Spore Story

Chapter 382 Medical Alert, Private Research

Chapter 382 Medical Alert, Private Research

Electricity has finally come, and only at this time can we feel our dependence on electricity!

So, one more haunted. ~\(≧▽≦)/~
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"You little souls! Hand over my baby!"

In a research workshop full of technical atmosphere, an old man full of maturity is standing at the gate full of ordinary atmosphere, facing a group of research interns full of mischievous atmosphere outside the gate, without any sense of elders roared.

"Okay, okay, uncle, isn't it just a gray stone? It's just that we have something to drive, and we don't have good tools, and it just so happens... Oh no, it's a pity that you are not here, but we I’m in a hurry, so let’s borrow it and use it first, shall we, ga.”

The annoyed uncle waited until the other party finished speaking, and then seemed to hold back his anger and said.

"Hurry up and hand it over!"

In the severe cold of winter, there is no trace of arrogance in Pengcheng. Even with [Xiaoxue], which has a 100% attack power increase, it is still defeated in front of Pengcheng.

Because, when the entire friend city comes to winter, all kinds of fireplaces that were installed in the houses when the construction was started, completely become the enemy of the cold.

Of course, the severe cold still has a bit of power on the street, after all, the friends are not yet luxurious enough to build a fireplace on the street.

Therefore, in this weather, there are a lot fewer people walking on the street.

And the merchants who lack the flow of people so that there are no customers are lazily leaning against the fireplace in the shop, propping their heads, their eyes like searchlights are scanning back and forth at none of the passing pedestrians, maybe one of them belongs to him Not sure about the customers.

At this time, Kong Huan accompanied 8051, walking on this road covered with fine snowflakes, the cold air was no longer a threat to the two of them...




"It's alright."

"It's nothing, I didn't hear what you said just now, haha."

Embarrassedly smiled, Kong Huan stretched out his hands and rubbed his sore nose, and muttered depressingly: "No matter how strong, living organisms are living organisms, and they will still produce corresponding pathologies. This is why there are no perfect creatures in this world. The reason? The constant confrontation between spear and shield..."

"Don't think about those things." There was no abnormal reaction to the Youshen-level illusory sneeze, 8051 just glanced at it, and then looked back on its own.

After walking for a while, she seemed to think of something again, and said with a sarcasm in her tone; "There are no perfect creatures in this world. Even if they are not living creatures, they will still get sick. Standing at a very high position, 8051 looks down. Your creatures."

"Oh Amount?"

"I remember that in the biological editing space, I received a notice from the system. It said that there was an extremely powerful species. They could even cross the universe physically and smash the moon with their fists. But later, they perished .”

"Due to a very small reason, a group of people was infected with a virus that specifically breaks down carbon atoms when they were on vacation. It only needed to be careful to cut off the infected part of the virus, so there would be no problem, but the whole group But it was too careless because of habit, so it just disappeared. 8051 deeply feels the inadequacy of everything."

"...Ah," Kong Huan was sweating profusely: "Are you talking about Bumpman or Saiyan, this powerful strength, and the tragic way of death."

"Stupid, strength is not the point!"

Whacking Kong Huan up with one fist, 8051 waved his crystal fist angrily and said: "What I want to tell you is that as long as it is a living body, no matter how powerful, strange, or special it is, nature always has its natural enemies." .”

"If this planet does not, it may be the next planet; if this universe does not, it may be the next universe; if this world does not, it may be the next world; if all the worlds do not, it may be themselves... The difference between them is just It just depends on the number of natural enemies."

Speaking of which, 8051 also seemed to think that Kong Huan should understand the reality, sorted out his thoughts and said:

"Compare the human beings you are most familiar with, the current friends with that super species."

"There may be many natural enemies of human beings. Various viruses, physical diseases, external organisms, natural changes, etc. will cause them to perish. But they have a large number. For the natural enemies on this planet, it is enough to rely on the number to produce antibody mutations; With continuous development of technology, various treatment technologies can be developed under the condition of continuous research on oneself..."

"Although that super species is extremely powerful and almost fearless of all kinds of external threats, it seems to be at the top, but it is precisely because of this peak status that they lose their due vigilance. The infected The ethnic group, it is entirely because he and other teammates are too confident that this extremely slow-infecting virus has miraculously wiped out a super species!"

"The natural enemies of friends are definitely fewer than humans, but they must be more than that super species. You have to realize that friends are not invincible. Although the threat of external organisms and natural changes is relatively small, viruses and their own problems, etc. Still a problem."

