Spore Story

Chapter 389 The Resolution and Attack of the Ancient Shadow Clan

Chapter 389 The Resolution and Attack of the Ancient Shadow Clan

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"The third one."

"I'm only one, Liyou, you are amazing."

"Ahaha, Ye Luo, you're actually not bad, it's just that you're unlucky."

"Okay, I'm the fourth one, this time the cleaning is over, and your nonsense is enough, we should go back."

The cold voice startled the two who were still holding each other before, and turned their heads to stare at the man depressedly. Then the three walked along the trunk, stepped on the roots of the branches, and tried not to cause the branches to jump. He left here with a shadow.

And behind them, there are 8 corpses with various methods of death.

This kind of humanoid creature with a little hair and no tail is the main prey of the green forest tribe where the three of them live.

No, it should be said to be the main training object, at least in the eyes of the three of them.

However, they obviously didn't know that this creature already had a scientific name, that is: black bone man.

And they themselves actually have a scientific name, but that was given by scholars later: Ancient Shadow Clan.

"Ye Luo, are those stubborn old guys still arguing?"

Such words suddenly came out of the cold voice before, which made the two people running behind almost lose their posture and fall from the tree.

"Uh, Fuyun, although this is the truth, don't say it directly." The Guying tribe known as Liyou responded with a smile on his face, and the credibility of the words was obviously doubtful.

And their friend Ye Luo, on the other hand, held his forehead helplessly and sighed: "I really can't stand you two, after all, the forest is our foundation, no matter how hard this humanoid creature outside goes, it's going to be in the forest." , it’s not up to us to decide what to be afraid of.”

"Scared! Ye Luo, tell me a joke." The two raised their eyebrows immediately, showing disdain.

"Yes Yes."

This kind of trio is not mandatory, nor is it a combat squad arrangement, and it is even more impossible for a cow to propose adding a doctor.

It's just that the three of them just fit together, and they can show some good strength when they cooperate together, so they act together like this.

Among the Ancient Shadow Clan, fighting is basically an individual activity. Even if there is a group fighting together, the number of people will basically not exceed six, because as dark walkers, they are rarely willing to become interference factors. The same kind enters its own battlefield.

Of course, this is actually the old calendar many years ago, at least it is not uncommon for the younger generation to form teams.

"We stubborn old guys, it's not for you bastards!" A voice full of majesty and kindness suddenly appeared from the side of the three who had relaxed, which shocked the three into a cold sweat.

Immediately, the three made their own reactions.

Floating Cloud turned around and hid in the tree trunk. The flying needle at the tip of the tail had already fired its weapon before, and rushed towards the source of the sound without a sound;
After making a small movement, Li You quickly stopped smiling, relaxed all over, and seemed very unmotivated;
Ye Luo, on the other hand, calmed down the startled heart with a helpless face, and then stared at the person who came out of the tree trunk behind him reproachfully.

"Dad, don't play with us like this. After the parliamentary meeting?"

That's right, this is Ye Luo's father, a member of the Council of the Ancient Shadow Clan.

Facing Ye Luo's complaints, it was obvious that some old Guying clansmen gave each other a hard look, and then nodded approvingly to Fuyun.

"It's better for you, kid. These two souls are light, and they don't have the temperament of our green forest tribe, which continues the lush years of forest trees."

"However, compared to me, it's still a bit worse, ah ha ha ha!"


"Uncle, you'd better look at the needle before you talk." Li You wiped off his cold sweat, and raised his finger to the tree trunk that uncle had used as a shield before.

"Huh?" Looking back at the flying needle that was dodged before, the tail of the flying needle submerged in most of the trees, under the reflection of the sun, with a long green light, exuding a strong forest atmosphere (confirmation of poison =. =) .

"..." Jing~~
"Hundan! Do you want to kill me!" The old man broke out.

"You can't even tell if you're an enemy or a friend! Haven't you ever heard of an order for your own people not to take poison with flying needles! Fuyun, I misread you! You have failed my expectations!"

