Spore Story

Chapter 398

Chapter 398

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In February 24 AD, another spring, the season of warm spring and blooming flowers.

However, Pengzu is no longer a cold-blooded animal, and the phenomenon of estrus in spring is not serious, so it is better to appreciate flowers purely.

Of course, it doesn't mean that now spring has become a cold season.

Looking at the man who seems to have fallen out with his girlfriend not far away, he is chasing his girlfriend who is tearing and running wildly in front of him, and behind this man, because the two of them are running wildly, they disrupt the road order, and are dutifully and forcefully followed by several city affairs bureau workers The personnel, Kong Huan smiled emotionally, shook his head and continued on his way.

This kind of life drama scene doesn't seem to have much impact on the current emptiness.

Pushing open the door of the Elder's House, Kong Huan raised his hand recklessly and said to the imaginative energy creature slumped on the recliner under the tree.

"Yo, Lord Thor, you are back."


Unexpectedly, Kong Huan (are you M?), who was not ravaged, looked at the paralyzed Chu Xia with a strange expression.

Now that Chu Xia has secured her position at the Yin God level, Chu Jie is still transforming into energy, and most of the people in the Elder's House have just completed the Thunder Wing transformation of their wings (which can be put away). It is foreseeable that for a long time, The friend race is the strongest in 8051 (soy sauce spirit god), and the Chuxia race is the strongest (yin god).

In order to better influence the Shadow Clan and stabilize the relationship between the two sides, Chu Xia traveled between the Xiaoshu Military Camp and the Shadow Clan Plain for a long time, and Pengcheng only saw each other once in a few months. When it comes to Chu Xia, this makes Kong Huan seem very surprised.

Putting the flaunting Thunder Wings on the back into the body, in front of Chu Xia whose whole body is energized, the empty illusion can only feel ashamed.

"What's the matter? Tired?"

"Yeah, it's just that I'm tired, and there's another important thing to do when I come back this time."

As an energy body, being tired can only be mentally tired, so after resting for a while, Chu Xia recovered, then thought for a while and said: "A few days ago, there was news from the Shadow Clan that they found a member of the Ancient Shadow Clan He fell into a coma at the foot of the southern mountain, and there is no sign of waking up now, judging from the situation of this ancient shadow clansman, it may be that something happened to the ancient shadow clan in the south."

"Oh, really?"

Since 8051 came back, she has explained to everyone that after the will of the planet begins to form an independent consciousness, she can no longer control the situation of the entire planet.

Because, before 8051 fully understood the situation of the planet, it was also carried out through the will of the double moon star. Although the current 8051 is still an agent, because the will of the planet has begun to form self-awareness, it has cut off contact with the outside world.

In this regard, 8051’s explanation is: in the process of forming self-awareness, the will of the planet does not accept any non-fatal external disturbances, and only a little instinct continues various tasks, such as the release of tasks in the illusory task mode, that is, Follow this instinct, and the agent's contact is active, out of instinct.

That is to say, if 8051 wants to recover the large-scale understanding of the planet, it has to wait until the self-awareness of the planet’s will is formed.

But the question is, after this self-awareness is formed, how will it treat the existence of 8051, who used to suppress her (his) formation.

These are long-term things, but the current situation is that the Pengzu has temporarily lost the information collection function of 8051, and has become unable to understand the situation of other races outside.

Therefore, they can only learn about the situation in various places through various people who go out, but this role is obviously not expected.

"It's really a member of the Ancient Shadow Clan? How did they determine it?"

"It's very simple. There are only 3.2 members of the Shadow Clan. It's not easy to determine the identity of the other party."

"Moreover, because the Shadow Clan lives in the plains and receives a lot of technical support from us, the gap with the Ancient Shadow Clan will only grow wider and wider. You can tell who is who from the clothes alone. The Shadow Clan people are wearing The sackcloth was approved as a standard bark armor plus leather armor, while the man was wearing an ancient and simple bark armor..."

After explaining in detail, Chu Xia waved her hands, and opened her mouth to drink the tea in the cup.

Taste and other things involve knowledge such as chemistry and neural reactions. With the current technology of friends, whether it is chemistry or biotechnology, they have not reached that level. Therefore, people like Chu Jie who do not have a living body drink only artistic conception. It's the feel, not the taste, ga.

