Spore Story

Chapter 404 Military Preparations: Virtual Reality

Chapter 404 Military Preparations: Virtual Reality

Thank you for the rewards of people, ants, and bones~\(≧▽≦)/~
No one can underestimate the simulation function of Huanjie, it is almost a model of "nothing is impossible, only unexpected".

However, no matter how well it is called, it is just a slogan. There is still a big problem with the imaginary world simulated by the friends.

That is, there are many trees on the ground and few animals.

To explain in detail, most of the fantasy worlds of the Pengzu exist: a wide range, a large number of plants, and a small number of living animals.

This is not a limitation of the fantasy world itself, but because of the creators of the fantasy world.

After all, while everything in the fantasy world is controlled by the maker as he pleases, it also places high demands on the control ability of the creator of the fantasy world.

For the static land and plants, the creators of the fantasy world only need to set up one there, and then those who enter it can interfere at will. This belongs to the mysterious category and does not require much control.

But animals are troublesome, because any animal has autonomous consciousness, but it is obviously impossible for the fantasy world to produce a life with autonomous consciousness, otherwise it would be the real world, not the fantasy world.

Apparently no one of the friends is strong enough to create the world.

Therefore, every living animal in the fantasy world needs to be controlled by the creator of the fantasy world, and the greater the number of these animals, the greater the pressure on the creator.

Therefore, in order to save energy, there are generally not many living creatures in the fantasy world. If you see a lot of animals, you can generally conclude that they were changed by the fantasy world users who entered the fantasy world, because the friends are the most powerful now The creator of the fantasy world can only control ten animals at the same time... (Think about a huge world, only ten animals can run, it is better to have none.)
This is the reason why the worlds of the dead seem a little barren,

And some of the lazy gods don't even want to touch the plants, because after a long time, they have to control the growth of the plants.

Of course, this kind of behavior was naturally criticized by Shenting. The reason is that the psychological research team believes that the environment with few plants will cause psychological problems for the souls who enter it, which is not conducive to cultivation.

This limitation of the fantasy world obviously troubled people, especially the people in the Military Academy.

Because, in order to carry out war simulation, a huge amount of simulated enemies is precisely needed, and the pursuit of a real environment, the more realistic the environment, the better the training effect is obviously.

However, nothing is too difficult for intelligent beings.

Smart researchers, after long experiments, finally came up with a tricky method...

Back to the topic
Although the cliff leader guessed something, he obviously didn't know that the way of entering the simulation this time was a bit special.

When the dark blood team entered a valley, the team leader announced that all members should rest.

"Captain, don't you want to send some sentries?"

"No, this time with the shadow team accompanying them, they are the best sentry." Pointing to the shadow group floating around the team, the team leader said with a twinkle in his eyes.

However, as an original person, Yachang, even at the soul level, can barely feel the floating dark voice team members.

After thinking about it, he also had to admit that these members of the soul-level dark voice team who did not eat, drink, or sleep, and returned to reality after breaking through the world of souls, were indeed the best sentries, and they could do well even if they specialized in spiritual power. early warning.

"Okay, let's all have a good rest."

Smiling and nodding, the members of the entire team prepared their own sundries one after another, and then looked for a suitable position. While sensing the sense of security provided by those floating companions, they fell asleep in their clothes.

After midnight, all team members fell asleep.

At this moment, a Winged Man flew from far to near in the sky. He used his mental power to protect a huge number of curious souls. Make a sound.

The captain looked at the dead souls behind the other party. Although he could recognize them as friends, these souls felt a little different to the captain, but she couldn't tell what the difference was.

"Captain, please check."

"Well," I carefully confirmed the specific situation of the person in front of me with the magnetic sense, and I have already recognized the identity of the person. After confirming the identity of the member in front of me through the magnetic field communication to Pengcheng and other places, and finally checked the certificate on the other party, The team leader put on a gentle smile and nodded, and said with emotion: "This month, all of us will leave it to you."

