Spore Story

Chapter 397 Towards the sign of energy civilization

Chapter 397 Towards the sign of energy civilization

=O= Howling loudly for recommendations, monthly tickets, subscriptions, comments...

"Dust detection!"


"Line detection!"


"Component testing!"


"Energy connection detection!"


"Finally, do you want to start?"



"Confirm activation!"

A burst of dazzling light flashed, and there was a sound of breathing in the entire laboratory, and then, there was a deafening cheer, which filled the entire laboratory in an instant, and it was heard that it affected the passers-by around, causing the passers-by to probe for a while .


"Wait a while and then cheer! Hurry up and record the data, you soulless people!" A calm and angry voice came, and the cheers suddenly fell silent.

"Ah! Yes."

After a period of commotion, the laboratory fell into silence again as if nothing had changed.

Kong Huan, who was invited to watch the experiment, walked out of the laboratory with a smile on his face. Although he really wanted to encourage everyone, but seeing the busy figures, Kong Huan quietly closed the laboratory door.

Looking back at the experimenters who were still busy testing, Kong Huan nodded with a smile.

Behind him is an almost completely enclosed house, which is made of cement, steel, wood panels and glass that was made last year. It is a [dust-free laboratory] in the standard modular house design. The cost is as high as 10 copper coins, which is mainly due to the large amount of glassware and experimental equipment in the laboratory.

But such a laboratory is very important to support theoretical research, and is also critical to the research of applied technology. Therefore, in this regard, the management has never been stingy.

And this time the experiment seemed to be short, less than an hour (after the hourglass appeared, the whole day was officially divided into 24 hours), but it was a milestone for the friends and even the entire Double Moon civilization.

"Good job, Aiyi, it's not in vain that we put you, a Youshen-level elder, in the laboratory to make you bored, haha."

"It's nothing, as long as there are results, it's okay to bore me to the lair of the spirit race."

The one who responded to the emptiness was a woman with a relatively ordinary appearance. As a researcher who has been bored in the laboratory for a long time, and a member of the scientist level with a private laboratory, she felt a strong atmosphere of the house, and the eyes of her eyes Things like dark circles have almost become a standard appearance. Fortunately, she doesn't have a hobby of a stripping teacher.

Aiyi, 51 years old, Yiren, Tianlin City, Northern Shanxue Province; pupated at the age of 23, entered the soul class at the age of 31, and entered the Youshen class at the age of 50; graduated from the Priest School of Priest Mountain in 12 AD; entered the Technology Bureau in 14 AD , joined the circuit research topic as a researcher; in 18 AD, combined with the knowledge of the school, she independently proved the [Law of Conservation of Energy] in reverse, making the law officially enter the practical stage; In 20 AD, she successfully applied for a private laboratory with the "Energy Perturbation Theory", and established the "Aiyi Energy Laboratory".

After more than a year, he devoted himself to the practical application of [Energy Disturbance Theory] and formed [Energy Array] technology research.

It's a pity that until now, due to various reasons, [Energy Array] is still in the stage of laboratory observation, and it is useless, but this is only because of insufficient technology accumulation.

Therefore, in order to solve some technical bottlenecks in energy array research, Aiyi accepted the invitation of the management team and cooperated with the Armor Factory and the Technology Bureau to study the [Energy Supply Circuit], which, to put it bluntly, is to use calcium carbide energy The technology of energy in the core has made a breakthrough today.

"Lord Aiyi, this is the data just summed up."

A researcher suddenly walked out of the laboratory, and respectfully handed the data sheet in his hand to Aiyi who was still recording something in his notebook. Aiyi just nodded and continued his work. The two started from scratch. At the end, I didn't even look at the empty illusion.

(These guys are becoming more and more like research madmen, which is really embarrassing.) Rubbing his forehead depressingly, Kong Huan looked at Aiyi who started to look through the experimental data, and asked with his mouth open: "How is it? Experimental results."

"The reactions in all aspects are okay, and the energy excitation of calcium carbide is no problem..."

"Can that be applied to the fourth generation [Shenguang Armor]?"

This is the main purpose of Unreal's trip, no matter what the significance of this achievement is, but its main production purpose is this hateful fourth-generation active-assist [Shenguang Armor], because this thing, since the end of 16 It has been nearly 7 years since the concept was proposed, but I am still stuck on this [Energy Point Road].

In the beginning, what Konghuan thought was just to get the energy out, so there shouldn't be any problem.Because in 16 years, the mass-produced energy carrier [Carbide Energy Crystal] has successfully appeared, and, even if there is no calcium carbide energy crystal, there is still the energy core in the winged human body, and the power core in the net rabbit body, which are all energy sources.

