Spore Story

Chapter 395 Desperate Arrangement of the Escape Route

Chapter 395 Desperate Arrangement of the Escape Route

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The air after the rain was fresh and refreshing, without a trace of blood.

While the Black Bone Legion was cleaning up the tombstones of the Ancient Shadow Clan, in the northern jungle, there were 37 last members of the Ancient Shadow Clan, staggering forward cautiously.

They were all wounded, most of them still burned, and some of them moved relatively slowly and were carried forward by their teammates, but the speed of the whole team did not show the agility of the ancient shadow tribe at all, making people feel like watching a snail race Feeling powerless, but fortunately, their pursuers seem to be snail-level.

"No, you guys go first."

Such a bloody scene, but it is the most common scene in reality: a seriously injured teammate cannot continue to act. In order not to drag down his companions, he intends to stay by himself and let them leave first. reasons, rather than giving up on the remaining teammates...

Well, this is indeed the case in general, and of course, the time of this kind of quarrel is an excellent opportunity for the chasing soldiers to narrow the distance between the two sides.

"There is no way to escape like this!"

Just when everyone was struggling with 'whether to keep this teammate' and 'the enemy seems to be getting closer', one of the ancient shadow clansmen who had a broken tail and happened to have no tail thorn poison sac brought With the smoky black air all over his face, he turned his head and looked at an old Guying clansman in the team.

"Master Crowe, it's not an option to escape all the way like this."

"Those monsters chased us all the way, and we ran away all the way. Up to now, everyone is very tired. Of the 100 people who escaped at the beginning, now there are only 37 people left. The souls behind will only eat up despicably. I'm afraid it won't wait. When we arrived at the place where those guys were, we would either starve to death, die of exhaustion, or be eaten away by that soul!"

"So what if we don't die now? We are finished! Our group is finished! Now there are only 37 of us, what are we talking about surviving? What is the future of our group?"

One person seemed unable to bear this kind of blow any longer, and finally collapsed and sat in the open and cried loudly, without any stealth posture of a Shadow Clan member. At this moment, he was just a person waiting to die.

Seeing this situation, everyone looked lonely, and no one stopped the collapsing companions. There was a strong low air pressure in the team, and the slight sobs began to appear, spread, and intensify over time, which made the still struggling The few people supporting them all looked irritated.

"Crying! Why are you crying! Even if I'm the only one left, I'm still from the Warhammer tribe!"

A piece of special bark armor was weirdly glued to the back, but it happened to block the not deep wound. Although the movement was still a bit slow, Croza, who was already considered a lightly wounded person, could no longer bear this atmosphere and howled. Let's vent.

"What's the use of you alone! What's the use of 37 of us! They're all dead! The speaker, dad, sister...they're all dead!"

The sound of quarrels seemed to appear in the team. If this continues, the last 37 members of the Ancient Shadow Clan will probably use up their last trace of life in the quarrel and return to the origin of the planet.

"calm down!"

At this time, there must be someone who can dominate the field, and as the only older Crowe here, he has become such a character.

In fact, the luck and pain he endured were the greatest. If Ye Luo and the others hadn't run back, they tried their best to use Krosa, who was still in a coma, as an excuse to pull away the old congressman. Now I am afraid that he has left with his old friends, but fortunately, his son is still alive, and he is still alive and kicking.

"Ye Luo, tell me what you think."

Ye Luo, whose tail had been cut off by a monster in the quagmire, had long since lost the bleakness and confusion he had before. All that flashed in his eyes was the raging fire that seemed to destroy the group of people in the forest.

As long as you have a little association, you can think of the cause of the fire. As a matter of course, the hatred for those tailless monsters has gradually swallowed up the emotions of everyone present.

Looking at the people around, Ye Luo hesitated for a moment, then became ruthless again, and said, "We only have 37 people here, so the chairman's task of 'continuing the ethnic group' has failed, but the members of our ethnic group have failed." The past cannot be forgotten, and at the same time, those people are our kinsmen after all, and we can't take revenge with such a small number of people, so we need them, so..."

Glancing at everyone, Ye Luo's aura at this time made the companions around him feel a little chill: "So, there is no difference between going more and less. history to tell its kind there."

"And there are hundreds of enemies behind us, so fleeing like this is obviously useless."

"Specific ideas!" interrupted Ye Luo impatiently. At this moment, Keluosa just wanted to fight the enemy fiercely and kill as many as he could. Anyway, he was completely tired of this kind of escape.

"Hehe." In this painful atmosphere, the corners of Ye Luo's mouth turned up strangely, and Klossar, who was stared at by him, felt uncomfortable all over.

