Spore Story

Chapter 399 Youth Pursuit and Elderly Nostalgia

Chapter 399 Youth Pursuit and Elderly Nostalgia

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"How about it, doctor Fei Yao."

"The wound on the body was blocked by the adhesiveness of the bark armor. Although it has not undergone any cleaning process, there is a danger of inflammation, but this kid has good physical fitness. And the effect of the bark armor is the same as [bark binding] Almost, so the big wound on the back has already healed."

"And those small wounds that were scratched by things like branch beasts have healed because of their good physical fitness. Therefore, on the surface, it seems that they are just overworked."

"But it's been ten days now, why is there still no sign of waking up?"

"If it weren't for the supply of nutrient solution given by the Lord God, I'm afraid I would starve to death now."

Beside the hospital bed, the president of the Shadow Clan church looked helplessly at the Shadow Clan member on the bed. This Shadow Clan member had a haggard face and was covered in scars, but after cleaning, the grass leaves and dust on his body had disappeared. The leather armor has also been replaced with bark straps and linen gowns for the sick.

At the beginning, this Shadow Clan man was found in a small forest close to the Shadow Clan Plain. If it wasn’t for a small group of Shadow Clan people who happened to enter the forest to look for game at that time, this person might have been given to him by scavengers everywhere in the forest. swallowed.

But after being rescued, the president didn't pay much attention to this person because of his busy schedule and some resentment towards the Ancient Shadow Clan.

Unexpectedly, it was just this look that surprised him to find that the other party looked very similar to a friend he had once had.

Of course, this person can't be his friend, he probably already has the same white beard as himself, but when he thought of the stubborn child who followed him when the Shadow Clan split, he could figure out the other person's identity. identity.

But the problem is, that friend of mine is very precious to his child. At the beginning, I wanted this little guy to call me 'Dad' but I was not allowed (=.=), but now, how can I let the other party suffer that kind of scar , and then ran to the Shadow Clan.

So obviously, something went wrong with the Ancient Shadow Clan, and it was an extremely serious change.

He couldn't figure out what the problem was, and it seemed that this person would not be able to wake up in a short time. He quickly proposed to form a new Shadow Clan Council after reorganization last year, and sent three capable investigation teams to find out the reason in the south. , by the way, look for the location of the Ancient Shadow Clan, which is also the same species.

"You also know that we can only deal with some physical problems and mental problems. We can't do anything about it. From my point of view, I'm afraid this person has been greatly stimulated, so he doesn't want to wake up by himself."

In this regard, everyone was a little helpless, because it seemed that even the Lord God seemed to be futile when it came to the spiritual situation.

"Hey, it's hard for this child."

Although the older generation of the Shadow Clan called the Guying Clan "stubborn, inflexible idiots", after all, they were only separated for more than ten years, and they used to be the same ethnic group, and none of them were related.

So, to be honest, who really blamed whom?

What's more, the life of the Shadow Clan in this plain is already unimaginable in the past. Now that they have stabilized, whether it's showing off or nostalgia, they all more or less miss the acquaintances who left before up.

Even, some people who missed the relatives or friends of the Guying Clan proposed to go find the Guying Clan and then call the other party over, but because everyone couldn't get over the hurdle in their hearts for the time being, it didn't pass.

But anyone with a discerning eye knows that it is only a matter of time before it passes.

Thinking of this, the speaker's eyes flickered, and he finally stood up and walked out the door: "Take care of Croza, it's time to bring those stubborn guys back."

——————Things are, people are not—————

Chi Ying, who was walking on the street, seemed very careless, because there was nothing to do today, and there seemed to be more and more leisurely days like this recently.

"Ah, so boring."

If it was placed in the forest before, or when she first came to this plain, even if nothing seemed to happen, she would still have to stay in her own tribe and learn to plan the past and future of the tribe. The food stock, or demand, in the tribe.

But now, although there are many more things to calculate, such as the storage of grain in the warehouse, the surplus of linen, the education of children, the care of the elderly...etc. If you don't want to do it, you can also assign your work to your (superior tribe) assistant according to the latest planning model, and you can see how leisurely she is.

At this time, Chi Ying just threw a bunch of work to his assistant and came out to hang out.

After all, no matter how comfortable the job is, it will still be tiring if you do too much.

And what could be happier than seeing the people around you happy, and also relaxing yourself?

Therefore, the red shadow walking on the street at this time always gives people a feeling of vitality.

"I'm really in a good mood recently, but why are you still a little bit upset?"

Looking around, he probably lost a companion, but Chi Ying would never admit it.

The entire Shadow Clan Plain, now under the guidance of God, has been rectified into 7 upper-level villages (upper-level tribes with thousands of people), 21 middle-level villages (intermediate tribes with 500 people), and hundreds of lower-level villages ( Hundreds of lower-level tribes), all of them were scattered on the larger Shadow Clan Plain, forming a new Shadow Clan government.

The construction of these villages was completed within a few years using the construction technology provided by the Pengzu (Protoss) and with the help of the God Servants Dunjia.

"Speaking of which, those god servants are fun."

