Spore Story

Chapter 384 5 years, a stable and peaceful time

Chapter 384 Five years, a stable and peaceful time

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No disease and no disaster, this is the good expectation of ordinary people;
No soldiers, no disasters, this is the manager's good wish.

But whether it is an expectation or a wish, there is a cruel reality, that is, there is a high probability that this thing will not be realized, or it is basically impossible... maybe.

Expectations are often discounted; wishes are often shattered...

So, this tragic world.

Ah, digressing.

In fact, we're talking about the five-year period from AD 17 to AD 22.

For the managers of the Pengzu, these five years can barely be said to be five years in which a wish has come true.

This is true whether it is war, people, government, or technology.

In terms of war, no matter whether it is the underground Spirit Clan, or the above-ground Shadow Clan, Dunjia Clan, or within the Friends Clan, there is nothing that can only be clarified after a fight, so we live in peace.

And we can find out why.

In fact, the spirit race was frightened by the "God's Punishment" super earthquake.

In a major earthquake, the Eldar lost nearly one-fifth of their population. This can be said to be the biggest disaster since the emergence of civilization.In the face of such a catastrophe, no living creature with a brain can remain indifferent.

Therefore, on the side of the Eldar directly facing this disaster, many individuals who are good at thinking have some associations when considering the question of 'why this catastrophe happened', which is actually nothing more than 'crime and punishment' things.

They believe that the war was fought so fiercely that it triggered the 'earth's wrath' (it can be regarded as the human's sky's wrath=.=).

This kind of thinking is actually nothing. People in any era will have this kind of thinking. For example, in ancient times, human beings pushed the catastrophe to the failure of the emperor; now they push 2012 to human beings’ mistakes.

But coincidentally, the Spirit Race guessed one of the reasons correctly. In fact, even if you die inside the Spirit Race, you won't care about the planets, but you can fight as long as you fight, and you have pulled so many other creatures on your back. is the key point, but obviously, the Eldar didn't think about it.

Then, according to the previous associations of 'war caused an earthquake', a change occurred within the Eldar that made both Void and 8051 dumbfounded.

What is this change?

That is, the first formed [thought] of the spirit clan appeared within the spirit clan. This is probably also the first formed thought of Shuangyuexing. Its significance is self-evident, that is [no war].

[No war], it can be summed up in one sentence: 'War is a [beep——], and it should be [beep——], we must pay attention to peace, communication, communication, and friendship. '

The proponents of the theory of no war believe that 'everything in the world can be solved by communication, whether it is for animals or humans. The judgment of civilization should also be based on whether communication or war is the first choice after encountering each other. . '

"War is the most useless and most harmful act. It will only be like the [God's Punishment Hole] (that is, the two subterranean continents that were shaken and collapsed), devouring flesh and blood, but producing nothing..."

Words like this, no, should be said to have risen to the level of [thought], but it is the first time they appear on Double Moon, regardless of whether they are reasonable or effective, they all have a strong charm.

And maybe the spirit clan is just thinking about this issue, so the theory of no war has become popular for a while, showing great influence.Even within the extremely militant spirit race, it has had a very wide spread, and even one of the five spirit race organizations [high-end ruler] (the leader of many rulers in the organization) agrees this thought.

How long this will last is unknown.

"Well, although I don't really believe that the Eldar with the warlike gene will change from a tiger to a kitten because of a thought, but at least we have obtained a long period of stability, haven't we?"

Although it can't do the will of the planet, it is still the agent's 8051 after all. After obtaining this kind of information, he told Kong Huan as a joke, and Kong Huan said the above words.

But after saying it, Kong Huan felt a little threatened.

"Thoughts, not to mention, I haven't thought of it yet. The friends seem to have no formed thoughts until now. This is not a good thing for a civilization."

Recalling the contention of a hundred schools of thought in the ancient human civilization of the previous life, Kong Huan felt a burst of impatience.

