Spore Story

Chapter 390

Chapter 390

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War, prosperity will hurt the people, sorrow.

It is said that in wars, the people who suffer the most are the common people. Well, this is indeed correct, but this is only limited to the human race.

As for the creatures of the double moon star, they also need to consider the external situation, so we need to relax our sight a little bit.

Then, we will find that the biggest victim is actually the poor Earth Lord Kouya, ah no, Star Planet Lord, that’s not right, Sister Shuangyue, huh?
The mighty 5000-strong Black Bone Clan, the Black Bone Legion under the northern control of the Fire Cloud God Kingdom, finally lost any hesitation due to the continuous provocations of the Shadow Clan (60% excuses, 30% truth, and 10% misunderstanding). , The whole team rushed into the black forest, causing a burst of panic among the animals in the forest.

In fact, according to the combat habits of the Black Bone Race, among these soldiers, only the more than 500 Guards Captains and 10 Shishens really participated in the battle, while other ordinary soldiers, in normal wars (the internal gods of the Black Bone Race) In the Civil War), they all existed as auxiliary arms (accepting territory personnel/accepting/death).

Therefore, Northern Control actually did not intend to bring these soldiers in at the beginning.

However, Tumu Xun, a person who had encountered the enemy, advised him, and let the control finally decide to bring all the soldiers in. In his opinion, this is also seeking stability.

"To deal with those monsters, it should be better if we have more people."

"Whether it's Shishen or the guards, in front of those monsters, it's just a matter of one claw, so there are more people and the safety is much higher."

Although the original words are not like this, but the content understood by the Northern Commander is like this, so the original words are like this.

Therefore, since the battle of 'Fall of the Cthulhu', there has never been a battlefield where ordinary soldiers have joined, and it is the first time that ordinary soldiers have participated.

Fortunately, the ordinary soldiers of these regular legions exist for the purpose of becoming guards, and there are not many trainings.

As for the history, there is a lot of research on this battle that led to the all-out war on the Double Moon Star, but because of the lack of records, most of them are reduced to guesswork and imagination, so it is not enough as an example.

Then, let's turn our attention back to the Ancient Shadow Clan.

Ye Luo had just galloped into the tribal territory when the 5000-strong Black Bone Tribe had entered the Black Forest.

This place is a little far away from the residential area, but it is already an area for the Shadow Clan to defend, and it is precisely because the Black Bone Clan people enter here that the 'monster attack' event occurs.

It's a pity that neither side has the intention to communicate, which caused the current situation. But then again, the language barrier, the appearance is different, and the most important thing is that the race is different. It is difficult to communicate. After all, not every race has friends like that. Powerful spiritual communication technology.

"Attention everyone! The large army of animals without tails (Black Bones) has entered the forest!"

Affected by the anxiety in her heart, Ye Luo seemed a little anxious, and she didn't care about any secrets that didn't exist in the Ancient Shadow Clan. After discovering the No. 1 hidden kind, she started yelling all the way to warn fellow travelers along the way.

His original intention was to make these people vigilant, so as not to panic when they suddenly saw so many enemies.

However, can it really come true?

Originally, they thought they were well concealed, but Ye Luo found out easily, and the people of the Ancient Shadow Clan all had wry smiles on their faces.

But after hearing the other party's words and seeing the other party's actions, those who were familiar with Ye Luo were slightly startled.

In fact, they would not have such a big reaction to the so-called 'tailless animal army', and what really surprised them was the fact that 'Ye Luo himself would be so flustered', but at this time Ye Luo had already run away.

"What should I do to deal with it?" Scratching their heads in distress, these ancient shadow clansmen thought about it, but they all hesitated.Ye Luo issued an early warning, it seemed bad to do nothing, but what to do was another problem.

"I've never encountered such a situation, it's troublesome."

When the enemy's large forces rushed in, the Guying tribe, who had never encountered this kind of warfare, revealed their own fatal flaws and responded differently.

Some of them felt that since they were enemies that could make Ye Luo so flustered, if they ran over rashly, they would probably die.Therefore, staying here to guard or even retreat to the tribe seems to be the right choice.

