Spore Story

Chapter 403 Military Preparations: Friends of the Army

Chapter 403 Military Preparations: Friends of the Army

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The autumn wind was blowing, and for several days in a row, the entire Shadow Clan Plain was full of busy harvesting scenes.

Since purchasing the rice from Pengzu, Yingzu has also begun to like this fragrant rice, coupled with the new iron pot cooking, this food mode has become a new corner of Yingzu's life.

However, the fragrance of the food could not conceal the heavy atmosphere that filled the entire plain.

This day was the Harvest Festival, a day that should belong to joy and harvest, but on the square of the settlement in the center of the ShadowClan Plain, there was a dark crowd standing silently.

Because today is also the day when the Shadow Clan begins to build a regular army, and it is already known that these regular troops will go to the battlefield after the training is completed.

In the center of the square full of corn poles, three groups of different sizes and uniforms stood, while in front of them, members of the council stood sparsely, but on the periphery, nearly ten thousand members of the Shadow Clan Seated faithful onlookers.

In the venue, a loud voice was echoing.

"...Ancient Shadow Clan! Even with the addition of an ancient character, they are still members of our Shadow Clan. Revenge for them is our natural duty, and we cannot shirk it!"

Since the authenticity of the Ancient Shadow Clan was confirmed, the number of people who suspected that Croza was lying has decreased a lot, but there are still people who suspect that Croza is a deserter, but they don’t think much about it. After all, the Shadow Clan is still a favored group. In a unified and gentle world.

Of course, these are minor details.

On the podium, the president was still passionately preaching the reasons for the war, the theory of the war, and the reasons for the war, preparing for the further revenge war of the Shadow Clan.

Things have come to this point, and it is no longer a matter of the Shadow Clan. A few days ago, Lei Shen promised the president that when the Shadow Clan Legion was in crisis, the powerful main team of the Friends Clan and the God Servant Dunjia Legion, will join the battlefield.

Why did Thunder God support the president so much without thinking about it, at least under the belief in Thor, Shadow Clan no longer has any worries.

However, in order to let the people be united and not relax because there is a way out, he did not tell ordinary people about this, and Thor also agreed with this.

This time, the president changed the subject: "I know, some of us think that the situation of the Ancient Shadow Clan is their own fault, and it shouldn't involve the Shadow Clan that has already separated."

When he said this, the president paused, and his sharp eyes swept over everyone.

He noticed that at this moment, the expressions of many people in the venue were shaking, which made him feel helpless.

Sighing, the president knew that this was due to people's partial fantasy. The Shadow Clan people who chose to stay on the plain at the beginning had this kind of temperament to go with the situation. Now that the enemy has been confirmed, they have stayed in that forest. There is no intention to attack for the time being, so there are many opinions that only need to do a good job of defense.

This kind of situation is not uncommon. For these, the president's idea is to completely crush their illusions.

And where are their fantasies?It's 'the Black Bones will not continue to attack', how fragile.

"From the scouting soldiers, everyone should already know that the Black Bone Race Legion has opened two roads in the forest."

Because of the chairman's words, the noisy meeting place calmed down again.

"One! It leads to their own hometown. Now there are a steady stream of black bone men on that road, from their hometown to the former residence of the Ancient Shadow Clan. Obviously, that is not used to go back;"

"Another one! It leads to the north. I want to ask everyone, what is there in the north?" The loud question made everyone look serious.

In the opinion of the president, the ethnic group does not need this kind of boring fantasy, it will only stop people from moving forward.

"North! Turn over two small slopes and walk through a small forest. Even if you walk slowly, ten days! Where can you go in ten days?"

"That's where we stand now! That's our home now!"

Silence all over...

"Now, who else thinks that those black bone men will stop in that black forest? Who else?"

Speaking at this time, the president seemed a little hoarse.

In this era without loudspeaker equipment, it is almost impossible for nearly ten thousand members of the venue to hear his speech. He can only let as many people as possible hear him through his roar, and then let these people speak loudly. According to legend, it spread to the whole audience.

