Spore Story

Chapter 400 The Awakened Last Ancient Shadow Clan Member

Chapter 400 The Awakened Last Ancient Shadow Clan Member

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"After all, the forest is only a part of this world. In addition to forests, there are mountains, plains, canyons, etc. in this world. As a member of this world, we cannot be bored in the forest forever."



"It's not that they don't realize it. I know those old guys very well. They just don't want to take risks, just like they chose to continue looking for the forest. Now, it happens that we are willing to take this risk, so they will acquiesce A weird existence like our Warhammer Horde."



"The glory of Warhammer requires us to support it with victory, but victory needs life and blood to pile up."


"What's the noise, can't you just let me be quiet?"

"The parliament doesn't know how to deal with such a large force of enemies, the entire Ancient Shadow Clan doesn't know, even we don't have this experience, so everyone is thinking of leaving. But! Isn't experience accumulated from scratch? "

"Hey, I seemed to have a little reaction just now! Croza! Hey! Croza!"

"It's so noisy! Shut up! Dad is still talking, who is so noisy!"

"Warhammer! Charge...don't worry, you bastard...it's you, Croza, you're the best person to leave!"

"It moved again, as if it wanted to say something! It must be waking up! Sadako, go and call the president!"

"very noisy!"

"The soul is light and the leaves are falling! I hate you!"

He opened his eyes abruptly, and it was two familiar but unfamiliar faces that attracted Croza's eyes.

Familiar, because it should be of the same kind.

They are unfamiliar because they are too clean and do not have the dust of the same kind; they are too peaceful and do not have the busyness and panic of the same kind; they are too gentle and do not have the fighting spirit and strength of the same kind.


"who are you?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, Croza felt his throat was as thirsty as a flame burning, and all the sensations in his body seemed to rush into his heart in an instant. The pain, weakness, and thirst were like a raging fire, reminding him of that noon when the flames were burning. The body suddenly twisted involuntarily.


After a while, Croza, who had already fallen into a daze, felt a cool spring flowing from his mouth down his throat into his stomach.

(so comfortable.)
Then, he went back to sleep satisfied, and his frown became much calmer.

"Uh, I fell asleep again."

"Don't worry, since you've woken up, going to sleep again this time is just to refresh yourself. It's a normal sleep, so you should be fine."

The doctor looked at Croza who was sleeping with relief, and heaved a sigh of relief.

I have been taking care of this guy for more than ten days. The speaker and several old councilors have come to see him almost every day. If he doesn't wake up, the doctor doesn't know how to face these old men.

Nodding to the assistant at the side, Physician Fei Yao was planning to ask him to make some digestible food for the patient to eat when he woke up, when a large group of people rushed in from the door, and immediately surrounded the small ward It was a leak.

(These old monsters.)
Complaining in her heart, she didn't realize that she was also an old monster's Scarlet Physician. She looked at the old men who fell from the clouds to the ground because of seeing the sleeping Klosa, and then turned her angry expression on her old men. He spread his hands nonchalantly, completely ignoring this oppressive gaze.

"Don't worry, I didn't lie to you."

"Just now Croza woke up for a while, and then fell asleep again after drinking another saliva due to physical reasons."

After instructing the assistant to wipe off the cold sweat that Ke Luoza just broke out, and then covered him with a sackcloth, Doctor Feiyao looked at the anxious old people again and said: "This time it's just a normal sleep, at most one or two days. You will be fully awake in a few days, and then you will only need some restorative exercises, and you will be able to return to being a alive and kicking guy."

"That's good. Really, we were still in a meeting, and the girl Sadako rushed in in surprise. Fortunately, the guards didn't stop her."

Now that Croza is fine, and the doctor has no pressure, facing these old guys at this time, without any guilt, as the only doctor of the Shadow Clan (below is the doctor=.=), she, Don't take them old guys seriously.

After finishing speaking, Physician Fei Yao stretched himself, then walked out of the ward and walked to the next ward.

The moment before she went out, she seemed to think of something, turned her head to a group of old men who had just breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "The patient needs to rest, come out if there is no problem, being surrounded inside is not conducive to the patient's recovery, what to do! "

"This old guy is getting more and more arrogant!"

The words from behind just made the doctor smile.

The original medical system of the Shadow Clan is very imperfect, there are only a small amount of weak herbal medicines, and once you get sick, it is mostly luck. Even the [bark strap], which is now a special product of the Shadow Clan, was specially sent by Lord Thor It was only made with the help of three godly adults.

Now the Shadow Clan can exchange many useful things with specific merchants of the Friends Clan through this special commodity with wide uses. For this reason, several upper-level villages even specially arranged for a large number of this kind of trees to be artificially planted.

However, although the medical condition of the Shadow Clan is poor, there is still a lot of reference. For example, the Peng Clan has a lot of medicines for trauma treatment, but among the several weak herbs of the Shadow Clan, there are herbs that can attract prey.