The other part thinks that they are just animals without tails. Who here has never killed them, or seen others kill one or two of those animals. Isn't that kind of weak guy killed as many times as they come?So, they chose to rush over.

Then, the people of the ancient shadow tribe who had no idea of ​​collective fighting and cooperation at all, and there were no more than 500 men and women with combat effectiveness on this side, immediately scattered into three parties according to their own preferences, and the feeling of being unorganized and undisciplined once again revealed.

When Ye Luo rushed through the open area as a fire isolation zone and entered the gathering center of the ethnic group, what he didn't know was that because of his impulsiveness (are you young?=.=), there were more than 500 combat-capable clansmen on the other side. Among them, 200 people have already rushed to the enemies independently; 100 people ran back after chasing themselves; and 200 people stayed in that vast area, continuing to guard or hunt without any sense of crisis.

Of course, because of good stealth and assassination habits, the 200 attacking people kept sneaking and sneaking slowly, so when they were still on their way, Ye Luo had already kicked open the door of his house.

"Dad, hurry up, there are a lot of those creatures coming in!"


This kind of broad vocabulary is obviously unsatisfactory, but the current arithmetic level of the Ancient Shadow Clan is indeed not very good. Maybe they count the trees in the forest more accurately than counting heads.

However, Uncle Speaker also has his own way.

Recalling the son's combat power and temperament in his memory, and comparing it with Ye Luo's flustered level at this time, his heart suddenly twitched.

"Looks like there's going to be a tough fight."

But it's just a hard fight. In the opinion of the chairman, the Guying people in the forest are invincible, and it doesn't matter if there are more enemies.

"Go and call your friends. We will split up. You are in charge of 300 people in our tribe. I will go to the parliament to organize a reinforcement team. There are too many enemies. I'm afraid it will be difficult for our tribe to eat it!"

"Okay." Nodding, the two of them quickly split up without ink marks.

"I said, isn't it just some animals without tails? It's just a matter of time if there are more. Uncle is really cautious. Ye Luo, you also follow me." Li You obviously didn't care about Ye Luo's worries, but that was just a matter of time. A superficial reaction because of his temper.

As a matter of fact, the two of them, who had never seen Ye Luo so serious before, had already sensed in their hearts that there might be some trouble this time.

"Let's go, go and see what is the quantity that makes Ye Luo so afraid?" Fu Yun was still saying depressing words, but she was the first to jump off the tree.

The three of them rushed to where Ye Luo came from without any disguise.

Greenwood tribe control area in the south
"What! They all ran over!" Looking at the almost empty tribal territory, Ye Luo felt a little annoyed at the tribal people's self-confidence for the first time: "What do they think they are going to do! Going to the theater?"

"Aren't they just animals without tails?" A girl who had never seen Ye Luo so angry grunted dissatisfiedly, but she just stood obediently waiting for orders.They were the part of the people who stayed behind, and the people who ran back seemed to be staggered with Ye Luo, so that Ye Luo seemed to be able to dispatch only 200 of them at this time.

Of course, if you rush to the battlefield, if you are lucky, you can still command the 200 people who are full of confidence.

"Liyou, you go to clean up those guys who ran back and let them help protect the old people and children, Fuyun, let's go there."

"Uh, okay."

—————Contact War Confrontation Separation Line—————

"Master Commander, search the troops outside, someone was attacked, and 20 died."

"Is it that kind of monster?" The Northern Commander continued on his way calmly, and didn't make any waves about the instant loss of 20 of his own people.

This is considered a major loss in an ordinary small country, but in a legion-level army like the True God Country, it is only a fraction of a big battle, and this fraction still refers to the loss at the level of the captain of the guard.

At this time, the loss was only 20 ordinary soldiers, even if they were ordinary soldiers of the legion, it was still the same.

"Yes, they were all killed by one blow. Now the surrounding search forces are temporarily gathered, and no trace of the enemy has been found."


Nodding his head, the Northern Commander turned his attention to Tumu Xun beside him: "Are you sure you remember the route of the opponent's lair?"

