Spore Story

Chapter 386 The Battle Between Tumu Xun and the Black Forest

Chapter 386 The Battle Between Tumu Xun and the Black Forest

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The dense jungle has always been where countless murderous opportunities and treasures lurk.

However, everyone knows that people are more likely to encounter murderous intentions than to find treasures. Even if it is the protagonist, the discovery probability of the two is only 1:1 (except for YY novels).

Therefore, at this time, there are several murderous intentions lurking here.

"Hurry up! Damn it, if you don't wipe out those monsters today, you will be killed by God when you go back!"

The muffled roar made people feel uncomfortable in the eardrums, but for Tumu Xun who was on his way, and his teammate of more than thirty people, they could only swallow it and endure it silently.

Because, the growler is officially the boss of his side, and more importantly, the opponent is one of the single-digit captains of the guards in the kingdom of Shishen where he is, and they can only bully ordinary people and barely survive It's just a soldier.

Just a few months ago, the Shishen Kingdom, which is located on the edge of the Black Bone Race, began to receive reports of attacks from its subordinates.

As far as this Beginning God Kingdom named Fenglin is concerned, its total population is less than 1000 people. If anything happens, it will soon be known to people across the country. Therefore, after learning about the situation, the responsible The captain of the guards in that area quickly sent several soldiers over to check, among them was Tu Muxun's friend.

But in the end, there were only three people who came back, and his friend, whose name didn't even appear, had turned into a corpse swallowed into the belly of an unknown animal, and then turned into a natural reincarnation.

And the three people who came back were not normal either, they just yelled something like 'monster monster' crazily, but they couldn't say anything useful. In a fit of rage, he destroyed the three of them humanely and sent them to see God.

To this, Tumu Xun and his teammates are not surprised. These days, although countries attach a little importance to human life, it is only for useful people.

As a result, that investigation was interrupted.

But not long after, Lord Shishen also heard about this. After he understood the situation, he scolded the captain of the guard for a while, and then asked the captain of the guard to take his team to solve the problem immediately. question.

So, there was a situation where the captain of the guard at this time entered the jungle with 37 men.

"Tch, this ghost jungle is full of monsters, not even a monster, how can it be solved!"

The captain of the guard in front hit the grass in front of him in dissatisfaction, shaking the thick barbed stick in his hand, making the sound of piercing through the air.But Tu Mu Xun followed each other step by step.

According to the usual experience, I am generally the safest to follow the powerful people, because this is located in the middle of the team, even if the enemy wants to attack, because of the lack of multiple attack opportunities, they will attack the stronger captain first, not myself. soldier.

(Although this kind of conclusion is very hurtful, but in order to survive, these are nothing...probably.) Sighing, Tumu Xun drew a line on the nearby tree, and then continued to follow.

However, looking at the stick in his hand, Tu Mu Xun felt helpless for a while.

The captain of the guards used to be a title of the totem captain. They relied on the totem stick and could exert a strength comparable to that of the beginning god. In the era of evil gods, they were the idols of all black-boned men.

But not long after, the totem stick's vicious role of "restricting strength" was exposed, mainly because the evil gods were destroyed, and the new gods completely abolished the existence of the totem stick in order to flaunt their "justice", and all the totem sticks were destroyed , the production method is sealed (very strange, it is sealed instead of destroyed =.=).

As a result, the original totem captains lost this great weapon, and their strength instantly fell into the mortal world, which caused another turmoil in the middle class of the Black Bone Clan.

Although the current captains of the guards are in the same position as the former captains of the totems, they rely on exercising their physical strength to be promoted to a new power class. They are real in their own strength, but they are not as good as the captains of the totems after all. The attack power supported by the gods is powerful.

"Totem stick!"

What he held was just an ordinary wooden stick, which was far from the added attack power of a totem stick, whether it was in the hands of Tumu Xun himself or the captain of the guard.As if they had a tacit understanding, both of them shook their heads helplessly, and then continued to wave the sticks in their hands.Oops
Of course, since everyone knew the vicious effect of the totem stick, no one was willing to accept the totem stick as a weapon. Although they still missed the powerful attack power and the detached status it brought, who would really go Carrying a totem stick is a fool.

At this time, the captain of the guards in front seemed to have noticed something abnormal, and looked behind Tumu Xun. The angry expression on the other side shocked Tumu Xun who was spinning his little thoughts.

"Hun Dan! I tell you to disperse and surround yourself! Where are the two people behind?"

"Team, Captain, Xiao San and the fly are gone!" A trembling voice came from behind, and Tu Mu Xun knew it was one of his 'friends', someone known as cunning.

The captain of the guards, who didn't realize what was wrong, just frowned, maybe he was thinking 'those two guys are just going to solve their physical problems', after all, this is not uncommon.

"Forget it, stop everything! Go and see what those two Hun Dan are doing!"


At this time, Tumu Xun 'just' stood next to a big tree, and the big tree 'just happened' between Tumu Xun and the captain. Therefore, he was 'unfortunately' not pointed out by the captain. After that, he naturally walked around the tree trunk and came to the side of the captain.

