Spore Story

Chapter 408

Chapter 408

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Ignoring the terrified timid messenger, a group of elders rushed out of the elders' courtyard in a swarm before the other party could react, and disappeared without a trace.

But when Kong Huan got up and wanted to thank the other party to show the elder's kindness, he found that he had been dragged by 8051's thought power and flew out of the city. This speed...


"Your speed is too fast. After finally encountering a rare product, you couldn't say a few words!"

"So what if you talk about it," 8051 stared at Kong Huan strangely, and then said in surprise: "Could it be that you are finally going to break your inner notion and attack [beep——]? You beast. 8051 Taking the hunger for the void for granted."

"Hey! How can it be taken for granted!"


"Don't ignore Dafa! I have a patent! Pay me!"

"Okay, anyway, most of your money is with me, left hand to right hand, all right, quack quack. 8051 said without any pressure."


The results of the incident show that everything has its natural laws. Ignoring the laws and trying to modify it may succeed, but it is more likely to fail... Well, it seems a bit negative, so changing it to 'is likely to fail, but it may also succeed 'Bar.

The charm of language.

Back to the topic, what I want to say here is that it is now January 1. According to the original calendar setting of Painong, it is already early spring, and the top of the head is blooming.

Void, who was still complaining about himself, was dragged by 8051 into this lair where a large group of Youshen class, and even a Yinshen class, were smashed into the sand.

Then, what he saw were two painful and happy (happy and painful?) males who seemed to be drained, and the females who seemed to be a little dissatisfied, sitting around the males in various movements .

At this time, 8051 pointed meaningfully, wriggling in pain as if trying to avoid the female, but not as fast as the vigorous female and could only be besieged by the male, and then said to Kong Huan.

"Look, there is food (pointing to the processed meat), living (pointing to the spacious nest around it), traveling (pointing to the brain worm, then pointing to the double sickle), and the harem (Three females pointing to one side, fiercely surrounding their respective males) This is the dream of many males!"

The illusory body trembled subconsciously.

"See, emptiness, this is the gap between dreams and reality. 8051 looked at the male bug that was trembling sadly, and then said meaningfully."

Then, 8051 jokingly looked at Huiyan's Kong Huan in front of him: "Then, my 'our' Master Kong Huan, what do you want to say?"


—————Facts show that the three-dimensional or something, just ignore it—————

The [Anti-Breeding Bug Combat Squad], which had just been established for less than half a day, collapsed in an instant because of the words of a cowardly woman.

Five days later, the six females successively laid four to six eggs, which increased the number of eggs in the nest from 2 to 32 at once.And according to the guards, on the second day after laying eggs, the males, who had just recovered a little, seemed to be shriveled again. (silent mourning...)
However, the problem now is not how many eggs will be bred, but how to hatch these eggs.

And with the lessons learned from the previous failures of 'promoting reproduction', a group of elders (or female elders) lost their previous enthusiasm, but planned to keep these eggs here and wait for a year for observation.

At that time, it is best if the eggs hatch, if they don't hatch or are broken, then we have to catch some spirits and ask them.

In this way, the problem of breeding nests came to an end for the time being.

On January 25, 1 A.D., the sixth annual meeting of the Peng Clan was held.

At the annual meeting, the first announcement was the resignation of Muwen's leadership.This is expected, because as early as 22, there was news that the wood grain leadership might step down.However, the successor after resignation this time is beyond the expectations of most managers.

Because, this successor is not from the Executive Yuan, but from the Military Academy. (The law court said that we are passers-by =. =)

In other words, the fourth-generation leader of the Peng Clan is Long Yue, the first team leader of the Longyue team and the second president of the Military Academy.

Longyue, female, Yiren, 62 years old (middle-aged), soul-level peak, was in charge of forming the Longyue team, one of the three major teams during the Pengling War, and served as its commander. She performed well during the Pengling War. Start to stand out.Since then, it has been stationed in Sky Castle for a long time.After the former director of the Military Academy, Dark Blood, stepped down from his post, he was directly promoted from the position of team leader to the director of the Military Academy, and became the chief military officer of the friend clan.

At this time, he suddenly became the patriarch. I am afraid that the production line of the glass factory will be in a hurry, but it is said that most of them have already changed into steel dog eyes.

Back to the topic
Longyue, the absolute military commander, took over the position of chief of the ethnic group, and also clearly told the managers that the friend clan was about to fight.

This is shocking news. It has been 18 years since the War of Friends, and 18 years is enough time for most young and middle-aged people to forget the situation during the War of Friends. Only the elderly will recall the past.

With the current internal stability of the Pengzu, the outbreak of war must be a foreign war, which indicates the upcoming expansion. For all managers, this is obviously a great opportunity to improve their own strength and power.

At this time, Long Yue, who had just succeeded, officially took over the duties of the patriarch and organized the annual meeting.

According to the usual practice, the first day of each conference is just to arrange the schedule and review the past development at the same time, and this time is no exception, and Kong Huan, who is the representative of the elders' house, also obediently sat in the first row of the audience.