"The captain is joking, but don't worry, we will do our best to train you, and please don't interfere too much with the world, the captain. My strength is not as strong as yours."

"Haha, don't worry about this, then, let's start."



On December 24, AD 12, it was sunny.

Gently opened his eyes, although he felt very helpless when the dawn suddenly dawned while he was still dreaming just now, as the leader of the glorious dark blood team, Truman is not a person who does not know the importance.

Rubbing his face, he looked around carefully. The friends of the Shadow Team were still patrolling steadily. After conveying his kindness to each other, Truman straightened up.

"Why does it feel a little abnormal?"

After thinking about it, Truman, who still didn't notice anything, got up and woke up his captains one by one, and the captains who woke up also started to wake up the team leaders one by one. Of course, he also asked the soldiers to get up quickly.

"Emergency assembly!"

The loud roar of the team leader woke up all the team members who were still half asleep. No matter how arrogant they are usually, under this unintimidating roar, they scrambled to arrange their weapons and clothes. , Stand where the team leader is, and wait for the order.

(What's the matter?) Truman, who was at the front of the team, didn't understand. Isn't he just marching now?Could it be that the team leader suddenly wants to exercise everyone's marching ability?
But soon, the team leader solved everyone's doubts. She glanced at everyone seriously, and then asked, "Everyone knows that there is a race to the south of us called the Shadow Clan, right?"


The momentum of hundreds of people answering in unison is very high. Usually in the wild, this kind of momentum would startle some animals, but to Truman's surprise, there was no response here, and most of the people were watching the team on the stage. Long, no such abnormality was found.

(Could it be that the animals had been scared away, or that the Shadowtroopers had dispersed them, perhaps.)
(But the Shadow Clan? It seems to be the race that believes in the head teacher of Chu Xia. I heard that the assassination ability is quite strong.) After searching for the memory of the Shadow Clan in his impression, Truman did not move extra, but continued to listen.

"They also have a branch called the Ancient Shadow Clan with a population of [-]. Then just a few months ago, this Ancient Shadow Clan was destroyed by a race called the Black Bone Clan."

After a pause, the team leader looked at the soldiers in the team whose faces changed suddenly, nodded and said, "The soldiers from Xinzhong City among us should have already thought of something, and what I want to say now is!"

Without waiting for the soldiers to ask each other, a trace of indignation appeared on the face of the captain: "Just a few days ago, this arrogant race unexpectedly attacked our southern border in batches and destroyed three of our villages in a huge number. !"


Truman was startled. After so many years, Pengzu was provoked again.

But after a moment of panic, Truman suddenly became full of fighting spirit. He recalled the powerless spirit clansmen he saw when he joined the dark blood team at the end of the war. His blood boiled immediately.

In the front, after boosting everyone's morale, the team leader began to assign tasks.

September 12, overcast.

It is very depressing that the cliff where Truman is located has received a mission to be stationed in a small village in the south.

For this, he was obviously very helpless of course. The other teams joined the attacking force, but his own cliff had to stay behind. What's the matter?
But since it was a task, he had to do it well. This was also the military discipline and soul of the Dark Blood Squadron.

In the morning, after assigning tasks to his ten teams, Truman came to the village chief's office.

"Master Truman, everything is going well."

The old village chief didn't seem to be worried about the enemy's attack at all, but this reaction did not arouse Truman's suspicion. This was the normal reaction of most of the Peng clan.

And the stability of the villagers also made Truman very happy, because it represented their trust in their troops, and at the same time, it would make it easier for him to organize the evacuation of the villagers when they came into contact with the enemy.

"It's nothing, uncle, don't call me lord, just call him Truman, it's embarrassing to call him that, haha."


Smiling and shaking his head, the village chief brought up the lunch. These foods are all grains stored in war preparation warehouses in various places. As for the meat and vegetables that cannot be kept fresh, they are traded from the grain after opening the war preparation warehouses. Or it was purchased uniformly with military funds issued by the government.

