Spore Story

Chapter 383 Copper and iron present, copper coins and doctors

Chapter 383 Copper and iron present, copper coins and doctors

Second watch =w=
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"The road of life is always full of ups and downs."

"The reason is that you spend too much time sighing. 8051 mercilessly points out the essence of things."


This is the daily life of Kong Huan and 8051. Kong Huan does tasks, and 8051 complains.

But speaking of it, doing missions with 8051, the speed of obtaining illusory civilization points is much faster.

Unexpectedly, the task mode only limited the number of people, but not the strength, which led to Wuhuan being able to take advantage of such a loophole.

A soul-level 8051 is obviously more powerful than hundreds or thousands of friends, so that Kong Huan had to sigh: "If I knew it earlier, I should have told 8051 not to work on the will of the planet, but to help me directly. Do the task."

"You are sighing again, and the road of life has added a little more bumps. 8051 understands the righteousness and reminds the emptiness."


In March 17 AD, the breath of spring had already filled the earth, but all Kong Huan could smell was the smell of copper coins, making him wonder whether to frown, frown, or frown.

"It would be great if it was all from the government," said a patriarch who was dazed by the annual budget, and seemed to have transformed into a money worshiper... Wait, it's the potential of a copper girl, and even The minister of the Ministry of Finance, who was covered with black lines, could only stand aside in embarrassment.

(This is what I want to say.) The Minister of Finance shouted in his heart, but he himself remained silent. There was no way, except for the workers, he was the weakest person present, regardless of his status or strength.

"This is a new batch of copper coins produced. Now the copper coin field produces 8 refined copper coins per month. The 100 million copper coins to be issued this time are more than half a year's inventory. But it looks like a lot, but after being shipped to the provinces But there’s just not enough to see, really.”

"I see, that's why Wooden wants to see enough at this time. 8051 nodded in agreement."

"Uh, Master Kongling, you misunderstood, I was just counting."

Looking back at the wood grain of the copper coin from time to time, he smiled awkwardly, and said a reason that even he didn't believe it.In front of Kong Ling, her calm and conspiratorial face could not last even a second.

"Alright, 8051,100 pieces, it will only take half a month to finish counting with mental strength, let's get down to business first." (Han Huan, you have also turned bad.)
"What was the result of your management's discussions with the medical institution that was raised last time?"

Kong Huan pulled 8051 out of the warehouse full of copper coins with a depressed wooden grain on his face.

Taking a deep breath of the sober and natural air, Kong Huan woke himself up from the shining pile of coins.

Because he often goes out with 8051, Kong Huan has even done a lot less work in the elders' house recently, and sometimes he even thinks, it's better to completely delegate power to other people in the elders' house, while he works hard to do the tasks wholeheartedly, work hard... …was complained by 8051.

(Crap!) OTZ
In fact, recently, Kong Huan is completely relaxing with 8051, and the mission is also specially selected.

8051, who has worked hard for more than ten years and has never encountered such a situation, is still like a blank sheet of paper even if she is billions of years old. It is understandable for Kong Huan to have grudges left.

Of course, both Kong Huan and 8051 would not say anything about relaxation.

"We also discussed the situation of medical institutions at the annual meeting, and everyone expressed their support."

With Yiren's memory, these important things are hard to forget. Mu Wen just thought about it for a while, and then recalled the specific content: "A high priest said very well, 'Disease, it's not that we didn't study it, No.’ It’s just that others spoke lightly before, and no one cared.”

"And now, we plan to adopt the combination of primary treatment and high-end research as the initial construction of our friends' self-medication system."

Nodding his head, Muwen stood on a protruding rock, pointing his finger at Pengcheng in the distance (the copper coin market is on Mount Ga, and Pengcheng is beside Mount Ga).

"Grassroots treatment, there are only a small number of trauma treatment methods. We plan to invest 20 copper coins and rely on the support of temples in various places to establish a small pharmacy at the town level, managed by a priest with certain attainments in herbalism. In terms of personnel selection, although they are not good, every priest has knowledge of medicinal herbs, so it is quite loose."

"After officially taking office, these priests will be renamed 'healers'."

"They have four roles: one is to monitor the health status of various places; the other is to coordinate the city affairs bureau to manage the health situation; the third is to treat some diseases within their capabilities; the fourth is to summarize the treatment experience, record the treatment situation, and submit difficult and miscellaneous diseases."