But reality has dealt a severe blow to Void. Having an energy source does not mean that it can be used on a large scale, because how should this energy source be used?This became a huge problem.

The emptiness at that time was like a tragic molecule with a battery but no wiring, but in fact, he was even more tragic.

Because these energy crystals are not like the copper wires on the two poles of the battery, which can use the energy inside.This thing is holistic, and neither energy perception nor magnetic field perception can perceive how to use the energy inside.

Moreover, the shape of calcium carbide energy crystals is not regular at the beginning, and the shapes look very different, even rabbit-like crystals (well, this crystal is made by Xiao Lingyun's spoof), so we should study its use method more difficult.

It was not until 20 years after the success of the 'crystallization process monitoring' experiment combined with 'calcium carbide smelting', 'solid molding', 'spiritual monitoring', 'thought guidance' and other factors that people discovered some crystallization rules of calcium carbide.

Then, people began to use standard molds and the like to purposefully make the same crystals, which allowed the energy of calcium carbide energy crystals to be standardized.

For this reason, the Technology Bureau also combined the illusory attribute interface to mark the energy storage inside the calcium carbide core in units.

However, in order to test the optimal form of various shapes of crystals, the [Carbide Crystal Experiment] team spent a lot of time on the research of various shapes, and because how to use the energy inside is also a big problem, so this experiment, Until the 22nd year, it was still in the stage of guessing the shape of the experiment.

But what makes people speechless is that in March 23, a student of the management school calculated the relationship between the energy and shape of this crystal by using mathematics and physics methods, and actually concluded the [Gongwen volume-shape formula] 】.

And through this formula, he actually quickly came up with six shapes of calcium carbide that were more effective than the calcium carbide shape that the [Calbium carbide crystallization test] team had worked hard for several years, which made the team members of the Technology Bureau feel ashamed for half a month. Did not dare to come out to meet people.

Of course, this student who was expected to become the mayor of a certain city after graduation was quickly dragged to the technical bureau by a transfer order from the presbytery at the instigation of the technical bureau.

Then, after doing N hours of ideological work on him with righteousness, divine will, suggestions from family members and elders in the Technology Bureau, the student finally came to his senses and agreed to join the Technology Bureau as a senior researcher. To compare the salaries of senior managers (senior officials).

Back to the topic
At this time, it has entered February 24.

Under the cooperation of the Armor Factory, the Technical Bureau and the private laboratory, Friends finally successfully tested the "circuit capable of mobilizing calcium carbide energy". Even if it enters actual production, it may take time (mainly to develop more practical circuits, and determining the mobilization efficiency of energy, etc.), but at least the problem of going from 'nothing' to 'yes' is solved.

At this time, Aiyi, who was outside the special laboratory of the Armor Factory, slowly put down the data sheet in his hand after hearing the empty question, and then nodded.

"Apply it to that thing, wait for those guys to change the circuit of the third-generation armor."

"However, with this research result, I can solve my energy array energy problem. I used to supply array energy by myself every time. Now that I have this thing, I don't have to worry about my body's energy shortage."

"Um, aren't there those interns? Let them supply array energy instead of you." Kong Huan wiped off his cold sweat. This is a standard researcher in front of him. The point of ignoring all surrounding non-research related items'.

Generally speaking, this two or three sentences will definitely involve her own research project, and this collaborative research is precisely because it has a lot of inspiration for her research, so she agreed to join .

Otherwise, even if the management said, "with theoretical support, two years have passed and no practical results have been achieved in researching the application technology of energy arrays. We need to consider the issue of research funding" and so on. Threats, I am afraid, will not have any effect.

What's more, for research that has theoretical support and is proven to be feasible, the management generally will not terminate its funding supply.

Moreover, even if the management is forced to terminate due to various reasons, the elders' house, the court of God, and even civil organizations will take over.

"Intern?" Dazed for a moment, Aiyi numbly turned his head and dreamed a lot down the mountain, and then asked: "Those guys, they can't even perform a lightning strike, how could it be useful?"


At this time, Kong Huan was shocked. You must know that although the Lightning Strike Art is an extremely weakened version of the Thunder Art, it still has a peak energy of 50N①. Did her experiment need such a large energy supply?

What's more, when watching the feasibility show, Kong Huan saw this Aiyi, connecting an inconspicuous stone slab (which Kong Huan felt somewhat familiar) to the circuit with energy, and then, the big piece of paper placed in the slate , just floated up.

At that time, everyone still thought it was amazing, and in Aiyi's explanation, the application prospect of this thing is extremely broad, and with theoretical support, it will be approved by the management, but now...

"With such a large energy value, is it just to make a piece of paper fly? Would it be too wasteful?"

Because of the busy schedule at the time, Kong Huan only had time to observe the phenomenon, but did not notice other details. Now that I think about it, it needs such a huge amount of energy. The practicality of this thing seems to be too low.

