way, without any utilitarian thoughts, she strolled from the shore of Shuanglunhai to her friends. In this way, 8051 gradually experienced the world that he expected to obtain, but was lost by his own mistakes.

Green grass, bunnies, dinosaurs, mountains, blue sky, flowing river...

"I never noticed that this world is actually so beautiful."

With a mood of approval, I narrated the 8051 that I know and feel along the way, which brings a sense of emptiness, which is a light feeling.Without adding any seasoning, the story should be bland and tasteless, but it always makes him feel a very fresh and natural feeling, which makes people feel comfortable.

However, the disaster caused by the earthquake is obviously not small. Speaking of these, 8051's expression is a little bit bad, and Kong Huan decisively stretches out his hand to appease the other party.

Along the way, what 8051 saw, besides the beauty, was the collapse caused by the earthquake, the volcanic eruption... and other disasters, as well as a series of sequelae caused by them.

Because of the sadness for himself, 8051 walked all the way and recovered all the way. The collapsed soil regrouped into the hillside, and the active volcano fell into peace again, but the lost lives obviously could not be redeemed.

Therefore, she can only do her best to slowly and step by step restore the vitality of the various places.

In this way, even with the strength of 8051, it will already be August when it reaches Pengzu.

"It should take a few years for the will of the planet to take shape, but after that, I don't know what the attitude of the will of the planet with self-awareness will be towards me." 8051 said here with obvious doubts and even fear.

(Are you afraid of being wiped out by the will of the planet?)

Kong fantasized here, looked at 8051 beside him, and stretched out his hands to hold him tightly with a firm expression: "What are you worried about, even if you want to deal with you, you have to ask our friends, the big deal, our friends are developing in vitro technology, human beings are not Is that also the case?"

These words almost didn't go through the brain, although there were many mistakes and omissions, it obviously made 8051 very happy, and Kong Huan didn't intend to get together with the will of the planet at this time.

"When you saw the situation of Pengzu, what did you think?" It was August when 8051 arrived at Pengzu, but now it's November. Kong Huan knew that 8 obviously had a good experience of the situation of Pengzu. .

The so-called bystander is clear, 8051 looks at the friends from another angle, and the views obtained can obviously provide a lot of reference for Kong Huan, which is really the best starting point to change the topic.

"How should I say it?" Tilting his head in distress, 8051 thought for a while and said, "Any society is complex, with both good and bad. What we can do is to compress the bad aspects as much as possible. ; and on the plus side, as much as possible to improve... well, that's it."


(Slick explanation.) Kong Huan rolled his eyes depressedly.

And 8051, who was in a slightly better mood, obviously began to recover her nature, and was dissatisfied with the illusory movements. She directly retorted: "You just ask some general impressions, I don't know what kind of information you want. I saw along the way Yes, I know too much, do you want me to tell you one by one?"

"If you can……"

"No! It might take a few days to finish talking, it's so troublesome. 8051 firmly opposes Kong Huan's behavior of taking the opportunity to be lazy."


"Okay," wiped off his cold sweat, Kong Huan appeases 8051, who seems to have changed back to the previous 8051 situation because he got rid of the will of the planet, thought for a while and said: "Just talk about a few things that you think are the most important. Well, it can be regarded as an improvement idea, isn’t it?”

"As for the others, let me know when you think about it or when you meet again, anyway, you don't have to run around in the future."

"What do you mean by running around. 8051 thinks the illusory wording is very problematic."

"As for the important situation," he rubbed his head in distress. Although most of them refer to his friend's appearance, 8051 has hair instead of tentacles, and there is no eye-catching white horn on his forehead.

In fact, for an independent consciousness, especially after Konghuan invented the consciousness transformation, what he looks like depends entirely on his mood.

Just like some soul-level independent consciousness bodies now, after learning to use the consciousness transformation technique, although they are not as flexible as the Youshen-level, it is very easy to change the details of the body.For example, fold the wings, raise the body and so on.

And because there are a lot of soul-level independent consciousness bodies in Pengcheng, or gradually surpassing the soul-level of living bodies, 8051's unrefined appearance is now walking on the street without attracting anyone's attention.

"The important thing, this should be about energy," 8051 thought for a while and said, "I heard that the sites of smelters in various places are expanding. Has the smelting of iron ore started?"

"But in this case, if you still use charcoal, the amount of wood you take will be too large. I'm afraid it will be out of balance just by planting trees."

