Spore Story

Chapter 388 The Stability and Turbulence of the Real God Kingdom

Chapter 388 The Stability and Turbulence of the Real God Kingdom

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"Tumu Xun, an ordinary soldier of Fenglin Shenguo Guard Team."

"Under the order of the former God Lord, accompanied by a guard captain and 35 ordinary soldiers, they went to the Black Forest to inspect the monster incident. They encountered unknown dangers, and one survived."

In the dilapidated hall, a captain of the guards looked at Doki Hiroshi who was covered in scars (scratched while crawling in the forest), although he wanted to make a gentle expression, but in this almost destroyed God Among the national tribes, no matter how gentle his expression is, it can only make people feel chills.

Even if he was not the creator of all this, even if he tried to rescue the survivors, he just let the survivors look at him without hatred, but full of confusion.

"We are deeply angry about the vicious behavior of the evil Shishen Fenglin Zhan. Please mourn the loss of your loved ones, but since the matter has already happened, don't get too entangled in it. After all, everyone still has to continue to live Go down." It seemed that the other party was not good at words, but the sincerity in it made everyone barely calm the pain in their hearts.

At this time, a captain beside him stood up and said to everyone: "Don't worry, the great Fire Cloud Kingdom is a country ruled by the True God, and it will give you absolute safety."

In this regard, everyone just watched with cold eyes. No one would agree with one of the factors that caused all this on the day when the country was destroyed.

"Hey, these days, you are not the first, and I'm afraid you won't be the last," the former captain of the guard shook his head and sighed, and continued to comfort: "Little soldiers like us can't do much, just We can wait for the facts to change.”

These negative words made everyone a little surprised, but that's all.

Shaking their heads, the two captains had no choice but to let everyone go back to rest.

"Let's let time heal everyone's pain. Didn't we come here in the first place." Patting the unwilling teammates beside him, the captain shook his head and walked out of the hut.

In the hut, the captain didn't seem to give up.

"You don't have to worry about anything, the Kingdom of God is just, so your lives will continue..."


The speeches of the guard captain and others who wanted to appease the survivors continued.

Judging from how many groups of people the True Kingdom of God was able to send to appease the dozens of survivors, it can be seen that this Kingdom of God should still be considered a bit human.

It's just that now is obviously not the time. Like Tumu Xun, in the area enclosed by the dilapidated house walls, the last more than 40 survivors of Fenglin Shenguo just looked at a group of people with blank faces and unfocused eyes. Another group of the same kind did not respond to their speech.

Just before that, Tumu Xun, who saw his home destroyed, rushed into the tribe like crazy.

Of course, he was quickly restrained by the soldier from the Real God Kingdom who appeared at an unknown time, but perhaps it was because of the kindness of the other party, seeing that the country was in danger, so he spared Tumu to find someone and resettled him as a refugee.

However, after finally escaping from the monster's killer and returning to his painful but still warm home, the feeling of finding that his home has been destroyed is not something an ordinary person like Tumu Xun can bear. The collapse may be due to the foundation brought about by the perennial war.

So, after gaining freedom, he just sat blankly outside the tribe every day, on the broken wall that barely survived, watching the new population enter the original tribe; watching the new buildings cover the original ruins; seeing the new The soldiers replaced the dead soldiers and began to patrol; watching the new captain of the guards began to establish a new order under the management of the new Shishen...

It's just that this place has become a small subordinate country of Huoyun Divine Kingdom, and is no longer an independent Shishen Kingdom. It seems that everything here has become new except for the memory.

"The evil Shishen of the Fenglin Divine Kingdom rejected the righteous incorporation of the Fire Cloud Divine Kingdom, and when he was dying, he frantically dragged more than 1000 residents of the entire Divine Kingdom to be buried with him."

"Lord Lian Lin Gu, the commander of the God of Fire Cloud God Kingdom, although he tried his best to rescue, he could only save more than 40 survivors. For this, we sincerely apologize."

The explanation of the approachable captain of the guard still echoed in Tumu Xun's ears, but he didn't know how to deal with it, anger, hatred, madness... In the end, they all turned into helplessness.

But the captain said well, time can heal everything.

Half a year passed, and gradually, Tumu Xun, like other survivors, began to talk to people one after another.

Through those new residents, he learned about the outside world, the changing and turbulent world of the Black Bone Race.

The Kingdom of Beginning God is about to become history. After the Three True God Kingdoms began to attack the Kingdom of Beginning God, true gods began to appear one after another from the previous Kingdom of Beginning God. No one knows whether they were hidden before or broke through at that time, but these true gods After appearing, they began to operate through their strength and usual relationships, and quickly established several not weak True God Kingdoms.

Afterwards, of course, the New Real God Kingdom and the Old True God Kingdom competed for time. Everyone did not attack each other, but tacitly compared their speed and annexed the speed of Shi Shen Kingdom.

And now, 70% of the Beginning God Kingdom should have ended their short lives.