And Aiyi, who didn't know how to look at her face at all, spread her hands nonchalantly and said, "It was indeed like this at the beginning. In order to prove the feasibility, I didn't pay attention to the issue of energy at all at first."

"In recent years, in fact, I have spent most of my time researching on improving energy utilization and reducing energy consumption. And this research requires a very high level of energy control, otherwise, you think I am the only one in the whole group with LV6 energy Where did the controller come from."

(That's right, the girl in front of me is an energy controller higher than us and Chu Xia, nicknamed 'energy mentor', which means that the energy in her hands is as well-behaved as a student =.=)

Thinking of this, Kong Huan was sweating profusely, and he seemed to have really missed energy training in the past few years: "But in this way, isn't the practicality of this array also limited? And this limit is extremely high."

"Don't worry about that."

Regarding this, Aiyi still waved her hand nonchalantly and said: "After the research on energy arrays is proved to be feasible in theory, I plan to take three steps."

"The first step is to increase the energy utilization rate and reduce the lower limit of energy demand. The current result is that the previous 50 energy points now only need 10 points of energy to make that piece of paper fly. However, because Now it is still controlled by humans, which requires a very high level of control, and I am the only one who can reach the level of 10. Just like Master Void, you need an energy value of 5 to 15 at LV20."

"At the same time, the main reason for reducing it so much is because there was a lot of energy wasted at the beginning, but now, it is very difficult to reduce it by 1, so we can enter the second step."

Aiyi's strong self-confidence almost made Wu Huan's steel dog eyes just changed, but his ears continued to listen, because the importance of this [energy array] is not lower than the circuit.

It can be said that [Energy Circuit] and [Energy Array] are developing in two directions.

[Energy circuit] Although it is also the use of energy, it is more of a human circuit.

For actions such as ore smelting, it is difficult to use it to complete, it is impossible to use induction cooker to make steel.Oops
However, the amount of charcoal needed to smelt the iron and steel that has entered thousands of households has almost broken Kong Huan's heart.

Because, no matter how you control felling, how you improve tree planting, and how you study the efficiency of charcoal burning, the forests at several logging sites are still shrinking, so that logging farms are often relocated under the guidance of 8051, which is why 8051 is now The reason for not being with Kong Huan (probably=.=).

As for the part of the Dunjia who is in charge of logging, there is not a single high-level ghost-level person up to now. No, it should be said that they are all early-stage ghost-level people. This is a tragedy.

Correspondingly, the friends in charge of tree planting are at least at the high level of the ghost level, and even many of the Dunjia people among them are at the middle and high level of the ghost level.However, to enter the soul level, to a large extent, you need to work hard...

However, the emergence of the [Energy Array] has allowed everyone to see a new path, relying on powerful energy, flowing through crooked lines, generating mutual energy disturbances, resonance and other behaviors, resulting in energy enhancement in a certain part of the space, The act of lowering, deflecting...etc.

Even, through this kind of array, something similar to magnetic field attraction and thrust can be produced.Although Konghuan called it anti-gravity in a wicked way, in fact, it has nothing to do with that thing at all, and this kind of name only flows in Konghuan's mind, Ai Yi directly named it For [XX energy disturbance], it is obviously suspected of being lazy.

As for this phenomenon, Aiyi’s explanation is: the mutual interference of strong energy fields causes the vibration of particles and molecules in the space, and produces various non-directional or directional energy turbulence and resonance.The energy array is to use various lines to cause different energy distances and directions, so as to artificially control these turbulent flows.

Thinking of this, Konghuan couldn't help expressing his sincere respect to Aiyi who observed this point.But no matter how advanced the theory is, if it cannot be applied, it can only stay on the high platform of the theory being shelved by people.

At this time, Aiyi's narration is still going on.

"...The first step is actually completed now, because what it lacks is the energy mobilization circuit inside the calcium carbide energy crystal, otherwise I'm afraid I will really have to use those rough interns as the energy source (outside Aiyi's laboratory The interns who squatted hard and started counting ants after cleaning were all shivering at the same time)."

"Because the basic problem has been solved now, I plan to apply for the help of two energy circuit researchers. The second step is to solve the step of using the circuit to control the energy output."

"The research assistant is not a problem, how long is it expected to be resolved?"

This is what Kong Huan is concerned about, but Aiyi is obviously dissatisfied with Kong Huan's behavior of interrupting his words, Kong Huan should be glad that he is not the scientist's intern.

After a pause, Aiyi said coldly: "This kind of scientific research, it is impossible to give you an accurate timetable. The second step of research involves a lot of circuit knowledge, and also requires finely processed circuit components, maybe five or six Months, maybe three or four years, I don't want to order this thing to death."

