Spore Story

Chapter 406 War Illusion and the Eldar Lair

Chapter 406 War Illusion and the Eldar Lair

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"The simulation ability of the fantasy world of war, although we rely on the dead soul actors, we are lazy, but it still has a lot of requirements on the control level of the fantasy world controller."

"So up to now, there are still only three of the 10-level large-scale war fantasy creators in our family; 3-level medium-sized war fantasy creators, there are only nine people; as for the 1-level small war fantasy world The creators, the existing 27 fantasy world creators in the ethnic group, can actually be any of them."

The only one left in the center of the friend city, because a group of Youshen class sits in formation, there is no need to change the structure for the earthquake. In the quaint elders' house, a researcher from the Illusory World Research Team under the Technology Bureau is reporting [War Illusion Boundary] application.

[War Illusionary World], as the name suggests, is a fantasy world for training in response to war situations.In fact, it is to set the fantasy world to try to synchronize with the authenticity of the real world, including terrain, natural environment and even ecological conditions, so as to achieve the effect of real training.

Of course, most of the information was provided to the illusory world makers after the researchers summarized the data, and they only needed to memorize and use the data.

With the first large-scale use of War Illusion, a comprehensive inspection of the entire army was conducted, and a large number of problems broke out. At the same time, after a large number of veterans were trained, the role of War Illusion was valued by everyone.

Prior to this, most of the fantasy world was still in the research stage, and the practical ones were only in the realm of the dead and college education.

However, the manpower, material and financial resources consumed by this large-scale fantasy world are too large. For such a large-scale simulation in 24 years alone, the food supply during the period, the accommodation, medical care, safety and other guarantees for more than 1 people from the Pengdunying three clans are all in vain. Consumes a lot of resources.

Therefore, small and medium-sized war fantasy worlds have become the mainstream of daily training.

Of course, the fantasy world can only train combat awareness, strategic and tactical skills, but not the body, so most of the time, soldiers still need to exercise their bodies in reality.

Especially after the role of the fantasy world of war was recognized, the training tasks in the fantasy world of war became more serious. As a result, the trainers, in order to prevent the soldiers from declining their physical fitness due to entering the fantasy world for too long, in the real world, the soldiers' The training was further strengthened, which led to a further increase in the resource consumption of the soldiers, which in turn led to an increase in the expenditure of the Military Academy.

Of course, with Pengzu's existing factories, these can still be supported.


Flipping through the report in his hand, the Illusory World researcher continued to explain: "In addition to these 27 license holders, the current six underworld gods in the group also belong to the Illusory World creators, but the Soul Realm belongs to [Permanent Illusory World] , there is no requirement for the resistance to dream confusion."

"Besides, all the elders in the Elder's House are theoretically qualified to be illusion creators."

"However, up to now, the Law Court has tried six unqualified illusory world creators. They opened the illusory world without a license."

"One of them judged that his intentions were good and did not cause any harm, so he was given a lighter punishment; three of them were sentenced to 1 years and were banned from using the illusion world because they opened the illusion world without authorization and caused themselves and many others to be trapped in the illusion world. And the same sentence; 3 people who accidentally opened the fantasy world have been transferred to the fantasy world research team of the Technical Bureau and given light punishments."

Speaking of this, the researcher blushed a little, and everyone in the elders' house smiled in satisfaction, because this person was one of the two who accidentally opened the illusion.

After all, the fantasy world is an advanced stage of the dream world. Those who master the dream world, as long as they belong to the genius level, and work harder, it is not difficult to open the fantasy world.

And these two researchers were able to withdraw from the Illusory World intact. In terms of ability alone, they are probably a little higher than the 27 people who need to be trained to obtain the qualification of "Illusory World Producer".

However, in order to prevent the adverse effects caused by opening the fantasy world without authorization, these two people were sentenced to five years from entering or opening the dream world, fantasy world, etc. Such a light sentence is to serve as an example.

"Well, generally speaking, the fantasy world is an absolute weapon of our race, and secrecy, development, and application are all essential."