Therefore, after the arrival of the God of Thunder, Chu Xia, the God of Thunder, sent several gods to bring the medical system of the Peng Clan to the Shadow Clan, and taught the Shadow Clan to improve a lot of medical technology.

In fact, Peng Clan started this activity after combining their medical knowledge with Shadow Clan to further improve their medical ability.

It can be said that the two are completely mutually reinforcing.

And it is this kind of integration that has brought the medical level of the Pengzu to a higher level, and has introduced rating standards similar to skilled workers: medical apprentices, doctors, physicians, medical gods, righteous gods...

Of course, although the above plan shows great ambitions, according to strict evaluation principles, the entire Peng clan currently has only 26 doctors with the highest level of medical staff, including [-] friends and four Dunjia people. name. (Pengzu's current ratings are all strictly assessed after being recognized by the government, the private sector, and the industry.)
Because the Shadow Clan has just accepted this medical system for a year or two, without systematic education, it is already a very good achievement to be able to ask for a doctor at this time.

Having said so much, it just shows the importance of doctors.

After the old doctor left the ward, the old men rushed over in a hurry, but did not get any real gains. Under the watchful eyes of the curious young people outside, they exited the ward shamelessly. .

"Kroza's situation has stabilized. Since he will be able to recover in a few days, should we save our topic until after we understand the specific situation from Kroza."

"Yeah, after all, after knowing a little bit about the current control of the Ancient Shadow Clan, and knowing where the other party is, it will be convenient for negotiating with them in the future."

"Even if those old men don't want to come here, let Crosa see our situation here and see that life is so good, then he will go back to promote it later, and he must not bring a group of young people over."

"You've gone bad, old man."

"Tch, dare you say you don't think so."

"Okay, okay, let's talk about it after Croza wakes up. I'll inform Lord Thor now."

The president smiled and nodded. Croza's condition was stable, and he was one of the happiest people. After all, this little guy had learned from him before.

In terms of closeness, there are probably few in the entire Shadow Clan who can compare to him.

———————The dividing line of waking up—————

run, not to escape;

Turn back, not to avoid the enemy;
Although his body had been scratched in many places, Croza still maintained an unhurried speed, carefully shuttling between the trees in the forest.

The Shadow Clan people are indeed very powerful. Relying on the two advantages of stealth and speed, combined with the lore attribute of the poisonous needle, they can be said to be like ducks in water when facing other animals in the forest.

But when he stepped out of the forest, Croza's spirit suddenly tensed up. Most of his memories were in the forest. When he saw the vast world, the inner tension surged up uncontrollably.

Plains, mountains, rivers... all these things have become tools that hinder Croza from completing his mission.

In the open area of ​​the plain, there are Hunter Dragons whose speed is not weaker than that of the Shadow Clan. Facing them who are good at gang fights and ambushes, Kroza, who is wounded on his body, has to deal with it carefully;
On the gentle slopes of the mountains, there are swift and invisible flying pterosaurs and feathered pterosaurs. Facing the high-speed dives that are often unpredictable, Croza has to slow down and use rocks to avoid the opponent's pursuit;

The river has become a natural moat for the Shadow Clan people, because they don't know how to use water.


It was not a long journey, supported by the belief of 'reaching the Split Shadow Plain', it was possible to rush all the way, run all the way, jump all the way, and go around all the way. When the people inside were all the tribes of the Shadow Clan, Croza finally lost his last bit of strength, his eyes went dark, and he fell to the ground.



"No, my mission is not just to reach the Rift Shadow Plain!"

Shocked, Kroza woke up again, ignoring his body's reaction, and jumped off the soft bed with all his strength, but his feet were unsteady, and he twisted and fell to the ground, causing a burst of ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping.

"Who is arguing in the ward! I don't know if I'm sick...ah! You're awake! No, I'm going to inform the doctor now!"

Looking at the reckless fellow with a black line on his face, although he felt strange about the other party's clothes and the surrounding buildings, at least Croza knew that the other party had no malice towards him.

No, even if the other party is malicious, as long as you can see the same kind, it is already a kind of happiness.

Moreover, Croza, who is not stupid, can also analyze his current environment: the plain and the same kind he saw before he fell into a coma, and the hut and the same kind he saw when he woke up...

"Looks like it's finally here."

I took a closer look at the things around me. I used to sleep on a very soft thing, which was made of strange fur (linen), and I felt really comfortable; the wooden wall didn’t have any big gaps, just like The two identical pieces of wood fit together to form a general, and you can't see the outside at all...

There were still a lot of weird things. After watching for a while, Croza resolutely dismissed the idea of ​​continuing to speculate, and turned his attention to his body.

He was wearing strange clothes, and his back was covered with something that felt like bark armor, but only a thin layer.

But these are not the point, the point is that the body feels no longer the sense of strength it used to have, but is full of a burst of weakness, which makes it extremely difficult for me to even stand up when sitting on the ground (you will know after lying on the bed for more than ten or 20 days =.= ).

"Crosser, you're awake! Lie back quickly, don't hurt yourself."

