Spore Story

Chapter 385 Enter, energy transformation in progress

Chapter 385 Enter, energy transformation in progress
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Friends have known for decades the stimulating effects of electricity on the body...

A few years ago, Youshen-level Chu Xia discovered the stimulating effect of energy on cell evolution through controlling herself...

A few months ago, Chu Xia, who was at the peak of the Youshen class, finally became the first great person of the Friends clan to enter the Yinshen class, proving the rationality of energy stimulation.

According to unofficial history records, on that day, the wind blew away the clouds, flying sand and rocks, the sky was dark... (You thought the devil was born!)
Well, that's true history.

In January 22 AD, Chu Xia at the time was considering a plan for ideological transformation of the Shadow Clan in the Xiaoshu Military Camp, and at the same time was studying whether to send personnel to find the Ancient Shadow Clan as a further missionary group.

But suddenly, she felt that her body was a little tense, and her energy began to fluctuate violently uncontrollably.

For Chu Xia, who has been at the peak of the Youshen level for so many years and has been waiting for the energyization to be completed, although she has never encountered this kind of reaction before, it does not prevent her from making a correct understanding.


This is what Chu Xia said to the high priest of "Shenshi" beside her at that time.

Afterwards, she disappeared into the hall. As the high priest of the "Shenshi" at the peak of the soul level, she didn't even see her shadow, and she heard the thunder outside.

But before the High Priest of Shenshi who had just reacted chased him out, a figure suddenly appeared in the hall, and the overall time interval should not exceed two breaths. (this speed...)
However, after that figure appeared, the uncontrollable coercion made the High Priest of 'Shenshi' stand there completely unable to resist. It was not until the sky changed from mid-morning to late night that this coercion came from the opposite side. In fact, Chu Xia finally controlled the energy disturbance that naturally emanated.

So, after careful calculation, Chu Xia's promotion this time was most affected by the poor High Priest of "Shenshi".

According to her own memories, when creating the illusion world several times after that, the illusion world suddenly produced a huge pressure, so that the users inside were frightened and went weak all over.

In this regard, she also specially entered the fantasy world created by Chu Xia, and after several adjustments in thinking, she barely got rid of the previous psychological shadow.

In fact, Chu Xia's promotion to the Yin God level this time has very little impact on the outside world, and the real change lies in Chu Xia herself.

'A humanoid that radiates energy. '

This is the first thought that comes to most people's minds when they see Chu Xia at the Yin God level, and it is also the most intuitive description.

I don't know if it's a coincidence, but it's similar to what people thought when they first saw the Youshen Body. When people saw the Youshen Body Chu Jie for the first time, there was also a "unidentified creature exuding energy and light" idea……


(Yin God Class) A 'humanoid' creature that radiates energy;
(Phantom Body) An 'unknown' creature that radiates energy rays;
Well, let's find the fault, as long as you are literate, you should be able to find the relationship.

In contrast, it can be seen that the difference between the Yinshen class and the Youshen body in people's first impression is just the shape... This is not the same level as the 'UFO' turned into a 'sightseeing spaceship for interstellar friends' !
In this regard, Chu Xia was speechless, while Chu Jie, who had been called so, said, "I will definitely determine the form as soon as possible!" '


Of course, this kind of appellation is a force majeure factor. People's first impressions are difficult for others to control, so everyone just smiled and let it go.In terms of real strength, the Yinshen class is not only stronger than the Youshen class, but also does not have the partiality of the Youshen class. It has both spirit and energy.

In terms of energy, the energy controlled by the Yinshen class is definitely higher than that of the fusion of two energy cores.

In fact, afterward, many people believed that the Yinshen class was to transform itself into a human-shaped energy core.

And the attribute model given to Chu Xia by Kong Huan (relying on the research mode) is clearly marked: Chu Xia at the peak of Youshen level has an upper limit of energy production of 470; Chu Jie at the peak of Youshen level has an upper limit of energy production of 5300; In the early stage of Chuxia, the upper limit of energy production was 15300...

