Spore Story

Chapter 407 Breeding Insects and Breeding Battle

Chapter 407 Breeding Insects and Breeding Battle

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The Spirit Race has a sky-defying advantage, and that is the breeding nest.

It is precisely because of the breeding nest that the spirit race can maintain a strong spiritual and physical strength, and at the same time have a reproduction rate that is not weaker or even higher than that of ordinary creatures at the limit, thus establishing the spirit race as the overlord of the underground world at this time status.

The most important thing is that this reproduction rate is still controllable. When there is a lack of food, the Eldar can even produce no newborns for several years. It has not reached the level that makes the ground species despair.

As for why the spirits didn't enter the ground, it probably comes from their own habits, but Kong Huan knows that for intelligent creatures, it is not difficult to change this more habitual habit.

Therefore, the countermeasures against the intrusion of the Eldar into the ground have always been an important military issue for the Pengzu.

And because of this, the research on the core of the Eldar - the breeding nest has also become a major biological topic of the Friends, and some scholars even intend to increase the birth rate of the Friends through the study of the breeding nest.

However, the breeding nests of the Spirit Race are a special case of symbiotic variability produced after tens of millions of years of evolution. If natural evolution occurs, the Spirit Race obviously does not have so much time to grind a little bit, but the transformation, biological technology has not yet reached to such a high degree.

What's more, even if it can really be applied in the friend clan, it is obviously impossible to have any practical application in the friend clan by separating the head from the body. (Sister said that she was shot while hanging =.=)

After all, no matter whether it is the brain or the body of the friends, as far as the current situation is concerned, it is already very reasonable, or it is already very suitable for the friends themselves. No one has the idea of ​​​​removing the head and changing the body. Putting someone else's head on... let alone talk about it.

As for the reproductive rate problem that plagues biologists, sociologists have pointed out that as long as the absolute advantage of individual strength can be maintained, the number is no longer the focus at some point.

For example, this attack on the breeding nest, in fact, Kong Huan alone can completely clean up the nest, while the others, just as insurance, have now become the standard soy sauce crowd.

"So, this is the breeding nest?"

They have never seen the illusion of a breeding nest, and only heard about the general appearance of the breeding nest from Dark Blood. At that time, they were trying their best to destroy the nest instead of researching it, so they didn't get much information.

At this time, the breeding nest presented before Kong Huan's eyes was very small, and its environment was similar to that of an ordinary underground cave, but it was full of dirty debris, which made the surrounding friends frown.

From this it can be seen that spirits obviously do not have the cleanliness of friends.

At this time, the original people who surrounded here were also frowning and guarded outside these sundries, but did not enter them.

[Breeding Nest] The most important thing is the two pairs of brain-shaped worms in the middle and the two pairs of autonomously moving double sickles. They are the basis for the reproduction of this small tribe and the core of the breeding nest.

And lying outside the lair were two elite Eldar who had been ravaged by friends who hadn't fought. They were obviously the lair's guards.

(Unfortunately, I still want to catch a few and go back to ask.) But looking at the original people who were excited, Kong Huan didn't show this.

"Not bad." Looking at Kong Huan beside him, 8051 said pointedly: "Although the appearance is a bit disgusting, it is a pair after all, not some..."


Wiping away the black line, Kong Huan patted 8051 apologetically, who was dissatisfied with being interrupted, then spread his hands at the eight seemingly ignorant insects in the nest, and said, "Please take a closer look, there seems to be Only two males."


For the sake of his own life, while feeling that the temperature of 8051 is rising rapidly, Kong Huan immediately changed the topic: "There seem to be two eggs there!"

8051, who was furious and angry, obviously hadn't come to his senses yet. Hearing what Kong Huan said, she added without thinking, "It's just two eggs, let's smash them decisively!"


The expressions of the surrounding males changed drastically at the same time, and they immediately moved away from 8051, which seemed extremely dangerous.

A flustered guy actually kicked the body of the elite Eldar that was wiped out by them because he didn't pay attention to his feet when he was retreating, and then decisively lay on his back on the ground, becoming the only wounded in this operation.


