Spore Story

Chapter 393 The Surprise Victory in the First Battle of the Black Bone

Chapter 393 The Surprise Victory in the First Battle of the Black Bone

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To fight, to win with odds, to win with righteousness.

I don't remember exactly whether I said that, but the meaning is clear.

However, the war between the Black Bone Clan and the Ancient Shadow Clan was very short-lived, but its tragic degree (to a large extent for the Ancient Shadow Clan) cannot be ignored even if it is compared in the later history .

On the first day, in the morning, under the guidance of civil engineering experts who knew the way, the Black Bones Legion pushed all the way.The Guying Clan, who have never had any experience in frontal warfare, because they fight in a completely independent way, the first time they encountered the enemy, they had no organization and experience, so they didn't gain much. On the contrary, they paid more than 200 lives by themselves. In this battle, Black Bones Apes dominate;
On the first day, in the afternoon, under the command of the Northern Command, the Black Bones Legion continued to expand a large area of ​​open space as a temporary camp, relying on the spacious fire isolation zone opened up by the Ancient Shadow Clan.

After the battle in the morning, the Guying Clan, who had a little experience in frontal warfare, made a combat method relying on their own speed advantage to carry out a frontal attack. Both sides gained a lot, but overall, the Black Bone Clan still dominated ;
On the first day, at night, the Black Bones Legion considered their own factors and suspended their attack.As for the Ancient Shadow Clan, due to the hesitation of the council, the more impatient Warhammer tribe made a separate initiative to attack.

Although this tribe's fighting style is considered advanced among the Ancient Shadow Clan, it still falls short in the face of the Black Bone Clan, who has accumulated a lot of experience in legion battles all year round.The two sides fought a big battle in the open field full of fires, and the Warhammer troops renewed the confidence of their kindred with their blood and ferocity.

It's a pity that in order to rescue them, the fellow clansmen who had not had time to accept these experiences paid losses several times more than the number of Warhammer troops, and because of this battle, the Warhammer tribe only had less than 20 combat strength left. There are only more than 200 old and weak people left, and they are basically considered to be disbanded.

On the second day, in the morning, the Ancient Shadow Clan needed to rely on the experience of the Warhammer Tribe to reorganize the existing 3500 combat strength in order to display a certain amount of frontal combat power; while the Black Bone Clan did not know what considerations they were in, and unexpectedly chose continue to rest.

So, on the surface, the two sides lived in peace...

At noon, the sun is shining brightly, cicadas are flying around, the grass is shaking, and flowers and fruits are beginning to grow.

"Do you really want to do this?"

In a small corner of the forest, mysterious slime beasts appeared again, and this time, a family of them appeared...

"What is true and false? The Northern Commander has said that these guys are too dangerous and will be detrimental to the future development of the True Kingdom of God. They must be eliminated, and it is best not to leave any of them!"

"Um, it feels too much."

A slime beast squirmed and swayed in the muddy pond, obviously feeling uncomfortable with the substance on the surface of its body, and there were companions beside him and in front of it, obviously engaged in some kind of latent warfare, and in front of them, was It is the edge of the forest in the inner circle of the open land of the Ancient Shadow Clan.

The three of them were covered in mud, and they were still hiding in the muddy mud, so they couldn't be found at all.But this kind of torture, if you want friends to come, I am afraid they will be more willing to rush up directly, it is too dirty.But for the Black Bones people who are struggling in the war from time to time, it is better to be uncomfortable than to die.

"Be quiet! Don't you know the ban? Want to be discovered?"


"..." (=X=)

In fact, it is indeed dangerous for them to speak like this. With the latent and anti-latent abilities of the Ancient Shadow Clan, what they said before has easily led to them being discovered.

It's a pity that at this time, the Guying tribe just shrunk their troops and planned to fight to the death, and most of them were gathered in the parliament hall to receive training; a small number of investigators were also gathered outside the army station of the black bone tribe as surveillance.So much so that at this time, no one monitored other places at all, so that the slime beasts unexpectedly and smoothly approached the interior of the fire isolation zone and lurked down.