The old man raised what looked like a crutch in his hand, took a very nimble step, then raised his weapon, and with an indomitable momentum, knocked... a centimeter above Fu Yun's head, which did not dodge.

"Look, I knew this old guy couldn't do it."

The troublemaker named Fuyun unconsciously showed off to the two companions next to him, not paying attention to the wooden stick above his head.

The result is of course obvious...

——————The dark walker dividing line of the forest—————

"So, the parliament is still unwilling to take the initiative?"

"Yeah, the old boy from the Warhammer Tribe almost flipped the table on top, but he was held back by two juniors." The old man who hit Fuyun with a stick before was sitting in the house at this time, looking at the flickering lights in the stone basin. Sparks looked helpless, but this was not a decision for the council, but a friend of the Warhammer tribe.

Ye Luo carefully took out the plant tubers from the stone pot, let them cool down with a sigh, then separated them, and handed the big one to the old man.

"But it's too dangerous to be passively defended like this." Looking outside the door, Ye Luo thought for a while and said: "Before, I only found one or two such creatures after dozens of sunrises and sunsets, but now almost every day Seven or eight teams approached us every ten days, and it was obvious that they were also intelligent and were spying on us."

"Although most of them were killed by us, it doesn't mean there is no threat. Why are you still stubbornly refusing to take the initiative?"

"What do you know, kid! We are the darlings of the forest, but only the darlings of the forest. We are fearless in the forest, but once we leave the forest, our combat power will drop by at least [-]%."

Snatching the small piece of steaming tuber from Ye Luo's hand fiercely, the old man threw half of the big piece of food he had before to Ye Luo, and then ate it on his own.


After a few mouthfuls, he let out a breath of hot air, took out a few shriveled fruits from a corner of the hut, and distributed them to Ye Luo and himself, with a pensive look on his face.

"Those young men in the Warhammer tribe don't understand anything, they just know they want to attack head-on, and that old guy, Gu Yin, is following suit. Isn't that putting the cart before the horse!"

The old man curled his lips in disdain, swallowed the somewhat bitter fruit, turned his head to look at the open area not far from the tree house, shook his head and said: "Hundreds of people are gathered together, isn't that what the target is? Last time Isn't it an obvious excuse to say 'it's just because it's too narrow here' without reminding them of the duel?"

Spitting out the fruit core from the window, the old man looked at Ye Luo, who had erratic eyes, and said with a warning tone: "Don't you think I don't know, I was talking to that guy from the Warhammer team, a guy named Croza a few days ago." It's very fun."

"Listen, the name is so weird, he doesn't do his job all day long, and actually fights the claws of the Velociraptor head-on. What does he think he is? Tyrannosaurus?..."


Depressedly chewing the fruit in his mouth, although he really wanted to refute the old man, Ye Luo finally chose to filter the other party's words, because under normal circumstances, even if he was reasonable, he would not be able to win the other party. This is the difference in life level!
In fact, Ye Luo knew very well what his father was thinking.

The tribes live in the forest, and any enemy will not be good if they come in, so as long as they don't go out, a face-to-face battle like the Warhammer tribe will never happen at all, which seems to be true.

(But the premise of all this is that we can stay in the forest all the time, yes, is this possible?)

Since everyone came to this black forest a few years ago, the council with previous experience in forest fires led people to clear out a circle of firebreaks.The appearance of this firebreak made these congressmen think that there was no need to worry about forest fires anymore, and no one said anything about leaving the forest.

But Ye Luo knew that the Warhammer tribe only considered possible threats and wanted to make some preparations in advance.

As for those who left the ethnic group and stayed on the plains before, they are now forbidden within the ethnic group.

As night fell, seeing Ye Luo's attitude of non-resistance and non-cooperation, the old man just sighed, then extinguished the flame in the brazier, pulled down the thick curtain made of weeds, and covered the window and door, and the hut was suddenly dark down.

