Spore Story

Chapter 391

Chapter 391

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"These tailless animals have all come to the door, and you are still sitting still! I firmly ask the ethnic group to send more people!"

On the platform of the parliament hall, the speaker is still trying to convince the leisurely congressmen in front of him, but these guys have no sense of crisis about the huge number of enemies who are attacking because of the exchange ratio of almost 1:30.

"Sir, the Green Forest Tribe is our most powerful tribe. The strength of 500 people, let alone 5000 enemies, even if there are 8000 enemies in our entire group, it is not enough for you to see." The psychology of everyone is basically It's all this way of thinking, there is no way, the performance of the Black Bone Clan in front of the Ancient Shadow Clan was indeed too bad.

"You!" Looking angrily at the congressman in front of him, the speaker suddenly felt that it might not be a good thing to have so many people discuss everything before deciding.The drawbacks of this alliance parliamentary model are undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

"Speaker, are you really as nervous as you say?"

The member of the Warhammer tribe was also full of doubts. He looked at his friend who was flushed with anger by the previous member's words. Have some confidence in him, young man, you always have to exercise!"

He was almost out of breath when his friend said a word, and the uncle of the chairman also didn't know how to speak.

He actually didn't know what the real battle situation was like, but out of confidence in the Guying Clan's combat power, he asked for more reinforcements at this time, in fact, it was only because of his son's anxiety, and at the same time I just don't want to let my tribe lose too much.

And the words of my reckless friend hit the uncle's heart six to seven points, so that the atmosphere was a little awkward.

"Okay, okay, since it's training young people, this is also an opportunity. The other party has given so many trainers, so we'll each pick some young people to go up, first to exercise their abilities; second, to eliminate so many people this time." Animals without tails, they will know fear when they think about it, and they won't offend us in the forest anymore."

The congressman's words eased the awkward and tense atmosphere slightly.Everyone thought about it for the same reason. As long as they are in the forest, everyone believes that the Ancient Shadow Clan will not lose to anyone (in the face of forest fires in nature, they all came up with the method of fire protection ring, which made these guys confident full).

Therefore, the words of the congressman really touched the hearts of these people. Young people really need to exercise.

"Well, I'll go back and organize some people. I should be able to send 100 people out. The rest of them still have to hunt after all. The speaker understands that."

"Me too……"

"Chairman! Master Ye Luo reports." When everyone was clamoring and finally gathered 2000 people and assigned subordinates to form a team, You Guang, who was ordered by Ye Luo to report back, finally rushed to the parliament hall.

Without any rest, the very clever You Guang immediately described the results of the battle with the enemy for the first time to everyone.

But obviously, this result made everyone present feel dissatisfied.

"What! More than 40 people died, more than 100 people were injured, and only 50 enemies were killed! What is Ye Luo doing for food!"

"Mr. Duanmu, speak carefully!"

Such a large number of casualties really made everyone dissatisfied, and these casualties were all from the Green Forest Tribe.However, the commander is his own son after all. In terms of understanding, the speaker is definitely better than everyone present.

"You Guang, go ahead and explain clearly what's going on?"

The battle situation was obviously beyond everyone's expectations. In order to let the people who were already dissatisfied with Ye Luo understand the real situation, You Guang flashed his eyes and came up with his own method.

He began by imitating a shield with broad leaves and holding it in front of him.

This seems nothing, even a little silly, but when You Guang said that the enemy's shield can block the attack of the flying needle ten steps away, dozens of councilors all paused unnaturally, and couldn't sit still Yes, the flying needle is the trump card of himself and others.

Afterwards, You Guang took out the enemy's wooden spear that he personally picked up from the battlefield.This wooden spear is a special weapon of the Black Bone Clan, selected after countless battles.It uses a straight wooden pole with a huge output, and the head is sharpened with carbonization. With the support of the strong arms of the black bones, it has become a sharp weapon in the battle against the flying-wing quack ape in the canyon quack ape.

And now, this kind of wooden spear has become the main attack force against the Shadow Clan.

Due to the lack of external weapons, Shadow Clan's battles mainly focus on melee assassination with fingers and claws, and short-range attacks within twenty steps with tail stabs.

However, relying on this kind of wooden spear, combined with the strength of their bodies and arms, the Black Bone Race can kill at a distance of less than a hundred steps.And the smooth tree trunks in the forest made this kind of wooden spear able to bounce back in various ways, producing a lot of unpredictable lethality, which caused Ye Luo and the others a headache when they were fighting against the Black Bones Legion.

As for the congressmen, although they are very confident in their own strength, they are not fools. Through the description of Youguang's image, they already know the general situation of the enemy.

Obviously, the enemies this time are different from the 'tailless animals' encountered before. They use more non-body external tools, better weapons, and higher organization.Although these are not necessarily summed up, it does not prevent members of parliament from understanding the key points.

"Can we use this thing?" A congressman looked at the bloody wooden spear, and suddenly his eyes lit up. If he and others can also perform a hundred-step attack, then the attack distance of the Shadow Clan can obviously be tripled. .