After some more nonsense, everyone ended their discussion on the fantasy world.

—————— Endless development dividing line —————

24 AD actually passed very quickly.

The friends are beginning to tap the value of the fantasy world, and the knowledge and awareness of internal soldiers, managers, and advanced students have also been rapidly improved;
The Shadow Clan is intensively training its three legions, and with the support of the Friends Clan, its conventional warfare capabilities are gradually being tapped;

The nine kingdoms of God within the Black Bone Race, because of the long-term war and the rising anti-war sentiment of the people, once again fell into a weak state and had to enter a period of peace;

The Spirit Race has become more and more calm because of the large-scale spread of the internal "On War".If there is no information carrier, and it can only be passed on from brain to brain, the "Wu Zhan Theory" at this time may have ruled the entire spirit race.

However, the pace of expansion of "On War Without War" will stop here, after all, it deviates from the racial characteristics of the Eldar.

On May 24, 15 A.D., below the underground passage of Leiyun Castle of the Peng Clan, at the entrance of a cave in the lair of the Spirit Clan.

The five-year war with the Peng Clan did not have an impact on the Spirit Clan. For example, the Peng Clan's calendar came into the sight of the Spirit Clan. After a slight modification, even the year name did not change, and it became the calendar of the Spirit Clan. God knows where I learned this habit of saying it's my own without changing my name.

At this time, an ordinary-looking Spirit Race man was walking unsteadily underground, looking very leisurely.

The influence of "Theory of No War" is huge. Although it does not fit the racial characteristics of the Spirit Race, it has also allowed the people of the Spirit Race to survive until now. ' out of this high-minded companion.

"It's really painful. What is there to fight or not? If you really call, are you waiting for the other party to receive it? Or are you hungry, with your chest stuck to your back, dying, and waiting to die without a fight? Others will not be kind enough to help .”

Shaking his head, he was completely unaware of his own thoughts. In fact, he had reached a certain level of spirituality, wandering around with a step and three shakes, and was actually carrying out the activities that every spirituality is doing: looking for food.

Finally, he found a flying bat on the dome at the corner of the cave.

With a mental shock, the other party fell down from the wall quite decisively. However, this spirit clansman did not go over quickly, but carefully hid in the corner of the wall. The bat strung onto his sickle claw, and then walked on.

Apparently, the bat was a poor loner who happened to be making food.

Life in the ground obviously cannot be as good as the surface, especially after the devastation of the Eldar themselves.

Today, some Eldar lairs can maintain food and clothing through plants such as race mushrooms, and can even trade some things with other lairs; some lairs near underground rivers can also maintain a barely adequate food and clothing by preying on fish in the river. ; but the lair where the spirit clansman is located obviously does not know how to grow plants, is not close to the underground river, and only has a small spring for the water source.

Therefore, they can only hunt the only small animals left in the caves, and look for the few poor underground plants to satisfy their hunger.

In fact, a long time ago, there were still many large animals underground, but now, they seem to be used as consumables by the spirit race and dedicated to the great scavengers. Unfortunately, the spirit race can't eat those disgusting things.

"Is this self-inflicted?"

The lifespan of the spirit race is only three to fifty years, and the ruler is not something that small soldiers like him can touch. Therefore, what he knows about the era of a large number of underground animals tens of hundreds of years ago is nothing more than the minutiae passed down by the ethnic group. But these alone made him jealous of those seniors. If they hadn't consumed so many animals in the war, why would it be so difficult for them to find food now.

In his opinion, the emergence of "On War Without War" stems from this kind of jealousy.

As for the so-called spirit clan organizations, they are just war institutions established by the rulers with power. Usually, the lairs of these organizations, unless they are close to or in the same large cave, can be said to have no contact with each other.

I don't know whether it's luck or misfortune, but the lair of this spirit tribe is just a very remote small cave. Generally, there are no large-scale wars where the strength of the troops is tight, and no one will pay attention to them.

"Hey, good luck."