"Okay, okay, what about after this step is completed?"

"Afterwards, of course, it will be the same as the circuit research, to study the applied arrays. At that time, various arrays will be combined to produce high-temperature furnaces, strong energy propulsion devices and so on... These are all proposed when the theory was first demonstrated. "

Speaking of this, Aiyi glanced at Konghuan dissatisfiedly, opened her mouth but just muttered softly, as if talking to herself: "You guys who don't understand research, you know the results all day long, you know , the real fun is the research process! Accumulate little by little, fail again and again, sum up one sentence at a time... Ah! Forget it.”


Kong Huan who was kicked out was covered in black lines, who didn't know the horror of Youshen level's hearing, not to mention Aiyi herself was still at Youshen level.The soft talking before was almost the same as howling in Kong Huan's ear. Obviously, this girl was talking to Kong Huan.

"In this world, even pure scientists can learn badly."

Shaking his head, Kong Huan walked over to the person in charge of the armor factory, after all, these talents are the main purpose of this trip.

The energy array has to wait at least two or three years to see the situation, and there is no conflict between the application of the energy array and the energy circuit. Now that the problem of the energy circuit has been solved, the next step is to improve the overall production level and let the friends enter the calcium carbide energy It's time.

"However, before that, we need to solve a small problem." The director of the armor factory reported.

He was full of embarrassment, obviously what happened was beyond everyone's expectations.

"small issue?"

Seeing the factory manager's expression, Kong Huan already felt that something was wrong. These days, any small problem may lead to a catastrophe, but the impact of a big problem is much smaller.

"Here, look." Putting a pack of white powder on the table, the factory manager said helplessly, "I didn't notice it during the experiment just now. We can indeed control the use of energy. This is a great improvement, but ..."

"However, the energy of the Calcium Calcium Energy Crystal is actually one-time. The moment it is called, it is all rushed out, so that we have no time to react. The energy of this energy core is exhausted, and then the core..."

"It turned into powder."

Depressedly interjected, Kong Huan carefully pulled the calcium carbide powder in front of him with his thoughts. It was obvious that this thing was not even comparable to calcium carbide mines. It was more like bone powder that had been decomposed after many years, and it was useless.

"So, this thing doesn't even have the possibility of being recycled?"

"This, at least according to the current technology, is like this." Wiping off his cold sweat, the factory manager nodded.

This kind of oolong incident obviously embarrasses everyone.Think about it, I have devoted myself to research on how to mobilize the energy in the calcium carbide energy crystal, but the energy is mobilized, but it can be turned on but not turned off, and it can be used up at one time. Now I need to consider how to turn it off.

"However, we only need to study and control the energy output now, and then we can enter the real practical application."

"Energy output?" Hearing this word, Kong Huan's eyes lit up: "You can go to Aiyi for joint research on this thing, and she happens to be developing this too."


"Oh, that's right!" Stopped the factory director who was in a hurry to go to Zaoaiyi to discuss the joint affairs, Kong Kong fantasized and said: "I don't know how long the output control research will take, and the armor factory can simultaneously carry out the application of the attack circuit Research, anyway, the two sides do not conflict."

"So," clapping his hands, Kong fantasized about a lot of disposable things, with a smile on his face: "One-off is not impossible, we can first study some offensive weapons that replace the standard electric core (abbreviated as calcium carbide energy core) , as a technical verification, it can even be mass-produced in small batches.”

"For example, let's study the circuit circuit of the Thunderbolt technique. Use a single larger core, let's say a 2000N level core, a city defense device that can be replaced after one use, so you don't have to worry about the repeated use of the core. After all The peak energy of a thunder technique is also 2000N."

"Also, if it's portable, that's even better."

Thinking of popularizing this kind of thunder attack circuit weapon, then, the ghost level can even use a small amount of energy to activate the weapon, and emit the attack ability of the ghost level, how powerful and what a bug it is.

"Uh, Lord Void, your idea is very good, but in terms of Thunderbolt, I'm afraid it will take a long time to research this kind of weapon to carry the energy of Thunderbolt. I suggest that the Thunderbolt can be downgraded to Thunderbolt. This should be able to easier to succeed."

"And, if possible, Master Konghuan, I hope to be able to call your research group (actually, it is the name of the research mode of Unreal)."

"This is not a big problem. After the research team's [Periodic Table Framework] research is successful, high-energy circuit research can be carried out."

After checking the situation in the research mode immediately, Kong Huan nodded in agreement.

①50N: According to the description of the attribute interface, the Technical Bureau makes a standard unit for energy, 50N is 50 energy of the attribute interface.

In addition, if the group is full, please add the second group 131556509, 嘎=w=
Of course, the divers refused.

(End of this chapter)

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