But You Guang shook his head shamelessly and said: "We have tried, and the most powerful broken stone can only be thrown for thirty steps, which is barely farther than the tail thorn, but its power is not as strong as that of the poisonous tail thorn." It's too small. Moreover, people will be very tired after throwing it, and the distance between the hundreds of steps and the continuous throwing of those enemies is too big."

"Really." Everyone shook their heads in disappointment.

"Speaking of which, our strength is still inferior to those things."

The speaker rubbed his forehead angrily, and at the bottom of the hall, the Shadow Clan members who had gathered earlier had already reached the peak. The gathering of 2000 people in the Ancient Shadow Clan was considered a grand event, but the MPs on the platform at this time were not very excited. enthusiasm.

At this time, the few councilors who continued to listen to Dusk Light's explanation seemed to think of something, and subconsciously looked at the councilors of the Warhammer tribe.

The way the enemy group gathers together to fight head-on is very similar to the way the Warhammer tribe is researching head-on fighting.

It's just that the enemy is obviously better than the Warhammer Horde.

"Speaker, it's bad! Those enemies are about to approach the fire barrier!"

"What!" The councilors, who could barely sit still before, were startled. Even the forest can't do anything to them. It's not a disaster to enter the open area. You must know that although the firebreak is not wide, it is still about two hundred steps away.

"The reinforcements went to support immediately, hold those things for me!"

At this time, there was no discussion. The speaker gave an order, and 2000 Guying people rushed to where Ye Luo and the others were.

And standing on the high platform, looking at the 2000 people below who couldn't hide their whereabouts due to too many people and too dense, the speaker couldn't help feeling a little uneasy.

"Our biggest advantage is assassination and concealment. If we lose this advantage, how much strength do we have?"

The speaker, who was at the top of a tall tree, walked through the isolation zone in the distance, looked at the constantly collapsing tree trunks, and the spears flying past from time to time, and felt a little worried about Ye Luo, the son who had placed high hopes on him.

(Don't worry, Ye Luo.)
—————The dividing line of war—————

"My lord, there is an open belt ahead!"

Seeing from afar the open belt that was obviously missing a circle, Tumu Xun could hardly conceal the joy in his heart. He never thought that facing the large army, these monsters that had brought him nightmares would be so unbearable.

With the corners of his mouth raised, Tumu Xun said the previous words in a cheerful tone.

"Oh. So, the lair of these monsters is coming?"

The Northern Command still commanded the troops to move forward calmly. Even though half a day had passed since entering the forest in the early morning, neither the legion nor the commander was tired at all.

During this period of time, no less than 100 monsters were wiped out by the spear-throwing team. During this period, the monsters even launched a charge, and no less than 100 were killed by the first round of troops.

This kind of unwise charge behavior only made the corners of the Northern Commander's lips twitch slightly, because as soon as they entered close combat, the disorganized monsters quickly exposed their three weaknesses, namely: powerlessness, defenselessness, and disorganization.

"The strength is too small, the body is too weak."

This is the evaluation of one of the Shishen. From the beginning to the end, these people who are the middle and upper combat forces of the True God Kingdom have never made a move except to occasionally remind certain parties to be careful of sneak attacks.

And up to now, the Heizu Legion has only lost 100 ordinary soldiers, but those monsters, the corpses alone, can already see more than 200, and more than 100 of them are left over from that charge.

Even if the charge is only a few breaths away.

"After reaching the open zone! The whole army stops advancing, and one team becomes three teams, moving to both sides respectively, expanding the range of the open zone and stabilizing the army at the same time!"

"My lord, such a good opportunity? Why don't you destroy the enemy in one go?" A Shishen asked suspiciously, and this was what Tu Mu Xun wanted to ask.

"Are you questioning my decision?"

Glancing coercively at the people around them, these Shishen immediately lowered their proud heads.The person in front of him is the northern ruler, second only to the existence of the true god. These guys who have just entered Shishen or surrendered from the kingdom of Shishen can only bully and bully ordinary captains of the guards.

Satisfied with everyone's reaction, the northern commander nodded and continued, "After walking for a long time, everyone is tired and needs to rest."

"Also," the northern commander frowned and said, looking deeply at the forest in the distance, "haven't you noticed that these guys are already adapting to our tactics, and the spear-throwing team is almost out of spears yet?" ?”

A spear-throwing soldier usually only carries 20 flying spears. This is the experience of the Black Bone Race for a long time, but this experience is for the captain of the guard.

As for ordinary soldiers, although they don't take part in the battles of the kingdom of God, they all target the captain of the guards. Of course, they often use the captain of the guards as their learning object.

As a result, there were only three or two kittens left in the rattan frames on the backs of most of the spear-throwing soldiers, and one or two of them were trembling with tired arms, and their accuracy was quite poor.

Seeing this situation, all the primordial gods nodded in agreement.

"Master is wise."


Ye Luo, who had lost more than 100 companions at one time due to a head-on attack of brain fever, had already been replaced at this time, and another Guying clansman was in charge of commanding.