Thinking of the Dunjia who also wears fingers and claws like the Shadow Clan, but is slow in movement and short in stature, but can easily dig out huge underground passages with those not-so-sharp fingers and claws. Shadow felt a burst of curiosity.

Compared with the fingers and claws of the Shadow Clan, it seems that in addition to wiping the necks of animals, just digging a little dirt like the Dunjia people, the whole hand feels uncomfortable.

"This is what Master God said about specialization in the arts. Our Shadow Clan specialize in 'speed and assassination', while the Dunjia Clan specialize in 'digging and servants'." After thinking for a while, Chi Ying shook his head again: " I really envy those servants of the gods who are able to live in the territory of the friends, with many gods, concrete roads, cute beasts, and warm copper coins..."

"I heard that there are mountains flying in the sky, ah~~ I really want to go."

After a while, Chi Ying once again fell into fantasies about her friends, and because she entered the fantasy world twice, she knew far more about her friends than ordinary members of the Shadow Clan.

While envious of the Dunjia people, her positioning of the friends is also very clear and objective.In the eyes of the Shadow Clan people who received special care, the Peng Clan is a protoss, but not a god.

Therefore, as long as they can reach a certain level, such as reaching the level of godliness, they can also enter the life of friends.

And among the friends, not everyone is that powerful, just like those friends who had a close match with the Shadow Clan team when they first came into contact with each other, they also need to rely on a little bit of hard work to grow into great ones. Divine and even divine.

However, Chi Ying and the others did not tell others about these things, because this was specially ordered by the gods, and only those who are favored by the gods can have this kind of treatment. In this regard, they tacitly kept this secret.

"I really hope that I can quickly reach the strength of the gods," but soon, Chi Ying became weak again: "We are only at the level of a small shadow fighter now, when will we break through the middle shadow fighter, the upper shadow fighter, Reach for the greatness of God."

In fact, there is not only such a condition to enter the friend clan, they can also learn the knowledge provided by the friend clan, and after showing good ability, they can pass.

But for those things, Chi Ying felt dizzy just by looking at them: "Sure enough, it's easier to fight with open swords and guns."

Therefore, Chi Ying, who was determined to pursue muscles, ignored all other paths except for developing combat effectiveness.

Moreover, to put it that way, none of the Shadow Clan members have been able to enter the Peng Clan until now, and the closest one is the Xiaoshu military camp that Chi Ying and the others have been to.

And that concrete monolithic barracks is already a miracle in the eyes of Chi Ying and the others...

At this time, Chi Ying passed by a very well-built and beautiful courtyard, and a clear and clean child's voice faintly came from the courtyard wall.

"Stone... head hit... tree? Well, that should be what you said."

Opened his mouth in distress, and imitated the voice inside and said a few words, Chi Ying took a few deep breaths depressingly, then shook his head helplessly: "The language of the Pengzu is really difficult, even if we have learned the dozens of standards Pronunciation, but there are many words to learn."

The Shadow Clan has its own language, although it is simple, it has been accepted by the adult Shadow Clan people, but unfortunately they do not have their own words.

The advent of Thor brought them a brand new text, but this text needs to match the language of the friends.Only recently did Thor finally grant his request to teach the ShadowClan people the language of the Friends.

So in the collective schools built in various higher-level villages, divine language courses began to be offered.

However, in Chi Ying's view, the biggest function of words is to save them from having to listen to the nagging chairman (former speaker) continue to tell the history of the Shadow Clan when they hold a meeting in the future.

It is said that in the future, after all members of parliament have learned to write, people will be allowed to spend some time reviewing history books written in words and paper before the meeting.

"Isn't this just giving us some time to stay before the meeting?"

It wasn't Chi Ying who said this, but her Zhong Wei. Although Chi Ying who was at the side kept nodding in agreement in his heart, he had an absolutely serious expression on his face.

Because, after Zhong Wei finished speaking, he was immediately KO'd by the speaker who approached behind him.

Continue on the road, pass through neatly planned wooden houses, and then arrive at the destination of Chi Ying's trip: the military camp.

This kind of building is a special building built by Lord Thor especially for the Shadow Clan people with victory.In this building, the newcomers of the Shadow Clan can go through standardized training to obtain the same fighting power as in the forest. They can also form various hunting squads, hunting troops, and hunting legions through training and cooperation.

But when they came to the gate, the first thing they saw was the [Guardian] troop that had just appeared and was still very experimental, and was ignored by most of the Shadow Clan.

This is a brand new profession with the purpose of 'precise protection, perfect defense', regardless of whether they can do it or not, but at least every guardian holds this belief.For this alone, Chi Ying felt that those in the ethnic group who looked down on the guards because the guards came from people with extremely poor stealth were the ones who should really be looked down upon.

"Yo, how are you doing today?"

"Yes, Lord Red Shadow."

The two guards at the door nodded respectfully to Chi Ying, although anyone passing by would do the same if they greeted them, but they obviously showed more respect to Chi Ying.

This is not because of status, but because Chi Ying is one of the few people who did not look down on them.Moreover, Chi Ying and their boss Ying Ge are also old friends, and the relationship between the two parties is not bad.

