Spore Story

Chapter 396: The Last Ancient Shadow of the Escape Route

Chapter 396: The Last Ancient Shadow of the Escape Route

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Attack. Jia is a Shishen, a member of the Fire Cloud God Kingdom, and a Shishen under the command of the Northern Commander.

The future can't be said to be bright, but it can't be said to be bleak, at least he can be regarded as a middle-level senior, and he is an old subordinate of the northern control.

Many people will never be able to reach this level in their lifetime. After all, it is very difficult for the black-boned people to break through the layer of mortals and Shishen and enter the level of Shishen. With a population of 10 and less than 100, Shishen knows how hard it is.

Therefore, he, who didn't pursue much, began to eat and wait to die after entering the beginning god level.

Of course, on the surface, he must maintain his loyalty to his boss and do his tasks well so as not to lose the opportunity to eat and wait to die. He still stubbornly persisted, so much so that his evaluation at the Northern Control Office was: Steady but too laid-back, sleek but lacking in drive.

Therefore, when he received the order and found that the opponent had less than 100 remnants and defeated generals, he readily agreed, and then he took 50 captains of the guards who could be regarded as personal guards, and 450 soldiers assigned by the northern control. An ordinary soldier began to chase all the way.

This time, the enemy is indeed a remnant and defeated general. Whether it is bloodstains, deeds, etc. along the way, the assault even only needs to lead the troops to follow slowly, so that ordinary soldiers can open the way and move forward without worrying about getting lost.

In this way, in two days, relying on the experience of long-term wars, the raid led the troops to nibble away 60 people from the opponent little by little. Although it took a little longer, the team of 500 people on our side only lost 2 people This 1:30 high efficiency (weird ratio=.=) made Qiang Xi and his guard captains complacent.

"Anyway, there is no set time. The enemy is still so weak, so it's time for everyone to train." This is the explanation given by the captain of the guard who asked "is the speed a little slower?" , everyone immediately understood.

As a result, Striker doesn't need to add the truth in his heart, such as 'this time, I just took the opportunity to go outing, idiot'.

You know, Shishen is actually in an embarrassing position in the Kingdom of True God.

They are also gods, but because there is a true god on top, they have basically become the thugs and propagandists of the true god, and they have no sacrifices.Under the instigation of the true god and the boss, he was very busy all day long.

Some Shishen whispered the truth in addition to the truth of "calling Shishen, it is better to call servant gods". Of course, exposing the truth is to make life difficult for themselves, so they soon molested Luo because of the unfavorable battle (there was no fight at all). Li (=.=) and the like are punishable by capital punishment.

"My lord, something is wrong."

"Huh? Stop!"

It wasn't that he stopped because 'something was wrong', it was just that Qiang Xi took the opportunity to rest, even though he had only walked for less than half a day.

The team quickly stopped under the order. For their own safety, the ordinary soldiers were doing unqualified vigilance, while the assault looked at the depressed one, because one sentence indirectly caused the whole team to stop Captain of the Guards.

"what happened?"

(At this time, as Shishen, shouldn’t you use the ability to control everything, first look around, so that you can act [beep——] later?) Although the captain of the guard wanted to complain like this, But out of his understanding of the boss, he stopped the conversation decisively, and then said in a standard reporting method: "My lord, the soldiers in front reported that the traces of the enemy are gone."

"It's gone? Is it dead already?"

Shishen's eyes lit up, and immediately blinded the guard captain's dog eyes.


My lord, I saw dozens of monsters running away alive and kicking, how could they all die all of a sudden?What's more, even if they are all dead, there should be corpses instead of nothing. You don't want to say that the corpses were eaten...

"I'm afraid the corpse was also cleaned up by the meat eaters. Why don't you go back after a day's rest?"


If Ye Luo, who didn't know where he was at this time, knew that the commander chasing him and the others was of this level, he would probably be so angry that he vomited blood.

However, the commander never had a chance to show his sinking.

"My lord! My lord! It's not good!"

A guard captain rushed back from the front in a panic, roaring loudly: "Those monsters suddenly attacked! We were ambushed!"


Taking a deep breath, Qiang Shishen, who had suffered a loss in an ambush, looked around nervously. He was planning to find a way out, but it happened to make him discover the reality.

"Ambush your head!"

With a bang, the reckless captain of the guards was punched into the soil by the angry Shishin. (Sure enough, the superstructure determines the foundation, ga =. =)

"It's just such a small number of remnants and defeated generals, and ambushed! I am going to ambush your sister!" The angry Shishen continued to step on it.

Only about 20 remnants of the Ancient Shadow Clan were attacking the Black Bone Clan around them, and there was no danger at all. For this, Qiang Shishen, who was in the center of the army, saw it clearly.

Those monsters were basically inconvenient to move. Even if they took the initiative to attack, it would only take a short while at most before these monsters would be killed. From now on, it seemed that the monsters finally broke out out of desperation.

