Spore Story

Chapter 402

Chapter 402
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In April 24 AD, the first batch of three Shadow Clan reconnaissance teams that went to the south to patrol returned, and the secretly protected God also returned to Xiaoshu Military Camp with his own information, and at the same time sent encrypted information to the return camp through magnetic field communication At Chu Xia's place in Pengcheng.

"... They found a huge open area in that forest, with extremely wide roads connecting the north and the south. The overall appearance is a line with a large bulge in the middle, dividing the entire Black Forest into two. There are no Shadow Clan people, only Black Bone Clan people."

"In terms of population, it seems that there are only more than 1000 people, but there are more than 6000 military troops. This is probably the garrison of that country, similar to the situation of our three fortresses."

"In addition, during ten consecutive days of surveillance, apart from opening up the northern channel and continuously adding troops, they are also expanding the area of ​​the Black Forest Clearance. It seems that they plan to turn the entire Black Forest into a plain."

"The perception of the gods shows that there are at least ten Shishen who are around the middle of the soul level. Whether there are true gods of the Youshen level, because the gods only have the strength of the peak soul level, so it is not clear."

"The general situation is like this," Yiren, who was the translator, nodded to the several elders present after reporting the information obtained after translation in the paper, then put down the report and turned to leave the elders' house.

"In general, even if there is no further support for the enemy this time, the Shadow Clan will have to face 3000 military troops, while Croza reported that the enemy only has more than [-] people. It is conceivable that this short period In a matter of months, the enemy again received almost doubled support."

"The Shadow Clan is in trouble now, with [-] enemies, generally speaking, they also need the same number of troops."

"But I'm more worried about the strength of the Black Bone Race. Their strength and population are growing too fast."

"Quick, I don't think the Root Zerg is so weak compared to them!"

"Weak you! We're talking about a normal civilized race!"

"Yeah, I got it!"

"Okay, calm down!" Dark Blood gave Kong Huan a dissatisfied look, and then said with a little worry: "Kong Huan, I think our plan to control the Black Bone Race needs to be changed."

"Huh? Why?" Rubbing his head, he complained why he was always an illusion when he was injured, and turned to look at Dark Blood.

Helplessly covering his forehead and sighing, Dark Blood frowned and said: "If you calculate carefully, you can find that the growth of the Black Bone Race is too strong!"

"Think about it, just one country can quickly organize [-] troops, and it's only in one direction. I don't believe that they will not leave troops to guard against other countries, but now the Black Bone Race has at least five True God Kingdoms , adding up must be [-], which is the population of a Shadow Clan, which is still the least."

"But look at our friends, the three major armies and the local armies together only have a strength of around [-] troops. The troops of the entire ethnic group are not even comparable to the troops of a single country of the Black Bone Tribe."

"Dark blood, you don't mean the number of our troops, right? Everyone knows that we are taking the elite route, and the three major teams are all soul-level. What's there to be picky about?"

With a puzzled look on his face, Kong Huan shook his tail and said: "Besides, the team is only a regular force. In an emergency, we can mobilize several times this amount of troops, plus the Dunjia army, the Black Bone tribe, There are simply not enough troops to watch."

"So what I'm talking about now is the issue of the Black Bone Race!"

Dark Blood emphasized his tone a little bit. Although in terms of military ability, she is far superior to Kong Huan due to her accumulated experience, but in many other aspects, the two of them are just as good as each other. They usually quarrel endlessly. Of course, the general result is that Dark Blood The violent resistance ended.

However, since it was a matter of business at this time, both of them were very restrained, and Dark Blood continued.

"I mean, why do you have to make friends with all the civilized races of the Double Moon Star?"

"This..." Thinking about it carefully, everyone present seemed to have never considered such a thing.

Seeing this, Dark Blood already had some foundation in his heart: "After all, there are still about 200 years to fight against the Zerg. Well... it should be about 150 years now, and there is still a little time to take advantage of, so we can just Take this opportunity to completely clean up the civilized race of the entire Double Moon Planet, right?"

These words seemed very domineering. Everyone looked at each other and paid attention to Dark Blood together. Everyone knew that Dark Blood was obviously prepared when he said it at this time.