"Of course, the fourth is the most important, at least in the absence of perfect treatment experience, this is the most important."

Nodding his head, Kong Huan agreed.

The current medical situation of Pengzu is the same as the cultivation situation at the beginning of the construction of Mount Gashan. There are only a few basic methods, which are not enough to support the expansion of education.Now, what Pengzu has to do is to sum up medical experience as soon as possible, compile corresponding educational books, and then train a large number of real doctors.

It is impossible for Kong Huan to wait for a great man who does not know when he will appear, to taste hundreds of herbs alone, or to write "Compendium of Materia Medica" or "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" alone, because he has no patience. The same goes for friends.

Now that we know some experience, the empty proposal is to replace this kind of "summative" great man with the number of people. Many people work together to sum up experience. The amount of information accumulated by 100 people is obviously much higher than that accumulated by one person. Bar.

However, Kong Huan still added a sentence: "The treatment process must be rigorous. It is best for the priest to choose someone with more experience in medicinal herbs. This is a matter of human life."

"We all know this." Nodding knowingly, Mu Wen said, "In addition to grassroots treatment, we plan to set up high-end research institutions in or around provincial capitals, and invest 40 yuan as the initial construction funds."

"Really, once they come and go, more than half of the 100 million that was just issued is gone."

A few people obviously couldn't hear Wood Grain's complaints, but everyone didn't care.

These things are now planned to be delegated to the management and the elders' house. He completely regards himself as a supervisor rather than an executor.This kind of less interference obviously made the people in the management very happy. Of course, the elders' house didn't know about it. Anyway, everyone chatted and drank tea as usual...

After a pause, Mu Wen continued: "One of these research institutions is to actively test the medicinal properties of various plants; the other is to summarize the summary information provided by small pharmacies in various places to verify its rationality and effectiveness; The third is to passively record various temporarily untreatable conditions and test possible available methods."

"However, here, our plan is to set up a medical bureau under the Ministry of Industry; in fact, we planned to directly mention the Ministry of Medicine at the beginning, but now the medical care has just started, and the consumption of upgrading to a ministry-level unit is too high. And it's a waste."

"It's up to you to decide for yourself. Now tell me when the official construction will start."

"It's already started," Mu Wen said happily.From the contact with her, it can be seen that Mu Wen is a very strong person. Although he does not have the obsession of "everything is better than others", "recognition" is a must: "This time the 100 million Most of the copper coins are used for this purpose.”

"Hey, what a coincidence."

"Yeah, what a coincidence."

"By the way, Master Konghuan," looking at Pengcheng in the distance, Mu Wen seemed to think of something new because of something he saw, and suddenly said: "Has your research on steel smelting not been successful yet?"

"You know, the mines all over the country started to work at the beginning of the year, and the ore accumulated so far has been piled up on the site of the steel factory that has been set aside. Although the land is everywhere, it doesn't look very good if it is left like this. Isn't it?"

Following the fingers of the wood grain, what Kong Huan saw was the city wall in the distance... the open spaces next to it.

"Huh? Why did you stay outside the city?" Frowning suspiciously, Kong Huan turned his head to look at Mu Wen.

"It can't be helped." Spreading his hands, Mu Wen replied: "Pengcheng was originally planned to be so big, but now it is full."

"Is there any plan to expand the outer city?"

"Yes, but I don't intend to start work for the time being." Mu Wen moved her body carefully, as if she was a little afraid of 8051.Of course, she obviously didn't know that 8051 is definitely the quietest when it comes to business.

"It's up to you to arrange how to do it yourself. I don't want to get involved. However, the building planning and security outside the city must also be well managed. It's not appropriate to be in such a mess."

Pointing to the outside of the city, maybe Kong Huan has been running around all the time, but he didn't notice the situation around Pengcheng (it's dark under the lights?). Large and small spaces were cleared.

And on the open space, there are not a few temporary or permanent buildings.

But it seems that because they belong to the outskirts of the city and have not received a unified plan, these buildings appear to be very random.It’s like a private house in the corner, and next to the private house is actually a workshop (smaller than a small factory, the only production institution that a businessman can open and operate at this time), and there is a lumberyard outside the workshop...

As a result, various buildings on the open space are intertwined and connected.

Fortunately, they also knew not to block the road. A straight street divides the houses on both sides.Just because the houses are of different sizes and arranged unevenly, it obviously destroys the image of the city.