"Go to sleep, don't worry, the forest is our world."

——————The approaching night dividing line—————

"Speaker! Speaker!"

The shout woke up the sleeping Ye Luo. Of course, the voice was not calling him, but his father who was wearing the bark armor beside him.

It wasn't the end of the previous night, it was many days later.

During this period of time, unexpectedly, the invasion of the forest by that kind of creature was much less, and therefore, the smell of gunpowder in the parliament and the ethnic group was also much less.

As for the Warhammer tribe, they seem to have made something new and are still adapting to training, so they have settled down a lot.

Generally speaking, these few dozen days were a time of peace and leisure (for Ye Luo).

Ye Luo, who had nothing to do for the time being, followed her chairman's father to the parliament hall.

This is a hall platform built on a huge tree. There are only more than 30 people sitting on the platform that can accommodate nearly a hundred people. They are the power holders of the entire Black Forest Ancient Shadow Clan. middle.

With a flash in his eyes, he found two friends on the branches not far from the platform. Ye Luo jumped down from the tree trunk without a sound, and then approached the friends who were leaning together and chatting lightly and without a trace.

But unfortunately, his stealth technique is obviously the weakest of the three.

Therefore, when Ye Luo just appeared not far behind the other party, no matter how heavy the cloud was, he just raised his tail and didn't turn his head back, just a flying needle as a welcome.

"Ah! Fuyun, you are so weak!"

Fortunately, the other party seemed to have remembered the old man's teachings this time, and used the non-toxic mode, otherwise Ye Luo, who was stabbed in the sole of his foot, would have become a dead ghost.

"What are you talking about? So energetic?" Ye Luo pulled out the flying needle without frowning, and walked to the two of them and asked.

There is no poisonous flying needle, and it is just an ordinary thorn to the creature. As long as it does not hit the vital point, it is basically no threat.

"Didn't Uncle tell you?" Li You tilted his head in confusion.

"Forget it, you're not an old man who doesn't know the virtues. If you don't ask Ye Luo, a stubborn gourd, he won't say anything."

"Uh, Floating Cloud, don't need to be so damaged."

"This is obviously the truth?" The other party still didn't realize it, and said in that cold voice with an innocent face, leaving the two friends speechless for a while.

"Well, in fact, just now Yeyue and the others reported that the number of people in the tribe of that creature on the edge of the forest suddenly increased a lot, and they actually started to cut down the forest in large quantities."


Although the ethnic group also cut down a large isolation zone in the forest for fire prevention, but after that, they spent a lot of time planting many saplings on the edge of the forest.

But these creatures have never seen them planting trees from the beginning to the end, so they cut down a lot of forests, but they killed the old men in the council.

"It's a lot of fun now." Li You still acted foolishly.

"How many of those creatures have come?" Ye Luo, who had calmed down a little, did not laugh, but asked seriously.

But the two of them only heard about it roughly, so they could only share their hands.

In desperation, Ye Luo, who failed to spot Yeyue, turned his attention to the parliamentary platform. As expected, fierce quarrels began to appear on it, but it could be seen that most of them were angry.

"It's impossible not to fight now, right? It's starting to die, and the old guys are determined to run away." Fuyun still said something speechless like a bystander, but what made everyone speechless was that the congressman on the stage Uncooperatively, they gradually quieted down under the watchful eyes of everyone.

After a while, the parliament adjourned.

"What, just a lesson?"

Once again, it was beyond everyone's expectations. They obviously misjudged the endurance of the old guys in the council. They actually just decided to let the green forest tribe near the edge send some people to teach those creatures a lesson so that they would not dare to destroy them again. Just the forest.

How to do this?
The people of the Green Forest Tribe looked at each other in blank dismay.

In the end, everyone still made a decision that best fits the characteristics of the race, 'A short-term rapid attack, use fear, so that those creatures will never dare to enter the forest again. '

Thus, the terrorist attacks began.

