Spore Story

Chapter 401: The Future Main Army of the Shadow Clan

Chapter 401: The Future Main Army of the Shadow Clan

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"The Black Bone Clan destroyed the Ancient Shadow Clan!"

"Damn! This is not a good thing."

Rubbing his forehead in distress, Kong Huan sat under the big tree in the elders' courtyard, looking at Chu Xia and 8051 who were also depressed, feeling helpless in his heart.

Under the religious infiltration of the past few years, the Shadow Clan has been determined to be able to control it for a long time, and the Friends Clan who has always liked to seek stability, according to the original plan, the next step is to attack the Black Bone Clan.

But this start is to use the method of cultural aggression to gradually control the black bone tribe. To put it bluntly, it is to use it as cannon fodder to deal with the Zerg tribe in the future and protect the friends. However, cultural invasion requires a relatively peaceful environment.

But now, at this juncture, between the Black Bone Clan and the Shadow Clan, there has been an annihilation of the clan.

"Do you want to give up Shadow Clan?"

In a real comparison, the Shadow Clan and the Black Bone Clan are indeed incomparable. As long as the control can be guaranteed, the unified Black Bone Clan is not something that the Shadow Clan can fight against, not to mention the fact that the Ancient Shadow Clan was wiped out just now. Such a thing.

But people are emotional animals after all, and there is a difference between closeness and distance. After taking care of the Shadow Clan, Chu Xia already has feelings: "The assassination ability of the Shadow Clan cannot be displayed on the frontal battlefield, but it is an important ability that can turn the tide of the battle. We can't just give up!"

(Then what should we do now?) Kong Huan was a little distressed, (Fighting, even the best result, is just a lose-lose; if you don’t fight, the Shadow Clan who just got it may be out of control, and the difficulty of controlling the Black Bone Clan may also be too much. will rise, not to mention the emotions of Chu Xia and the others within the friend clan.)
(Being a leader is hard work.)
At this time, Mu Wen on the side suddenly said: "Actually, this is not necessarily a bad thing."

Since she will be resigning next year, she has already handed over most of the work to her expected successor, so she has more and more free time, and she is waiting for her complete resignation to start joining the non-Psycho-level energyization experiment.

Seeing that everyone looked over, Mu Wen said: "Think about it, if the Black Bone Race is not allowed to realize our strength, if only a single "History of the Gods" and a few people want to promote the culture of the Peng Race, even let them Accepting the leadership of friends is obviously not convincing."

"Besides, everyone, don't forget that the Black Bone Clan also has Youshen-levels, and there are quite a few of them."

In a word, everyone came to their senses. They waited for others to calculate here, and they didn't know whether the other party would buy it or not.

"What about Mu Wen's thoughts?" A group of elders suddenly smiled awkwardly, waiting for Mu Wen's explanation.

"It's not an idea." It seems that the busyness brought by the position of the patriarch is gone, and the wood grain has returned to its former calm, and even regained some playfulness. (In the view of Kong Huan, it is actually the menopause, ga=.=)

Blinking his eyes, Mu Wen said with a smile: "It is to let the Shadow Clan and the Black Bone Clan fight. There are several countries within the Black Bone Clan. It is impossible for all countries to wipe out the Ancient Shadow Clan."

"So, as long as the Shadow Clan understands the situation and defeats the country that attacked the Ancient Shadow Clan, then both sides will have a step down, so we can talk about things, right?"

"That's true." After thinking for a while, Kong Huan's eyes lit up, and he added: "During the war, our friends can still send some of our high-end combat power to help the Shadow Clan in the name of God's aid. On the one hand, it will allow the Black Bone Clan to see our strength and exercise our war capabilities; on the other hand, it can retain most of the Shadow Clan's strength, and at the same time, it can further deter the Shadow Clan."

"That's it," Mu Wen and Kong Huan sang together, which obviously made everyone find it interesting: "The Shadow Clan doesn't even have a Youshen-level now, and according to what Master Kongling said, it should be the same as the Dunjia Clan, which is the number one on the planet. A second-tier civilized race."

"However, the Shadow Clan happens to have the assassination ability to break the balance, so facing the Black Bone Clan whose overall theoretical strength is not weaker than ours, they are also capable of fighting. However, this is when they take the initiative, and , we really need to take protective measures. This incident of the Ancient Shadow Clan is a lesson, but it is a pity that the details are no longer clear."