8051 on the side nodded in agreement, then tapped Kong Huan with his tail and said: "It's important, but you, me, and even Dark Blood and Bai Nong had better not get involved in this aspect, so that we can Let the friends race develop their own ideas. Otherwise, the friends race is just a continuation of a certain human civilization. 8051 expressed it quite vigilantly."


The Spirit Clan has no wars and no fighting intentions. For the Friends Clan, the underground is another peaceful world. Therefore, the Friends Clan did not pay any more attention to the issues of the Spirit Clan except for continuing to use the three fortresses as the bases of the three major armies.

Besides the Spirit Clan, the most important foreign race with the Friends Clan is the Shadow Clan.

But in terms of war, the Shadow Clan is no threat to the Friends Clan in the short term.

Because, the Shadow Clan Thunder God Church led by Chu Xia was finally established in February 18 AD.

This church, which takes Thor's "order, justice, loyalty and punishment" as its teaching, is composed entirely of Shadow Clan people.The president of the church is the former Great Chief Shadow Mountain; the composition of the church completely refers to the previous parliamentary model of the Shadow Clan, setting up three levels of church members: upper, middle, and lower.

It can be said that, except for changing the name and adding a missionary duty, this guy is completely a copy of the Shadow Clan's council.

Of course, in order to highlight the influence of the friends, there are church elders on top of the church.

At the same time, according to the God Clan level model that the Friends Clan has not officially started to use, the six strongest members of the Shadow Clan were selected and given the title of "Shangying Warrior". All serve as elders.

As for this [Shang XX Division], it is actually the estimated division of consciousness strength among friends.

In the plan of protossing, Pengzu is expected to classify the previous combat-oriented soul level into the [division] level.

Among them, people with ordinary aptitude can reach the highest level of soul level—high soul level, and they are given the title of [upper].

And [Shadow] refers to the assassination tactics of the Shadow Clan, which exists like a shadow; of course, if it is changed to the Peng Clan, it will not have this item; but if it is changed to the Dunjia Clan, it will be [Dun].

[War] means that these people belong to the combat category; if they are individuals of the technology research and development category, they will be given [Technology]; There are also corresponding names.

To illustrate with an example, the high priest of the "God History" at the soul level before should actually be the "Shang Zhi Shi", because her main development direction is not fighting, but enlightenment, or a brainwashing illusion maker.But after she reaches the peak of the soul level, she can be officially called [Wisdom of God], which is the planned name for the peak of the soul level as [X of God] (friends) or [XX of God] (foreigners).

And this time, the five people selected from the Shadow Clan, whom Thunder God Chu Xia personally bestowed the title of [Shangying Warrior], after comparison, found that they were all soul-level seniors.

This surprised Chu Xia and the others slightly, because these five people, like the former speaker and the great chief, belonged to situations that were not easy to perceive. I really don't feel clear.

In addition, for example, Chi Ying, who has become a senior member of the church, and Zhong Wei, who has become a middle-level member of the church, their strength and cultivation have earned them the title of "Shaoying Warrior".

Of course, this is only the case of Shadow Clan.

This kind of title model has not been completely perfected by the Armed Forces of the Friends of the Clan, so it is only temporarily implemented in the Shadow Clan.

And with the support of the church, ShadowClan has been completely immersed in the wave after wave of technical shocks of FriendsClan in the past five years, and has no time or mood to think about other things.

Because the purpose of the friends is to prepare for the arrival of the enemy in about 200 years, and it is impossible to really plan according to 200 years, so it is to improve the strength of other races that can be helpful as much as possible. In terms of strength, only the friends need to compare A little lower will do.

Of course, that's only on the surface, whether it's education or research, Pengzu is still holding on tightly.

And in five years, the Shadow Clan has only been forcibly dragged from the primitive tribal civilization (refer to the cavemen) to the tribal city-state union (refer to the Shang and Zhou dynasties). The difference is quite large, and it is impossible to find similar comparisons =.=).

"It can be said that the current Shadow Clan will not pose a threat to us as long as they are not promoted to the category of Spring and Autumn and Warring States."

This is the opinion of the Mu Wen patriarch, and Chu Xia, who knows the Shadow Clan best, disagrees.