It's weird, or it's just a coincidence that there is only one more '1', but it allows everyone to clearly understand the difference between the two sides.

In terms of mental power, I don't know whether it is Chu Xia's evolution from the body to the Yin God level, or all Yin God levels are developed in this way. The amount of mental energy controlled by Chu Xia is still increasing sharply according to the original estimate.

If Chu Xia, who is at the peak of Youshen level, can spread her spiritual power to cover the entire Rift Shadow Plain, then she can only stay in Mount Ga with her spiritual power spreading horizontally, covering a large area of ​​the first and second rings of the Pengzu .

Of course, this is the result without calculating the curvature of the planet.

The attribute description is of course clearer, and it is also about 5000 consciousnesses: Chu Xia at the peak of the Youshen level has a mental power of 250W; Chu Jie at the peak of the Youshen level has a spiritual power of 15W; A full 1000W.

"Suddenly I'm curious about your spiritual power in 8051 of the spirit god level." Said the emptiness at that time.

But it's a pity that attributeization is inexplicably useless to 8051, and 8051 also said that what she uses at the spirit god level is not actually spiritual power, and the two have no reference value.

As a result, Chu Xia has become the strongest of the friends except 8051.

Although everyone welcomes this, they all have their own expectations.

But what are the other characteristics of the Yinshen class?What is the specific strength of Yinshen class?What about the special ability of Yinshen level?

Because there is no predecessor's shoulder to trample on, Chu Xia can only be that miserable predecessor by herself, strive to improve her height, and slowly explore the way forward.In this regard, 8051, who writes at the level of a spiritual god and is pronounced [beep——], can't say a thing or two.

Then, stimulated by Chu Xia, both the elders' house and the Shenting became obsessed with the Yinshen class.

So, a few months ago, that is, in March of 22 AD, Chu Jie in the Youshen Body was the first to be cruel.

After arranging some possible funerals out of precaution, with the help of Chu Xia, she decisively guided Lei Ting to stimulate her body, and used her own thoughts to combine Thunder with the energy core.

This experiment was safe and sound, although Chu Jie's energy core was at that time, like a calcium carbide light bulb that was still being theoretically perfected by friends, flickering and dimming, scaring all the people present to turn pale. It's not that 8051 is blocking it, someone even intends to directly interrupt the connection between Chu Jie and Lei Ting with mental power.

But in the end, she still relied on her thoughts to control the energy core, and there was no real danger.

Therefore, this active energy fusion has been successfully completed, and Chu Jie has entered the adaptation period to the energy transformation of the body. According to his own experience, the complete transformation should be completed within a year.

But no one is convinced of this now, because before Chu Xia also predicted that she would be promoted to the Yin God level within three years, but in fact it took five years to finally succeed. (Fortunately, it still succeeded =. =)

The success of Youshen level Chu Xia and Youshen body Chu Jie, of course, gave the other Youshens of the friend clan a reassurance.

However, out of safety considerations, according to Chu Jie's words, "If it weren't for my peak power of the Youshen Body at that time, and with the help of Chu Xia's mental power at the early Yinshen level, I'm afraid I would have gone to see the talisman", the other plans of the Youshen Body are, Wait until you have reached the peak of the Youshen level before performing energy stimulation.

And Chu Xia accidentally developed Thunder Wings because she was in the early stage of the Youshen level, proving that the living Youshen level does not have to reach the peak of the Youshen level, so the other Youshens, such as Lingxue and Dark Blood , Kong Huan, Die Wu, Chu Qin, War Hammer, Bai Nong, etc. have no worries at all.

In 22 A.D., on the third day after everyone waited for Chu Jie to finish, with the help of Chu Xia, who had just stabilized her Yin God level at that time, she began to use small-scale thunder stimulation as a means to carry out energy transformation.

At that time, everyone had different reactions and achieved different results...