Of course, even if Chu Xia is transformed into energy, it is not affected by these because it is an evolutionary model at the cell level. From the perspective of various existences, Chu Xia can be said to be a natural person whose body has been changed into an energy form.

Some desperate researchers have even suggested that if an energy evolution body like Chu Xia exists with a male who is also an energy body [beep——], there is even a high possibility that they can give birth to children with an energy body.

These things, whether it is Chu Xia or Kong Huan, are obviously a little embarrassing.

But this also involves the direction of racial evolution, and everyone can't ignore it, and Chu Xia can only say something like "Let's talk about it later when it is popularized and energyized."

However, after this conclusion came out, Kong Huan felt that Chu Xia was avoiding him, which made Kong Huan very speechless.

"No one can see that you are thinking about the evolution of race with all your heart and soul."

Regarding the illusory complaints, 8051 explained: "Maybe after you energyize, you will do something like [beep--] to them because of this [beep--] reason that can promote the evolution of species. "

"And even Chu Xia and the others are willing to do [beep——] things with a [beep——] guy like you, but thinking of you doing this [beep——] with them in the mind of [beep——] Beep——], which girl do you think will be happy. 8051 is very emotional about the illusory situation.”

To this, Kong Huan's reaction was: "[beep——]."

In fact, he really wanted to growl and explain that he hadn't reached the level of a ghost, but obviously, from 8051's eyes, Kong Huan could see the contempt, suspicion, and even deep vigilance in it. It deeply hurt the empty and fragile soul.

So, he said something that he regretted.

"Okay, even if we want [beep——], we'll look for you."

Then, Kong Huan lost consciousness.

And then, for more than half a year, 8051 adopted an evasive policy towards emptiness, until now...

topic return
"Is that person still awake?"

Obviously, this person can be a bridge between the two sides of Friends and Shadows to understand the situation on the side of the Ancient Shadow Clan.

Therefore, it is very important for this person's position to be free now.

"I didn't wake up. I planned to use the method of the dream world to wake up this person, but although this person is only at the early stage of the soul level, he is very self-enclosed, and he is actively resisting all external investigations."

"Furthermore, there is an obvious difference in the spiritual power of the two friends and shadows. In addition, this thing has already involved consciousness and the spirit itself. Our research technology level is not enough. Forcibly carrying out this person's consciousness space will lead to his death. The odds are much higher than waking up."

Speaking of this, Chu Xia was actually very depressed.

Although she herself, the god of thunder, secretly went to check on this person's situation just to be on the safe side, but she also received prayers from the helpless church president before, and sent two gods to help.

Unexpectedly, no matter whether it was God or himself, the god of thunder, he did not succeed. This was a great blow to the prestige of the god.

Fortunately, the transformation of the Shadow Clan in the past few years has made the relationship between the Shadow Clan and Thor and the Friends of the Clan not limited to the belief in gods, but also to a large extent thanks to gratitude.

Therefore, this did not cause much loss to the coercion of the gods, but it was a stain after all.

From Kong Huan's point of view, since even Chu Xia couldn't succeed, it was obvious that this person fell into self-isolation due to extremely strong stimulation. In this regard, in addition to ability and technology, experience such as psychological counseling is also needed.

It's a pity that the friend psychology research group has only been established for a few years, and there are not many available research materials at all.

"Actually, it should be easy if we promote the cultivation of the Shadow Clan's mental power and let them develop their own mental power usage skills to appease this person, but..."

Having said that, neither of them continued, because it involved racial interests, and it was impossible for friends to increase the overall strength of potential enemies.

So, if you can't solve it for the time being, just ignore it for the time being. (The illusory good habit worked again.)
"Really, what about the Shadow Clan's reaction?"

Hearing Kong Huan's question, Chu Xia thought for a while and said: "The Shadow Clan has been quarreling internally for a few days, and the president seems to have recognized that Guying Clan member, what is his name, Cross or Crossa? Son of a patriarch."

"Afterwards, the Shadow Clan sent three reconnaissance troops led by the Young Shadow Warrior, a total of nine people, to patrol the south. This is an internal decision of the Shadow Clan, and we will not interfere."

"However, I felt that it might be dangerous, so I also sent a peak soul-level god to help secretly."

