Spore Story

Chapter 392 The War Hammer Charge of the First Battle of Sombra

Chapter 392 The War Hammer Charge of the First Battle of Sombra

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Under the dark night sky, hundreds of fires flickered. At this time, more than 300 ancient shadow clansmen with serious expressions were wearing bark armor. Their special fingers and claws absorbed the surrounding light, like beasts devouring people. Lurking quietly, following their masters, they approached the temporary camp of the Black Bone Race step by step.

"Oh, it's actually a frontal attack this time?"

Hearing the report from his subordinates, the Northern Commander built hundreds of fires with the help of a large number of forest trees felled during the day, and was surprised to see the group of monsters approaching step by step in the distance.

After a day of contact, and the report that Tumu Xun has confirmed to be correct so far, he also has a general idea of ​​the monster in front of him: high speed, low strength, stealth, frail body, prevailing individualism, good at assassination but short at Frontal attack, excellent for assassination and sneak attack, but frontal combat...

Shaking his head, he is a general who seeks stability, so why not stop marching at noon.

And the soldiers have been tired for a day (except for the spearmen, they are all tired from logging=.=), continuing to fight will obviously lead to a further decline in strength, and it will also reduce the success rate.

But the enemies in front of him must also be dealt with. Fortunately, there are not many of them.

"Huo Yunzheng, I'll give you 5 Shishen, 200 guard captains, and 700 ordinary soldiers. Let me swallow these self-righteous guys."

This is an open area with a clear view, and the terrain of the temporary barracks is slightly higher than the surrounding area, so standing on the tall trees specially left by the camp, the number of enemies in front of them can be seen at a glance.

With such a small number, and it is still a head-on battle, 905 vs. 300, invincible, is impossible in the eyes of everyone.

And this kind of good opportunity is the best battlefield for a guy like Huo Yunzheng, who is the son of the true god, to gain qualifications and exercise his ability. As for safety, 5 Shishen are enough.

Soon, nearly a thousand low-energy soldiers selected from the Black Bone Legion were lining up in front of the marching monster troops. The proud young Black Bone Race man in the center of the formation looked at the soldiers in the distance with disdain. The enemy at the place pouted secretly.

"Hmph! With such a small number, you dare to attack head-on. A monster is a monster."

"Cut, it's just such a small amount! Are you looking down on us? Animals are animals."

Although he said so, Croza was secretly glad in his heart that this was his first actual combat in the true sense. If the enemy was too strong than him, it would not be training, but looking for abuse.

What's more, his purpose is not to fight to the death, but to prove the strength of the Warhammer tribe.

"Attention all, formation of three!"

As soon as the words fell, the 300-person Ancient Shadow Clan team quickly turned into a 100-person appearance. In fact, it was just a visual misunderstanding caused by every three people getting closer.

Looking at the Black Bone Tribe Legion defending with shields in front, although he didn't know why the opponent didn't take the initiative to attack, Croza was not in the mood to think about the enemy. He arched his body slightly, and the slow-moving team suddenly stopped, and then, from the team There was a voice containing fighting intent.




The charge of the team of 300 people erupted with the power of a wild beast tide, which made Huo Yunzheng, who had just gathered nearly a thousand troops in front of him, slightly at a loss, but soon calmed down.

"A row of shields! Spear throwers ready!"

The spear thrower behind the shield immediately took out some of the flying spears he had picked up in the afternoon on his back, and aimed the spearheads at the sky.Projectiles on flat battlefields, because they do not pursue high precision and mainly focus on surface killing, so their practice effect is still very good, but now some of them have been throwing for a day. Although the distance is relatively large, their arms are still a little sore.

two hundred steps...

The ancient shadow clansman lowered his hands from his body, and put them lightly in front of his body as if his form had been fixed; the Black Bone Legion did not move, but looked coldly at the enemies attacking ahead, only the shield soldiers in the front row who felt the most were a little bit The turmoil did not cause abnormalities in the defense line...

150 steps...

The Ancient Shadow Clan side showed no abnormalities and continued to charge; the Black Bone Clan side had no abnormalities and continued to wait...

110 steps...

The chief officers of both sides calculated the distance in their hearts. Because of the contact during the day, both sides knew the attack distance of the other side. It became a tacit understanding between the two parties.

"One hundred steps!"


Huo Yunzheng, who has had more training, obviously calculated the distance between the two parties faster. Although the units for measuring the distance between the two parties may be different, the actual length will not be different because of the different units. One hundred steps for the Black Bone Clan may be ninety steps for the Black Bone Clan, but that is still such a long length.

The spear-throwers quickly aimed at the front of the Guying people who were charging straight. This is also the experience gained from long-term fighting.

At the same time that the pitcher from the Black Bones side was attacking, the Warhammer side's commander Croza had already calculated the distance. Although he was shocked by the slowness of a step, he still quickly issued an order.

"Scatter left and right!"

The team quickly divided into two parts and spread out to the left and right, and the spears aimed at the middle were still in the air for a while, so of course most of them were avoided by the ancient shadow clan, but after all, the speed was slower, and there were still more than a dozen people The Shadow Clan was stabbed.