After a closer look, Yuanren Yachang, who was one of the leaders this time, was actually lonely, which is really tragic.

"The lethality of 8051 is too great."

Rubbing his forehead, Kong Huan glanced at everyone, then patted 8051 on the shoulder and said, "I'm talking about the eggs of the Spirit Race."

"Tch, spirits don't have gender, where did they get the eggs?"

"Ah, I mean the eggs of the Eldar lair!"

"How could there be eggs in the nest!"

"I, Ga!"


8051 raised her head proudly, and out of the corner of her eye, she happened to see two eggs, one large and one small, surrounded by a few Eldar breeding insects strolling leisurely by the side of the nest.

"Tch, it's just 'in the breeding nest, there are two eggs of the Eldar people', that's all. They talk so much nonsense that they can't even explain this clearly. 8051 resolutely kicked it out and wiped itself out."


The surrounding soldiers carried out the concept of the background very well, and they were helping their poor cliff leader who fell down from the beginning to the end, although the cliff leader didn't even scratch his skin...

And Kong Huan, who was completely confused, shook his head depressedly, glared at 8051, and then turned his head to look at the strange-looking members of the Lingyue team next to him.

"Lonely Cliff Chief, take care of this place."

"In addition, people from your team will go and bring those two eggs, and the rest will clean up the nest and make it look like it will be relocated."

After speaking, Kong Huan began to mobilize his thoughts to pounce on the breeding bugs.

The eight worms, who had no sense of crisis at all, only became flustered after they realized that their bodies were starting to fly into the air.But soon, emptiness grants them sleep.

"As long as it's a living thing, it's impossible not to rest, ga."

————————The thief family is far more powerful than the thief country, huh—————

A shadow team was left in the lair, and after monitoring for a period of time to make sure they would not be discovered, the rest of the troops followed Konghuan back to the ground.

Although the test confirmed that the [Breeding Cerebral Worm] and the [Breeding Double Sickle] in the nest were not afraid of the sun, Kong Huan still brought the Dunjia Legion and dug out a 20-meter-diameter worm in a small hill not far from Mount Ga The hemispherical cavity, and then put the eight breeding worms into the new 'nest'.

Obviously, these eight people have very good adaptability. After waking up, they didn't react to the change of the environment at all. It was only after wandering around for a few times that they found two eggs. move.

"Excellent adaptability."

"No, this should be the level where we ignore Dafa."



"How should this thing be bred?"

With a group of curious Chu Xia, Xiao Lingyun, Chu Ling, Lingxue, etc., they stared at the breeding bugs in the nest who quickly became familiar with the new environment and continued to wander leisurely, but everyone looked at each other in dismay .

"Did you never think about leaving two spirits behind to understand the situation?"

"Here, I was busy fighting, and forgot to order for a while."

"Eh..." Everyone was embarrassed.

However, the problem now is that even if it is brought back, it will not solve the problem of reproduction. These eight bugs are just eight bugs.And they knew just by looking at the appearance that it was obviously not something delicious.

So, do you want to support idlers?
"Actually, I think," Xiao Lingyun raised her hand, and said weakly, "Could it be that they are actually like ordinary creatures, and they all come into heat in spring or something. Look, don't they have two eggs? So Say they are egg-born, and then they should be cold-blooded animals or something, didn't biology class say that cold-blooded animals have estrus or something like that?"

"What Xiao Lingyun said is not unreasonable," Kong Huan touched his chin, and then watched the eyes of the eight breeding insects flicker.

I don't know if it's a hallucination, but 8051 felt that the eight breeding insects trembled slightly, as if they were suddenly blown by a cool wind, but 8051 didn't feel any cool wind.

"Okay, let's do it like this, let's make a greenhouse!"

As the voice of emptiness fell, a group of ghosts who were leisurely and leisurely approaching the New Year Festival became busy in full swing.

And looking at the heating tunnel gradually forming under the nest, for some reason, 8051 looked at the eight breeding insects with an unnatural sympathy.

