Spore Story

Chapter 394

Chapter 394

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"My lord, it was finally cleared up."

With an awe-inspiring look in his eyes, a captain of the Guards ran back from the ruins of the Black Forest, the former residence of the Ancient Shadow Clan, and nodded respectfully to the Northern Commander.

For this arson, although there was a fire barrier dug out by the Ancient Shadow Tribe themselves, the flames did not affect the entire surrounding black forest, but the occasional sparks flew out, which made the Black Bone Tribe soldiers flustered for a while.

They just want to burn the enemy, but they don't want to burn themselves. They are deeply afraid of the horror of the enemy in the flames.

But in this way, more manpower was assigned to extinguish the sparks everywhere, making the limited number of Black Bone Clan soldiers insufficient to encircle and restrict the escape of the Ancient Shadow Clan.

On the one hand, it is about one's own life, and on the other hand, it is about the rout of the defeated soldiers. Everyone can tell which is more important.

However, what surprised these commanders was that in the northern direction, several arson teams failed to complete the task successfully.

If it wasn't for the arson, the northern control quickly divided the remaining troops into several parts and surrounded the entire burning forest (the main purpose was to prevent the flames from spreading, and the secondary purpose was to try to wipe out all the enemies), They can't discover what's going on there yet, because they only need to wait a while, and the small gap will be swallowed by the flames.

At that time, because they discovered this gap that was temporarily not engulfed by the flames, the Guying clansman who fled desperately with the survivors unexpectedly encountered the 500-strong Black Bone clan army that had just passed by. Fierce battle.

At this moment of peril, the survivors of the Ancient Shadow Clan in the open land completely ignored the habit of stealth, and just used tail stabs, finger claws, and a life-for-life impact to launch an attack on the Black-Bone Clan army. Desperate charge, trying to fight for a chance of survival for others and himself.

The Black-Bone Clan army, seeing that victory is in sight, is not willing to risk their lives at this time. At the same time, they are also frightened by the sudden and powerful attack of the Ancient Shadow Clan. His aura was weakened by half immediately, and he was broken through by the remnants of the Ancient Shadow Clan in a short while.

Although post-war statistics show that in that battlefield alone, there were no less than a thousand Guying tribesmen who died, among which the corpses of the elderly and children abound, while only 300 people died in the Black-bone tribe army.

This 3:10 exchange ratio should have allowed the 200 Black Bone soldiers who were still alive to be praised, but because of their temporary retreat, an unknown number (should not be large) of the Ancient Shadow tribe escaped, making these people losers .

For this reason, the Northern Command directly executed 1 Shishen who led the team and 5 guard captains. In the eyes of this Northern Commander, it doesn't care whether you are Shishen or an ordinary soldier, "Mission failure means punishment! "

Faced with such harsh words, no one dared to say much. Most of them were the old subordinates of the northern control, but the evil Shishen happened to be the true god. , it is inevitable that there will be some intimacy.

After that, the northern commander dispatched 450 ordinary soldiers and 50 guard captains according to the estimated number of enemies at that time. It is not the habit of this northern governor to suffer from future troubles.

As for other directions, there are some Guying people who rushed out of the sea of ​​flames, but unfortunately, they lacked organization and numbers, and were easily wiped out. As for those who stayed in the flames...

A big fire burned for two whole days, and it was not until the daytime today that it gradually extinguished because of the autumn rain that fell for most of the day.

Then, under the order of the Northern Command, the soldiers of the Black Bone Tribe began to clean up the fire scene and calculate the results of the battle. This was also a policy that only emerged in the Fire Cloud God Kingdom not long ago, in exchange for rewards by calculating merit.

"Another race has perished, hehe."

Seeing the ruins with occasional sparks, the Northern Commander grinned unconsciously, startling the people around him.

Turning his head to look at the captain of the guard who had returned from the ruins, the Northern Command regained his composure, twisted his wrist, and said calmly, "Tell me, what's the result of the statistics?"

"Yes Yes."