As for the reason why he didn't make trouble this time, it was because of 8051 behind him, and what she said: "The elders will show me the appearance of elders."

Although he really wanted to refute the words 'I am the main consciousness, the elder is just a convenient position', but after thinking about the consequences, Kong Huan still did not do so. (I was taught very well by Tiaoga =. =)

"...By January 25, 1 A.D., under the gradual improvement of medical security and other work, the total population of the Peng clan had reached 1, and the Dunjia population had reached 24.47."

"Among them, the Central Plains region (that is, the current Peng clan territory) has a population of 12.27 friends, 2.65 Yi people, and all Dunjia people; the Far West region has a population of 5.5 friends and 0.8 Yi people; the Western Land region has a population of friends 4.7, Yiren 0.5..."

"The population growth rate in the past two years is quite good. It's almost close to the Dunjia people." Hearing these data, Kong Huan smiled and said to Mu Wen beside him.

Mu Tattoo was the previous patriarch, so of course she can participate in this conference. Although she refused to join the elders' house because of her strength, but this super qualification of being the patriarch for 15 consecutive years alone, even if she is idle at home, she can't be accepted by others. ignore.

Hearing Kong Huan's words, she smiled and said: "Actually, Master Kong Huan, our reproductive rate has not changed much in the past few years. The medical system has just been established, and it is true that the survival rate of newborns has increased, but the data is not clear. Limited. The data on this population increase seems to be rapid, but many of them are occupied by middle-aged and elderly people. To obtain truly stable data, it may take decades for some of this group of people to grow old.”

"There is life and death. Speaking of which, the dead souls have not been counted at all, and they don't know how many. As for the population data of the living, it will be fine as long as it doesn't take hundreds of years to stabilize." He waved his hand nonchalantly, and Kong Huan raised his head to look at the stage Long Moon.

"...The existing military forces in the Central Plains region are mainly composed of the three major brigades, supplemented by the 22 provincial local brigades, and supplemented by the patrol teams of the cities. Among the existing troops, the three major brigades are all composed of soul-level troops. , the number of people is 2137, including 32 at the peak of the soul level, with an average military age of 9 years; the local team is composed of personnel above the mid-term of the ghost level, and the soul level is the leader of the cliff and above..."

Hearing Longyue's words, Kong Huan said with a smile: "As expected of the dean of the Military Academy, not long after I finished talking about the population and other basic data, I went to the military."

"This is the reason why we let Longyue take the position. It is to let everyone feel a strong sense of war, so that everyone will not be in a hurry when encountering a war. After all, this time is for our friends." Races will compete for planetary living space after a long time."

"This is the role of the military chief."

Smiling and nodding, Kong Huan looked around at the meeting members.Although some people looked at the place where they were waiting for them from time to time, most of them were still listening attentively to Longyue's speech, although their expressions were different.

As for the small group of Kong Huan and the others, since a soundproof area has been set up, there is no need to worry about being heard by anyone.

In fact, communicating with spiritual power is obviously more confidential, and there is still the trouble of setting up soundproof areas.

But the friends and the black bones are different. The black bones are proud of spiritual communication, but only students who have just learned spiritual communication will excitedly use spiritual communication as a way of daily communication. After a long time, they will only use spiritual communication As a specific mode of communication, it still uses language to communicate at ordinary times.

In the words of a teacher: "The charm of language lies in the use of simple pronunciation, intonation and arrangement to compose rich content; although spiritual communication is convenient and intuitive, it lacks such rich content rendering, which can only make people feel boring. "

However, the reason why Kong Huan and the others don't use mental power to communicate is that there are lazy people present...

This sad reality, ga.

It took three hours to summarize the past gains, and then described the specific arrangements of the conference. After spending five hours talking a bunch of nonsense but getting support, the first day of the annual meeting came to an end.

Longyue was still busy with her preparations for the conference, and Wood Wen and Dark Blood were also pulled to help. Chu Xia in the Elder's House also returned to the Xiaoshu Barracks to observe the situation of the Shadow Clan. each have their own activities...

In short, Kong Huan finally found that the only ones who seemed a little leisurely were himself, 8051, Xiao Lingyun and Chu Ling.

(There are so few people.)
"Let's go, my treat!"

So, the four of them came to a restaurant in Pengcheng.

In the 25 years after the reunification, there were only the 'War of Friends' and the 'Twelve Cities Rebellion' which were barely considered turbulent, and the social situation was very stable at other times.

Under such an environment, business can naturally develop rapidly. Although large and medium-sized factories are still in the hands of the management of friends, as a guarantee for a large amount of government expenditure, the wisdom of the people cannot be underestimated.

As the 22-year restrictions on private small-scale factories were lifted, all sorts of strange small-scale factories and family workshops sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

Prior to this, various industries such as the service industry had developed for a long time with the support of the chamber of commerce because there were not too many restrictions.

For example, the [Pengcheng Restaurant] where the four of the empty illusions are sitting at this time opened as early as 09. It has been 16 years, and it has only been 16 years since the reunification of the friends and clans.

"Waiter, here are three Tyrannosaurus noodles and one fresh fish soup."

"Please wait."