And now, although there are still some people who haven't heard clearly, they can only keep quiet anxiously in this silent situation.

After shattering everyone's illusions, the president nodded in relief as he felt the fighting spirit gradually rising in the arena.

"The following is the arrangement for this legion."

"A total of three legions, one regular legion, and two experimental legions."

Speaking of this, the president looked at the largest Shadow Clan crowd in the center.The Shadow Clan's legion doesn't even have components. Although the selection of personnel has been completed, it's just for them to gather together now. Recalling the Peng Clan team seen in the Friends Clan and the momentum of the Dunjia Clan Legion, the president said Looking forward to it.

However, now is not the time to be distracted.

"The regular legion is organized in groups of three, ten groups are a team, ten teams are a cliff, and five cliffs are a legion. The entire legion consists of a total of 1530 people."

"There is only one regular legion in this component, and it is a regular legion based on the 'lurking assassination' that our family has always inherited as its core tactics. After discussion, we named this legion [Razor], what you have to do, It is as sharp as a razor, cutting the throats of all enemies for Shadow Clan!"

The soldiers in the Razor Legion's unit are mostly middle-aged. They have a wealth of stealth assassination experience. After entering the plain, they have specially practiced the assassination method of the plain. The strongest group of people.

"[Razor]'s first commander, after discussion and decision in the parliament, will be Chi Ying."

After the naturally lively inauguration ceremony, Chi Ying stood in front of the chaotic group of soldiers of the Razor Legion with a serious face. It is easy to set up a frame, but it is a test of ability to train like an arm and a finger.

At this time, although the legion soldiers are powerful individually, they do not have any experience in legion battles and large-scale cooperation. All of these require them to learn and exercise a little bit.

After that, Chi Ying will first enter the fantasy world sent by Thunder God and created by the gods who are good at military affairs. Together with most of the military chiefs, they will conduct military training and training, and at the same time practice the battle between the Shadow Clan and the Black Bone Clan Way.

This was a benefit proposed by Chu Xia. Although she was worried that potential enemies would cultivate experts, Chu Xia scoffed at it.

"Now that we have made the decision to let the Shadow Clan develop into the Dunjia Clan, we need to treat the Shadow Clan as sincerely as we treat the Dunjia Clan, so as to gain the sincerity of the other party. I want to reach the level of Peng Clan and Dunjia Clan."

As for the name Razor, although it makes people want to complain, since it is the wish of Shadow Clan, Friends Clan will not interfere in such a trivial matter.

"The legion of the second component is the experimental legion. The five cliffs of the regular legion are temporarily changed to two cliffs, so there are only 610 people."

"The formation of the experimental legion is to verify the tactics and exercise the ability. After the approval of the parliament, the experimental legion will be upgraded to a regular legion."

Nodding to the audience, who were smaller than the regular legion by half, and made up of a group of curious but a little hesitant young people, the president smiled with satisfaction in his heart.

These young people are the members of the Warhammer Legion that have been assembled in the past few months.

After all, the tactics brought over by the Ancient Shadow Clan are brand new tactics that the Shadow Clan is completely unfamiliar with, so they are mostly pursued by young people who yearn for new things, but when it comes time to confirm their choices, these young people He seemed a little hesitant.

However, this is all normal.

"This legion is based on the experience of the Ancient Shadow Clan when they confronted the black-skeleton man, summed up and proved the effective 'close combat' tactics as the core tactics, after discussion in our council, the legion was named [ Warhammer], you must be as strong as a warhammer and smash all ShadowClan enemies to pieces!"


The chaotic roars became uniform after a few times. Young people are so easy to agitate. When the president introduced the razor, most of the group consisted of middle-aged people with rich combat skills, just exuding a cold war. I mean, although no one doubts their strength, but after all, there are no young people from the Warhammer Legion, so it is more imposing to appear directly like this.

And amidst this uniform roar, the Warhammer Legion has had a cohesive force from this moment. Although it is fragile, it can continue to grow.