After wiping off his cold sweat, the guard captain thought for a while before answering: "After cleaning up the ruins, we dug up more than 2000 relatively intact humanoid coke corpses, and without destroying the scene, we calculated The human-shaped ashes area, the calculation result is that these monsters were burned to death at least 5000 people by our fire."

"Very good," nodded with satisfaction, the northern commander turned his head to look at a Shishen next to him, and at the same time glanced at Huo Yunzheng not far away, and then said: "Based on the results of the battles of the previous few days, Our side lost 1300 people and eliminated 8000 of the enemy, so there is no problem with reporting like this.”

Shishen, who has not spoken for a while, just stood quietly by the side, thought for a while, and then nodded with no expression on his face: "My lord from the north has once again made great contributions to our country. I believe that Lord True God will be very happy when he knows it. I hope you will continue to work hard." , Let the majesty of the true God fill the earth."

"My honor." Nodding in satisfaction, the Northern Commander looked away. For this expressionless creature, his purpose is to avoid contact with it.

"My lord, I don't know what to do here, what are you going to do?"

A Shishen next to him looked at the spacious ruins like a small plain, and a trace of greed flashed in his eyes.

Under the sunlight, this forest that had been burnt clean by a fire can be seen at a glance.

Taking a closer look, everyone found that this is a good place to place tribes and reclaim farmland, which can be further expanded by cutting down forests. At the same time, it is also located on the northern border of the True God Kingdom, and the Fire Cloud God Kingdom is located right where the Black Bones Tribe is now. The northern part of the ethnic group, that is to say, the development prospects of this side are great.

The minds of Shishen, who had followed for a long time and had the opportunity to become the ruler of a small independent country, suddenly became active.

Today, the administrative rule of the True God Kingdom is basically: True God - Ruler - Small Country Shishen Lord - Soldiers - People.

Among them, there is no doubt that the [True God] is at the top of power. He holds the strongest army and controls all the soldiers and people. He is the highest combat power and has the greatest right to speak. dominate;
The [Control] under it is in command of the main army of the True God Kingdom. Everyone controls a large area of ​​land, but they do not directly control the civilian population in name, and the legions under their command also have to accept the test of the True God from time to time;
The small country [National Lord], this is the direct administrative unit below the true god, and it is the unit that manages the tribes of ordinary people.The lord may be Shishen, or he may be the captain of the guard who has made great contributions. These are all requirements.They are under the management of the true god in name, but in fact, they are still under the command of the control in many cases, and they dare not disobey in the slightest.

And if you want to become the lord of a small country, you must not only have connections (the true god and the control aspect are indispensable); There are population and land (it is basically impossible for a bare-handed commander to appear as a king).

Now within the Black Bone Clan, although there are still some Beginning God Kingdoms struggling, the Nine True God Kingdoms have already taken shape, and everyone believes that within a few years, the Nine True God Kingdoms will completely unify the Black Bone Clan.

Then, there is war or peace. In this regard, no one can tell.

The people present were not clear about the situation of the other true kingdoms of God, but the Fire Cloud God Kingdom where they were located began to have a great demand for land suitable for cultivation after they discovered the method of planting plants artificially.

They will not control the average population planting area in order to delay the completion of Bai Nong's task like the friends.According to the latest regulations, all the people of Huoyun Divine Kingdom must plant a large area of ​​land, and then hand over most of the food as a dedication to the god.

As a result, in the Huoyun Divine Kingdom with a population of nearly [-], excluding those high mountains and dense forests, there is not much land that can be cultivated.Therefore, finding a suitable piece of land is the best way to develop into a small country.

At this time, there was such a fertile, huge, and most importantly, unowned territory in front of him.

"In this regard, I will report to Lord True God, and I believe Lord True God will make the right decision."

Having said that, the northern ruler ignored the Shishen who were looking at each other, and walked forward with some warm ashes under his feet. No one knew what he was thinking in his heart.

And Tsukihiro, who has no right to speak from the beginning to the end, although he was promoted to the captain of the guards because of his merits, he is just a small shrimp after all, and he is just a background role in this bunch of gods and controls ( This is considered flattery, ga =. =).