Ever since an iron mine was discovered not far from a copper mine that had been dug extensively, the Pengzu began to study iron smelting.

And Wu Huan, who knows the general research and development path for developing iron ore smelting, obviously directly used the research model to study from iron smelting to steel smelting. As for alloys, it has not been listed yet.

Before the steel smelting technology matures, the empty order is to combine the iron ore mining experience in various places to search for iron ore in the whole ethnic group, and start to delineate the site of the iron ore factory to prepare for the next stage of mass production of steel.

And so far, in the illusory research mode, [Steel Smelting Technology Research] has entered the final stage, and the time given by the research mode is February 17 AD.

At that time, after relying on Pengcheng to train a group of personnel, steel smelting can be quickly started in various places.

At the same time, until now, because of the iron ore specimens, the affiliated agencies of the mining bureaus in various places have discovered dozens of iron ore mines of different sizes in four provinces, which are enough for the steel mills in the next stage.

Therefore, the only thing that restricts the problem of friends' steel is energy, and it is still energy, which is abominable energy.

After all, charcoal is used to burn steel...

And now, 8051 has also proposed that this damn energy also involves planetary evaluation, which is related to the development of the entire species in a certain stage.

"Isn't there a solution in the research mode?" Looking at Kong Huan's troubled look, 8051 also felt a little uncomfortable, so he made a cup of hot tea and put it in front of Kong Huan.

"You also know how research projects are accepted in research mode..."

"Someone must understand, or think of this, and propose it to you." In this regard, 8051 is also very clear.

"Yes," nodded, Kong Huan continued: "In the past, the research was carried out quickly. In fact, I took advantage of the loopholes in the model and provided some human experience to the researchers, guiding these researchers to think of corresponding projects, and then let them propose to me."

"However, as technology progresses step by step, I know less and less."

"At the same time, in terms of human energy, the most important fossil fuel? This does not explain it, and it is still alive and kicking; electricity? This is possible, but all the technologies of the prerequisites must be implemented in the same way, and finally all the prerequisite researches are completed. , I am afraid it will be many years later."

"Even, I once thought about alternative methods such as extracting oil from plants, but only oil lamps, candles and the like appeared, and oil can't be used for smelting. The chemical group directly denied this method. "

"In this way, the only methods I can think of are the Pengzu's own energy core and calcium carbide. It is difficult for human memory to play a role in this regard."

"Is that useful?" Although he roughly guessed the result, 8051 still asked in cooperation. This may have become a way of entertainment for the two of them.

"Probably." Nodding with a smile, Kong Huan drank the hot tea in front of him in one gulp, and continued: "The energy core and calcium carbide are both unstable in a high-energy state, but we can control it."

"[Calbium carbide smelting] has recently entered the third stage with the support of my research model, and the result has just come out. It is a crystal similar to an energy core."

Speaking of which, a crystalline object flew out from the house of the elders' house in the distance, and then passed through the house wall with a strange opening, and fell into Kong Huan's hands, and the opening of the house was naturally closed , as if it had never appeared before.

"Actually, this thing appeared when we were building Pengcheng. But we couldn't control it at the time. We felt it was too dangerous and didn't want to continue, so we didn't touch it for the time being."

Putting the crystal on the table, the ordinary-looking translucent white object is emitting a faint light, indicating the energy contained in it.

"Researchers call it [calcium carbide core]. One of the preliminary research functions is to store energy, and the other is like a battery. It can provide energy for the motor we made last time with the ability of the Youshen level."

"It's a pity that further research is still going on, and there are only these two functions now, which are not considered to be very practical and popular."

"Of course, we are also working on its practical application." Seeing 8051's regretful face, Kong Huan immediately added: "The fourth-generation active-assist [Shenguang Armor] that the Armor Factory is conducting theoretical research on is using this It is supported by calcium carbide core, circuit, steel, pure copper and other materials.”

"And if the application of calcium carbide cores on armor is successful, then in the next step, we can start to promote some simplified circuits. Although we have not yet developed a substitute for high-energy-consuming smelter charcoal, but after this step, the next step is also It's just a thought, isn't it..."


Whenever these technical issues were mentioned, Kong Huan seemed to be very active, and his focused expression naturally attracted the people around him. At this time, 8051, sitting by the side with a smile on his face, was a loyal listener.

After Kong Huan roughly finished speaking, 8051 said with a smile.

"keep it up."

"of course."

(End of this chapter)

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