In this regard, Pengzu has strict requirements, but no matter how strict they are, they can't stop people's hearts.

Just like at this time, the village head brought a large plate of barbecued game, which was said to be baked by the old man himself.

After thinking for a while that he couldn't refuse the old man's kindness, Truman chose to accept it. However, when he turned his head and asked several captains to come and taste it together, he didn't notice the glint in the old man's eyes.

The meal was incomparably delicious, and the grilled meat with various seasonings almost caused several people to swallow their tongues. Among them, the grilled meat was the most credited.

When leaving, the old man also packed some barbecue meat and gave it to Truman. Truman didn't refuse. After leaving like this, he happily led everyone away.

Turning his head away, the old man's expression was a little helpless.

But at this time, his little grandson, who was mischievous at the dinner table before, looked at the old man with mocking and gratifying eyes like an adult, and then pointed to the dining table.

Dozens of copper coins were neatly stacked beside the rice bowl on the table.

September 12, rain.

After being bored in the small village for several days, listening to all kinds of victory or defeat information from his front-line teammates every day, the soldiers on the cliff where Truman was located were a little ready to move, and in this rainy weather, Truman also seemed a little irritable.

"When will we be able to go to the battlefield?"

Since coming to this small village, the only battle was actually three flying dragons rushing into the village together, intending to steal and eat the raised meat ball beast, but they were easily shot by Truman who happened to be passing by with three flying arrows Just shot it down.

Because of this, Truman has been harassed several times by some pretty girls in the village these days.

God knows where there are so many beautiful girls in a small border village, which made Truman's heart a little soft.

Fortunately, more than ten years of main team training kept Truman awake, and with the coolness of this rainy day, he began to think about the whole battle situation.

Official information is not kept secret about their Yachang level. They may only be considered mayor level in normal times, but during the war, they were temporarily promoted to senior officials, so the information they know is basically complete.

According to the intelligence, when fighting against the Black-Bone Race Legion at the very beginning, because of some misconceptions, the Peng Clan's team was often defeated by the Black-Bone Race's strange jumping power and arm strength, as well as various weapons such as flying spears. There were major casualties.

Among them, the winged people were even more sad. At the beginning of the war, they fell into the enemy's scheme, because they miscalculated the black bone clan's air attack ability, and were stabbed by a huge number of flying spears because they leaned too close to the ground in large-scale battles. Among them, hundreds of wingmen were lost at one time.

"How long do you have to wait?"

Due to the gradual stabilization of the Pengzu army, the battle line has begun to move southward. That is to say, the small village where Truman is located is now starting to move away from the battlefield.

September 13, sunny

After finally ending his garrison career, Chumenya began to turn to the front line. It is said that the Black Bone Clan has begun to retreat.

"Could it be that we just follow behind to pick up cheap lives?" A captain's complaint echoed in Truman's ears, making him unable to calm down.

However, although he was unwilling, Truman was very happy to finally be able to leave this small village. God knows why there are so many miscellaneous situations in such a small village.

Truman even felt that his life in this small village was subject to 30% inspection of the "Regulations on Civil-Military Relations".

"God, this is torture."

"Sure enough, reality is the best test."

Truman, who said this, obviously didn't know that when he and others left the small village for a certain distance, the villagers inside suddenly disappeared without a trace, and even the houses in the small village and the meatball beasts disappeared without a trace. They are all the same.

(The souls of the dead who were forced to play the meat ball beast drifted away~~)
Fog, April 13

It's easy to get lost on a foggy day, but that's only for the Dunjia people and some weak original people. With the ability of magnetic field induction, which can sense the direction of the entire planet, all elite team members have How can I get lost?

Therefore, a force of 101 people is still marching forward neatly.

"The result is still running behind."

"What are you complaining about? Make a good warning. Even if it's the rear, we have to treat him as the front line!"