This is also impossible. Although Croza told the president of the ShadowClan church everything he knew, and the president also told Thor in detail, but Croza was only one person after all. He is not the clearest about the cause and the specific process.

But through Croza's narration, everyone in the Shadow Clan at least clearly realized that the gap between legion combat and independent individual combat is more effective than how many times the Peng Clan said it. After all, even if Thor explained it, they only believed it, not understood it. , but the Ancient Shadow Clan is a good example.

After thinking for a while, Chu Xia said: "The problem with the legion is that although the tactics of the Warhammer tribe where Croza belongs are good, they are still too monotonous. It can only be said to be a development direction, but it cannot replace the countless years of development. Sneak assassination."

"Moreover, there may not be many people in the Shadow Clan who agree with this method of warfare."

"Don't worry too much about this," Dark Blood nodded and said: "The military academy is discussing the formation mode of the Shadow Clan Legion that combines the existing Shadow Clan tactics and components. In order to understand the situation in detail, the Military Academy has three The name is God (soul-level peak) to the Shadow Clan."

"That's good." Nodding, Kong fantasized and felt that there was nothing to add, and turned to look at 8051: "Speaking of which, little 8, how is the will of the planet recently?"


"Ah! Stop it, okay! It's 8051, gah."

With a cold snort, 8051 thought about it, but his tone became a little confused.

"Speaking of which, the self-consciousness of the planet's will should have been formed recently, but it doesn't appear to have withdrawn from the formation of the planet's will and self-consciousness at all..."

"What's going on here?" In this regard, only 8051 understood the situation, and the few people around only heard the general idea, so when it came to the details, everyone was at a loss.

"This, I don't know either. 8051 is also deeply confused about the situation at this time." Spreading his hands, the worry in 8051's eyes flashed, but he was also confused.

"Forget it, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge, so you don't have to worry too much about 8051," Chu Xia clapped her hands to stop everyone's further discussion, and then said with a smile: "Didn't I say that the attack of the planet's will is not random? With the support of a huge civilized race like ours, plus the hell butterfly, net rabbit, and 8051 you have worked hard over the years, a little loli just born, there is nothing to worry about."

"Why not Xiao Zhengtai?" Kong Huan asked recklessly.

"Because there are only women here except you, so it must be a loli, ga."

"Uh, well, anyway, Lolita is indeed more loving than Zhengtai," Kong Huan, who had no position, retreated completely: "However, compared to Lolita Zhengtai and others, Chu Xia, 8051, you are all considered Yujie."


Another peaceful day, ga.

(It seems to be digressing again,) Mu Wen looked at the crowd in confusion, tilting her head and thinking.

—————Ubiquitous dividing line—————

The destruction of the Ancient Shadow Clan caused an uproar within the Shadow Clan.

In this era where there is no sense of secrecy, Croza told the president about the situation of the Ancient Shadow Clan during the tour, and it only took two or three days to chat and hang out in various situations, "Only the two of us know" and other situations Next, it spread rapidly on the ShadowClan Plains.

For a time, declarations such as the theory of revenge, the theory of decisive battle, the theory of vigilance, the theory of seeking help, the theory of sobriety, and the theory of solemn declaration were clamoring.

The enthusiasm of the people, of course, irresistibly affected the Shadow Clan Parliament. Although the Shadow Clan did not have a system such as "people vote against, the parliament can be resigned", but the parliament at this time really "represented" ordinary people the presence of will.

Therefore, in the ShadowClan council hall, the proposal of whether to launch a war was basically ignored by everyone, because it didn't need to be discussed at all.

war, for sure.

What's more, even Thor has agreed, and everyone feels that they have psychological support, so they are even more excited.

At this point, the focus of the debate was shifted to when to start the war.

"Judging from what Kroza said, the Ancient Shadow Clan was caught off guard, but they did display some of their strength. However, whether it is the Ancient Shadow Clan or our Shadow Clan, it is the first time for a large army to fight."

On the podium, the president looked at the people below, and continued to report on the situation summarized in the past few days: "We have analyzed the factors between the enemy and the enemy. The enemy is the Legion of the Black Bone Tribe, which has rich experience in ground legion combat. It is estimated that the most What they are good at is fighting in the open plains, which is why when they entered the Black Forest, they had to cut down a large number of trees to form an open area."

