Spore Story

Chapter 405 Military Preparations: Illusionary Exercises

Chapter 405 Military Preparations: Illusionary Exercises

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On December 24, 12 AD, the meeting hall of Pengcheng Military Academy

The original Military Academy was located in the center of Pengcheng together with the Executive Yuan Law Court of the Elderly Court, but now, there is only a busy square left, and only the Elderly Court remains there, while the Executive Yuan and the Law Court moved to outer city.

After a major renovation in 22, the Military Academy also moved to the new administrative area of ​​the outer city.

As for the reason for this overhaul, it is quite speechless.

At that time, a group of high-level military officers were visiting the calcium carbide bomb test conducted by two researchers at the Military Academy. This should have been a dangerous test in the Technology Bureau, but it was forcibly closed because the test site of the Technology Bureau was being used by an illusory research model. , plus the guys at the Military Academy were eager to appreciate the power of the bomb.

As a result, of course, this calcium carbide bomb, which was not weaker than an ordinary energy core explosion, swallowed half of the military academy due to a miscalculation, and most of the remaining buildings were also unable to be used due to structural problems.

The biggest loss, of course, lies in two of the researchers (also their own calculations were wrong), because they were too close, one of them was half paralyzed, and they had to face the review of the Technical Bureau; As for the rest, this is An Sheng; as for those officials of the military academy who were impatient, they were of course dragged to work in the quarry by the impatient law court. Recently, there is a shortage of worker resources there.

Because of this incident, the military academy had to undergo major repairs, and the requirements for test safety were once again strengthened.

In order not to fall into the trap of reality, Konghuan also transferred all of his research projects to the building complex specially built on Mount Ga, which can be regarded as a residence specially provided for Konghuan's "special research team".

Of course, as long as it reaches a certain level, it can be found that the members of this group are all temporary except for illusion.

However, after this overhaul, the military academy suddenly took on a new look.

Using the latest integral modular building method, the new military academy has formed a large-scale building area that integrates various dormitory areas, work areas, training areas, test areas, etc., and its scale is comparable to that of a large village.

Of course, because of land issues, it was moved to the outer city of Pengcheng along with the trend, and became neighbors with the new Executive Yuan and Law Court.

And the current spacious conference hall was also built at that time.

At this time, the natural light reflected by various mirrors illuminated the conference hall in the open air. Dozens of senior officials of the Military Academy were sitting around several sand tables, most of which were shaking from time to time. The magnetic field of the body eliminates the clutter of magnetic field communication, and at the same time receives the information of the connected area, and asks the recorder beside him to convert his dictation into text and sort it out.

At this time, a loud voice came from a wingman on one side of the hall.

"The purpose of the pre-war confrontation exercise is to test the combat capabilities of our various units. Although only 1/5 of it has been carried out now, judging from the various information obtained, this test is very successful."

Before everyone could smile, the other party's conversation suddenly changed: "However, success does not mean joy!"

With a bang, a stack of documents fell heavily on the wooden table, shaking the whole bodies of the officers of the surrounding troops.

"The results revealed this time are completely unsatisfactory!"

"As the makers of the training plans of the various troops and the proposers of the campaign plan, I hope you will think about it carefully, why is this happening!"

Slowly sitting on the hardwood chair behind her, Longyue looked at the reported 'results' in front of her, without any attempt to conceal her displeasure.

Generally speaking, the first time is the most important when using the fantasy world to test military results.

Because, for the vast majority of soldiers trained in the fantasy world, only the first performance can be considered real.

Even if they enter the illusion world again in the future, because their first experience is at the bottom, they often perform better than usual because of their clear understanding of the illusion world, but it is difficult for people to analyze it, because they know the illusion world. This is because they can't die, or are they really improving.

Moreover, too many times of entering the fantasy world may cause soldiers to confuse the fantasy world with the real world (after all, the pursuit of war simulation is reality), resulting in heavy losses due to misjudgments on the real battlefield. Therefore, soldiers use In the fantasy world of war, the number of real simulated battles should not be too much.

For the same reason, when a soldier enters the fantasy world for the first time, his superiors generally do not inform him of the situation in order to test the opponent's real achievements.

As for the subsequent trials in the illusion world, they must be notified in advance, and they must be mentally prepared, so as to prevent soldiers from falling into delusions because they can't tell the truth from the false.

In other words, except for the first time, the following trials in the fantasy world of war are only used as absolute skill training.

"No matter how real the game is, as long as the soldiers know that it is a game, it is absolutely impossible to achieve the effect of actual combat." This was made by Dark Blood when a member of the military academy proposed to use fantasy world to completely replace actual combat to train soldiers answer.

This is a major limitation of the fantasy world of war in military training.

However, there are no such restrictions for teaching fantasy worlds, because those fantasy worlds are for teaching knowledge. It's weird.

Back to the topic
After Longyue lost her temper, Dark Blood, who was sitting on the sidelines watching, looked thoughtfully at the situations of the various exercise battlefields simulated on the sand table.