Originally, he thought he hated these monsters, but when he saw the monsters charging on the frontal battlefield, screaming in the flames, and rescuing their companions in despair, he was not only a little confused, is this right or wrong?

"I'm just a little guy after all."

Shaking his head, Tumu Xun felt disheartened again, and couldn't help but miss the days when he was a soldier in the tribe, and then he trained, patrolled, and ran around for food every day.

"You are not a small person, um... Tumu Xun, right?"

The sound coming from beside him startled Tumu Xunxun, and when he realized that he was distracted, he immediately stood up and looked up at the source of the sound.

The clothes of the captain of the guards looked a bit nondescript on Tumu Xun's body, not to mention that his own strength had not reached this level, so most of the captains of the guards around him chose to ignore him; while the envious eyes of ordinary soldiers, It made civil engineering feel like sitting on pins and needles.

"It's me, Lord Huoyun Shishen."

He respectfully saluted the inquirer. As a guy who should be regarded as an old soldier among the soldiers, although Tu Muxun was still young, he also saw that the person named Huo Yunzheng in front of him was not simple.

"Don't be so respectful, this battle is really thanks to you, Captain Civil Engineering."

Although the person in front of him had a smile on his face, it didn't make Tu Muxun feel a little warmth, instead it carried a deep chill, which made him wish to get out of here immediately, but his reason told him that he needed to be calm. (Son, you need [beep——]=.=)

"No, it all depends on your command, my lord."

"Of course."


"Hahaha, don't worry, I won't eat you." Thinking that Tu Muxun's expression was very funny, Huo Yunzheng stretched out his hand and patted the other person's shoulder, and said with a smile: "In the beginning, the precise guidance, and the cleaning during the period The forest, and the most important thing is the way to hide the last mud, if it weren't for your things, we might have killed a lot of people."

"What's more, it is not easy to find out these civil engineering and find yourself."

"Luck, luck."

"How about it, do you want to follow me?" Huo Yunzheng asked gently, ignoring Tumu Xun's words.

"Ah! This..."

What is this called?I'm just a guy with the name of the captain of the guards but not the strength of the captain of the guards. Is this an opportunity to be valued by someone like Huo Yunzheng?

But after thinking about it carefully, Tu Muxun hesitated again. If he goes on like this, won't he be getting farther and farther away from his past?

"This, my lord, I..."

"Well, since it's your choice."

The smile on his face froze almost instantly. Huo Yun was looking at the hesitant guy in front of him, and he didn't care about his image, but he personally found a guy who didn't have the strength of the captain of the guards to join him, and the other party still He hesitated, he didn't have the patience to wait, and he regretted a little for his momentary brain fever.

Looking wryly at Huo Yunzheng walking away in front of him, Tu Muxun shook his head. With his more sensitive ears, he seemed to have heard the other party's words from a distance like "a shameless thing", but he didn't care about his own choice. I don't regret it.

This battle has made Tumu Xun tired of war.

"Give up such a good opportunity, you really..."

"team leader."

"They're all captains, let's call me uncle. I'm afraid we'll have to work together for a while, Captain Civil Engineering."

"Well, Uncle Captain, you're over the top. But..."


"Well, I don't want to be a soldier anymore, can I..."


The uncle next to him who had been taking care of Tu Muxun since that night of destruction was stunned for a moment, looking at Tu Muxun with a desolate face, a trace of helplessness flashed across his face, but he quickly recovered.

Then, the uncle looked around, and said solemnly: "Every citizen of the Kingdom of God has the obligation to become a warrior. If you don't want to be killed, you should get rid of this idea early."

This is very straightforward, and it is because the two people still trust each other, but after hearing this, Tu Muxun is even more helpless, tightening his clothes, he sighed helplessly, and dismissed the idea.

"It seems that we should try our best to bring our strength to the same level as yours, Uncle Captain."

"now it's right."

(End of this chapter)

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