"Soul Dan! The spear-throwing team aims to the left, get ready!"

"Hey! Sixty steps."

Krothar's original plan was to move immediately the moment the opponent threw the spear, causing confusion to the opponent's spear thrower, but unexpectedly he was a step slower in mental calculation, but he also got a good result: he avoided most of the spear throwers.

But such opportunities are not always available.

In the second round of spear throwing, because it was difficult to calculate the opponent's attack time, although the Ancient Shadow Clan troops dispersed, dozens of people were still stabbed by the spear throwing.


"Fifteen steps! Launch!"

Surprisingly, what flew out of the Ancient Shadow Clan troops was not the almost invisible flying needles, but the flying spears of the Black Bone Clan.

More than 200 flying spears flew out almost vertically from the hands of the ancient shadow tribe, drawing a curved parabola, flying high, attracting the attention of some black bone men, but soon they turned their attention to the ground , because, at this time, Croza led the troops and had already approached the shield players in front of the Black Bone Race.

"Are these guys courting death? Hmph!"

Although Huo Yunzheng was taken aback for a moment by flying his own weapon from the monster's hand, but when he saw those sticks flying high, he immediately sneered.

"A monster is a monster, and it can't even throw a spear."

"Do you think I'm a fool?" Croza, who rushed towards the shield with unabated speed, looked up and glanced at the fire clouds in the distance, with a trace of sarcasm on his lips.


One after another screams suddenly came from the front row of the Black Bones, and the people in the back row suddenly felt bad.

"Those flying spears!" Some soldiers who were still distractedly watching the flying spears in the sky roared suddenly. They thought that the flying spears were thrown high because they couldn't use them, but after reaching the highest point and falling, Just plunged into the shield soldiers in the front row.

At this time, the shield soldiers were guarding against the approaching Guying clansmen, and the top attack tactics worked instantly.

Nearly a hundred soldiers in the front row of the Black Bone Race were hit by flying spears that fell from the sky before they even had time to react. The flying spear is almost completely submerged. If the flying spear is not short, it may be a standard skewer.

However, some ancient shadow clan soldiers who ran too fast inevitably entered the attack range and were stabbed by the flying spears thrown by themselves.

But at this time, neither the Ancient Shadow Clan nor the Black Bone Clan paid any attention to this, because the frontal defense against the Ancient Shadow Clan's flying needles had a loophole because of this unexpected attack.

"The whole army retreats! The second row goes forward to attack! The third row raises their shields!"

With a livid face, Huo Yunzheng, who was played like a clown, looked at the scattered front row and those monsters who were raising their tails that could send out dangerous poisonous stings. A hint of ferocity flashed in his eyes, and he raised his right hand to develop the release Order.

"Attention spear throwers, aim for the front row, get ready!"

"grown ups!"

"Shut up! Our purpose is to kill these enemies, how can we fight without killing people!"




After both sides launched attacks at the same time, they both looked at the enemy as if they had forgotten about these attacks.

"After the flying needles are sent out, all use melee combat methods to kill those animals without tails!"



The melee combat method is a new achievement of the Warhammer tribe. Relying on the high speed and extremely agility of the ancient shadow tribe, they constantly move around those powerful but slow-moving (for the shadow tribe) enemies, and look for opportunities to kill them one strike.

This can be said to change the ancient shadow clan's previous [long-range lurking assassination] mode into a [close combat fatal blow] mode. The danger has increased a lot, but it can also play a very high role in special circumstances. , for example, on such an open frontal battlefield.

But unfortunately, they still chose the wrong battlefield this time. No, or they shouldn't judge others by themselves, thinking that entangled with the enemy can ignore the flying spear.

When bursts of piercing sounds came from the sky, Croza had just killed the strong black bone man in front of him. The opponent was easily bypassed by Croza relying on his agility, and then Croza turned his back on the opponent's spine. Thorn, this Black Bone Soldier, just twisted a bit before making no sound.

But attracted by the sound of piercing through the air, Croza, who was looking at the sky, had a confident smile that froze in an instant.

Living in the relatively mild Shadow Clan, he never imagined that these enemies would use the cruel method of "using himself as a bait, and then using spears to attack regardless of the enemy and to destroy the enemy". Obviously, Gu Ying The clan's knowledge of war is completely zero.


The desolate roar failed to completely burn Croza's sanity. He lifted the spoils in his hands to his body with great effort, and then hid his petite body under the body of the huge black-skeleton soldier.

But because of his lack of strength, his speed was still a step slower. A flying spear shot obliquely brushed past his back, leaving a deep scar. , then hit the unlucky Croza heavily.

At the moment before he was about to lose consciousness under such pain, Croza saw through the gaps in the black bone man's corpse that was pressing on him, his companion who was pierced unwillingly, and the one who was about to send a flying needle when he was about to die. Companion, I feel a little regretful in my heart.

(What am I hiding!)

The familiar voice seemed to be composed of countless paths, but Croza, who had already fainted, couldn't hear it.