"My plan is, Croza, you go find those people alone, and we all stay and fight with them. Regardless of victory or defeat, we must give these enemies a feeling that we are all here .”

"I disagree!"

"I agree!"

"I agree!"



At this moment, most of the people were not in the mood to run away anymore. Even if Crotha continued to escape, it was not certain whether they would be able to find those people.

Instead of doing those unknown things, most of the hopeless people at this moment only have the idea of ​​fighting the enemy one last time, and this battle can also be used to confuse the enemy, and do some credit for Croza's smooth departure ,Why not do it?


Ke Luoza was almost going mad with anger at this moment, he never thought that he would abandon his companions and continue running away. Thinking of Ye Luo's weird smile, he suddenly became hot, and his eyes were full of unkindness when he waited for Ye Luo.

"Crosser, listen!"


"I said it! Be obedient!" Regardless of Croza's objection, Croza showed the majesty of an elder and glared at Croza fiercely.

Then, he said with a look of reminiscence: "Go straight north from here, out of the forest, and over two mountains is the Rift Shadow Plain. Although we call it that, I don't know what they call it, but it doesn't matter, as long as They haven't moved, and you can definitely see them on that plain, after all, they have a population two or three times larger than ours!"

"Find them! Tell them everything here, tell them we're all dead! Greatly dead!"

After finishing speaking, the old man ignored the son and sat down quietly.

Looking at Ke Luoza seriously, Ye Luo stared at the irresistible Ke Luoza, and urged without a trace of hesitation: "This is everyone's decision, Ke Luoza, you can't object! Hurry up and leave!"

As if glaring at Ye Luo fiercely with eyes full of anger, Keluosa turned his head and would not go back into the dense forest, leaving Ye Luo with a smile on his face.

"Ye Luo, I hate you!"


After waiting for a while, Ye Luo turned to look at his teammates.

Of the 35 teammates, half of them were seriously injured, which was why they were overtaken by the enemy.

"Come on, what should we do?"

Everyone who had predicted their fate had already calmed down, looking at Ye Luo with a relieved expression on their faces.

At this time, they felt that the companion with a broken tail in front of them was so cute, as great as a god.

But Ye Luo, after waiting for a while, looked at the enemy approaching in the distance pulling up trees all the way, and that weird smile appeared on his face again.

"Kroza alone is not enough, we need five more people to leave."


Well, this guy is a devil.

In an instant, the remaining 35 people were all in danger.

But soon, this sense of self-insecurity was only reserved for the thirteen relatively healthy people, because most of the injuries of other people would affect their actions, and it was impossible to let people with limited mobility escape for their lives.

"Although Croza's strength is good, our goal is to bring everything here, our past and present. Therefore, we can't place our hopes on one person. Say yes, Uncle Croza."

Perhaps it was his own delusion. Crowe, who had been a member of parliament for more than ten years, felt that the guy in front of him was as relaxed as talking about what to eat for dinner with him, and he couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

(Old friend, I'm afraid we've all read it wrong.)
(Ye Luo has become an excellent commander after being really stimulated, it's a pity...)
Nodding his head, Crowe turned his head to look at Ye Luo who was limping. In this situation, even if everyone asked him to run, he couldn't run away.

The five selected people scattered into the forest unwillingly, and at this time, the army of the Black Bone Tribe was not far away.

No one was worried that the six people who left would ignore the mission. Even without anyone's supervision, this belief of never abandoning the mission has been integrated into the blood of the ancient shadow clan. This can be regarded as one of the advantages of the shadow clan.

"What now? Stay here and wait for them to come over?"

The 31 people looked relaxed and relaxed as if they were attending a dinner party, but Ye Luo shook his head when he heard Crowe's words.

"Of course it can't be like this. In the previous battles, we didn't show the strength of our Ancient Shadow Clan. Isn't it just right now? Let us build the stage."

"Li You, can you still charge?"

"There's no need to doubt that," Li You, with the standard look of a defeated soldier, shook her badly burned arm, the blood was constantly draining from it, telling people that even if she didn't do anything, she could only live for half a day. But she didn't have the breath of a wounded or sick person.

"You Guang, how about you? Can you still sneak?"

"As long as those guys don't step on my tail, don't try to find me."

Perhaps it was because of his cautious character that he acted meticulously. You Guang was the least injured among them, only his face was blackened.

This made all the wounded and sick look at him with resentment. Of course, it can be interpreted as envy.

"Very well, my plan is this..."

(End of this chapter)

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