"This greenhouse seems to be very unqualified," even everyone who didn't know much about the greenhouse gave such an evaluation.

"Unreal, you don't want to roast them and eat them, do you?"

"Cut, how could I do such a shameless thing?"

"When did you taste it?"


Just when Kong Huan was about to ignite, 8051 reached out and stopped the enthusiastic Kong Huan.

"I think it's better to wait until those two eggs hatch. If you do this, if you accidentally burn these breeding bugs to death, you will have to waste time and continue to search. 8051 is speechless about such a momentary behavior of Void Fantasy."


Facing the unanimous vote of everyone, Kong Huan could only accept it.

Plan [-], the greenhouse breeding failed, the reason: the greenhouse may become an oven.

After blocking those passages, everyone surrounded the eight breeding insects in the cleaned breeding nest.

The eight guys who didn't know that they waited for the bug to escape the catastrophe still moved leisurely in the nest.

"I observed these two males, they often walked together, and those females also walked together in pairs. Is there a reason for this?" Chu Ling rubbed her forehead in distress, looked at the bugs in the nest, and said her observations.

"Hey! It's true." The rest of the people quickly confirmed.

It was observed that male brain worms and male double sickle beetles do often get together, while female brain worms are mixed with brain worms, and double sickle and double sickle beetles are mixed together.

"Could it be same-sex sympathy?"



"Ah! No, this evil relationship must be broken!" Darkblood, who suddenly became mad for some reason, burst out powerful thought power at the male brain worm and double scythe, and the two cups were instantly overwhelmed by dark blood's thought power. They were pulled apart, and then bumped into their corresponding females one after another. Fortunately, the strength was controlled by the people around them when they landed, so they didn't fall into meatloaf.

"Be careful! Don't get hurt!"

After a while of confusion, Kong Huan looked at Dark Blood with sweat profusely and said, "Why don't you force that male and other females to be together and see if there is any reaction? After all, the opposite sex is easier to attract."

So, a few days passed...

"Are the females of Double Moon Star all violent?"

Looking profusely at the male Cerebral Worm and Double Sickle Worm who were robbed of food by the female and then driven by the female to do this and that in the nest, everyone finally knew 'why the two males got together' , These are all forced teeth!


"You said that the females of Double Moon Star are all violent, what do you mean? Hehe."

Anxue gently kneaded her fists, making a creaking sound; Chu Xia showed a very warm smile, which was as dazzling as the noon sun; the dense pink mist around Chu Ling almost blocked her vision. In the line of sight, the whole air mass is getting closer to the void; Xiao Lingyun shakes her cute long ears, revealing the clean white teeth in her mouth... (no explanation=.=)

Plan [-], the fire with dry wood failed, the reason: the fire met wet wood.

So, the crowd once again surrounded eight breeding bugs, who seemed to be a little bit blessed because of the recent good food supply. PS: The two males obviously have no fat accumulation, which shows that they have been 'trained' very well.

"I said, isn't it just to let them mate? Do you need to be so troublesome?" Chu Qin, who rushed over from the Development and Reform Bureau to watch the excitement, ah no, helped Chu Qin, looking at a group of Youshen-level wistful faces. He laughed wildly, but said with an expression of 'we are a helper' on his face.

"Then what can you do?"

Obviously with a hint of distrust, Kong Huan glanced at Chu Qin: "You are really good in other aspects, but this?"

His eyes started to look down from the opponent's face, but soon, Kong Huan noticed a powerful murderous aura coming from behind him, so he decisively withdrew his gaze, acting like a gentleman.

"Hmph, I don't care about you." Looking at Kong Huan and 8051 behind him with a playful smile, Chu Qin laughed and shook her body, and then said: "We discovered a new toxin some time ago. What fatal danger, but..."

Looking at the crowd, Chu Qin's gaze became strange: "Experiments have shown that smelling the aroma of this toxin, that, males seem to unconsciously think [beep——], and females also want to be [ Beep—], if it’s used on these little bugs, it’s not just, oh hehehe.”