However, it wasn't that others were dissatisfied with Ye Luo's command, but that he himself couldn't stand it.

I have to say that apart from the last forest fire, this is the first time for anyone in the Ancient Shadow Clan to lose so many of the same kind in the same place in such a short period of time, and the last time Ye Luo was only a few years old at the time of the forest fire.

What made Ye Luo even more unbearable this time was that his friend Fuyun was also crushed by a Black Bone soldier with a shield in order to save himself because of charging all over his eyes. Although the body was brought back at this time, the so what?Everyone died.

At the same time, even with the support of more than 2000 people on the battlefield, most of the Guying tribe of the Green Forest Tribe have lost their fighting spirit due to too many losses. As a last resort, the new commander can only let them With Ye Luo down to rest, he also began to pay attention to the enemy in front of him.

There is absolutely no common sense about frontal battles and legion battles. More than 2000 Guying people came here, but the number increased a little.

In order to maintain stealth, they even scattered in a large area, and they did not pose any threat to the Black Bones Legion inside.

At the same time, the Black Bones Legion has always gathered together like stones. Even if they stop and disperse at this time, they only become three smaller stones. Among them, the stones moving to both sides are on the order of 2000 people. The ancient shadow clan reinforcements with only 2000 people had nowhere to speak.

There were only 1000 people who remained in place, but they were surrounded by a growing open area. Even now, the flying needles of the ancient shadow tribe could no longer attack these people after they were sent out from the forest.

What's more, this open zone is still expanding.

"Shangying, what should we do? Waiting like this will only make us more and more troublesome!"


He frowned in distress. The tragic consequences of Ye Luo's frontal attack, which he had always admired before, left a big shadow in the hearts of Shangying and the reinforcements. At this time, they could not make a frontal attack.

However, the Guying tribe's sneak attacks and assassinations are indeed powerful, but they have no experience in this kind of large army battle!
After thinking about it, Shangying still bit the bullet and began to give orders.

"Divided into three parts, 1000 of them surrounded the guys in the middle, and stood at the edge of the forest, keeping a distance between the two sides, and slowing down their cutting speed as much as possible!"

"The other two parts, 500 people in each part, use speed! Use our highest speed to attack those people, remember to spread out, don't get closer!"

"This is!"

Soon, the 2000 Ancient Shadow Clan members were also divided into three parts. Contrary to the Black Bone Clan, which has two large groups and one small group, the Ancient Shadow Clan has two small groups and one large group. Some can reduce the amount of damage caused by flying spears for surface damage.

But making this kind of decision, Shangying felt a little powerless, because this kind of decision is no longer the belief of "absolute assassination, the highest security" of the ancient Ying people. Making this kind of decision means that there will definitely be deaths .

Even with the previous fighting methods, there would definitely be deaths, but this decision made it clear.

This should be said to be an improvement in the Shadow Clan's war experience. However, many improvements in war experience are made of mountains of corpses and blood, and this time is no exception.

Time flies by...

"600 people died on our side. These monsters are too fast. Most of the time, they can't react at all. If they are not careful, they will be attacked! But in a frontal fight, we have an absolute advantage."

"400 people died, those bastards are too powerful, they will be finished if they are hit by accident! Damn, when did we become such a fragile existence! However, their flying spears are much less, and there are also collection The case of the used spear."

As night fell, under the light of hundreds of fires, nearly one-sixth of the Black-bone soldiers who had lost had gathered into a group again.

"Rest at night, will you give these monsters time to react?"

"Do your own thing well, and you don't need to remind me about this," the Northern Commander looked at the forest in the distance in the afterglow of dusk, and stayed on the fire barrier surrounding the forest for a while. Then he took it back and continued: "You also said that the night has no effect on these monsters at all, but the night is very harmful to us, at least we can't see how far."

"So, if we stop and stop, we will be the ones who suffer!"

At this time, the army was already in a huge open area connected to the fire isolation belt. At this time, Tumu Xun discovered the significance of the decision made by the commander at noon.

It took half a day to rush, and half a day to build this open temporary camp. The camp is surrounded by an open area of ​​hundreds of steps. There are no tree fences, but there is a defensive belt composed of various traps.

Its effect is how big, people don't know.

But the fires all over the open ground unexpectedly interfered with the thermal vision of the Ancient Shadow Clan, because they couldn't tell the location of a certain person in the steaming temporary camp, which made the Ancient Shadow Clan people when arranging the attack. He seemed a little hesitant.

"At this time! We must take the initiative to attack!"

"There is an open area there, and Shangying's 'speed war' method is still feasible, but it will not work if there are too many people, and if there are few people, the enemy will gather together, and we will not be able to get close!"

"Don't let them have a good night's rest, and then wake up tomorrow morning full of energy and attack our home!"

"Parliament is discussing evacuation, we intend to..."

"Evacuate! What else can you think of besides evacuating all day long!"

"Then what do you want to do!"


"Speaker! It's not good, Croza of the Warhammer tribe is leading a team of 300 people in the open, and has already attacked those enemies!"

"What? Nonsense!"

(End of this chapter)

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