"This is very good. There are not only the Ancient Shadow Clan in the south, but also the more dangerous Black Bone Clan, so we must deal with it carefully. Now is not the time to deal with the Black Bone Clan. What's more, what we need are friends."

"As for the future," after thinking about it, Kong Huan didn't say much: "Let's talk about that later."

In this regard, Kong Huan is actually a bit helpless. If it is not the enemy in the sky, this is a good time for all civilized races, which are still in the early stages of development, to wipe out all these potential enemies with the powerful individual strength of the friends. , when monopolizing the double moon star, this is the best choice for the friends.

However, Kong Huan clearly knows the strength of his own side, but not the strength of the enemy in the sky, so for the sake of future safety, improving the overall strength of Shuangyuexing as much as possible has become the top priority, and these civilized races have become Potential support for friends in the future.

Perhaps because she didn't want to talk about the situation of the Shadow Clan anymore, Chu Xia thought about it and changed the subject: "I heard that you stopped the three major teams from changing their costumes?"

"Yes," nodded, and after thinking about it, he shook his head and said, "This time, the transformation mainly includes [Mingsteel Armor] made of steel using the third-generation thunder scale armor technology, [Mingsteel Armor] tempered with steel The 1.5-meter-long and 1.2-meter [Lancet], the one-meter-high [Steel Shield] made with a two-ton forging machine, the [Steel Crossbow] made of steel wires by pouring, etc. Ordinary weapons, but they are obviously several times stronger than bronze weapons."

"What I stopped was actually just changing [Ming Steel Armor] and [Lancet], and because the output of these armors is not bad, they were temporarily changed to local teams and patrols."

"So, the three major teams are still only using the third-generation bronze [Thunderscale 1 and 2]?"

When she said these words, there was a trace of teasing in Chu Xia's eyes: "When did you always take care of the three major teams first, but watch others change their outfits first, while you still use old equipment? ? Darkblood didn’t bother you?”

(The last sentence is the key!) Kong Huan tilted Chu Xia depressedly, took a sip of tea and said, "Of course, she suggested to change the costumes of the third team first, and then wait for the fourth After the application technology of the calcium carbide energy core is mature, the fourth-generation armor will be mass-produced, and then the replaced Minggang armor will be handed over to the local team or even the patrol team."

"Then what did you say?"

"Me?" Scratching his head, Kong Huan spread his hands and said, "I said, the account you dialed has been shut down, please try again later."


Chu Xia spat out a mouthful of old blood. It was obvious that the innocent injured was Kong Huan, who was sprayed all over the face.

"She didn't kill you!"

"Are you expecting me to get hurt that much?" Depressedly wiping a pile of tea on his face, Kong Huan said with a resentful face, "Didn't you just say that yesterday? And at that time she was using magnetic field communication, and I just Just kidding."

"I planned to show off the research results in front of her happily after today's research results, but I didn't expect those guys in the factory to come to the brakes suddenly, whether they can be turned on or not."

"Then what are you going to do now?"

"What else can I do?" Kong Huan spread his hands helplessly, and said, "Of course it is to restart the costume change for the three major teams, and then obediently hide in Dark Blood for a while, and when her anger subsides, she will show up slowly. Well, it’s not like it hasn’t happened before anyway.”


For some reason, Kong Huan saw an emotion called 'schadenfreude' in Chu Xia's eyes, which made Kong Huan feel bad for a while.

At this time, Chu Xia clapped her hands very cutely, then put her hands on her face, showed a standard friendly smile, and then said to Kong Huan: "Ala, I'm so sorry to say, Kong Huan, I forgot to tell you one thing."

"What, what's the matter?"

"Because it involves possible military issues, so just now, I called Dark Blood to come with me, well."


(It's not good! It's not good!) Kong Huan only felt a burst of sweat all over his body: "Well, I have something to do, so let's go first."

"I don't know our Master Konghuan, what is so urgent? Could it be that the fourth-generation armor has already taken shape?"


Seeing the dark blood suddenly appearing behind me, Kong Huan, who had just turned around, was taken aback by the faces that almost collided: "Dark blood! You, how could you appear behind me? !"

"You don't know, there is a technique called mental power shielding, oh hehehe, take your life!"


the sky is still blue;
The world is still at peace;
This is

(End of this chapter)

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