"The ancient shadow clan is good at fighting in the forest, but they don't have any experience in legion combat. The only Warhammer troop that can be regarded as a legion can't show its true strength because of the small number of people. When the ancient shadow clan council wakes up, it starts to form a legion Then, he was set on fire by those despicable guys."

Having said that, everyone calmed down.

This fire burned a group, an ancient shadow group consisting of more than 8000 shadow people. Regarding this situation, everyone still has some sense of unreality. There are many people who suspect that Croza is lying and deceiving people. .

Therefore, until the reconnaissance team and the reconnaissance team sent out according to Kroza's instructions return after Kroza wakes up, doubts about Kroza will not decrease.

But the council is responsible for the 3.2 compatriots on the entire ShadowClan Plains, so pre-war preparations are essential.

What's more, regardless of whether Croza lied or not, it is also in the plan of the friends to let the Shadow Clan master a certain amount of legion battle ability.

After everyone missed their old friends from the past, the president continued to speak.

"The problem we are facing now is that our life has improved a lot, but in terms of combat, except for the high-quality weapons traded by friends, the fighting concept is no different from that of the Ancient Shadow Clan."

Seriously looking at the crowd, the chairman shook his head helplessly, and turned the topic to a member of parliament beside him.

Although the Shadow Clan is a scattered parliamentary system, almost every member is fully managed, but with the development of the ethnic group system, more and more things need to be managed. Sometimes, there will be members who are better at a certain aspect by default. Make a statement on this.

This kind of situation is called "system division of labor" by the social system researchers of the Pengzu. The whole process is carried out imperceptibly. Even the chairman is not exempt from the fact that a member of the council publishes a certain aspect of the situation.

For this change, the Pengzu did not interfere in any way, because this is a good research example. After all, the reform of the Pengzu is too fast, and many details need to be referred to by other species.

Standing up, he was obviously a member of parliament who is good at military affairs (in fact, in ShadowClan, he is only good at combat organization). He got up and nodded to everyone, then looked at Crowe who was sitting in a corner, looking at everyone calmly. Sarah, speak directly.

"Until now, because of the blessing of the gods, we have no major enemies. All people are aiming to develop their own assassination capabilities."

"But now! Through the matter of the Ancient Shadow Clan, we have seen our flaws, and that is the legion battle."

"No matter how strong an individual is, one person can defeat thirty people, but ten people may not necessarily be able to defeat three hundred people, but an army battle is based on a scale of more than a thousand people."

"Therefore, our suggestion is to start training a legion-level force composed of members with high combat effectiveness of the ethnic group now, as a combat force with the characteristics of the Shadow Clan."

"The current situation is whether this army adopts the warhammer mode or the stealth mode."

In fact, the discussion on the tactics didn't take long. No matter how good the Warhammer tactics were in Croza's mouth, members of the council would not admit it without seeing it with their own eyes.

The next day, three peak soul-level members of the Pengzu Military Academy, who had accepted the title of God, came to ShadowClan and began to join the discussion.

And with Peng Ling's five-year war as a foundation, plus the illusory previous military knowledge of Dark Blood's memories, combined with the experience of transforming the Peng Clan team and the Dunjia Clan Legion, the three gods, at least in terms of theoretical knowledge, have never been better than these. The Shadow Clan people who have fought in the legion battle are several times stronger.

What's more, it is now AD 24, who can become a member of the Military Academy, who has performed well in the Pengling War? In terms of war experience, Croza, who has only participated in a frontal battle with a disparity between the enemy and us , is completely incomparable.

After more than half a month, the discussion was basically over.

The decision of the Shadow Clan Council was to establish two legions:
One of them is a regular legion, with the racial standard feature [Sneak Assassination] as the concept of tactics, because the combat ability of the members is not bad, so there is no need to pay too much attention to combat training, the main thing is to practice frontal combat and mutual cooperation, and can quickly Into the army.

The other is a weakened experimental army, composed of specially selected members, based on the warhammer tribe's [close combat] combat method concept, but because it is a new concept, it may take time to train into an army, early Crowe Sarah said that it took half a year for the 300-man army he led at the time to barely look alike.

But now there is a problem that this experimental army may have some difficulties in recruiting personnel, because no one is willing to hand over their own men to the uncertain Croza to lead.Chief among these is that Croza is barely 20 years old.

"I don't need to be a legion commander, as long as I can kill the black bone ape, that's enough!"