Seeing this scene, even Croza, who was not very willing to show his emotions, felt a burst of excitement, while the families of these young people in the periphery were full of pride.

"The first commander of the Warhammer Legion was Akagi."

A certain gorilla-like shadow clansman walked up to the front of the Warhammer Legion with solid and heavy steps amidst the stunned expressions of the crowd, and then raised his hands.

(Is this guy really a Shadow Clan person? Isn’t it some monster who went to the wrong set?) Most Shadow Clan people think so, of course, this can’t stop Akagi’s enthusiasm.

Although this job came to me a little uncomfortable, but after so many years, the strange power is strong but assassinated the weak him, and finally worked hard to this step.

"Roar! Warhammer!" The loud voice shook the atmosphere of the entire venue.

"Warhammer!" His soldiers were satisfied.


"Okay, in the end it's still an experimental legion," rubbing his ears in pain, the president looked at Akagi who jumped excitedly to the front of his troops, nodded friendly to Croza and stood still, the president Nodding with satisfaction: "This experimental unit is based on the concept of 'rock protection', yes, it is indeed a concept, not a method of warfare."

Glancing at the bewildered crowd, the president gave a wry smile.

In fact, the guardian is indeed the first army in the true sense of the Shadow Clan. In terms of qualifications and experience, it will never be just an experimental legion. It's too bad.

In many cases, it is very difficult to change the concept recognized by a group, especially this concept has lasted for an unknown number of years.It's like the "official-oriented" society for thousands of years. When people suddenly talk about democracy, even ordinary people will not recognize it, because they still have the "common sense" of "official-oriented" in their subconscious.

This has led to the fact that in the long history, it is not a matter of time for the people who have been influenced by the common sense that "guards are a settlement for the incompetent" to have a better perception of guards.

What makes the president even more helpless is that Yingge, the reserve commander of the guardian, actually rejected the president's kind intention of "letting the guardian separate from the guardian and appear in a new posture", and insisted on making the guardian an advanced step of the guardian. .

"Young people nowadays are more stubborn than us old men."

Shaking his head imperceptibly, the president continued to speak: "This is a unit named [Guardian]. Everyone knows their origin."

"That's right, it was a [Guard] that we looked down upon in the past and had no stealth ability, but now, in fact, it has been proved that stealth cannot determine everything; the guard is not incompetent."

"The council decided that the guardian's first commander should be the God's Chosen One, the founder of the guardian, Yingsong."

Although everyone still held prejudices against guardians, looking at Yingge standing quietly in front of the Guardian Legion, and those who came from excellent guards, standing neatly one by one, just in terms of momentum or image, These more than 600 people are higher than the other two legions.

Although this took advantage of the army before, it also showed the elite guardians.

Because of this, no one in the room had any dissatisfaction or objection to the fact that 'guarding is an advanced step of guarding'.

The president nodded in satisfaction.

At this time, the three legions announced their establishment one after another, and the main task of the conference was considered completed.

"Well, now, let these boys experience a good harvest festival. Starting tomorrow, the legion will enter the stage of busy farming and slack training. We will use two years to train you into qualified soldiers. Then, You will go to the battlefield, there is the place where you will be trained!"

"Soldiers! Don't disappoint everyone in the ethnic group, the food squeezed out for you!"





——————The dividing line of military preparations—————

At the same time, in the territory of the Pengzu, the transfer of the three major armies and the Dunjia Legion was also going on.

Different from ordinary local teams, although the three major teams add up to only about 1500 people, they are all composed of soul-level players, which determines their strength.

Coupled with the continuous improvement of the cultivation system of the Pengzu, as well as the skills of using spirit, energy, and strength, it can be said that the members of the three major teams are theoretically equal to each other at the same level within the Double Moon Star. Take an overwhelming advantage.

The composition mode of the Dunjia Legion is similar to that of the Shadow Clan Legion, but their main function is to build defensive traps, and even offensive traps. Attacks from the ground will definitely become the enemy's nightmare.