In a team of 37 people, after 2 people disappeared and 5 people went out to search, the rest gathered together. This is also the principle of the forest.

At this time, the captain of the guard was searching the surroundings, waving a hard wooden stick made of unknown material, found a place for the trunk, and then swung the stick heavily, smashing the trunk into pieces.

Fortunately, a bunch of miscellaneous things fell out of it, most of which were the winter food stored by some forest animals. After removing those sundries, the remaining fruits were leisure for these black bone people It's a good snack, because these foods are sure to be non-toxic and available. (Do not use in reality =.=)

"Captain, what do you think we will do in the future?"

Walking to the side of the guard captain, Tumu Xun asked carefully.

He didn't ask about the mission this time, because in the eyes of everyone, this time was just a cutscene for Master Shishen, even those soldiers who were loyal to Shishen still thought so.

Tsumuhiro's voice was not loud when he spoke indistinctly, but the captain of the guards and the surrounding soldiers heard it.And they all knew what Tumu Xun was asking.

As a result, although the people around were still doing their own things, they obviously carefully set up their ears and acted as blatant eavesdroppers.

"What else can we do? The gods are fighting back and forth, and it has nothing to do with us anyway. When the Lord Shishen wins, we will be responsible for grabbing the territory; if not, we will be responsible for surrendering. When the gods fight, what do we villains get involved in?" "Beside him came the voice of a soldier who said everything so straightforward that he often offended people, but was left behind by the captain because he still had some strength. (Standard set =.=)

The captain of the guard immediately frowned in dissatisfaction, and shouted at the man: "What nonsense! We are the soldiers of Lord Shigami! Of course we must be loyal to Lord Shigami!"

"Yes, yes." Everyone nodded in support, but from the erratic eyes of everyone, it can be seen that there is some truth in this 'nodding' action.

And the captain of the guards also tilted his head to look at it with a slight cover, and slowly peeled off the peel in his hand, chewing the dry pulp while thinking about something with a flickering expression.

Now the situation of the Black Bone Race can be said to have taken a turn for the worse. People with some connections and information are thinking about many things.Even Tumu Xun, a small soldier like this, has learned a lot from the refugees from all over the place. In short, it can be summed up in one word: chaos.

The news that the several true kingdoms of God began to attack the kingdoms of Shishen began to spread to this small Fenglin Shishen kingdom on the edge last month through refugees. As a member of it, Tumu Xun He also thinks about his future in his spare time. Of course, he also knows that when the moment comes, he can only accept it passively.

But for the guard captain in front of him, it is a little different, because they have the ability to choose.

Although the upper-level Shishen-sama tried his best to cover up and told them several captains of the guards, "Many Shishen kingdoms have united and will resist the true god together, so everyone must continue to serve the kingdom of God", but in these cunning In the eyes of the captains of the guards, it was just a dying struggle. The strength of the True God Kingdom lies not only in the True God, but also in the number of Shishen among them.

(Hehe, a soldier like me, whether in the Real God Kingdom or the Beginning God Kingdom, is nothing more than a soldier. But if it is replaced by the Captain of the Guards, he is considered a master under the Beginning God in the Beginning God Kingdom, but in the True God Kingdom, But he’s a soldier just like us.) Although there is no lack of gloating, what’s more in Tu Mu Xun’s heart is the feeling of sadness when the rabbit dies and the fox dies.

(Since there was such a battle, why did they divide the Shishen Kingdom in the first place? Isn’t it just looking for trouble?) But this is not something that a soldier like him can manage.

Sighing, swallowing the fruit in his mouth with difficulty, the captain of the guards took the water bag handed over by Tumu as if asking for favor, took a big sip of clear water, and then poured most of the water on the top of his head.

The coolness of the clear water seemed to gradually dissipate the captain's irritable anger. Tumu Xun carefully took the water bag thrown back by the captain and pinned it to his waist. This thing was also one of his few possessions.

The battle of the Kingdom of God is too far away for these small soldiers and ordinary people, because the battle of the Black Bone Race in the Kingdom of God, below the rank of the captain of the guards, is actually just the personnel who receive peace maintenance after the war .

Because their little soldiers are nothing but dust that can't even stir up waves in front of Shishen; while the captain of the guard can barely play the role of an ant.

In many cases, in addition to thinking about life, what they have to guard against is not actually hostile to the kingdom of God, but the masters of their own kingdom of God, those gods of origin.

Not to mention in peacetime, the little people are just Shishen's private property, and all the other party's self and others cannot violate it.

And in times of war...

Many years ago, one kingdom of God attacked another kingdom of God with the aim of killing the opponent's population; but later, one kingdom of God attacked another kingdom of God, and the purpose was to capture and protect the population of the opponent, just to kill the ruler By.

As a result, some rulers of the Kingdom of God, who have lost sight of hope, sometimes ruthlessly drag the people of the Kingdom of God to be buried with them in order not to make the enemy feel better , can only flee or perish.

This kind of news has been spread from the mouths of refugees who appeared from time to time in recent years, and everyone is uncertain about the authenticity of these rumors, but even so, it does not prevent everyone from establishing an idea, that is, "regardless of the enemy, or He had to guard against his boss, Shishen. '

Therefore, the captain of the guards will not speak clearly, at least on the surface, he will appear as a loyal subordinate.