"The strength of this race is not bad, but limited by physical factors, the development potential of individual strength cannot be compared with that of friends; but if it develops external technology like the civilization in the illusory memory, with their brain level similar to that of that civilization, As well as their higher physical fitness than that civilized individual, there will still be great potential for development."

"It's just that we can't make enemies for ourselves."

In one sentence, at least 200 years of development of Shadow Clan have been determined.

"Okay, let's not talk about these depressive conspiracies, let's talk about our Dunjia people." Mu Wen, who was bearing the contempt and suspicion of everyone, changed the topic because he didn't want to get entangled in too many Shadow Clan issues.

In fact, she just continued on the right topic.

Then the topic turned to the Dunjia clan.

The Dunjia race is the absolute vassal of the Peng clan. The civilization of this race even appeared under the influence of the Peng clan. Otherwise, the Dunjia people at this time should be similar to the situation of dolphins and wolves on the earth (called Sending a congratulatory message to the dolphin, the second most intelligent species on earth, PS: Human beings rank third =.=).

It is precisely because of this relationship that although the Dunjia people have feelings of independence in many aspects, they still insist on following the policy of friends.

After completely merging into the Friends Clan, they completely dispelled the meaning of splitting, and wholeheartedly regarded themselves as members of the Friends Clan.

This embarrasses some managers in the top management who intend to plot against the Dunjia people.

After all, friends nowadays are actually very simple. Apart from their technology and organizational structure, they have almost reached the level before the human industrial revolution. In terms of thinking and experience summarization, after all, they have only officially developed for less than half a century. Nothing accumulated.

Therefore, in the end, the Pengzu still counted the Dunjiaren in the transformation of the God's Clan, and made him the first level of [God Servant].

And after knowing the thoughts of the Dunjia people's high-level executives on the sidelines, a group of guys from the Pengzu were a little relieved.

"God's servant? What?" asked Dunjia Qingcao, the minister of agriculture with the highest reputation among the Dunjia people at that time.

"A servant of the gods is someone who follows the gods and helps the gods to do things." The Minister of Agriculture who went to inquire about the Dunjia people replied in this way.

Then, Comrade Dunjia Qingcao nodded in agreement, expressing that the Dunjia people are eternal servants of the gods.

Whether there was any misunderstanding in this regard, everyone present did not think about it, but after asking hundreds of Dunjia representatives and getting similar answers, the Pengzu immediately started the next step of the transformation of the Protoss.

Then there are the internal problems of the friends.

In the past five years, except for another big annual meeting within the Friends Clan, the senior officials of various provinces, with the support of the mayors, quarreled over the budget. Are you on a budget? 'After this yelling came to an end, there was nothing commendable, or something special happened.

As for the shadow, although its specific situation is still only known to the elders, the gods and the patriarch, there is no impenetrable wall in the world. It is getting stronger and stronger, and it has already spread among the managers, but it has made the management clear. Therefore, the upper management did not make restrictions.

Of course, at this time, there are actually no corrupt officials and other things that pollute the sight. At most, they feel that they are not high enough to be high-ranking officials, and they want to enter the city of friends, and they are self-taught.

——————The dividing line of the moonlight lamp—————

After talking about the general direction of race, it is the details.

In five years, the main detail of Pengzu is still the promotion of steel.

After the appearance of steel in 17 AD, relying on its ductility and strength stronger than bronze, etc., it has won great support from various industries.However, limited by the output, its promotion is only a little better than the early bronze.

At least, the Pengzu can implement the policy of "Bronze Ware for Iron" to take back the useless copper wares in the hands of the people (such as "copper kitchen knife + 5 copper coins = iron kitchen knife"). These copper wares are smelted to make copper coins and copper wires , decorations and other more useful things, this is the issue of rational use of resources.

"It's called thrift! Do you know that!"

On the podium of the conference, facing several mayors who put forward the statement that "the policy of replacing copper with iron is a policy that wastes too much money", the wood grain at that time directly roared and suppressed the other party's objections.