"Just a little food for a treat? Utopia, don't worry about the money, if you don't have enough money, you can take it from me." 8051 said generously, but everyone knows the truth.

"Damn it, the soul that can be led by the stipulated elder salary, we want to destroy him!"

The void was powerless for a while, since the reform of the system had to be formalized, the elders' house could not be refined, even if he could instantly turn copper into copper coins, the elders hadn't reached that pathetic situation yet.

But because of his unreal salary, because he often goes out to do tasks, he is fascinated by 8051, who has global positioning and mobile capabilities.

At the beginning, Kong Huan was still complacent, saying that he had a good porter and money bag, but now he knows what sorrow is. When receiving wages, 8051 has almost become a higher priority than Kong Huan...

Up to now, almost all of the funds of Unreal are firmly in the hands of 8051.

"My life!"

Of course, this is just a daily cup of tea.

Although the restaurant is full of people, the speed of serving food is very good, which may be one of the reasons for the previous phenomenon.Before chatting for a few words, the food was placed in front of Kong Huan and the others one by one by the agile waiter.

"Please enjoy."

Since the emergence of steel in 17 and its gradual promotion, until now, Pengzu’s steel production has reached an annual output of 1000 tons. [Iron] is used in various aspects, such as kitchen utensils such as iron pans and shovels in restaurants. Obviously It is a very good application direction, and it also makes restaurants more and more dishes, and the business of restaurants is naturally getting better and better.

Unfortunately, limited by the energy problem, the whole family still uses charcoal or firewood, so that the kitchen of each restaurant will be built separately in a corner of the yard, and the chimney will not be too low to prevent the smoke from affecting the neighbors and their own homes. Restaurant.

As for the water source, tap water has become a regular source of water because of the overall suspended water supply system of Pengzu, which does not cause any inconvenience to people.However, this kind of facility has further increased the workload of the City Affairs Bureau, because they also need to deal with the birds that use the water tower as a water source from time to time.

Even in order not to destroy the harmony of nature, the city affairs bureaus of various places have independently spent money to build four wide water towers at the four corners of the city wall as special drinking areas for those birds with unique preferences.

The rest of the water is used as water for irrigation of some medicine gardens and small vegetable fields in the city, and water for cleaning the streets, which is a good implementation of the principle of conservation.

At this point, for those birds who still stubbornly cling to the public drinking water towers, the City Affairs Bureau is no longer polite, and throws them to several water towers on the city wall if they catch them, and tries to drive them away if they don't catch them. (Isn't this just an extra option of 'throwing water towers'? =. =)

As a result, various cities often staged winged city personnel, flapping their four wings, and launching water attack and defense battles with birds in the sky.Even now, the fighting power of birds in various places can be seen only from the air combat capabilities of the personnel of the city affairs bureaus in various places...

Ignore these tourist attractions and the like for the time being.

Seeing Xiao Lingyun and Chu Ling who had called the waiter for some lettuce leaves and raw meat, Kong Huan seemed very emotional.

"You guys are so kind to these little guys."

The two rabbits lying on Xiao Lingyun's lap, one of them is a net rabbit, but the other is just an ordinary rabbit, but they are both like Xiao Lingyun's direct-controlled species, standing obediently, staring at Xiao Ling cutely The vegetable leaves in Yun's hands.

Among them, the net rabbit with significantly higher intelligence even crawled slightly, as if planning to snatch the vegetable leaves before they arrived.

This scene made everyone laugh out loud, but this funny rabbit resolutely ignored the surrounding situation. When Xiao Lingyun was a little dazed because of everyone's laughter, he stretched out his neck long and opened his mouth , Bitten off... 1/6 of the vegetable leaves.

"Is it necessary?"

Everyone couldn't laugh or cry, but this rabbit, which Xiao Lingyun called Yun Yun, chewed the vegetable leaves in its mouth, as if it was a supreme delicacy.

On the other hand, the Hell Butterfly seemed more settled. Standing on Chu Ling's shoulder, the Hell Butterfly just quietly waited for the piece of meat that Chu Ling handed over, and then swallowed it to digest it, but it was full of energy. A pair of compound eyes glanced around from time to time.

"Vigilance is high."

This was Kong Huan's evaluation of the Hell Butterfly, and upon hearing this, Chu Ling nodded proudly, then reached out and patted the Hell Butterfly and said, "I trained it."

"Speaking of which, Chu Ling, have you ever thought about assigning Hell Butterfly to the army?"

"Isn't it attached?"

"I'm talking about combat troops, such as the three major brigades, not city defense troops." Hell Butterfly has been used as a part of city defense for a long time, and its performance is still good, but the situation of joining the combat troops is still unclear. didn't show up.

After thinking about it, Chu Ling finally nodded and said, "It is possible, but not too much."

"No, it's just a special attacking force. You should know that apart from the poison of the Shadow Clan, the poison of the Hell Butterfly is the strongest poison we have seen so far. It should be able to play a very good role in dealing with the enemy. It works, especially sneak attack."

The boring topic stopped here, and soon, everyone started talking and laughing about the trivial things in life.

(End of this chapter)

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