And a group like them is actually not the only one.

Suddenly, the slime beast who answered before felt some discomfort in his legs, as if something had touched his heel.

The mud on his face-like area squirmed strangely, and the front paws of this mud beast habitually reached out to grab the hind legs.

"It seems that something is wrapped around my foot, will something happen?"

"..." (==?)
"Still moving, sticky, like a stick."

"..." (- -)

"Slippery... um, ah, it actually bit me! Like a snake?"

"..." (==!)
There seemed to be a very faint click, and the mud beast, which had remained speechless, seemed to have seen a few traces of blood floating up from the mud pond next to the restless teammate, and dug out some new mud. The corners of his eyes began to twitch.

"Dead, it's really fragile, and it will break if you pull it."

"..." (0 0)

With a puff, two wriggling black and thick sticks flew out from the mud pond. One end of the two objects was covered with skin and blood, which obviously belonged to the fracture site and broke off.

Under the watchful eyes of the mud beast, the two stick-like objects took two standard arc-shaped trajectories, crossed the mud pond, the green grassland, and countless branches during the period, miraculously and without any hindrance, they just hit the ground. Hit another slime beast lurking ahead.

(0 0!!) X2
"Ah! Who did it!"

"..." (← ←) Wangtian
"..." (→ →) far eye
"You two are dead! Go back and deal with you!" The captain who was hit innocently in front warned depressingly.

"We're going back to our hometown to get married after we go back." A certain culprit muttered softly.

(After finishing this time, we will leave the army when we go back.) A certain soy sauce thought so.

Because of the need for concealment, the mud beast in front of him has been kept fixed, and the soil that is about to dry makes him as inconspicuous as a mud clod slightly protruding from the ground.

In order not to attract the attention of the enemy, even though he felt the back of the head was hit, he still spoke softly. For the sake of the task, this relatively strong mud beast could only helplessly stare(?) at two mud beasts With one glance, he planned to continue waiting for the signal agreed by the Northern Commander.

But at this moment, the three of them suddenly felt that something was wrong with the mud pond, and the water surface began to stir. Gradually, the whole mud pond fluctuated violently like boiling.

"what happened?"

"do not know?"

"Ah..." (Soy Sauce finally has lines =. =)

Today's weather is sunny and windless, and the atmosphere is a little dull. Ye Luo, who was left as the possible commander of the evacuation force because he has already divided into teams, after a little bit of cheering up, gave the task of reorganizing the people of the ethnic group to After leaving Liyou, he led a dozen people and started to do preliminary investigation for Luopao.


"I heard something just now?" A team member stopped in doubt and looked around.

"is it?"

He will not doubt the situation of his teammates. These dozen or so people are selected experts. As a lurker, distinguishing real voices from auditory hallucinations is the most important thing. Therefore, when Ye Luo heard what his teammates said, Ye Luo immediately He waved his hand to stop the crowd, and the dozen or so people suddenly seemed to freeze.

And in this way, because there is no wind, the entire forest is only left with the faint sounds of small animals passing by occasionally.


"That direction!"

Ye Luo first pointed out the direction, and then rushed there immediately without waiting for everyone's reaction.

"and many more!"

The 11 teammates shook their heads helplessly and jumped down from the branches, and quickly followed Ye Luo in front of them. They didn't know if it was the illusion of everyone, but they found that when Ye Luo was in action these two days, the strong The stealth style has been much smaller, but it has some frontal combat mode of the Warhammer tribe. No one knows how to comment on this.

After the battle last night, although the Warhammer tribe finally ended in a disastrous defeat, and more than 700 people were killed, but many people were in the forest at that time, so they watched the whole process of the battle, and anyone who can think a little realized it The power of the Warhammer tribe's tactics.

The most important thing is that the Warhammer tribe has shown a new development direction of a new warfare system that is beginning to mature.

It is different from the tradition of stealth assassination that the ethnic group has continued for an unknown period of time. The tactic of relying on agility for close combat has proved its effectiveness through last night's battle. On the frontal battlefield, this tactic is obviously superior. Traditional tactics that urgently need stealth.