Speaking of this, 8051 seemed to have thought of something, rubbed his forehead thoughtfully, then looked around, his eyes lit up, and finally turned his head to stare at Kong Huan seriously and said: "Speaking of which, you didn't find the friend of the Pengzu. Is it a big question? 8051 suddenly remembered something that he had thought of but hadn't had time to say."


Although he deeply agrees with 8051's words, Kong Huan is obviously not yet able to fully understand what 8051 knows and thinks, not to mention that Xiao 8's leaping thinking is not weaker than Kong Huan.

"Medical, medical!"

Shaking his fingers, 8051 said solemnly: "I walked around the entire friend clan, but I didn't see a single medical center, and only among the forty high-level temples in the friend clan, there are only a few of them. Priestess of the base of herbal knowledge."

"And when you took me to visit those research institutes later, I also found that there was not even a medical research team, only a biological research team and a plant and herb statistics team were able to reach the top!"

Spreading his hands out angrily, 8051 covered his forehead depressedly, then slammed the poor Kong Huan with his hand, and continued: "It's such a huge group of friends, and the Dunjia clan is about to break through 40 people. Up to 20 medical researchers, do you want to die! 8051 is very dissatisfied with the poor medical situation of the friends."

At this time, Kong Huan also burst into a cold sweat.

In fact, this can't be blamed on emptiness, or who can be blamed.

Kong Huan had too many things to think about, and because of his friend's physical fitness, he usually passed minor illnesses and disasters quite quickly, but if he encountered a serious illness, he might just notify the nearest Revenant Administration Bureau directly.

After all, in the eyes of friends, one can come back after reaching the soul level after becoming a dead soul, so the death of a living body still doesn't seem to be such a big deal.

In addition, the Development and Reform Department, which is especially responsible for checking for leaks and filling in vacancies, has also shown its shortcomings. The members of the Development and Reform Department are all members of the Peng Clan, and even their chief Chu Qin has only accepted part of the knowledge of the illusory.

Sometimes their common sense update can't even keep up with the reform speed of the friends. Although they can also check for omissions and make up for vacancies, it is obviously not very realistic for them to discover things that Shuangyuexing has never had before.

As a result, the overall neglect has led to the fact that until now, the Pengzu can barely be regarded as the shrines of medical institutions in various places, and there are only a few kinds of medicines for treating trauma.

And other things have come to a standstill because every friend has arranged work and there is a lack of free population.

"After thinking about it carefully, I realize that idlers also have a certain role, but the population of our friends prevents us from being so extravagant." With a wry smile and shaking his head, he said in a fantasy: "The Ministry of Development and Reform seems to be downgraded." It has become an ordinary department to check for leaks and fill in vacancies, and as the ethnic group improves a little bit, and the speed has exceeded the initial estimate, then Chu Qin can also be liberated."

"As for the medical treatment, I will inform the management of Wood Grain about the situation, and I believe they will do well."

Rubbing his forehead, Kong Huan smiled at 8051, and then said: "Don't lose your temper, it's only been 17 years since the Peng clan was truly unified. In such a short period of time, there hasn't been any major infectious diseases, although it's not lucky. But now that I can get your reminder, we will definitely build a medical system, so wouldn’t it be great.”

"I know, I'm not worried about anything, it's just that the family without medical institutions is incomplete and doesn't meet my living standards." Turning his head to look elsewhere, 8051 walked forward while kicking the thin snow under his feet with.

But in her mind, she gradually recalled her life in the past few decades, which was just a blink of an eye to her former self in the editing space.

I was bored in the editing space for too long, and felt that staying in one place was the greatest torture in the world, so I finally destroyed the cage that had bound me for billions of years, and ran to the free outside world.

But when she came to the outside world and faced the rich and colorful world, she found that she had no goal at all.

So, she chose to continue to help the race she assisted in the editing space.

I have to say that even 8051 can't get rid of the influence of habits, or they are more difficult to change their habits.

With self-awareness, however, such things as emotions become possible.

Feelings for friends, feelings for so-and-so, feelings for Shuangyuexing...

Perhaps, it has been established since being in the editorial space.

So, she began to run around and work hard, and lived a life that was far more difficult than the editing space, but it made her feel so full and beautiful.

At last……

Finally failed?

So did you go back to your hometown and friend city?
Is it just because the place where I first appeared in this world was Mount Ga next to Pengcheng, or is it because the fantasy I have been in contact with for billions of years is here?

Staying beside Kong Huan, 8051 finally calmed down.

"This kind of life may be the best. 8051 thinks so."


"No, your ears are ringing. 8051 said righteously."