Lingxue was also at the peak of the Youshen level, and her reaction at the time was: "Uh...uh...pain...hold it!...Ah!!" (=.=Gone with the wind)
Then, a pair of wings shining with thunder appeared above the other pair of flying wings. She herself endured the severe pain of the wings on her back with a livid face, nodded to Chu Xia and went down to rest.Judging from the circumstances, it was a success, and obviously, she also personally experienced Chu Xia's pain back then;

Die Wu, as a mid-stage Youshen class, is mainly a great maid, and her reaction is very individual: "Hiss...sting...Master Chu Jie!...Ah!"囧
Then, most of the four flying wings were shining with the wings of thunder, and they appeared behind her like this, and she herself was Chu Jie, whose whole body was covered by thunder light (can't see the expression=.= ) with the support, returned to the ground to rest, it seems that it should be a success;
Chu Qin is also in the mid-stage of the Youshen class. Although she entered the Youshen class later, her improvement speed is very fast, and her reaction is also very subtle: "Sure enough...it hurts...control...it's okay!"

Then, the four-winged wingtips that shone with thunder fluttered, bringing its owner Chu Qin, and landed on the ground unsteadily like this. She was greeted with smiles and encouragement from everyone, and it was a success, presumably;

At this time, it was Dark Blood playing.

As a mid-level Youshen-level girl, she may have had the performance of the previous few as a base, knowing that it would definitely not feel good, so she kept a straight face, controlled her mind force with a serious expression, and flew into the air with her body.

Then, according to the procedures of the previous few, she spread her thoughts around her body, and after confirming that it was correct, she nodded to Chu Xia.

After receiving Dark Blood's signal, Chu Xia immediately controlled the few Thunder Clouds left, and produced a weakened version of the artificial thunder that directly slammed into Dark Blood's wings, and Dark Blood's reaction was: "... ..." "..." "..."

"Well, this girl is so strong that she looks like a prince, but it's a pity that the "Spring and Autumn" is missing."

"Don't talk nonsense, it's your turn!"

The empty illusion that had just finished complaining, was gently pushed by 8051 behind him, and then rushed into the sky like a cannonball, turned into a meteor, and was hit by a thunder... (Chu Xia said that she still When debugging Thunder, it is not an active attack, everything is an accident, really =. =)

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." This was the unreal reaction.

"Perhaps emptiness can evolve towards sonic weapons. 8051 rubbed his ears and nodded in agreement."

Facing the recognized troublemakers, the surrounding members who were resting all turned their heads in cold sweat.

As for Void, in fact, it is not without the idea that everyone brought 8051 over as an insurance policy, so there is no need to worry at all.

Not long after, this act of mass-producing Thunder Wings finally came to an end.

Kong Huan, who was hit by a slightly stronger thunderbolt, fell wearily from a high altitude, and was caught by 8051 just before bottoming out, and behind him were four wings that inexplicably only lit up at the root of the wing.

Therefore, Kong Huan was extremely suspicious of the dark blood whose three wings were shining with the light of thunder, "It's obviously the same person, why is there such a big gap?"

As for Bai Nong and Warhammer, the two temporarily postponed the mass production plan in the name of having just entered the Youshen class and need time to stabilize their initial cultivation.

Afterwards, because almost all the members of the Elder's House were transformed, after a period of time, the people privately began to jokingly call the Elder's House the 'Bright Wing House'.

Of course, the Elder's House has always adopted a ignorant attitude towards this aspect, and they, who are wholeheartedly fusing Thunder and Mind Power, have no mood.

But through the wholesale sale of Youshen-level Thunder Wings this time, although no one has reached the level of Chu Xia's ability to form four wings at once, it has proved the feasibility of this behavior.

At this time, 8051 did not know whether it was intentional or unintentional, which aroused the thinking of the Youshen class at that time.

"Have you found out that the situation of Thunder Wings, if the influence of thoughts is excluded, is actually not directly related to the level of Youshen level."