Very dissatisfied with his gaffe just now, the striker Shishen twitched his face coldly, looked at the captain of the guard who pulled his face out of the mud, and said angrily: "Let's go, this should belong to all monsters." They are dying, let us personally send them on the road, and it is not in vain to fight, I am really kind."

But what surprised Shishen was that the guard captain didn't seem to hear his words. At this moment, he was holding the soil with his hands in doubt and muttering to himself.

(What's going on? Could it be that I smashed this guy stupid with one fist?) Qiang Xi looked down at the other party in doubt.


"Huh? What?"

"Why is the soil so loose?"

Standing aside, the captain of the guard who also heard what his teammates said frowned slightly thoughtfully. Suddenly, he saw a black strip drilled out of the soil under the rock in front of him in an instant. (Shadow Clan tail =. =).

Then, an unknown object cut through the short distance between the strip and Shishen, and with a slight puffing sound, it plunged into Shishen's throat.


Before he had time to say the following words, the guard captain felt something prick the back of his hand.

(No pain?)

While watching the liquid on his body flow like a river breaking a bank, such a thought flashed through his mind, and then he lost consciousness.

"I didn't expect this method to be so effective. If we had known earlier, we probably wouldn't have lost."

While carefully hiding his figure, he did not forget to kick the three mummified corpses on the ground, and he turned his head to look at the extinguished fire in the south, with helplessness and sadness in his eyes.

Ye Luo, who had lost the tip of his tail and could only attack the enemy with his fingers and claws, used a standard backstab to kill a guard captain who found something wrong here and came to check, looked up to the outside, and opened his mouth to respond: "It's nothing, It's not too late now."

"Yes, haha."

At this time, all the soldiers and captains were attracted by the last Ancient Shadow clansmen who kept dying but continued to attack without fear of death. This provided an opportunity for the 10 people here to carry out latent assassinations.

They dug small pits under the rocks along the way, and then buried the lurkers in them, leaving only air holes for observation and breathing. In this way, ten people escaped the inspection of the other party's soldiers until they found the other party's hiding place not far away. commander.

The original plan was to 'attract the outside and bloom in the center', but now this flower, because it is in the center of the flower, the effect is obviously better.

Because there is no true god, the common sense of "no matter who you are, is just a poisonous needle" is still correct. Shishen who was stabbed was only a little slower than the two guard captains who were stabbed later, and made a The movement of reaching out to cover throat.

Of course, he still cannot escape the fate of becoming a mummy.

The ancient shadow clan companions who were attracted by the periphery were all dead, and the situation in the middle could not be concealed, and they were not in the mood to conceal it.Taking advantage of the opponent's soldiers before they could react, ten people charged at full speed towards the nearly 500 Black Bone Tribe army without reservation...

"Next, let us stage a good killing feast."

——————Separation line of the black bones—————

"You idiots!"

After receiving the report of the chasing troops, the Northern Command was full of blood for a while.

"500 people went to chase and kill 100 remnants and defeated generals. After four days of chasing me, 137 people were lost in the end, including 1 Shishen and 34 captains of the guards! Ah!"

"Even if you kill all those monsters, you are still idiots! Scumbags! Useless things!"

After a burst of anger, the northern control finally calmed down, so what if the responsibility is pursued at this time, Shishen Qiangxi, who is the main responsible person, was the first to die, and now he can only admit that he is unlucky.

What annoyed him the most was that both the attack on Shishen and the captains of the guards were his old subordinates.

Now it's a matter here, he should have left, but a few days ago, he had already reported his suggestion to the true god, so he could continue to wait here for dozens of days.

Waved to let everyone go down, the Northern Commander looked up at the ruins where the logging was being trimmed, and a trace of complicated expectations flashed in his eyes.

"My lord Huoyun, please don't let me down."

Although control may seem beautiful, it is like a rootless weed, completely subject to the true god.

This is nothing to the ordinary god of beginning, but this northern ruler is different.

He reached out and touched the wood carving in his arms that he had secretly made not long ago. It was a wood carving decorated with flames with shield flying spears, but its meaning was far beyond what the shape of the wood carving could represent, but...

The complexion of the Northern regime kept changing.

further?take a step back?
What is the right choice?In other words, how to choose to be better for yourself?
take a step back?I am not reconciled, I have finally come to the present, do I just stay in this position, although the other party is also considered a friend, but now he is a true god, and I am just a subordinate, a servant of God...

further?It's very dangerous. The nine true kingdoms of the true gods have basically set the trend of confrontation and stability. At this time, anything that breaks the balance is likely to lead to a fatal disaster.However, if you are ruthless to the enemy, you must also be ruthless to yourself...

North Xuan, is it possible that your fighting spirit is gone?
Suddenly, the wooden sculpture seemed to tremble for a while, and then returned to calm, but an unknown smile appeared on the face of the Northern Commander.

"Now, there is no way back."

(End of this chapter)

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