And for those ancient shadow clansmen who are tired of stealth, or who have poor stealth ability but react quickly, or who have some rebellious factors, the Warhammer tribe's close combat fatal blow method just happens to provide them a new path of development.

At the same time, in the face of the rapid onslaught of the legion battle, the inexperienced Guying tribe could only choose this more mature and effective method to quickly arm themselves after stealth assassination was temporarily unavailable.

So at this time, the first army of the Ancient Shadow Clan, consisting of 3500 people since ancient times, is receiving the teachings of the survivors of the Warhammer tribe. Although it is only some theory, it also makes everyone have a refreshing feeling.

However, it is unclear how much can be learned in such a short time.

What's more, the initiative of the war seems to be in the hands of the enemy legion commanders who have not made any moves at noon.

But at this time, the people of the Ancient Shadow Clan have already been forced to go to Liangshan, and the open land has been completely cleared out by the other party. Now if they want to break out of the fire protection belt that used to be a protective circle, they have to expose hundreds of breaths on the open land , and in the face of those enemies who are constantly patrolling against the isolation zone with a scale of thousands of people, everyone can only itch their teeth with hatred.

However, food and other things of the Ancient Shadow Clan can only be obtained by entering the surrounding forests. The area enclosed by the fire protection zone is nothing more than a small residential area. When it was first built, it was only to minimize the damage to the forest. , who knows that now he and others are bound to such a small place.

"It should be near here, everyone look for it, now is a tense moment, don't make any mistakes!"

The voice in front woke up a dozen or so people who were in deep thought. They looked around and nodded.

After the crowd dispersed, Ye Luo strolled to a mud pond. Looking at the turbid mud pond, he frowned in disgust. He didn't have the slightest intention of getting within one step of the other party, but turned his head to look around.

After hundreds of breaths, a dozen people shook their heads in doubt, and returned to Ye Luo's side.


The crowd nodded.


"Master Ye Luo, be careful! There is something in the mud pond!"

One person was watching Ye Luo thinking about the problems during this time, but suddenly found something abnormal in the mud pond behind Ye Luo, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes, he immediately yelled and stretched out his hand to pull Ye Luo over.

But at this moment, a whip-like object suddenly jumped out of the mud pond, and instantly swept towards Ye Luo's tail.

With a flash of crisis in his heart, Ye Luo didn't turn his head back, and quickly jumped up from the ground according to his feeling, then flicked his tail behind him, and at the same time sent out a flying needle, his body jumped forward.



With a fierce roar, Ye Luo, who was groaning because of the severe pain in his tail, almost stopped in fright and bumped into the same kind in front of him.

Shaking off the sweat from the top of his head, Ye Luo turned his head to look at the mud pond after confirming that he jumped out of the mud pond and was barely out of danger.

And the roaring monster in the mud pond looks like an opponent who has been fighting these days, but this monster is too deformed, and it doesn't have the lower body like those animals without tails. After shaking violently for a while, the monster sank Entering the mud pond, the mud pond immediately returned to calm, and everything before it seemed like an illusion.

"This is?"

Shocked, Ye Luo subconsciously took a few steps back, and then hurriedly called the stunned people back to the forest.

He thought of some rumors when he first came here. There seemed to be some truly terrifying monsters in this mud pond. When he moved here, dozens of people seemed to have disappeared here, but the problem was that no one had encountered them since. Nothing even happened when someone accidentally fell in, so that the story just became the story.

"You must tell Dad!"

The appearance of that monster flashed in my mind, although the other party seemed to have no intention of coming out of the muddy pond (otherwise, a dozen or so people would not be in the mood to stand here at this time), but now that the battle is in full swing, we must pay attention to any abnormalities, otherwise There will be trouble.

"You Guang, you... what's going on there!"

Ye Luo, who was about to order You Guang to continue patrolling, was facing the crowd. At this moment, he was staring at the back of his teammates like a frozen frame, with a look of panic that had never been seen on his face.