"Yes, my lord. I have marked all the way, and I have already informed the companions in front. Besides, that old lair is very big, so it should not be moved suddenly." Answering truthfully, Tumu Xun looked at the mighty army around him, thinking There was a trace of inexplicable pleasure.

The huge army completely ignored the dense forest, and the black bone soldiers who shuttled through it even pushed some small trees blocking the way with their fists.

Therefore, the rear of the troops showed a long road. Looking from a high altitude, the troops were like a stone, pushing out a road all the way from the edge of the forest.

(Without the forest, no matter how strong you monsters are, there is no use for them, hehe.)
Perhaps the task of going to the first investigation of monsters is the beginning of a great change in his life. Tumu Xun has developed a deep hatred for these monsters, and this mode of "walking all the way, clearing the way" is exactly what Tumu Xun proposed suggestion.

"That's good." Nodding in satisfaction, the northern commander looked around his team and began to issue orders loudly: "All soldiers obey orders, form a circle, gather together, and continue to move forward to open the way."

"People in the outer circle, hold up the big shield and pay attention to the surrounding environment!"

"People in the middle circle, be wary of the distance and clear the road at the same time!"

"People in the inner circle, hold your javelins and be responsible for alert preparations!"


As one order after another was issued, the huge Black Bone Race team quickly condensed into a group, showing a good level of combat training, and these guard captains who survived the Great War of the Kingdom of God became the best grassroots commanders official.

And relying on the information provided by Tumu Xun, all the soldiers began to pay attention to the surrounding situation vigilantly after entering the forest, not letting go of any grass, roots, branches, shadows mentioned in the previous notice...

At the same time, the large shield made of large pieces of complete bark and leather specially made by the soldiers of the Black Bone tribe happened to be assigned to the soldiers in the outer circle, and became the best tool for defending against the flying needles of the Ancient Shadow tribe.

Coupled with the number of soldiers, there is nowhere to hide around these soldiers.

As for the racial habits, the people of the Ancient Shadow Clan who did not have a success rate of more than [-]% and would not take the initiative to attack could only helplessly widen the distance between the two sides and continue to wander around the periphery.

"Damn it, in this way, it is simply a seamless stone!"

Ye Luo, who had just arrived, took over the command very smoothly, but he was only able to direct everyone to attack who to attack first. In the real battle, the Guying tribe's individual fighting mode still occupies an absolute position.

After all, the Ancient Shadow Clan has never had the common sense of coordinating large forces to fight together.

However, in the face of such a huge number of enemies, the formation defense like a rock made Ye Luo, who had never encountered such a situation, feel deeply powerless.

"We're impatient to wait this time, Ye Luo, haven't you noticed where these tailless animals are moving?" Fu Yun frowned, grabbed Ye Luo who was thinking about countermeasures, and said seriously.

"Direction?" Ye Luo's expression tightened as he looked in the direction of the Black Bone Tribe army that was moving slowly but firmly.

(How did they find out about our enclave?)

Although he was very confused, Ye Luo also had to face a choice at this time: attack, the success rate cannot meet his own requirements; if he does not attack, at noon at most, these troops will reach the fire isolation zone.

"Scatter all, surround these guys for me!"

"Use the guerrilla hunting method to keep the distance between the two sides!"

"The success rate is more than [-]%, just use the flying needle to attack!"


Passing these orders through the people around him, Ye Luo also jumped off the tree trunk and began to attack the huge team.

Although it was said that the Guying clansman was just a flying needle casually in the past, in fact, the Guying clansman would not use the flying needle as a routine attack method unless they had to.

Because the flying needle is not an ordinary ability, it is a needle-shaped object formed by solidified liquid in the tail tip assembly, which is divided into two types: poisonous and non-toxic.

There are also limiting factors for the formation of flying needles:
The first is inventory, only one flying needle can be stored at the tip of the tail;
Then there is the total amount. Generally, if you are full after a meal, you will be hungry after sending out 10 non-poisonous flying needles;

Then there is the interval, because the formation of the flying needle also takes time, and each flying needle needs a little interval to launch;

The last is the toxin, but because the toxin is stored in the poison sac in the stomach, it can be attached to the flying needle in a short period of time. Whether it is poisonous or not, it has little effect on the formation of the flying needle (but in the eyes of the attacked But not like this =. =).