"If the energy of Thunderbolt is reduced to a certain ideal state, will ordinary people also be able to transform it?"

He does not mean that.

But at that time, because everyone was busy stabilizing their Thunder Wings, they could only delay this matter.

So, in July 22 AD.

At this time, Chu Jie had basically stabilized her irritable external thunder energy, and began to purely energyize her body based on the energy core (the friends at this time called it Yin Shen Hua); Chu Xia had completely stabilized her Yin energy. At the beginning of the god-level cultivation base, and began to think about the next development of the power of thought, to tap the potential of the yin god level.

The rest of the people, after stabilizing their Thunder Wings one after another, began to think about what 8051 said earlier.

Not long after, a document called "Feasibility Report on Non-Youshen Level Energization Test" was placed in front of 8051, but 8051 obviously didn't know the situation, and didn't know anything about the things mentioned in the report.

Everyone had no choice but to discuss its feasibility by themselves.

In August 22, after a special security revision, the document renamed "Non-Phantom Body Energy Stimulation Evolution Plan" appeared on the stone table in the courtyard of the elders' house, and most of them were elders with glittering wings on their backs. , began to debate the report.

The focus of the debate is still on the issue of 'whether to use it directly on a friend'.

"There's actually nothing to argue about in this regard!"

Any debate will have its end, and Chu Jie is the person who started the end of this debate: "Until now, we only know that friends have this kind of cell activity, which can withstand stimulation and continue to evolve (M?), while Regardless of whether the experiments of other organisms are successful or not, because they cannot be compared, they are of no reference value to us."

"How about your safety?"

"Is Chu Jie not in danger when undergoing energy transformation? Are we not in danger when undergoing the transformation of Thunder Wings?"

This time, it was the dark blood with two pairs of shining thunder wings on his back, who directly refuted the empty words: "Directly adopting the principle of voluntariness and ensuring the safety of the plan as much as possible, this is the best result we can do."

"Otherwise, give up the transformation of ordinary people," said the dark blood with great momentum, "This is likely to be the future evolution of friends, don't let your character affect the future of the entire species ! Empty illusion."

In this regard, emptiness is speechless.

He also knew that he who made the objection was too indecisive. This character used to make him achieve nothing when he was a human being, but now in this world, it also makes him weaker than his own race in many ways.

"Well, you are also out of concern, but please pay attention to the situation in the future. 8051 said in the tone of an elder."


Afterwards, the revised document "The First Step Plan of the Energy Evolution Test" was released, and everyone started looking for available members like QB.

Of course, everyone is very moral and will never deceive or conceal.

"So, do you want me to join this energy evolution experiment?" Looking up at Chu Jie, Mu Wen nodded after thinking about it: "However, even if I want to participate, I have to wait until 25 years for a change of term. otherwise……"

(My soul-level advanced level has been stagnant for more than ten years. I have been tired of thinking about various ethnic groups for more than ten years. I will be free in a few years. I am afraid that I will not get used to it because I have no purpose. Why don't we just carry out a transformation,) This is the idea of ​​​​Wu Wen at this time: (If it succeeds, it is a good thing for me; even if it fails, it can also give everyone an early warning, right?)
Not far away, 8051, feeling the idea of ​​wood grain, sighed with emotion, then leaned against the trunk of the ancestral tree behind him, and looked up at the starry sky.

"What are you thinking about?" Finding 8051's unusual emptiness, he stretched out his hand and patted the other party, asking.

"It's nothing, I just feel that there are actually many similar things in this world."

Dazed for a moment, Kong Huan smiled and squeezed the beautiful face of 8051 that seemed to have some emotion, and said in a playful tone: "Oh, it's like we are all sitting under the same ancestral tree at the same time, this is also similar."

"Yeah, by the way, we actually have another similarity, that is..."

Then, 8051 stretched out his hands, and pinched both sides of Kong Huan's face heavily.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Pain! Take it easy!"


(End of this chapter)

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