Seeing the quarrel in the parliament, Croza could only stand up and express his position first.

Croza is not the protagonist of YY, even if the president waits for the older generation to care for him, but he is not a member of Shadow Clan after all.

After coming here, the situation has been much better than what Croho and the others said, and they are likely to encounter difficult situations. Both the president and others are very kind to themselves, but this kindness has a limit.

Croza knew the key to this, so in order for the Warhammer Legion to be formed smoothly, he had to adopt an attitude that not only allowed others to trust him, but also allowed him to participate in the battle.

"Yes," the president responded. He thought for a while and said, "Although the legion is composed of experience components brought by Krosa, the members who are formed are not familiar with Krosa after all, so let Akagi be in charge. As the instructor of the legion, Croza is responsible for the usual training, and the commanders of the legion must receive military instruction from the Lord of God."

"Yes," nodded, Croza and another member stood up from their seats.

Turning his head to look at this sturdy Shadow Clan member who looked a little different from a Shadow Clan member, the corners of Croza's eyes twitched infrequently, and he was inexplicably sad about his future development, but he still restrained his emotions effectively , sat down obediently.

"So, basically..."

"President, I have a proposal."

"Huh? It's... Shadow Song, please tell me."

Because many new faces have been put on after the reorganization, Yingge, a member who has been guarding the position for a long time due to lack of stealth ability, could not be a member of the council in the past.

But now, because of his good popularity within the tribe, he entered the parliament in the new election.

But after all, it wasn't that long, and those who knew him in the council were just a few good friends back then.

"President, I propose to upgrade the guardian force to an experimental legion."

Yingge clearly realized that this was a good opportunity. At this time, due to the problems of the Black Bone Clan, the Shadow Clan established two legions at once. Although there was only one regular legion, it also represented the strength of the Shadow Clan's military system. change.

And if it is really calculated carefully, the guardian is the first real army of the Shadow Clan, but the number is too small, and the status of the members is not high, so it has not been recognized, but Yingge doesn't want to be like this.

Only when Guardian can become a test army like Warhammer, it means that the profession of Guardian has been recognized in Shadow Clan.

Therefore, it is impossible for Shadow Clan, as the guardian founder, not to seize this good opportunity.

"Here, Senator Shadowsong, please tell me your reason." Even the president is inevitably influenced by his previous ideas, but the guard created by the guards in front of him has performed well recently, and he is God's chosen member, so the chairman will not directly refute it.

"The two legions are both offensive troops, and they can indeed show the strength of our Shadow Clan to the world. But Lord Lei Shen said that it will be easy to break after just one day. If one day, our Shadow Clan retreats like the Ancient Shadow Clan When there is no way to retreat, a defense-oriented force is needed to block the enemy's attack and buy time for the people."

Seeing the hesitation on everyone's faces, Yingge hurriedly added: "Think about it, everyone, if there are defensive troops like guards to stop the opponent when the Black Bone Clan is attacking the Ancient Shadow Clan, then no matter whether you choose to attack or train It will be smoother for the troops to attack later, or to transfer the whole family."

"This..." The president turned his head to look at the rest of the council members. Both Chi Ying and Zhong Wei belonged to the superior councilors now, and with their identities as God's Chosen, they also supported Yingge, while the other councilors seemed a bit complicated. up.

The concept given to everyone by the guards for a long time is that they are composed of members who lack strength. To put it bluntly, they are professions used to discard useless things.

But the problem is that the current facts have proved that one does not have to be good at stealth to be considered good at it.Whether it was the Dunjia tribe that appeared briefly last time, the Peng tribe led by powerful gods, or the Black Bone tribe that destroyed the Ancient Shadow tribe, they were not species that were good at stealth.

In other words, the long-standing concept of "stealth determines one's life" has lost its meaning in ShadowClan, not to mention that the Warhammer concept of the Component Test Legion also has no requirements for stealth.

"In principle, I agree, but after all, it belongs to another concept." After thinking for a while, the president said: "Everyone go down and think about it, Yingge, you should do your best to explain the protection, we will discuss this in the next meeting Make a decision."

"Yes!" Yingge nodded happily to everyone, and sat back down again. In Yingge's opinion, this was already the best result.

"Then, this meeting decided that there will be one regular legion-level unit of the Shadow Clan component, one experimental legion, and the meeting will be adjourned."

(End of this chapter)

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