"how so!"

What everyone who turned their heads saw was the billowing smoke that was rising.

"Go and save people!"

At this time, You Guang reacted the fastest. With a roar, he quickly turned around and rushed into the forest. At this time, any battles or monsters were no longer important.

————— Poor forest sauce dividing line—————

"Is there a need to do this? Lord Commander."

Looking at the black smoke rising in the distance, the corners of Huo Yunzheng's eyes twitched, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes looking at the calm North Commander beside him.

I thought it would be cruel enough to use my own artificial bait to hold the enemy, and then attack with a flying spear, but I didn't expect...

"For the true God, this is necessary."

(This has something to do with True God.)
Tumu Xun, who was full of astonishment, couldn't help complaining in his heart after hearing the words of the Northern Command. Fortunately, the spiritual skills of the Black Bones were not enough to support them, and he could perceive the specific thinking of people who were much lower than himself. I can only feel the puzzlement in Tu Mu Xun's emotions.

"Huo Yunzheng, you have to remember that when your father handed you over to me, I will teach you well, and this battle is a lesson."

"In war, one cannot bear the slightest bit of intolerance to the enemy, to one's own people, or even to oneself."

The northern control at this time made the people around him feel an endless chill, but he just glanced at the forest in the distance, and then looked away.

For the howling and running around of the Ancient Shadow Clan, there was no wave on his face, as if all of this was just an ordinary scene like the wind blowing the grass and the leaves shaking.

"You were ruthless to your own people before, and you did a good job, but you were a little tender;"

"And here, you have to be ruthless to the enemy. You have to kill anyway. How to kill? How to kill better? How to kill more enemies while reducing your own casualties? That's what you have to consider .”

He waved his finger and pointed to the distance, the fire that gradually spread the entire forest in the inner circle of the fire protection zone, for those ancient shadow clansmen who rushed out of the flames, and the spear throwers who were scattered in the open area, they all accurately destroyed them, Facing this scene, the Northern Commander showed no mercy.

"With a fire, we can kill these monsters without harming anyone, why not? Right."

"Why not?"

Chewing these words, the Shishen around were lost in thought.

The unexpected fire destroyed all the hopes of the Ancient Shadow Clan.

When the fire broke out, the Guying people were divided into three parts: investigation, fighting, and the old and the weak, and they were acting separately.

The ancient shadow clansmen who were investigating, they were guarding the edge of the forest closest to the camp of the black bone clan, and saw a large pile of bonfires rising in the camp of the black bone clan from a distance. At this time, they didn't realize what it meant .

Although the fire is a bit bigger, so what?These black-boned people have been motionless like grass for a long time, showing no signs of attack, they just sent troops to patrol the wider fire protection zone.

Therefore, the scouts gave no warning...

The fighting force of the chairman and others is in the middle of the forest in the residential area. The 3500 ancient shadow clansmen are still receiving the guidance of the survivors of the Warhammer tribe at this time, understanding the method of frontal combat, and fantasizing about the plan in the night. In the decisive battle of time, give the enemy a fatal blow.

Although they are the most powerful side, if they can have the strength of Krothar's Warhammer troop that night, then it will not be difficult for them to fight head-on and eliminate the Black Bone Tribe troop outside, but unfortunately...

As for the old and weak evacuated groups, the 500 unwilling ancient shadow tribe members who were left behind gathered in a corner of the forest. The chief of the Warhammer tribe, Croho, stood by his son, and Liyou was in charge of organizing these people.

Although they were closer to the Black Bones camp, because they were close to the edge of the forest in the residential area, the flames appeared here first.

While the scouts are monitoring the enemy (ignoring the details=.=); the soldiers are exercising their skills (sadly sharpening their guns before battle=.=); On the edge of the forest in the small residential area isolated by the fire barrier, hundreds of mud beasts suddenly appeared.

They had shriveled and greasy water sacs pinned to their waists, and held wooden sticks emitting sparks in their hands, with fanaticism in their eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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