But the shrewd Tumu Xun could still see his opinion of Lord Shigami from the other party's eyes.

Fortunately, he is not a die-hard Shishen either.


The captain suddenly roared out, startling Tu Mu Xun.Turning his head and looking, he realized that the people who had gone out to find people before had returned, but at that distance...

Looking deeply at his captain, Tu Mu Xun's eyes flicked, but he didn't show any abnormality on the surface.

"Captain, it's us. Little San and Fly said they would chase after the monster when they saw it. They thought it was the target, but it turned out to be just two mutated meat ball beasts, so they brought them back for everyone's dinner."

"Okay! We can have extra meals tonight." All the team members were delighted.

"I'm done taking care of it and put it away for me. It's still noon, what are you going to have for dinner?" Although the captain's tone was still irritated, everyone could hear it. Because there was food as a base, the captain also avoided the punishment for those two people. Punishment, and no idea of ​​losing my temper.

The two who ran out before also breathed a sigh of relief, and then called their teammates to deal with the food they got this time.

In the scorching sun, the team of 37 people continued to walk through the forest, and at the same time marked the way so as not to get lost.The Black Bone Clan does not have the magnetic field recognition ability like the Friends Clan, so they can only find a way to determine the direction from nature.

Turning his sight away from the sun in the sky, Tumu looked around.

For some reason, he always had the feeling that he was being targeted by dangerous creatures.

Carefully glanced at the guard captain in front of his eyes, but the other party didn't seem to notice.

(It doesn't make sense, it's impossible not to feel the captain's mental strength,) But Tu Mu Xun also only spoke softly, opened his mouth, and continued to follow obediently considering what the captain might have planned.

When the scorching sun descended to the west, the shadows under the tall trees grew bigger and bigger, and everyone in the depths of the forest felt that night had come.But the scouts on the canopy still told everyone that it was only half afternoon.

"Captain, I'm just going out for a walk anyway. You don't need to run so far, why don't you just go back like this." Finally unable to bear the torment of the seemingly ubiquitous prying eyes, Tumu Xun still carefully caught up with the captain , tactfully expressed his thoughts.

And the captain of the guards, who was sweating profusely, seemed to have this kind of thought. After getting Tumu Xun's proposal, he just thought about it and nodded in agreement, and everyone immediately cheered happily.

No one wants to hang out in this dense and unknown jungle, because here, one must be vigilant at all times, even a powerful black-skeleton man may be hit by a meatball beast that suddenly rushes out of the bushes Right on, a gut rupture or something.This story is a joke that is widely circulated in the Kingdom of God, and it is said that it is a true story.

After hearing it at the time, it was okay for everyone to laugh, but at this time, everyone dared not lower their vigilance towards the forest. Therefore, after a long time, everyone became less fond of entering these places.

"Captain, Xiaosan and the flies are gone again, this time there is still the end of the season."

"Um." Tumu Xun suddenly had black lines all over his head, and he also noticed something wrong when he looked at the captain.

Sure enough, the captain's face turned red when he heard the report, he kicked the other party aside, and then ordered to search for it, obviously very angry.

(One is not the other, the three guys seem to be doing well this time), maybe with some gloating, Tu Mu Xun is not in the mood to care about other people's life and death anyway, and for such things, the captain usually just beats them violently, and it is better to execute them Will do.

But unexpectedly, this time the captain just kicked him, and actually held back.

Then, he suddenly looked serious, stood up from the ground, and turned his head to look around.

Seeing the captain's expression, Tumu Xun's heart moved, and he also carefully leaned against a tree trunk, concentrating and calming down.

(Could it be that the captain only sensed that thing that has been watching us since noon? This reaction is too slow.)
"Ah!" A tragic scream pierced the sky, and the captain immediately rushed in that direction, but Tumu Xun hadn't even reacted yet.

"Team, captain! Nagumoichi, he, he..."

"Roar, roar! Isn't it dead? All come closer!"

(Worthy of being a veteran who has participated in wars before), he nodded approvingly. This time, Tu Muxun did not stand beside the captain, but leaned towards a relatively open direction, in the middle of the team.

"Who is it! Someone who shows his face is too disgusting to dare to show up?"

I don't know when the scolding formation before the battle became popular, but at this time, it can provide a chance for teammates who are at a loss when they are attacked by strange things.

But the enemy didn't seem to have any demeanor at all. When the captain roared, two screams suddenly came from behind the team.

"What's going on!" At this time, the captain was also a little nervous. No matter how strong the opponent was, this invisible enemy brought great psychological pressure to everyone.

"Team, Captain, just now I just turned my head to look, and the Shimagi Arara next to him died!"

"Damn it! Who is it? South Country? Yunmi Country?..."

For a while, several countries with bad neighboring relations flowed through Tumu Xun's mind, but the captain's movements were not slow, leading the team to quickly form a circular formation that appeared at an unknown time, and then began to follow the same path go back.

Suddenly, a black shadow seemed to flash across the bushes in front of Tu Mu Xun's eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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