On the first morning, at the edge of the forest, three Black-bone soldiers smashed the tree trunk with their stone axes. They only felt a flash of shadow. Two of them clutched their necks and fell to the ground, while the remaining one quickly panicked. Throwing down the stone ax without a trace, screaming and running away without a trace;

In the afternoon of the first day, four of the five logging soldiers who were screaming to avoid the felled tree suddenly felt a stinging pain in their bodies.It was as if the barb of the tree was not clear because of too much movement, so no one cared.But after only a few breaths, the four of them began to dehydrate rapidly under the horrified sight of the survivors, and soon turned into four standard mummies, which were then swept into several pieces by the fallen tree branches and leaves;
In the middle of the night on the first day, at the gate of the built barracks, two soldiers guarding died strangely. Except for the fine marks on their throats and the emerald green branches placed on their bodies, there were no other traces;

In the early morning of the next day, three soldiers who went out to relieve themselves...

At noon the next day, a few soldiers were planting seeds near the edge of the forest...

At dusk the next day...

Day three...

"This should be enough." Looking at the buildings in the distance that gathered a lot of heat energy, Ye Luo felt uneasy, but couldn't tell why.

According to the plan, after three days of high-frequency assassinations, the opponent also cooperated with the reduction of troops, and there was no more deforestation.

Then, everyone should go back, and then hello, hello, hello everyone...

is it possible?

I don't really believe it, but Ye Luo can't think of a better way.

Therefore, he could only take two of his teammates and make a cooing sound that spread far and wide, telling everyone to leave.

Then they turned and ran towards the tribe.

"You guys go back first! I'll stay for another day to ensure the situation, and I'll be back tomorrow." After walking for a while, Ye Luo still couldn't suppress the uneasiness in his heart. After leaving a word, he abandoned his two teammates and turned back to the edge of the forest.

"What should we do?" Seeing Ye Luo who suddenly ran away without saying a few words, Li You spread his hands gloomily and asked his friend.

"Who cares about him, this guy is not as good as us in assassination, but his escape is absolutely top-notch, go back early to avoid the old man scolding."

"A tough-mouthed guy."

"You big-mouthed bastard."



"Ah, the assassination is really not done by humans, it's too tiring."

Shot on the tree trunk, covered the body with the leaves, and also blocked the scorching sun by the way, Ye Luo yawned heavily, and looked at the tribe in the distance with dazed eyes.

He didn't know that it was a barracks, because there had never been a battle like a frontal army battle. In the common sense of the ancient shadow clan, there was no idea of ​​gathering soldiers to form a large army.

Even Warhammer, their so-called army, is just a battle group composed of everyone in the clan except children who lack combat power and slow-moving old people.

Therefore, in Ye Luo's eyes, the building complex in front of him is just a strange and huge tribe.

At this time, a creature appeared in Ye Luo's sight, and walked in through the opening of the fence around the building complex.

This creature was ordinary in appearance, similar to other creatures of that kind, but Ye Luo always felt that he was somewhat similar to a creature that seemed to have escaped in a team of such creatures that hunted a long time ago.

"Tch, they all look the same anyway." Shaking his head, Ye Luo didn't think about it.

These are different races, just like when people look at monkeys, they can't tell who is who unless they compare them carefully.

But after a while, Ye Luo felt something was wrong, the 'tribe' in front of him became lively, and many creatures began to gather.Afterwards, these creatures gathered in a group and walked towards the forest. The strong murderous aura emanating from them could not be concealed in front of Ye Luo, who had been killed since childhood.

This shows what?
"Damn! It seems to have the opposite effect!"

As soon as he turned around, Ye Luo ran towards the group at the highest speed regardless of sneaking. The tree trunk he was hiding in before was shaking violently under his full speed kick.

And a black-skeleton ape in the distant team looked at the unnaturally shaking tree trunks, thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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