—————The dividing line of life—————

Since the 15-year division of Pengdun occupations, some highly skilled personnel in their original positions have won the support of Pengzu and can apply for private research institutes from Pengzu.

According to the agreement, after these private research institutes propose research projects, they can be funded by businessmen or friends, but the research results are still owned by the researchers in the end, but the funders can get the corresponding research results mass production benefits.

At the same time, private research institutes must unconditionally accept interns sent by friends.

Of course, the choice and number of interns can be determined by the researchers themselves, and the fellows also have to pay the researchers to train the interns. Some researchers in private research institutes who lack research projects for a while, or need help, will gladly accept this. Arrangement, of course, there are also lonely researchers who are more resistant to this arrangement, and in the end only interns are allowed to watch.

This kind of researcher is called a "beast of good and evil for internship" by the interns, because this kind of researcher finally grades the interns based on their mood. If you are happy, you will get a high score. If you do nothing, you will still get a high score; if you are not happy It is zero points, no matter how well you do it is still zero points.

Although this situation has caused dissatisfaction among students and many teachers, in the end, the management of Pengzu still believes that if a special case is made to prevent these researchers from sending interns, then the number of researchers who accept interns in the future will definitely be fewer.

In the end, both the management and the school came to a compromise, and all the researchers of this type would do the job of accepting the interns, but the interns would take a re-examination after they were admitted to the school to determine their true grades.Of course, this thing is completely similar to the existence of unspoken rules, everyone knows me and the researcher doesn't know...

Of course, obtaining a [Private Research Institute] is not an easy task.

Because the friends have to consider not only the needs of researchers in a factory, but also population factors, and funding issues...etc.

According to the "Private Research Institute Application Regulations" issued in July 15, applicants must have a certain prestige in the industry, be rated at the researcher level or above, and obtain the support of at least ten fellow researchers at the same level, and master more than one patent……

And after all these are satisfied, it is necessary to wait for the increase of the "research institute's upper limit" adjusted by the friends according to factors such as race-to-population ratio, cultural education level, and technological development level before they can be obtained.

Otherwise, some research institutes that have not produced products for a long time and are not protected by the "Basic Theoretical Research Encouragement Act" must be closed.

Of course, in fact, there is still a gap between this upper limit and the reality. In order to ensure the quality of the research institute, the Elderly House directly intervenes in the application of each research institute, and the empty fantasy even digitizes every researcher who successfully applies. , which can be seen in its strictness.

Therefore, up to the current position, there are only 37 [private research institutes] registered by the Peng family, 17 of which are located in Pengcheng, and there are 9 private research institutes in Priest Mountain, leaving 20 private research institutes in 11 provinces... …

Looking carefully at the decree, people found that the upper limit of research institutes discussed and decided by the management and the House of Elders was actually 100.

This is the gap between expectations and reality.

Of course, following the principle of 'rather lack than excess', no one will lower this standard to fill up this upper limit.

After all, the friends must pay at least an average of 1 copper coins for each [private research institute] every year, which is just a regular maintenance fund.Funds for interns, research projects, basic theoretical research supplements, etc. have to be calculated separately...

"I have to say that although the taxes of the friends have increased, it is those large and medium-sized factories that really support our spending." This is the absolutely true voice of everyone who faces the annual budget.

And the research institute that the two of them are in at this time is a private research institute called [Mechanical Module Research Institute].

"So, this is what you just grabbed?"

Standing in the technical-looking research workshop, Kong Huan was holding a piece of dark, unidentified substance in his hand. He tossed it lightly a few times to feel the weight. Corner, frowned imperceptibly.

Then, he still threw this piece of substance to the pitiful, very mature uncle who was the owner of this unknown substance.

"My baby, you are finally back."

The uncle communicated with the unknown substance as if there was no one else around, completely ignoring the two elders around him (8051 has been promoted to an elder since he settled down, and no one dares to object =.=).

As for those research interns who saw the unknown substance, were snatched away, and then returned to the hands of the uncle, please ignore it.

"Can you tell me where I found it?"

After the other party recovered and put the unknown substance on his body well, Kong Huan looked at the heavy ground, where the unknown substance seemed to be tearing his clothes, carefully waved away the black thread, and asked the uncle.

Originally, when Kong Huan and 8051 were walking on the street and heard the noise of this private research institute, they didn't pay much attention to it, because it was nothing unusual, it was just ordinary people making noise.

And the very mature uncle in front of him is from the whole friend family, probably Quan Shuangyuexing, the only person who has researched and experimented with a practical gear set, not one of them.