Although it is impossible to contact the outside world after the illusion maker opens the illusion world, soldiers who die in the illusion world will be forced out of the illusion world by the creator according to the original arrangement.The observers who are waiting beside these soldiers in the real world can learn about the specific conditions of various battlefields through the soldiers who wake up because of 'death'.

Even if you don't pass through these dead soldiers, every half a day, illusion makers from all over the world will pop up a ghost who is used to perform as an NPC in the illusion. This ghost remembers the situation of the entire battlefield and can pass through the observer's magnetic field. Communication capabilities, reporting the overall battlefield situation to the Military Academy.

At this time, on several large sand tables, the military information obtained by sorting out the information of "communication ghosts" and "dead soldiers" was marked.

"Longyue, this is actually a good thing, isn't it?"

Putting aside the statistics of the results of the fifth day of training, Dark Blood leisurely drank the tea in the cup, looked at the depressed Long Yue, smiled and said: "At least these problems were discovered by us before the war. Yes, if it broke out in a war situation, I'm afraid it wouldn't be the loss of 700 people in the five days above."

"And now, as long as we make improvements to the exposed problems, and then sum up the lessons of this simulation, then, when we really fight in the future, we don't have to worry too much, do we?"

"What's more, through the simulations of the past few days, many soldiers have begun to transform into veterans. This is the best phenomenon."

Hearing the dark blood's words, the tense officers of the military academy around them also breathed a sigh of relief. There are indeed many problems exposed, such as various situations caused by sudden wars, confusion, harassment of the people, collapse of the battlefield...etc. , even these chief officials feel incredible.

How can the soldiers who are so strong in training and shouting that Lao Tzu is the best in the world every day, be so unbearable in actual combat? Of course, this is just an exaggerated metaphor.

Fortunately, the 'alive' guys have learned 'what is real war' through war.

What's even more fortunate is that this war is only simulated, so sacrificing 700 people for these valuable experiences is just kicked out of this 'war world', which is obviously worth it.

But hearing what Dark Blood said, Long Yue still couldn't turn the corner.

She turned to one of the battle reports, pointed to the words on it and said excitedly: "Master Dark Blood, that's what I said, but these reports really make people speechless."

"Look, for example, this Chumenya, who performed very well in the small village before, only a few soldiers under his command didn't react well, harassing the common people and so on, and still got a high-ranking military-civilian relationship evaluation;"

"After leaving the small village, their performance in the past few days is also considered remarkable, and their evaluation is also an upper-middle evaluation of marching."


After knocking heavily on the table, Longyue glanced at the military chiefs who were working.

Although the magnetic fields of these people fluctuate from time to time, indicating that they are receiving reports from all over the world, it is obvious that these people are still listening to Long Yue's words, because when Long Yue knocked hard, these guys trembled very unscrupulously shook.

"This Truman Cliff, without any scans, any checks, or any inquiries, recklessly entered the ambush terrain. Looking at their formation, it is completely outing. This is a typical 3 minutes heat!"

"If it wasn't for that Cliff Chief who accidentally swept his head with his mental strength, he might be hit on the head by someone else, and he still doesn't know where the stone flew from!"

Hearing this, Dark Blood also shook his head in distress.

In fact, this kind of situation was not uncommon in the first few days of the performance, and this Chumenya, because it belonged to the unit that checked the military-civilian relationship in advance, joined the battle late, just in time for this day.

And it just so happened that the troops participating in the front had matured a lot because of the experience of the five-day war; while the troops behind hadn't shown it for the time being because they hadn't encountered the enemy.

Therefore, this unlucky Trumen Cliff became the benchmark for the fifth day, but unfortunately it was the lower limit.

"There were 101 people in the whole cliff. After the battle, only 21 winged men escaped, and the rest were all wiped out. 211 black-skeleton men were eliminated."

Putting the battle report on the table, Longyue breathed a sigh of relief, and then said in a gentle tone: "Of course, although some of them did not perform well, the calmness of this Cliff leader before the battle is still remarkable. It's good. I can give this cliff chief a moderate evaluation on his response to battle."

The dignified atmosphere calmed down slightly because of Long Yue's behavior, and Dark Blood nodded in relief, continuing to taste the tea in his mouth.

No matter how you say, this Chumenya is from his own old army, and if he behaves like this, Dark Blood himself is more or less embarrassing.Looking at Longyue's current performance, she has begun to mature, which is a good thing for the friends who are about to enter the period of all-out war.

Thinking of this, Dark Blood doesn't intend to stay bored here any longer. Now that he has retired, he must fulfill his duties as an elder and not interfere with these juniors.

Standing up, Dark Blood nodded to Long Yue, and then looked at the chief officers.

"Everyone remember, if you haven't hacked the enemy with a knife, you are a recruit if you haven't been hacked by the enemy with a knife! This simulation of the fantasy world of war is the first time for many soldiers, and most of them have already completed the simulation. The transition from recruit to veteran."