"Well, go ahead."

Walking into the barracks casually, although it is not as good as the one I have seen, it is said to be a large barracks made of cement, but this building, which was built entirely by the power of Lord Thor, can better demonstrate the image of Thor. The love of the clan, and the power of Thor.

It can be said that as long as this building exists here, no Shadow Clan will dare to question the majesty of Thor.

"Chi Ying, you are here!"

Just when Chi Ying was about to practice his assassination skills and continue to work hard to become a god, a familiar voice sounded behind him.

Immediately, Chi Ying's body froze, and she turned her head away with some joy and some dissatisfaction.

"What are you doing, Zhong Wei!" (This Hundan hasn't come to me for three days, see if I don't deal with you!)
"The president told our members to go to a meeting, as if he has something to say." Zhong Wei, who didn't seem to notice anything unusual, grinned, and quickly waved his hand and said, "I want to notify the other members, Go early, remember to reserve a seat for me."

After finishing speaking, Zhong Wei's figure disappeared amidst Chi Ying's stunned expression.


"Ah! Go to hell! Hundan!"

————— Peaceful evolution dividing line —————

"Stop! Don't! It hurts."

"Don't worry, just say it all at once, and it will be all right."

"Don't do it, stop!"

"Hey, even if you don't want to do it, you can't do it, ha!"


When the president's grandfather, who was covered in black lines, rushed into the newly built parliament hall, he saw such a scene.

Chi Ying was riding on Zhong Wei's waist like a big female cat with frayed fur, and was ravaging poor Zhong Wei.The surrounding councilors, on the other hand, were doing their own things without any surprises. Some of them had good learning ability, and even held the "History of God" brought by Thor, and were watching it with gusto.

"You two little guys, if you fight in the house and close the door, even if you give me a child, I welcome it. Anyway, the wooden house will not be peeped at now."

"But! It's too much to be here blatantly!"


The president, who obviously knew what the two guys were doing, just shook his head lovingly as a prank, then ignored what he realized, and suddenly jumped away from the red shadow who was blushing at the same time.

"It's nice to be young."

Two balls of white smoke rose from the heads of Zhong Wei and Chi Ying, and the surrounding councilors, except for some envious and jealous members of the death-death group who were considering whether to use fire or hang, everyone else showed their " Goodwill' expression.

"Okay, let's get down to business."

After clapping his hands, the speaker looked at the members of the assembly.

After the reform of the system, because the selection of councilors is no longer based on strength and randomness, but to learn from the selection mechanism adopted by friends, so many new faces have changed here.

However, the method of 1 person in the lower-level village, 3 people in the middle-level village, and 5 people in the upper-level village is still retained.

There were hundreds of people in the entire council, sitting in the brand new council hall jointly built by the Shadow Clan and God Servant Dunjia, it seemed a little empty.

"I won't talk nonsense about this meeting. After all, it was my temporary idea. Thank you very much for coming."

Because it is not a prescribed parliamentary process, the number of people who can come is limited by various circumstances and is not complete, but the chairman just wants everyone to discuss it anyway.

"What I want to talk about is the issue of the Ancient Shadow Clan."

"Everyone knows that more than ten years have passed, and most of the older generation have passed away. It's not good for us to dwell on the differences in the past. Can we accept it?"

Faced with the voice of the chairman, the members of the council were divided into two categories:

One category is members of the older generation who have aged just like the speaker.They were the main force of the disagreement at the beginning, and they also established the current Shadow Clan. However, when they heard the president's speech at this time, they were the first to fall silent.

The other category is the incumbent MPs who were still children at the beginning, such as Chi Yingzhong, who have now become the backbone of the Shadow Clan, and their numbers are dominant.But for the Ancient Shadow Clan, they seemed a little strange.After all, things from childhood are not remembered very clearly after the eradication.

"President, I have no objection to this aspect. Anyway, they are all of the same kind. As long as they are willing to come over, we don't lack those farmlands and land in the plain. Isn't it still half empty now?"

A young congressman spoke first, and others responded one after another. Most of the young people had this attitude of supporting the president.

"Thank you, so, old friends, how about you?"

"It's because of that child of Croza," an elderly member of parliament didn't answer directly, but his expression showed no disapproval.

"Yes, when I saw him, I thought of Crowe and the others."

Obviously, this group of old men once again fell into the memory of the past, and the young people present were suddenly helpless.

"Back then, there was a time when we had a competition to kill a mutated meatball beast first, and that guy Croho also saved the life of Shanshan, although Shanshan had aged a few years ago."



"So, now that we are living well, we often think of them."

"Yes, in this regard, I actually wanted to talk about it a long time ago, but I just couldn't save face."

"Yeah, when I'm old, there's only so much face left, and no one wants to admit it."


"However, no matter how good our Shadow Clan's words are, if those old stubborn Gu Ying Clan don't agree, it's impossible for us to force them over, right?"

"Who knows if those old stubborn people are all old and dead."

"Hey, although it's possible, there's no need to say so."



Young people continue to be bored...

The meeting continues...

(End of this chapter)

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