These are all things learned from the new residents. Tumu Xun knows that even these things should be the old situation more than half a year ago, but for Tumu Xun, it can be regarded as having a new understanding of the outside world. A realization, nothing more.

The forty or so people who survived did not form any group or anything like that.

In fact, they are even avoiding each other, not wanting to see their former acquaintances and remembering the past.

Tumu Xun went back to his previous residence and looked at it. It had been demolished and rebuilt, and now it is occupied by a soldier father, an ordinary mother and two ordinary children. This scene reminded him of his past self.

The new Shishin-sama is fine, at least in the eyes of the residents.

Tumu Xun even got a newly built wooden hut, although it is much worse than the previous big house, but it can also shelter from wind and rain, which makes Tumu Xun feel no resentment.


"Forget it, we are just ordinary people, why bother with this!" an old man in a newly moved family told Tumu Xun while chatting.


"It's all the fault of those gods! If it wasn't for their snatching and snatching, how could we have encountered such a thing!" A survivor who accidentally didn't avoid acquaintances told Tumu Xun radically.


"It's all war. Without war, how could we have such a situation." A refugee said angrily.


"Obviously Shishen, it would be nice to join us, but to be so stubborn is all the fault of those Shishen who overestimate their capabilities!" said a soldier.


Everyone has everyone's opinion, and Tu Muxun just jotted down some while chatting, and then he lost interest.

And a few days ago, the monster attack incident reappeared after a pause of more than half a year. Tumu Xuncai suddenly discovered that his numb lifestyle had already burned hundreds of days of his time.

So he regained his senses.

Putting on a clean leather jacket, he found the milder guard captain and asked to continue as a soldier.

"Okay, follow me." The captain of the guard didn't have any objection.

In this way, he became an ordinary soldier of Huoyun Divine Kingdom.

————— A powerful dividing line of time—————

"Xun, Lord Shishen is looking for you, hurry to the hall!"

"Yes, captain, um, does the captain know what's going on?"

"It should be the recent monster attack. I heard that you have encountered it before, so I may ask you for some details. Remember to be smart then."

"Got it, Captain."

It was the end of winter again at this time, and the severe cold caused no pedestrians on the street, but it allowed Tumu Xun to run unimpeded.

On both sides of the road without any planning, people use mud on the wooden houses, and paste thick mud mixed with weeds, which can make the huts warmer.Although in the severe winter, it is inevitable that several frail elderly and sick people will freeze to death, but compared with the Fenglin Shenguo before Tu Muxun, this is already a dream life.

All of this makes people feel deeply.

"The Kingdom of God is different."

Even those who were more resistant among the previous survivors began to muddle along at this time.

At this time, two soldiers carried a corpse and walked past Tumu Xun who had just entered the outer door of the hall.

Taking a glance, Tu Mu Xun's pupils suddenly shrank.

(Cut throat, kill with one knife!)
The familiar technique was so familiar that Tumu Xun immediately recalled that horrible night, as if all that happened just a moment before, his body trembled uncontrollably.

"You can see it too."

A voice sounded from Tumu Xun's mind, and he was a little shocked. Tumu Xun quickly recovered. Although this kind of situation was rare, the previous Tumu Xun had also experienced Shishen's powerful spiritual communication ability, so he had a certain degree of adaptability.

"Yes, it seems that your resilience is quite high."

"Thank you, Master Shishen, for your compliment."

Deeply bowing to the figure above the main hall, there is no mandatory etiquette for the Black Bone Clan up to now, everyone expresses their emotions in their own ways, and the chaotic war makes people not in the mood to pay attention to these trivia.

"I heard from the survivors that you are also a sensible person, Tumu Xun."

Shishen continued to speak with his heart, which is probably the sign of these gods, while Tumu Xun was completely relaxed, trying not to produce a trace of resistance, which made Shishen sitting above the hall nodded very satisfied, and Tumu Xun's heart was full of satisfaction. The evaluation has increased by one point.

"You are the only soldier among the survivors. What's more, you have encountered that monster before."

"As for the surrounding situation, you should also be very familiar with it. Now the true kingdoms of God are about to enter a period of stability, and peace is coming."

"But! In the forest, there are people who dare to provoke our precious peace!"

"Are we going to agree? No!"

"Therefore, I hope you will tell us all you know, so that we can destroy these enemies."

Feeling Shishen's excitement in front of him, Tumu Xun was also slightly excited, but he was more calm, because he knew the strength of those enemies, at least better than these people.

But before coming here, Tumu Xun had thought about it.

There are too many monsters in the forest, and super individual strength can be displayed in the forest. In the past, the Shishen Kingdom only had a force of 200 people. I am afraid that if you enter the forest, you may not even be able to splash water.

But now, although the person sitting on the stage is still Shi Shen, he is already a member of the True God Kingdom.

What is the strength of the True Kingdom of God?Even Tumu Xun, who followed the former captain and learned a little arithmetic, is not very clear, but it must be more than Shishen Kingdom.

"Yes, Shishen-sama, what happened is like this..."

——————Recalling the dividing line of the escape route in the Black Forest—————


The narration was over, but the entire hall was silent.