Because of the lack of fighting, Truman, who was not reconciled, asked everyone to march in the enemy's territory, and sent a team of scattered investigation troops around. Several captains and himself were connected to the spiritual connection, and the captain connected the soldiers. , everyone scanned the surroundings with mental power at the same time, and the whole cliff was like a whole.

Under such a tight defense, it is impossible for even a hairball to enter the team's range.

September 13, sunny

There is a limit to how you persist.

After marching for three days, I followed the team in front of me to pick up bargains, but in the end, except for some ruined buildings, the people who didn't even see a living black-skeleton man, they didn't have any mood for war and marching. They walked on the road like an outing. On the table, chatting about topics of interest.

"Ya Zhang, we are the main team, so why don't we just do this kind of work, and even if we don't get laughed at when we go back, I'll be ashamed to see others."

"Shut up! Do you fucking think I want to? But this thing is an order!"


Stunned speechless by the 'order', the complaining captain backed away grumbling gloomily.

(Why didn't I think so?) Shaking his head and sighing, Truman habitually used the scanning mode to radiate the mental power distributed within a range of tens of meters around his body, scanning the surrounding area of ​​one kilometer.

Suddenly, he was startled.

"Everyone is on alert! Circle formation! Winged people take off!"

"Captain, why..."

"Shut up! Listen to orders!"

Xu Shi saw their actions, and the ambushes discovered by Truman appeared from the ambush site one after another, and then flying spears fell from the sky all over the sky.

Seeing this scene, Truman shouted hoarsely: "Raise the shield! Air defense!"

The soldiers were not fools either, they raised their shields when they saw this scene, and the soldiers without shields hid under the shields of their companions after a little panic. Let people just be able to hide in the shield, and there is still a lot of free space.

The crackling sound stirred the hearts of the soldiers, but Truman only moved slightly, "Why are there enemy troops behind the battle line?" ' Doubt, quickly suppress it.

At this point, if you don't deal with these enemies or flee with your troops, it's useless to think about it.

Fortunately, most of the flying spears were made of wood, and the steel shields defended well against these attacks. Only a few unlucky ghosts were stabbed by the flying spears piercing through the gaps, but none of them were serious.

But at this time the battle has just begun.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to defend against the flying spears, Truman asked the captains to use their mental strength to confirm the surrounding situation. The moment the flying spears flying in the sky were about to fall, Truman shouted: "Team 3, Team 4 defend the East! Team 1 , 7 teams defending the north! 9 teams and 10 teams defending the south, the whole army breaks through to the west!"

As the last flying spear fell, the soldiers raised their shields to protect their injured teammates, and began to attack the black bone men in the western mountains under the high-altitude raid of the Wingman team, while the second wave of flying spears and stones They also began to attack friends who were close to the foot of the mountain, and casualties began to appear.

"Damn it! The Wingman team first attacked the bastard who threw stones in the west!"

However, Black Bone Fang was obviously a little surprised by the fact that he gave up the unobstructed north-south passage and focused on one side of the hillside.

Truman, who had trained for a long time, would obviously not let this opportunity pass.

"Breakthrough at high altitude! The Wingmen use their longbows to attack the western hillside to stop our enemies. Teams 1, 2, 3, and 4 form a defense line in the east. The rest of us will climb the mountain for me!"


The black-boned men seemed to have changed their tactics quickly, and a large number of troops suddenly rushed out from the south and north. Some of them attacked the team in the middle from both ends of the passage, and some began to climb the west slope. The intention is to support the black-skeleton army that is already in trouble in the west under the attack of the winged men.

At this time, there were no less than a thousand soldiers in the Black Bones Legion, but there were only 101 soldiers in Chumenya.

Although the nearest troops were urgently notified by magnetic field communication, they replied that it would take more than half a day to arrive, and the number of the other party was no more than that of Truman Cliff.

"Damn it! All the Wingmen are lifted into the air, and the original people are in battle formation, breaking out to the south!"

Reviewing before the exam is like losing strength...

ask for support

(End of this chapter)

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