(But the city management is too dangerous, it's better not to get out.)
Thinking like this, he didn't notice the 8051's sudden smile. He turned his head and said to Mu Wen: "Plan the future area of ​​the outer city, but the main thing is to satisfy the people. Although this is a bit empty, I believe you can still understand of."

"Understood, then the problem of smelting..."

"[Steel smelting research] has a small problem, and it is expected to be extended until April to succeed. However, various places can try to smelt iron into iron ingots in small batches. After all, pure iron can be used in a wide range."



Afterwards, it was all trivial matters. The very idle and boring Kong Huan also showed 8051 the operation of Mu Wen's management team. Of course, both of them were doing wooden figures well.

However, after all, the two heavyweight elders were standing there, so it's no wonder that everyone is not cautious when working.

Therefore, after just watching for a while, 8051, which felt boring, directly dragged out the illusion that was still thinking about the problem.

"Why, these details are so boring, but someone must do them."

"I know, and I also know, it's more convenient for you to be lazy, isn't it. 8051 directly pointed out the illusory little thoughts."

"What kind of petty thinking is this? Everyone knows it, ah ha ha ha."



One day in the summer of AD 17, the sweltering smelter could not restrain people's enthusiasm for work.

Not many people among them know the meaning of steel, and even put forward the illusion of steel smelting, but only because steel is widely used in modern human beings, so they pay so much attention to it.

But this still couldn't stop the staff present from feeling joyful about the production of the first furnace of steel, because it represented that the Pengzu officially broke away from the "Bronze Age" and made great strides towards the "Steel Age".

However, looking at the fantasy of the first batch of products after the production of steel, I don't know what to say.

"Steel spear, attack power: 11, weight: 5, attack speed: medium, attack distance: medium range, special ability: piercing, projectile."

Bang Dang, the steel spear with the shining spearhead was placed on the table. Because of its length, the sharp spearhead even scratched the wooden table not far away, perfectly showing the sharpness of the spear. I am afraid that even a friend Human skin can be broken with just a little more force.

As for 8051 and Xiao Lingyun sitting at the table, the corners of their eyes twitched, and the teacups in their hands creaked slightly.

"Steel shield, defense power: 20, weight: 20."

Boom, the diamond-shaped shield that reflected the light outside the window like a mirror was placed on the table by Void, and a white spot appeared on the ceiling.

8051 shook his tail, Xiao Lingyun shook his ears, and the two of them held the teacup with obvious cracks in their hands but not a trace of water leaking at the same time, without saying a word.

"Steel helmet, defense power: 5, weight: 3."


"Steel armor..."


"Steel... um, what is this? A steel rod? It's a little shorter; a steel bar? It's a little thicker..."

"Isn't this all the mold you gave me? What's the matter if you don't recognize it yourself? 8051 is speechless to Void's reaction."

"Here, in order to take care of everyone's emotions, I only selected a few. Most of the other molds are still decided by the workers." They shook the objects in their hands unconsciously. There is no dissatisfaction.

It's just that steel was finally produced, but because the power situation has not been resolved, it can still only stay in the era of light industrial cold weapons, which makes Kong Huan look a little depressed.

At this time, there were no outsiders in the room, so Kong Huan would show this emotion.

"If you don't know, let Kong Huan let the technician come in and explain. I'll call someone." Xiao Lingyun shook her ears, got up and walked to the door, and the three net rabbits who followed like followers made Kong Huan and 8051 At the same time, the corners of his eyes twitched.

And 8051 suddenly and slowly turned his head to look at Kong Huan, which made him shudder.

"Look, what are you looking at? You must be thinking of something strange, right?"

As a last resort, Kong Huan could only make a gesture of weakness.

It seems that he seldom takes the initiative in the confrontation with 8051, even when 8051 is weak, when Kong Huan can't make a move...

"Of course, huh, huh."

"I'm thinking about the small rabbits behind Xiao Lingyun; the big butterflies behind Chu Ling; and the illusion of you...the scene when three friends are behind you. The corners of 8051's mouth twitched while imagining and sweating. "

Having said that, 8051 unconsciously glanced up and down at Kong Huan, then raised the teacup in his hand, and tasted the tea gracefully.

"Oh, is that so?" Kong Huan waved his hands nonchalantly: "I'm so lucky, you are one of them."



(End of this chapter)

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