Speaking of which, poor wood grain was called a 'calm dark walker' in the first five years, a 'busy executor' in the second five years, and it seemed to become a 'busy executor' in the third five years. Angry growler'.


"Sure enough, I should retire by the next term."

Mu Wen, who seemed very depressed because of roaring in another annual meeting, after returning to the ancestral tree of the elders' house like a "safe place", lay down in front of the empty table, talking in a decadent manner.

"Do you want to come to the elders' home?" Don't want the patriarch who has been running around for more than ten years to be depressed, and asked Kong Huan, but what he got was a shake of his head.

"Although I really want to come to the elders' home, the rules are the rules, and I must stick to them. This is my working experience in the past ten years..."

In the silent reality, Mu Wen may not have much talent in practice, or it may be that she has delayed too much time after becoming the patriarch. Up to now, she is only a soul-level senior.

And she is close to 60 years old. Although she is only middle-aged in Yiren's eyes, her heart is already like an old person.

Of course, from Kong Huan's point of view, the bigger reason for Mu Wen's bad temper recently is that he has entered 'menopause', but unfortunately no one cares about him.

"Retire, take advantage of the present opportunity, and practice hard. You were able to serve as the patriarch after entering the soul-level advanced stage, which means you still have that ability, doesn't it?"

Unreal, who is not very good at comforting people, can only talk like this while drinking tea.

"Your consolation is of no use at all! 8051 accuses you mercilessly."

"Uh," Kong Huan froze OTZ in an instant.

"Master 8051, Master Kong Huan is also kind, isn't he?" At this time, Mu Wen was supposed to comfort Kong Huan instead, which made everyone dumbfounded.

"Actually, you don't have to worry so much. Maybe you can join our experiment," Chu Jie, who suddenly appeared, patted Mu Wen's shoulder, and then said with a smile. The former patriarch, the loyal maidservant Die Wu, seemed to have completely entered the experiment. My own character flew in from a distance and obediently stood behind Chu Jie.

Seeing the wood grain in this scene, I was unable to think of one thing: several members of the elders' house have a very strong similarity. This similarity is neither gender nor strength, but 'disappearance' .

Chu Qin is in charge of the Ministry of Development and Reform (has not stepped down yet =. =), running around the provinces all day long, completely invisible;

Chu Xia, who is in charge of the Shadow Clan Thunder God Church, temporarily stayed at the Xiaoshu Barracks to remotely control the situation of the Shadow Clan, and there is no one in Pengcheng;

Lingxue, with the newly promoted two Youshen-level elders, Lingxin and Liuyun, ran around to familiarize themselves with the situation of the friends, but there was still no sign of them recently;
Warhammer, although it is also a newly-promoted Youshen-level, is an experienced manager in the friend clan like Lingxue and the others, so there is no need to run around, and now he acts like an old man all day long (it seems that he is indeed an old man) ), taking the children to reminisce about the past of the calcium carbide tribe, at least not in Pengcheng;

Die Wu, I don’t need to explain, many people think she is from Shenting...

Chu Ling, as the master consciousness of the hell butterfly, is very conscientious, second only to the busy person of 8051 in the past, in order to arrange the development of the hell butterfly, I am afraid that he is working harder than before;

Lingyun, as the main consciousness of the net rabbits, although the number of net rabbits has not yet broken through the thousand mark, but the net rabbits are a variant of the white rabbits, so she searches for the existence of the white rabbits everywhere, but it is stronger than Chu Ling. It's hard work, because she can't perceive where the white rabbit is;
Dark Blood and Bai Nong, one runs around according to the triangle route of "Ministry of Agriculture (work) - Technology Bureau (sister control) - home" all day long; —Campaign station (work)——Home' triangular distance flying, also regards the elders' house as a temporary passing station...

The rest are the empty fantasy and 8051...

Looking up at the two people who were sitting together leisurely, drinking tea and chatting with each other, Mu Wen somehow had a feeling of 'this is actually a high-end nursing home' towards the elders' home.

"Forget it, let's talk about your experiment."

PS: The stick at the end of the last chapter is actually a bearing...

(End of this chapter)

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