The spirit man looked at the two bats, two gophers and a small earth dragon on the two claws of the sickle (the two fingers are thick, it has nothing to do with the earth dragon =. =), swallowed subconsciously, he hadn't tasted so much for a long time delicious.

"I really envy those creatures that live on the ground."

However, finding food does not mean that he can eat it. He carefully leaned against the corner to avoid the mental power of the same kind, and finally came to his secret lair after turning around.

This lair is said to be a large passage leading to the surface world a long time ago, but there are horrible monsters guarding it, and anyone who approaches the passage will never come back, so gradually, this place was abandoned.

And this Eldar wisely used a small cave in this neglected passage as his secret lair.

In this way, even if he makes a fire to barbecue here, the smell of meat and smoke will float to the sky along the passage, and will not be discovered by those guys with sharper noses than Gulu, otherwise, he will not be able to enjoy so many delicacies to himself up.

After eating a meal full of comfort, he burped excitedly. The Spirit Race man looked up and looked around, then extinguished the flames, wiped his scythes clean with dirt, and finally leaned against the wall, intending to feel comfortable. Take a rest for a while, and then return to the group.

"Anyway, there is no war now. Everyone is in a leisurely state with nothing to do. Laziness has almost become a routine. Why should I work hard?" The spirit man thought.

Gradually stabilizing mental power showed that the spirit man in front of him had fallen asleep.

Although it is unbelievable that the vigilance of these spiritual beings who used to fight with friends is so weak at this time, but Kong Huan will never let go of this good opportunity.

Nodding to the figures behind him, the figures continued to move forward and carefully cleaned up the surroundings.And Kong Huan floated in front of this spirit man, then stretched out his right hand and waved lightly, the sad spirit man's brain swallowed like a leaking balloon.

"Solution, the Shadow Squad continues to investigate, make sure not to miss one!"

Notifying the peripheral shadows through mental power, Kong Huan smiled at 8051 next to him, and then opened the brains of the spirit people, and began to see how the symbiotic nature of the brain and body belonged to two different creatures, how it works Yes, he has been curious about this thing for a long time, but unfortunately he didn't realize this during the Pengling War, and all the corpses were destroyed.

"Let's leave this kind of thing to the biological team, don't you think it's disgusting? 8051 feels uncomfortable with the scene at this time."

"Huh? Uh, okay," clapping his hands helplessly, Kong Huan looked away from the corpse and walked out of the cave. The purpose of his trip was not to study the corpse of the spirit man, it was just a passing interest.

"Report, Yuanrenya, the Lingyue team, has arrived."

"Keep your voice down, use your mental strength, this is a sneak attack, sneak attack! We have to treat ourselves as thieves... ah!"

"A sneak attack is a sneak attack, why are you talking so wretchedly?"

"Yes, Lord 8051!"

Turning his head to look at the Yachang who said "I don't know anything", Kong Huan wiped off his cold sweat, and waved his hand to signal everyone to follow.

The spirit clan's lair we dealt with this time is the target of the shadow team's investigation for a long time. This lair is located at the bottom of the Leiyun Fortress passage where the friend clan Lingyue clan was originally stationed. It is tens of kilometers away from the nearest lair. It is completely unclear Why is there such a remote lair.

In this regard, the explanation given by the Military Academy is that this nest may have been moved over during the war with the friends, but after the war, they were too lazy to move back, so they stayed here.

Although it feels a little far-fetched, the lair is not strong. There are only 1 high-level spirit tribe, 7 elite spirit tribes, and 50 low-level spirit tribes. The strength of the troops is entirely to ensure the secrecy of this operation.

After all, the Friends have no intention of going to war with the Eldar yet.

"Elder, all the passages have been closed, and each passage is guarded by three teams of Dark Voice Squad members."

"very good."

Standing at the entrance of the cave, Kong Huan let go of the magnetic field, and used his clear magnetic sense to feel the magnetic field reaction inside.

The members of the Shadow Team are all soul-level independent consciousness bodies, and they cannot be hidden in front of the high-level spirit race and elite spirit race, so they cannot be used in the investigation of the cave.