Of course, the Friends of the Clan would not allow the individual strength, the weakest armored person in the double-moon star civilized race, to do such a stupid thing as a frontal battle.

"What is the specific reason for this transfer, do you really not even know the captain?"

The dark blood team is regarded as the elite of the three major teams, and all members have been equipped with various modified models of the newly produced [Minggang Armor] series.

Among the long-range troops, the equipment of the winged troops is still [long-range bows and arrows], but it is also an improved model; while the weapons of the archers of the ground barbarians are replaced by [steel crossbows], which use mass-produced steel arrowheads. Penetration and lethality are far superior to the previous copper arrows.

The sword and shield soldiers in the melee troops are even replaced with the stronger defensive [grid steel shield]. A strong power grid is covered on the ground, allowing attackers to suffer from electric shocks while attacking.The strength and timing of the power grid are determined by the soldiers' energy support.

The sword and shield soldier's weapon is the [Electric Shock Lancet], which was proposed by an imaginative weapon employee and formed by engraving the circuit on the blade like a blood groove.Although it only uses the simplest grid technique, with the offensive nature of the Lancet, it can completely turn the defensive grid technique into an offensive technique.

As for the standard pikemen, needless to say, the weapon that can suddenly release the electric shock technique, even if it is not attacked, as long as it enters a certain distance, it is within the attack range of the [Mingguang gun].

And this Yiren, who is already the third captain of the Darkblood team, knows even more clearly that these weapons are just transitional weapons.

As long as the Technical Bureau combines the newly emerged calcium carbide energy mobilization circuit to produce new energy weapons, then will be the time for the team to truly reborn. Unfortunately, this time cannot be determined.

Turning his head to look at the leader of the cliff, the team leader still shook his head firmly: "When you reach the destination, you will know. This is just a training mission, and we can talk about it after the war."

"Oh." Even though he couldn't get more information, the Cliff leader consciously didn't continue to ask questions.

The three fortresses stationed by the three major armies have not had a war for about ten years. Even though most of the soldiers are still veterans because of the long life of friends, there is no shortage of recruits who will be promoted later.

However, this is not to say that the number of the three major teams is constantly increasing.

Because there are many capable people in the three major armies who are transferring to other industries. For example, the chief officers in the military academy, 70% of them are from the three major armies, and only the remaining 30% are promoted by other armies and local civil servants. up.

"But speaking of it, Captain, I heard that we are going to be allowed to enter a world like the Realm of the Undead to exercise our fighting ability?"

"Where did you hear that?"

"You don't need to listen. Last time, didn't we let our cliff go to that war research room, and then entered that kind of world, and fought with various species?" Recalling the scene at that time, the leader of the cliff It seemed to be terrified: "The other kinds of creatures are okay, it's the kind of big meat ball that spits out a bunch of monsters continuously, it's really hard to beat."

"At that time, if it wasn't for one of us in the cliff to change the tactics, some of them attracted the opponent's large number of troops, and some of them used high-altitude and long-distance launch of that kind of powerful calcium carbide bomb, I am afraid that we would not be able to kill that monster at all."

"Huh? What's the result?" The captain's eyes lit up, and she also remembered what it was when she heard what her subordinates said.But because of the busy work recently, I didn't come to find out the situation in a hurry.

"Tch, if we get out of the way, what can't be destroyed?"

"Ah, let me say, we only lost ten people."

"Ten! So many!"

"Isn't this a loss because I didn't understand the situation at the beginning? If I do it again, I guarantee that I can get rid of that thing without loss!"

"That's good." Thinking of this, the team leader thought for a while that it didn't seem to involve secrecy, so he said with a smile: "Do you know what you are fighting?"

"Those guys didn't say anything, what is it?" Ya Zhang sensed something was wrong.

"Have you heard of the evil moon?"

"..." Ya Zhang, who reacted quickly, was sweating profusely.

"No way."

"Why not? Besides, I heard that what you simulated that time was only the little soldiers."

"What! That's just a soldier! Let me live!"

(End of this chapter)

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