As for the troops of the Black Bone Clan, because the opponent was going all the way to clean up all the way, the formation of the team was too tight, and the Guying Clan couldn't enter the interior at all.

In addition, the Black Bone Tribe in the outer circle raised their shields, and the Ancient Shadow Tribe on the ground could not attack directly. They could only choose to jump to the branches of the big trees outside the Black Bone Tribe army that had not been pushed, and attack by looking down and shooting. Inside the Black-Bone Race army.

As for throwing, this kind of attack ability, which is difficult to calculate the target point and basically has a low success rate, is rarely used by the ancient shadow clan.

"What about the middle circle?"

There was a commotion in the middle circle. Although the outer circle and the inner circle were well trained, there was no problem, but the northern control still frowned.

Too big a team is not harmless. Just because of Shishen's ability to control everything, because of the range problem, he cannot feel the restrictions of the enemies on the periphery, which makes the Northern Command a little dissatisfied.

"My lord, it is the poisonous flying needle that Tumu Xun said!"

The guard captain who returned from the middle circle to the inner circle still had a trace of fear on his face. Although he had been prepared for a long time, the panic of seeing his teammates dripping water and turning into mummies could not be resolved by some psychological preparation.

"Every direction?"


Glancing at the forests outside the team, the Northern Commander with good eyes quickly noticed the shadows floating among the trees.

"Do you still want us to surround you? Hmph!"

"Attention the spear-throwing team in the inner circle. Divide into sixteen teams. Each team has a guard captain in charge. Aim at the black shadows in the outer forest..."

"Raise the spear!"


"Prepare... let go!"




In the inner circle of the 5000-strong army, each spear-throwing team has no fewer than 40 spear-throwers. They don't attack the target's point', but the 'surface' where the target is located.

The Guying people, who had never encountered such an attack, were caught off guard. They had just eliminated less than [-] Black Bone soldiers with flying needles, and soon received almost overwhelming spear throwing.

Although part of the spear throwing was blocked by the trees, there were still some ancient shadow tribesmen who thought they were clever and wanted to escape by relying on speed and agility, and were trapped into hedgehogs by the flying spears of the black bone tribe spear throwers who were chasing to kill; or some Unlucky guy, hit by a spear flying through the leaves, or bounced off a smooth trunk...

Not too many died directly, but there were quite a few who were seriously injured and bruised, almost instantly destroying most of the combat power of the 400 ancient shadow clansmen in the periphery at this time.

"Very good! In this way, the inner circle of spearmen monitors the outer forest and finds a shadow, regardless of the target! Immediately attack!"

"Don't stop the troops! Keep going!"

Looking at some monster corpses that fell from the tree with satisfaction, everyone ignored them and continued to maintain their formation.

As the guide, Tumu Xun stood beside the Northern Commander, and the shock in his heart was almost indescribable.

He had been inferring the abilities of these soldiers of the True God Kingdom Legion based on the combat strength of his former soldiers of the Beginning Kingdom of God before, only now did he realize that his mistake was really outrageous.

The coordination and stability alone are not comparable to ordinary soldiers.

"This, is this the strength of the True God Kingdom troops?"

In sight, there were no fewer than thirty monster corpses that fell from the branches.

And that doesn't include those who were nailed to trees or hid after being injured, and although the increase rate of this number is slowing down, the total amount is still increasing.

"Damn it! Keep the distance and go around behind the other party! You Guang, go back and tell the chairman about the situation here!" Looking at the situation at this time, the corners of Ye Luo's eyes twitched, and there were bursts of tingling pain in his heart.

As a relatively peaceful ancient shadow clansman, when had he seen so many companions die in a short period of time.


In the first confrontation, the Black Bone Tribe lost a total of about 40 people; the Ancient Shadow Tribe lost about 60 people.

(End of this chapter)

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