Although Shishen on the stage cast suspicious eyes on Tumu Xun from time to time, he can only understand the situation from Tumu Xun now, and he himself is at a loss.

The team sent to the forest before has already lost 21 people. Although not many, they are still people. Moreover, after losing so many people, they didn't even get a reliable news. Attacks are deadly and efficient...

At this time, the dozen or so captains of the guards around them also frowned.

They don't have the ambivalence of the guard captains in Shishen Kingdom. The strongest of the Black Bone Race is the True God Kingdom. They have already determined that they will follow this country wholeheartedly, so they won't have too many distracting thoughts.

However, the sharp double-edged fingers and claws, the invisible forest assassin, the military strength higher than that of the beginning of God, the huge forest tree house tribe, and the casualty ratio of almost 1:13 before finding the opponent...

These, are not too unbelievable point.

Fortunately, it's not without good news.

Fragile body, the head can be smashed with a single punch (the captain of the guards shot); possible internal strife, there are hundreds of people who insist on fighting in the open (with quarrels as the main form of internal strife); fatal weakness, in the open area can not Concealed body shape (but there are dozens of steps away from the poisonous needle attack)...

"Go on, we'll make the right decision."

Shishen, who couldn't think of a way for a while, rubbed his forehead, spoke with his mouth unexpectedly, and waved Tu Mu Xun to leave.

After bowing, Tu Muxun turned and exited the hall.

At the entrance of the main hall, he almost collided with a soldier who rushed in hastily.

But during this period of time, because of the shadows of those monsters, the agility he could acquire through training saved him from the trouble of colliding, and the soldier didn't get entangled with Tumu Xun, he just let out a slight 'huh' and rushed into the hall.

"Lord Shishen, the Northern Commander is here..."

Faintly, Tu Muxun heard the above words, but he knew the way to survive, so he didn't stop there, but left here at a steady speed and returned to his team.

Three days later, amidst the surprised expressions of the residents of this small country, densely packed troops suddenly entered here.

Then, they began to cut down a large number of forests in the north, and used the timber to build a huge military camp.

Tumu Xun, who has never seen an army of more than a thousand people since he was a child, was so shocked when he followed the captain to meet these troops, that after he came down, he got a "big eye" among these teammates from the Real God Kingdom Although embarrassing, Tu Mu Xun did not make any more excuses.

If it's just building the barracks, it's fine, but after the barracks construction is completed, they don't stop.

In the mid-spring season, these soldiers began to cultivate the land outside the barracks.

Under the persecution of the long-term war, meat food is obviously difficult to meet the needs of the huge number of soldiers. The Black Bone Tribe people who have gained experience from some remote tribes began to grow a plant called millet.

However, Tumu Xun had never tasted the taste before, but looking at the large tracts of plant seeds sprinkled on the ground, Tumu Xun suddenly felt a sense of peace of mind.

Because, this means that these huge troops will be stationed here for a long time.

So, even if the enemy in the forest can't win, they should be able to defend, right?

"What! Attack?"

Although I could have imagined that with such a large army, these adults would definitely have unlimited confidence, but what Tumu Xun did not expect was that he was called to the barracks within 30 days after the troops were stationed in the barracks, and then Asked to explain the situation again.

"My lord, the forest is the territory of those monsters! We..."

"What kind of monster's territory! Everything is the great Huoyun True God, and the Black Forest is also, we do not allow any enemies who dare to challenge the majesty of the True God!"


"Okay, Tumu Xun, don't talk too much!"

Although the voice in his head was full of warnings, it also carried a hint of care, which moved Tumu Xun slightly.And looking at the leader who was even sitting on top of Shishen on the stage, Tu Muxun could only nod helplessly, and then turned and left under the other's impatient wave.

"Master Commander, is it really okay to attack so rashly?" Frowning, Shishen asked with a voice.

"What are you afraid of! Besides, what do you think the Lord True God sent me to do when he was not stable inside and out?"

The commander's buzzing voice echoed in the hall of the barracks, and while saying this, the commander pointed to the north meaningfully, and the black forest was right on that side, blocking the way of the Black Bone Race.

"Could it be... the back road?" Seeing no one around, the Shishen asked cautiously.

"No," shaking his head, the control looked at the Shishen in front of him with some disdain, who had some impressions before, and said deeply, "Lord Huoyun True God, you have a big heart."

After finishing speaking, he was like a sculpture, no longer speaking.

Shishen opened his mouth, but finally swallowed what he wanted to say, but bowed to the ruler, and left slowly.

He actually wanted to say, 'It's been so long, can't it be over? '

But it is obvious that saying this will not have any effect at all except to make the northern ruler who rose up in the war look down upon him.

In the Kingdom of True God, Shishen also has ranks of three, six or nine, and he, who has just been promoted to this level, would not have controlled a small country if he hadn't relied on his qualifications to follow the True God at the beginning.

Not long after, the Northern Command, furious by the continuous sneak attacks, finally organized all the troops and began to advance towards the forest.

(End of this chapter)

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