And Dark Blood also reached into his bosom very cooperatively, and took out a piece of paper full of words.

"Look, this is our analysis of the six major races of Double Moon Star."

"The Sea Clan is separated from our friend Clan by land and sea, and there is not much conflict. In the future, it can be our solid ally in defending against the Zerg's sea attack. Yes, no, we must keep it and choose to form an alliance."

In this regard, everyone nodded in agreement. The Sea Clan and other civilized races of the Double Moon Star exist in two worlds. The Sea Clan cannot survive on land. Similarly, the Peng Clan cannot be active in the ocean. natural allies.

"Of course, it will take some time to communicate with the Sea Clan. Before that, we need to clear the land."

Nodding heavily on the table, Dark Blood said forcefully: "There are five races on land, the Pengling Black Shadow Dun, and the Dunjia Clan. Don't worry at all. They are completely civilized races spawned by the friends. As long as our friends don't do something extremely There is no doubt that both parties can continue to maintain this relationship and go to the universe together.”

"The rest are the Shadow Clan, Black Bone Clan and Spirit Clan."

Having said that, Dark Blood paused.

At this time, everyone also looked a little serious. Among the planetary races, these three enemies are most likely to become friends. Therefore, the research on these three friends has never stopped. Before, 8051 The support of the friends has provided a lot of information for the friends. Even if they are gone now, the friends can still draw useful conclusions based on those situations.

"The Shadow Clan seems to be better than us, and has even become a believer race of Sister Chu Xia, but don't forget that the Shadow Clan is a normal civilized race, and they are united internally. They are a single-species country just like our Friends Clan. .”

"The most important thing is that their brain level is different from that of Dunjia people. They belong to the level of spontaneous development of civilization. They are intelligent creatures. As long as they are, they will have various emotions, like, hate, sustenance, escape, doubt, trust, Jealousy, envy, etc."

"So, it is impossible for us to control the Shadow Clan with religion for a long time. Fortunately, we have never thought about it."

Everyone smiled. Everyone valued the control power of religion, but they all knew the longevity of religion. Even so, the reason why they still respected religion was just to let religion bring benefits to friends before the Zerg was wiped out.

After everyone took a sip of tea with understanding, Dark Blood added: "One more thing to note is that the reproduction rate of the Shadow Clan is also better than that of the Friends Clan. Of course, this is the biggest flaw of the Friends Clan."

"It's impossible, but," he took a sip of the tea, and after putting away his four wings, Dark Blood, who was also in the sad loli form, used his cold and stern eyes, supported by the cute loli's appearance. After scanning the crowd around, he stretched himself.

"The current Shadow Clan is not enough to worry about. Even if they have been trained, their strength is only as strong as that of a Black Bone Clan God Kingdom, or a province of a friend clan. However, stealth, although the spiritual power is invalid, but our friends are not alone. rely on mental strength to eat."

"As long as they are restricted in the future and rely on their racial characteristics, it will be the best weapon against the enemy in the future."

To put it bluntly, Dark Blood did not actually place Shadow Clan in a high position. After all, Shadow Clan's performance so far was indeed not very good. She is a person who speaks with facts.

"I will take care of the Shadow Clan. The purpose now is to strengthen the loyalty of the Shadow Clan. If we can make the Shadow Clan become like the Dunjia Clan, it will be the best situation for us. After all, the potential ability of the Shadow Clan is still feasible. of."

"As for the situation of the Black Bone Clan," Shaking his head, Dark Blood said meaningfully: "I don't want to say anything more. Their growth and development speed are the biggest enemies of our Friends Clan, and they have Based on Chu Xia's reference, it can already be confirmed that the evil god of the Black Bone Clan back then was at the Yin God level!"

Glancing at everyone who knew the situation, Dark Blood said in a deep voice: "So, the threat of the Black Bone Race has exceeded the benefits they may bring to us. I'm afraid we need to make a decision."

"However, the reproductive capacity of the Friends Clan is too low, and although the number of the Shadow Clan and the Dunjia Clan is increasing enough, they are both races of special development, and their individual strength is too poor," said the dark blood's decision. Unnatural fantasy, after thinking for a while, he continued: "According to estimates, they are not even as good as the dogs at the reconnaissance base in a head-to-head battle."