Although they feel that this method is against humanity and lacks human rights, Kong Huan uses the fact that breeding insects are not humans as the strongest trump card, prompting everyone to agree with Chu Qin's suggestion.

However, after Chu Qin brought the poison, Kong Huan was kicked out of the lair by everyone.


"My lord, the suggestion given by the Technology Bureau is that before the energy transformation is completed, do not do such things that are harmful to the physical and mental health of young people." Die Wu, who appeared like a ghost, pushed the bridge of her nose, as if to deal with some kind of evil. The evil luminous thing that exists, made the above remarks at the same time.

However, when the curious Chu Jie rushed in ignoring Kong Huan, Die Wu completely abandoned the sad Kong Huan and chased after him with bright eyes.

"Master Chu Jie, wait for me."

"Just take a look, you will die!" Kong Huan could only complain like a defeated dog.

"Forget it, let's two men, don't meet with these girls..."

Bai Nong, who had been a passer-by for a long time, suddenly came and went, but he just entered the Youshen level, before he finished a sentence, he felt dizzy, fell to the ground, and announced his exit.

And in conjunction with Bai Nong's exit, Chu Xia's gentle words came from the cave: "Please don't speak ill of people behind their backs."


Inexplicably, the time has advanced to January 25 A.D. It is obvious that all the great women did not see the scene they imagined, and they all looked dejected. There is a trace of relief.

"Despicable intelligent creatures, they only base their happiness on the suffering of others."

Feeling so emotional, Kong Huan looked at 8051, the meaning in his eyes was obvious, there was only a sincere inquiry in it... no wonder.

With a cold snort, 8051 turned his head away, and then muttered: "Go and see for yourself."

If it weren't for the hearing membrane that was installed next to 8051 early on, Kong Huan might not have heard such a slight sound.

Walking into the nest curiously, what Kong Huan saw were the eight bugs who were still full of leisure, surrounded by a strong fragrance, but Kong Huan had set up defenses early, so he didn't find a way, but these obviously didn't have any The eight breeding insects that were protected did not respond.

"How is this going?"

"Look carefully at the body structure of those soulless bugs." Chu Qin's complaint came from her mind, indicating that they were actually still paying attention to the situation in the cave.

(This tragic reality, don’t we have any freedom at all?)
Ignoring this already confirmed and accustomed reality, Kong Huan scanned the bugs back and forth several times, and finally found a dumbfounding conclusion.

These bugs have no sense of smell!
"How do they survive!"

"how could I know."

Plan [-], raw rice and cooked rice failed, reason: lack of respiratory system, [beep——] gas cannot enter the target body.

"We absolutely can't admit defeat! As the strongest group of friends, all of us who are above the Youshen level, how can we bow our heads in front of a few little bugs!"

On the stage of the Presbyterian House who did not know when it appeared, Chu Qin, who feared the world would not be chaotic, together with the "ignorant" Xiao Lingyun and others, formed the [combat team against breeding insects], and the combat goal: let these insects start to breed.

Turning his head to look at the courtyard wall of the Elders' Court, which has changed beyond recognition, there is still one of the few devices of the Elders' Court, a calendar.It clearly reads: January 25, 1 AD.

"By the way, when these bugs were opened and closed separately, it happened to be a good New Year festival on January 1st. This time it is really a cheap New Year festival."

Chu Qin, who was on the stage, issued a declaration of battle passionately, and when a group of elders joined in the fun wailed and responded, a weak voice suddenly came from the door.


"What's the matter?" Among the friends who have almost become a matriarchal society nowadays, there is such a cowardly woman. While being surprised, Kong Huan quickly asked, while a group of unscrupulous elders on the stage didn't seem to care. Take a look here, it's still noisy.

"Well, the guards in the lair reported that, well, the bugs there this morning seemed, seemed to be doing that, um, that's it!"

The flushed cowardly girl obviously didn't know the lethality of these words, and only realized after she finished speaking, the entire elders' house seemed to have been frozen because of her words, from a bustling world to nothingness space……

"What did you say!"

(End of this chapter)

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