—————Historical development dividing line—————

In the battle that night, although 130 Black Bones soldiers were used in exchange for nearly 300 monster casualties, those monsters who were not as good as the militia in the legion battle charged collectively, and the Black Bones Legion took 300 casualties. In exchange for the corpses of more than 700 monsters, this also made the Northern Command completely calm down.

"Fortunately, there are not many such soldiers."

At this moment, he still called them "soldiers", because if it weren't for Huo Yunzheng's "life exchange" fighting style, judging from the individual combat capabilities shown by those soldiers at that time, in a melee one-on-one, I'm afraid The black bone man can't get any benefits at all.

Even if the opponent can be eliminated in the future, the casualties paid by the Black Bone Race Legion may still be doubled.

Even if in comparison, except for speed and agility, the black-boned man is better than them in everything, the result will still be the same.

This is also the reason why the northern control did not comment on Huo Yunzheng's behavior of disregarding the lives of soldiers. There are some things on the battlefield that cannot be explained clearly.

"You did a good job, Huo Yunzheng. I will leave the rest of the work to you. You should be able to take a good rest tonight."

After saying this coldly, the northern commander turned and walked into the temporary camp.

Although it is praise, no smile can be seen on the faces of the praiser, the praiseee or the bystanders.


Nodding his head, Huo Yun was turning around to look at the place full of corpses of both the enemy and us. He was already very dissatisfied when 300 weak melee monsters rushed into the formation, but when he was about to completely wipe out the opponent, he It was also frantically attacked by thousands of monsters.

Although with the help of the northern control, they were able to quickly stalemate and fight back with the opponent, killing many of the opponent, but the opponent also took away a dozen survivors among the 300 people, including the opponent I had been paying attention to The leader, Hun Dan, who used the black bone man's corpse as a shield.

"damn it!"

After kicking a dead monster under his feet fiercely, Huoyun was handing over the cleaning of the battlefield to Shishen beside him, and turned back to the temporary camp on his own.

Wooden house under the Council Hall of the Ancient Shadow Clan

"Are you okay?"

"It's still alive, it's just scratched the skin, but it seems to be hit continuously, so it takes time to recover." After waving his hand and applying various crushed herbs on the wound, the old man in charge of the treatment gestured to the surrounding people No problem, people immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let Klosa rest here, Ye Luo."


Ye Luo walked out of the crowd with a desolate face. He had barely recovered from the death of more than 100 companions, and then encountered a war where nearly a thousand people died. At this time, his expression was so sluggish that the people around him shook their heads in disappointment.

(It seems that he is only suitable for a manager in peacetime, not as a war commander.) This is the thought of everyone present, but among the people present, how many are suitable as a war commander?Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads a little. (=.=)

"Ye Luo, this is the first time many of us have encountered this kind of thing. Think about the companions who died tonight. What did they think when they attacked the enemy? They were surrounded by teammates who were constantly dying. What do you think when you are still attacking!"

The body paused slightly, the bewilderment in the eyes became a little clearer, Ye Luo paused for a while, and just nodded heavily.

Seeing this, everyone didn't say much, and the speaker began to assign their tasks: "Old fellows, let these enemies see our strength this time."

"it is good!"

The smooth congressmen who had been worn down by peace seemed to have regained their youth because of this sentence, showing a strong fighting spirit.

"There are still more than 6000 people in the ethnic group, including more than 4000 young and old people who are capable of fighting, which is enough."

"Select 500 people to stay in the group. We have to make some plans." Although it hurts morale, the speaker still has to consider the whole group. Turning to look at Ye Luo and Li You beside him, the speaker is not without worry Said calmly: "If the frontal battle fails, we will try our best to delay the time, but you, you should take the children and the lightly wounded Kroza and the others to find those people."


"I know! At this time, if you go to those people, you will definitely be looked down upon, but which is more important, face or the future!"

"We have to consider the ethnic group. After all, they are the same kind. They don't really do anything. It's only been more than ten years since we separated. At the beginning, it was just a difference of concept. They knew the importance of uprooting trees."

"Yes," if it really came to that point, that is, these old guys admit that they were wrong, but now, it doesn't matter who is right and who is wrong.

Thinking about it this way, the several speakers present lowered their heads helplessly. It seems that this war was caused by their complacency in the beginning, which led to the current situation.

At this time, the speaker seemed to have remembered something, and added: "By the way, Ke Luohuo, you can go with Ye Luo and the others."

"Why me! I'm already old..."

"Because of the behavior of this kid, Croza, your tribe basically has no fighting power? What's more, these young people only had contact with those people when they were young, and now how many of them still remember the way!"

"I... Li You, you are the oldest among them, you should remember that plain!" At this moment, Croho didn't have the bearing of a clan leader at all, but looked at Li You pitifully.

It's a pity that this guy is a young man. Although he is usually idle, but at this time his blood is so hot that he still wants to stay.

"I don't know the way, this, it's better to let the patriarch Krohuo lead the team, and I can contribute a little bit if I stay."

"Nonsense! That's the decision. I'm the chairman of the council. You souls always quarrel with me. You must listen to me today!"

"What's more, after shrinking our troops, we have 3500 people, and the enemy only has about 4000 people. We don't know who will win and who will lose!"

In a word, everyone was speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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