"That's what I want to say too." Proudly puffing out his unusually expectant chest, Dark Blood ignored the hollow and depressed expression, and said with a smile: "The reason why we wanted to befriend the Black Bone Race in the first place was simply because we needed the Black Bone Race." As a grass-roots unit, it is simply cannon fodder for miscellaneous soldiers, which is used to consume a large number of cannon fodder soldiers of the opponent when facing a numerically superior Zerg in the future."

"This is also the key to our friends' decision-making in many aspects now, but!" Blinking his eyes slyly, Dark Blood pulled out another report from his arms: "After the Strategy and Tactics Research Office simulated through the fantasy world, they found that, Our previous decision was not the best."

"Oh," as a result, everyone's interest was immediately raised.

[Strategy and Tactics Research Office] (referred to as the War Research Office) is a research institution under the Military Academy. In the past, it used to analyze all kinds of intelligence and rely on the analysis and discussion of strong analytical researchers to influence high-level strategic decisions and improve strategic and tactical institutions. , was established in 21 AD.

And this year, after the six undead worlds officially entered into operation, and all the dead souls of the whole clan were incorporated into the six undead worlds to prove the effectiveness of the illusion world, the war research room also began to use the simulation function of the illusion world to recruit personnel from various races , Enter this fantasy world to carry out various battle simulations.

Due to confidentiality reasons, the battle research room at this time is only a simulation: Dunjia vs. Eldar, Dunjia vs. Zerg reconnaissance base, friends vs. other tribes.

And because of the good response, the Military Academy is discussing applying this method to the training of the three major teams and even local teams.

However, limited by the number and development direction of illusion makers, the restrictions in this area are still very high.

After all, those who can resist the temptation of dreams are considered a minority among the friends.

In order to apply it to war simulation, as the creator of the environment and the illusion of the enemy, it is necessary to have a high degree of war attainment, an understanding of the enemy, and an understanding of various changes in the environment. requirements.

Therefore, this very tempting situation can only be used as a theoretical research now.

It is because teachers have a deep understanding of the knowledge they teach, especially teachers who can create illusions, so the application of illusions in education is very good.

Now it has just been upgraded to a five-year intermediate school (formerly an extended school). If it is replaced by a fantasy world, it will only take one year to complete the education. This gap almost drives the managers of the Ministry of Education crazy.

Yes, there are not many schools that can afford such a luxury. In the end, it was decided to only carry out fantasy education in classified schools for the time being.

Then, back to business.

"The latest Illusory Realm test report of the War Research Office shows that when fighting against the known Zerg reconnaissance base, the same Shadow Clan, Dunjia Clan, Black Bone Clan, Spirit Clan, and Friends Clan have their own characteristics."

"I won't say much about our friends. It happened once before, and no matter how we behave, we will participate in the war."

"As for the Dunjia tribe, their digging ability can be used as an effective support, but I suspect that they are not even qualified as cannon fodder if they are to fight head-on. However, after all, they belong to a completely different development direction from other tribes, so it cannot be said They are useless."

"As for the Shadow Clan, if they use their speed and assassination ability to the extreme, they can be used to deal with the opponent's leader, place the calcium carbide bomb under research, the stalker who executes the beheading plan, etc. But once they are discovered, they will lose it completely. any ability to resist."

"That is to say, the Shadow Clan is often used as dead soldiers, which has high requirements on the individual abilities, numbers, and loyalty of the Shadow Clan."

"Also, we still don't know if ShadowClan's most threatening toxin will work against the Zerg."

"The performances of the Black Bone Clan and the Spirit Clan are unexpectedly similar. Originally, with the spirit control ability of the Spirit Clan, they should be able to show the ability of killing soldiers, but Chu Xia, who has experience in fighting Zerg Clans, you guys As I said, the Zerg has shielded your ghost-level spiritual power, while the spiritual power of the Spirit Race is similar to that of the Friends, so their abilities are completely restricted in front of the Zerg."