Magnetic sense is a passive perception ability. As long as you control your own magnetic field response, and it does not reach the situation where ordinary creatures without magnetic sense like the spirit race can sense it, Kong Huan doesn't have to worry about being discovered by the other party.

And with the energy control of illusory level 5, it is obviously very easy to do this.

Of course, if Aiyi from LV6 was called, she wouldn't be so troublesome at all. With some techniques that dazzle even the illusion, she could easily destroy everything inside without anyone noticing.

At this time, Kong Huan frowned, and said through the spiritual power network: "Attention the Shadow Team, there is one less elite spirit race."


"Han Huan." 8051 nodded Kong Huan's shoulder.


"Did you forget the spirit clansman you killed just now?" 8051 stared at Void that turned into a statue with contempt.

"Ahem, the shadow team continues to strengthen surveillance."

Changing the subject naturally, Kong Huan looked around, deluding himself that no one had noticed, so he continued: "The most important thing is to absolutely protect the lair, so after rushing in later, the original people of the dark blood team Ya, your only purpose is to surround the lair and prevent the creatures inside from going out, but try not to hurt them as much as possible."

"I will deal with the other stragglers. I haven't done it for a long time."

"..." (You want to vent.)
There are actually only two low-level spirits guarding the entrance of the cave, but the long period of no battle has made the spirits here accustomed to a leisurely life.

At this time, the discussion initiated by the high-level spirit clan was still going on, and most of the elite spirit clan gathered here. As the debate intensified, their subordinates were also called to help out, and the situation suddenly became chaotic.

Not long after, the two lower Eldar guarding the gate decisively joined the discussion.

For a time, a strong academic atmosphere enveloped the entire discussion area, and the mental fluctuations in this area were even more chaotic. Even the mental fluctuations of friends who were close were covered by these chaotic mental fluctuations.

"Great opportunity! Attack!"

Following an order, a large group of friends rushed to the lair whose direction had been confirmed with afterimages, while Kong Huan took 8051 and launched an attack on the spirits who were still gathered together.

"War? Not fight?"

This group of Spirit Race people were obviously a little dazed because of the previous topic. How could Kong Huan let go of such an opportunity.

Aiming at the front with a mental power impact, oppressing at an overwhelming level, after dispelling the most numerous but weakest spirit power of the low-level spirit race, Kong Huan quickly released the wings of thunder.

The wings shining with thunder and lightning instantly illuminate the cave, and also provide better guidance for friends on the road.

I saw Kong Huan raised his right hand, held the copper coin in his hand that had glowed red under the powerful electric power, and pointed at the high-level spirit clan in front of him.

"Electromagnetic gun. Change, launch!"

Accompanied by deafening thunder and a line emitting red light, the high-level Eldar who had just reacted and sent a mental shock to the void was pierced through the head, and the whole body collapsed to the ground powerlessly.

Who is faster, the mental shock or the electromagnetic gun?

This illusion has not been tried yet, because the speed of both sides is too fast.

However, although the high-level spirit race is also considered strong among the spirit race, but after all, what they are facing is the Youshen level Konghuan of the same level as the ruler. Also quickly dissipated due to losing the target.

When several elite spirit races reacted, there were only 6 of them left in the entire miniature battlefield, and because of lack of food, they usually didn't have any control monsters for war at all. The 6 people suddenly became overwhelmed.

However, the illusion did not leave their meaning.

According to the plan, what the Friends want to get is a 'clean' breeding nest. What is clean is a nest that is not polluted by any Eldar thoughts, history, etc., and a conscious spirit obviously does not belong to the category of clean.

After a few unconnected flashes, Kong Huan brought the bored 8051 into the encirclement of the same bored team.

"You actually made an electromagnetic cannon. 8051 looked at Konghuan in surprise."

"Well, can't you see that it's a stable track with our thoughts?"

"Isn't this to take care of your emotions, Quack?"


(End of this chapter)

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