"However, this is not enough. Next, under the leadership of Dean Longyue, you will conduct more rigorous training on them, and strive to let them improve their own strength, and at the same time master the existing, upcoming, and still in concept knowledge of the use of various weapons in the

"Then, I will work hard for you in the future, and I will do a good job of logistical support for you."

After finishing speaking, Dark Blood smiled and nodded to everyone, then walked out of the meeting hall of the Military Academy without moving his head.

Since then, the Military Academy is no longer under his control, just like a child who must let go when he grows up, Dark Blood also decided to let go completely.

——————The whole army is being rectified—————

On December 24th, 13 AD, the one-month, five-month "war simulation hacking exercise" in the fantasy world ended.

In this war simulation, the two parties involved in the war started from the Peng Clan and the Black Bone Clan at the beginning, and then joined the Dunjia Clan and Shadow Clan starting in the third month (the Dunjia Clan entered in the same way as the Peng Clan soldiers, while the Shadow Clan was joined by Revenant simulated, but there are also some from the three major Legions of Shadow Clan), which lasted for five months.

The scale of the two sides' participation in the battle, from the initial three major teams VS a black bone true god country, has spread to a total of 10 people in all directions, but limited by the number of dead souls that can be simulated, the scale can only reach this point.

When the last day of the fantasy world came, the battle lines that were still fighting slowly stopped, and then the dead souls that turned back were separated from friends and armored people, and friends and armored people who entered the fantasy world began to accept their own autonomy. Officer, and the description of the illusion maker.

The core of the explanation lies in one sentence: 'This is not reality'.

However, for this sentence, a lot of words were wasted by the chief officials at all levels, and even the creators of the illusion needed to prove it by changing the world, but it still made these soldiers who had gone through five months of bloody battle feel unbelievable.

"We can only explain to this extent, and the next step is the work of Shenting and the psychology team."

The captain of the Dark Blood Squad rubbed his forehead helplessly. In the short five months, many of the remaining soldiers have experienced the sacrifice of their companions, pain, joy, anger, rage and other emotions. Let them think that It's all fake and obviously difficult.

Fortunately, there is no need for such extreme requirements.

Opening his eyes, from the initial failure, to the doubts and regrets involved, to the subsequent cheering and revenge, Truman experienced a transformation from an academy officer to a war officer.

"But, it's actually fake?"

Glancing around, all this seemed to be the scene five months ago, except that it was a bare open-air alcove, but it looked like a small military camp here, and Truman himself was lying on a soft mattress .

"No." Shaking his head, Truman gave a wry smile and wanted to stand up: "According to what the team leader said, it's only a month later, and there are no tailless monsters."

At this time, he found a faint sweetness in his mouth. Looking at the medical apprentices (identified by their clothes) and the treated bamboo tubes in their hands, Truman nodded knowingly.

He had also participated in a fantasy world simulation before, which was the small simulation battle in the war research room, so he knew that this was a subsidy measure to cope with the lack of nutrition in the body due to the long-term consciousness entering the fantasy world.

Moreover, the bodies of those who have entered the fantasy world will probably be manipulated by these apprentices from time to time, which is called physical exercise.

However, even with these measures, more than a month is the limit, after all, Pengzu's current medical theoretical knowledge is still not high.

And thinking of this, Truman suddenly smiled wryly, he had obviously entered the fantasy world once, and it was also a real simulated war fantasy world, yet he was still deceived.

"Perhaps, it's because there are too many people this time, and the timing of entering the fantasy world is too perfect." Shaking his head distressedly, the benefits of Truman's once entering the fantasy world also appeared. He has gradually distinguished reality from fiction.

Around him, many soldiers who hadn't woken up appeared to be very flustered. Some of them saw a group of medical apprentices around them and thought they were injured and hospitalized.

At this time, several priests of the gods began to shuttle through it, using the name of "God's Trial" and so on to temporarily relieve everyone's panic.

And as long as everyone calms down, you can gradually see the reality. As for the so-called "God's Trial", everyone will understand what it is afterward, and it doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. After all, the gods of the Pengzu don't really need belief. Or it is not clear whether this thing works at all.

It has to be said that the god of the Pengzu is like everything to the internal members, except that he is not like a 'god'.

"So! Feather control is not dead! Lonely is not dead either!"

Some soldiers who finally realized the situation first thought of those comrades who died in the simulation, and it didn't take long for the soldiers who were helped to go out limply and saw their comrades who had been 'dead' them.

"I'm sorry, but for my negligence, the ambush would not have been like that."

Looking at his teammates who 'died' in the ambush, Truman said with a face full of shame.It was that ambush that made him realize the cruelty of war, and he left a 'cautious' evaluation in the subsequent battles.

The teammates who were eliminated in the first battle had already recovered from the previous situation. Seeing Truman's expression, they looked at each other and smiled.

"There is nothing long, as long as you are alive."

(End of this chapter)

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