"This seems very terrifying to us, but when you think about it carefully, for an interstellar race, it is impossible for them to travel around the universe without some means of defense. This kind of ability is probably rare and common in cosmic civilizations Therefore, the performance of the spirit race that has abolished their spiritual power is barely equal to that of the black bone race, relying on the powerful ability to control the symbiotic species."

"However, the number of Eldar is completely limited to breeding nests. This can be said to be a weakness, but also an advantage, because as long as there is enough food, they may even explode with a reproductive power similar to that of the Zerg."

"Therefore, the War Research Office believes that there is actually little difference between the Black Bone Race and the Eldar Race against the Zerg Race, but compared to the Black Bone Race, the Spirit Race has a greater effect on us."

Speaking of this, Dark Blood smiled strangely, and used a charcoal pencil to draw heavily on the six races on the white paper.

"Threats to our existence, itself has a rebellious factor and is not easy to control, plus that kind of expansion..."

"The Black Bone Race, it's time to get out."

—————Intermission dividing line—————

"The Black Bone Race, it's time to get out."

What a shocking speech this is, no matter whether it is the people present who have always aimed to make friends with various races in the past, or the dark blood said at this time, in fact, they have never thought about letting a certain double-moon star race out of the game. .

However, under the concept of optimization, a group of researchers in the war research room who have no other concepts at all can use the species of this planet as pawns one by one, carefully select, survive the fittest, and take the development of friends as the premise to eliminate them. Zerg as the goal, with the final victory of the friends as the direction, and finally came to such a conclusion.

After a moment of silence, Mu Wen frowned and asked: "The Black Bone Race is not easy to control, but don't forget that the Spirit Race has fought us for several years, and in terms of the number of ghosts, they even surpass our Friends Race." , so, is it easy to control the spirit race?"

It seems that this question has been expected. In fact, when I first heard the conclusion of the War Research Office, Dark Blood also asked such a question, but the explanation given by the War Research Office is: "The spirit clan is strong outside, but it is nothing to worry about."

The creator of the illusion world in the battle research room rubbed his forehead numbly at that time, and explained to Dark Blood in a quite calm tone: "Although I don't know where the elders and your information come from, after analyzing such a detailed overall spirit race Intelligence, we have discovered the biggest weakness of the Eldar, as long as we can control it, the Eldar is a sharp sword in our hands..."

"Weakness? It is indeed a weakness, and it is a weakness that can be exploited."

Indeed, when they heard the words of the researcher recounted by Dark Blood, everyone nodded in amazement.

"As long as we can grasp this point and achieve effective control, we will not lack grassroots arms, and we will even be able to achieve better development." After thinking about it, Kong Huan had to admit the power of this idea, but thinking of this, Kong Huan Turning his head to look at 8051, the help of 8051 is indispensable for this matter.

"Look at me, such a fun thing, do you think I will refuse? 8051 is very dissatisfied with the illusory distrust."

"Um, how come, I just think 8051 you have worked hard."

"this is nothing."


The results of this meeting were astonishing, so they were asked to keep it secret by the Council of Elders. The most surprising thing is that the Spirit Race, which was thought to be the biggest threat, is actually the existence of the largest auxiliary unit of the Friends Race in the future. And the Black Bone Race...

"That's good! That's the decision!"

After clapping her hands, Chu Xia said with a smile on her face: "As for the Shadow Clan, Dark Blood and I will be in charge. If necessary, we may have to mobilize the three major teams, or even local teams."

"It's nothing," Dark Blood nodded, she didn't know when she had completely turned into a violent loli who pursued war (heavy fog=.=): "After all, this is a war that concerns the future of the entire Double Moon Star, It is impossible for the Shadow Clan alone to deal with the Black Bone Clan, after all, they are not enemies that can be underestimated, so we need to go all out."

"8051 and I will be responsible for the countermeasures of the spirit clan." Kong Huan seemed more interested in this aspect. If the reproductive ability of the clan is improved, we will have a stable grassroots unit."

"Although it is only in the planning stage now, when it succeeds, hehe, the Black Bone Race, the Spirit Race..."

"Shuangyuexing belongs to our friend clan!"

(End of this chapter)

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