The voice from the door startled Croza, and he turned his head quickly. What he saw were three kind old men, and the one who spoke was one of them. There was a sense of familiarity between his brows, but his memory was too vague to remember at all. .

"Who are you? It feels a little familiar."

"I am your father!"

The few people next to him suddenly looked at their president in surprise, but only for a moment, these people exchanged a familiar look with each other as if they understood each other, and then turned to look at Croza, with pity and compassion in their eyes. pity.

"What are you old guys thinking! This is just the way I used to talk to this kid!" The president who was misunderstood was flushed, and he was suspected of having an affair when he was old, which obviously made him very upset. Can not accept.

But the few people didn't notice that when they heard that word, Croza's face darkened instantly.

At this time, the doctor who had just arrived made the right decision: "After lying down for so long, you are free anyway, so take Klosa out for a walk to restore your body muscles, or lie down again." I'm afraid the muscles will atrophy."

Gently patted Croza's shoulder, the doctor roughly checked Croza's condition, and after finding out that there was no problem, he asked several people to leave with Croza who seemed a little dazed once again in memory.

"It seems that you are awake, and it will take some time to recover."

Shaking his head, the doctor asked his assistant Sadako to tidy up the room, and then walked to the next ward.

As the only doctor in the whole family, he is not so idle.

—————The dividing line between the two worlds—————

"What is this?"

The bitter taste in his mouth made Crosa frown for a while, but after he spit it out, he felt a fresh fragrance in his mouth, which made him feel a little pity.

"This is tea. You may not get used to it for the first time, but it's nothing. Waiter, let me have a cup of Xi fruit water. You young people should like it."

The president, who was completely like a father, called the waiter enthusiastically, without realizing his behavior, which further deepened the doubts of the few unscrupulous friends next to him.

Although he didn't want to trouble the other party, seeing the kindness in the other party's eyes, Kroza softened his heart, because he thought of the father who didn't even look at him when he left, and couldn't help but swallowed the words of refusal .

Along the way, he has seen a lot of things, and he feels that his ethnic group and his kind here are like people from two worlds.

(Is the plain really that good?)

Croza couldn't help thinking this in his heart, but after a moment, he returned to calm again, (So what if it's good, so what if it's not good, everyone is dead, and so is he. Now Croza is just a It’s just a doll that exists for missions.)
"How about it? Does it taste good?"

Unable to reject the person in front of him, and Croza couldn't hide his slight curiosity, he tried to taste the Xi fruit water in the cup.

"Alright, alright."

It's a pity that the sweet smell made him frowned involuntarily. He is a boy and a soldier on the battlefield. This kind of smell that makes people fall into it is naturally resisted by Croza, even if he instinctively likes it. .

"It's not good. It's a pity. The two drinks that the friends trade are tea and Xiguo. The rest is our boiled water."

(White water, is that the kind of natural clear water?) Thinking of the sweet taste when he woke up, Croza nodded: "Boiled water is fine, and this tea is also fine."

Drinks are just minor details. After chatting with Croza for a while, and then taking Croza to travel the ShadowClan Plains for a few days, telling some about the development of ShadowClan, and confirming that Croza has gradually recovered, he will Chang finally decided to get down to business.

Although they are very concerned about the children in front of them, everyone needs the details of the Ancient Shadow Clan. Moreover, the council has agreed to go and search for those of the same kind, but before searching, it is obviously necessary to know the necessary information.

"Crosser, can you tell me what happened?"

(What happened?)
Croza, who was still admiring the production process of the bark strap, recalled all that under the guidance of these words.

War intent, hatred, killing intent and resentment
At this time, Croza gave the president and the people around him the feeling of a bloodthirsty beast. Regarding this, the president frowned worriedly.

(This feeling is completely contrary to the stealth of the Shadow Clan people. It seems that it is not a good thing.)
However, although everyone has already made a lot of psychological preparations in their hearts, when Croza recalled his mission and then told the situation of the Ancient Shadow Clan in detail, no matter whether it was the president or the surrounding People without any secrecy, the first reaction is, impossible.

The Ancient Shadow Clan is extinct!

how can that be!

Although everyone split from the Ancient Shadow Clan and built a new home on the plain because of their yearning for a stable life, everyone present could not deny the strength of the Shadow Clan people in the forest. .

However, just like this, tens of thousands of ancient shadow clansmen were actually killed by a tailless creature that they had never heard of in the forest.

and many more!

A congressman with "History of the Gods" suddenly opened the book in his arms, quickly found a painting, and handed it to the chairman and Croza.

There is also a description in the language of the friends under this painting: the black bone tribe, a civilized race, has strong arm jumping ability, and is good at tools, war, and rebellion.

There were not many descriptions, and Croza couldn't read it, but it didn't prevent him from recognizing the animals in the painting.

In an instant, his eyes were bloodshot, and he quickly reached out and grabbed the painting, intending to destroy it.

"Kill! Kill them all!"

(End of this chapter)

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