Among the more than a dozen sets of gear sets available in the Pengzu, 9 sets are provided by the illusory research mode. Even the few technicians who participated in the research only know about it, and cannot create it like the uncle.

The remaining 7 sets of gear sets were completely created by this uncle from scratch.

What's even more commendable is that the time difference between his gear set and the illusory research mode gear set is only two days.

The uncle comes out first...

Knowing the situation at that time, while expressing shock and admiration, he actually said something: "Why didn't this soul fade sooner, I don't need to waste 300 civilization points and spend more than half a year researching this damn gear gone."

Of course, that was just a joke. After all, the more types of gear sets, the wider the range of choices for everyone, right?

And in 15, this uncle broke away from the gear group that Unreal invited him to set up before, and built a private research institute by himself. With research funds, government supplements, and intern support, he went out again and again in two years. Two sets of gear sets, not too bad.

But standing here today, Kong Huan didn't want to see if the uncle had any new achievements, but was completely attracted by this unknown substance.

"Can you tell me where I found it?"

Hearing Kong Huan's questioning again, the gear uncle who had just recovered, smiled awkwardly, and after glaring at a few poor interns, he turned to Kong Huan and 8051 next to him. Nod in response.

"Master Unreal, you want to find more, so I can only say sorry."

"I once went out to visit relatives, and I found her when I was passing by a mountain depression. I searched all around, even within ten meters below the soil, I used my mental strength to explore, and later I even paid for Dunjia people to find her. There's a lot of land around, but there's only this one."

"Oh, unfortunately."

He never doubted the other party, the emptiness of the early stage of the Youshen class and the 8051 of the soul class, the uncle at the peak of the ghost class in front of him has no possibility of lying.

"Then do it well, gear, don't hide any new products."

"Yes, Master Konghuan." While answering, Uncle Gear was still covering his arms like a thief. The unknown substance that had already scratched the linen clothes worth about 50 copper coins made several people present smile wryly.

Walking to the door, Kong Huan suddenly stopped, turned back to the uncle who was about to reprimand a few interns and said, "By the way, gear, if you want your baby to be more useful, take it to the third smelting workshop of the Armor Factory , so that it can become whatever it wants to become.”

"If you're worried, just say I let you go, so they won't snatch your baby, haha."

Ignoring the thoughtful Uncle Gear, Kong Huan pulled 8051 and left the private research institute with a smile.

"It's made of the same material as the Youshen-level Thunderscale Armor, did it flow out of the armor factory?" 8051 looked back at the material suspiciously, recalling the Youshen-level Thunderscale Armor that he had seen before.

"Probably not." Shaking his head, Kong Huan said with a smile: "He can't lie in front of you and me, and when I mentioned the smelting workshop of the Armor Factory, he didn't have any abnormal reactions at all. The protection of minerals belongs to the confidential level, and his level will not be known."

"Where are you still letting him go?"

"That's why I said, I told him to go. At that time, the very cautious workshop manager will definitely use magnetic field communication to ask me, and I'll just confirm."

"And the most important thing is," Kong Huan shook his tail, turned his head and said, "Didn't you say, Xiao 8, that things often fall down in that time? System defense will not destroy matter, but just touch life and complexity." Composition. So it became such a piece, more of it is due to the friction of the atmosphere, so there should be some on the planet.”

"Are you looking for it?"

"Even if you find it, the quantity is not large. If the quantity is small, it will not be effective. On the contrary, it will take time and effort to find it, and the gain outweighs the loss."

Shaking his head, Kong Huan continued on.

[Scale iron] is the name of this substance, which is derived from the bottom protective substance of the Zerg base when it breaks into the atmosphere. Although the defense effect is indeed very good, the melting and plasticity are too cumbersome.

And its quantity is too small, even the scale iron obtained from the complete wreckage of the scout base is only enough for a dozen ghost-level thunder scale armors.

"Then don't you want to requisition that person? Although I don't want to spend manpower to find it, I don't want to let go of the one in front of me." He looked at Kong Huan suspiciously. From 8051's point of view, since this kind of substance is useful to friends, it should be kept In the hands of individuals, it is obviously not as effective as staying in the hands of the management of the friends.

"No need." Blinking his eyes, Kong Huan replied with a smile: "This is that uncle's treasure, how can I live if I rob him."


"Ugh, you are too evil, Void. 8051 stated contemptuously."

"No, it's obviously you who said the difference!"

"Ah! Long-winded! Go to hell!"

"Show cute and self-respect, huh."



(End of this chapter)

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