Spore Story

Chapter 409 Civil and Military Division and Double Moon Lolita

Chapter 409 Civil and Military Division and Double Moon Lolita

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The division of civil and military officials played an extremely important role in human history. Although it led to subsequent civil and military confrontations, it was an inevitable process of detailed division of labor as the organization became more complex.

As for the Peng family, while developing rapidly, the government's power planning has also begun to be gradually subdivided. Therefore, this effective method of dividing civil and military affairs has also been proposed.

In fact, one of the main reasons for this division lies in the fact that the high-level power restrictions made before because of the concern about the spirit clan's seizure of the house caused opposition beyond imagination. It was only at this time that I found out that because the managers needed to think There are too many things, often complicated thinking, and it is difficult to reach the level that a person who specializes in cultivation can achieve. That is to say, the so-called restrictions on the soul-level mid-to-high peak officials now seem to be reduced to fantasy. No matter how good an assistant is, it is not the main idea. the officer himself.

At the same time, the Bureau of Technology also confirmed that the success rate of the spirit man in seizing the body is not higher than that of friends with four or five-level brains. I am afraid it is not as good as the spirit man at the peak of the soul level who seized the epic creature. Success rate.Especially for the Winged Men with Level [-] Brain, the Spirit Man is only Level [-] Brain, and it is impossible for them to successfully seize the body.

In this way, the regulation on strength limitation has only been implemented for less than two terms, and it has gradually come to an end, and the division of military power and management power has just happened to be on the agenda.

Therefore, at the 25th annual meeting of Pengzu, the first important topic became 'the difference between civil and military'.

"Strength restrictions will continue to be used among military officers, while civilian officials will no longer set strength restrictions; and similarly, military officers will only be in charge of military affairs, and civilian officials will only be in charge of government affairs, and will not interfere with each other..."

There are obviously some objections to this proposal. After all, it is to separate the military and political powers of the senior officials, but this is a friend clan, and no matter how powerful it is, it cannot resist the elders' house.As for taking a roundabout route, that is even more difficult. Looking at the election of the patriarch, in fact, the elders' house directly controls this reality, and we can know that the real control of the friends is still in the hands of the elders' house.

As for the Shenting, the folks actually did not distinguish at all the specific differences between the Shenting and the Elder's House.

"Civil and military division? It was Kong Huan, when did you tell them?" 8051 on the side, although he followed Kong Huan most of the time, didn't know much about other people's situation. Hearing these things clearly marked in Kong Huan's memory , she naturally attributed it to Kong Huan.

However, Kong Huan just smiled and shook his head.

"Could it be Dark Blood and Bai Nong? Kong Huan, you are getting lazy now."

"Uh, why does it always involve me? I shook my head earlier to express that it has nothing to do with me. The concept of 'division of civil and military labor' was completely discussed by Long Yue and Mu Wen. When they proposed it in the elders' house, I just said this title subconsciously, who knows that they are so lazy, they just use it without changing it... No, what do you mean by 'also so lazy'."

"Stare~~" 8051.

"Well, ignore the details. What I want to say is this time, except for the name, it has nothing to do with me. Isn't that great?"

"Indeed, this means that the Pengzu has begun to develop itself, and you can be laid off if you are empty. 8051 expresses the real reality in an accurate way."


"...Our plan in the future is to implement the [Civilian Rank System] and [Military Officer Rank System] in the friends. The rank is linked to the level of confidentiality and treatment, and the position only represents the corresponding job. Some special positions may have The position is supplemented, but the treatment will not exceed the level too much..."

This set of theories is actually similar to the system in the illusory memory, except that the three houses are subdivided.

However, the driving force behind all this is actually the Law Court. According to Mu Wen, the original concept proposed by the Law Court at the beginning.

At the 24th annual meeting, the Law Court believed that the laws of the Peng family were too crude and insufficiently enforced, and the trials of cases in various places had high requirements for the chief judges (that is, judges) subordinate to the Law Court. But it is impossible for everyone to be a genius in solving crimes, so it is necessary to constantly improve cases and amend laws.

But on the other hand, in order to ensure their strength, officials often have to practice, which greatly reduces the time for learning management knowledge and summarizing management experience.

The Law Court also pointed out that the laws of the Peng family are not very stable and are often revised. In order to prevent the law from changing too much and causing government turmoil, there should be a long-term bill that is extremely difficult or even impossible to change. As a basis, it is Like the seeds of a tree, a whole legal system is developed based on this act.

In this way, a basic standard for judging cases can be provided for the judges in various places, so that all cases do not need to consult a large amount of information, or decide on their own.

"Is this thing exactly the embryonic form of the Constitution?"

Although he sighed with emotion, Kong Huan didn't say much about it.

Although this kind of behavior is rated as lazy, he doesn't think so.

Kong Huan hopes to let Pengzu reach this point by himself. He has laid a lot of foundations at the beginning, and now he is just appreciating the fruits that are constantly being borne.The active interventions made during the period were nothing more than adjustments such as fertilizing, loosening the soil, and pruning.

And now, hasn't the law court come to this point from scratch?
"That's just your own idea. You know a lot of good things, why don't you just bring them up?" 8051 was obviously puzzled by this. In terms of system knowledge, he has more system knowledge than Kong Huan, and in terms of other knowledge, it may not be half as high as Kong Huan.

"What is good for human beings may not be good for the friends. Do I have the ability to combine the system with reality and make perfect modifications? Then, I might as well hide my clumsiness and promote the development of the friends little by little. , and then let them walk out of their own world step by step according to the inertia, that would not be better."

These things are often talked about between the two, and more often, the two still live their daily lives.

Maybe it's because I've lived for a long time, so I can't bear the ordinary life. Now, 8051 and Void will even express their approval for an ant floating from one side of the ditch to the other, and for the beetle to keep moving from one side of the leaf to the other. Fly to that piece to express appreciation.

Sometimes, Kong Huan even wondered if after a long time, he would become like 'seeing an ant in a daze, and he would be in a daze for a long time'.

However, looking back at 8051 who was really looking at the ants in a daze, Kong Huan found sadly that such a day might not be far away from him.

At this time, 8051, who was in a daze, suddenly tensed up.

"What's the matter?" Kong Huan, who sensed something was wrong, quickly looked behind him, and what caught their eyes was a, ah no, a cute loli, a face with a sextant like 8051, and a shawl. A little loli with light blue hair, obviously full of immature aura.

"Who is this? 8051 your relative?"

Kong Huan, who hadn't reacted yet, slowly stood up, turned his gaze between the two of them in confusion, and had some bad thoughts in his heart.

"Two moons."

Hearing 8051's trembling voice and analyzing the meaning of those two words, Kong Huan immediately came to his senses, and subconsciously stood in front of 8051 one step at a time, looking vigilantly at the fragile loli-like unknown creature ahead.

—————Naughty midfield dividing line—————

It can be said that the illusion has never been so tense. The memory from the ACG of the previous life is like the existence of this planet's will, a race attached to it, unless there is a bug-level human collective subconscious aggregate like the human race on earth. It is simply impossible to compete with it.

At this time, there was such an existence standing in front of him, and the other party probably didn't come for an outing.

What's more, if you put yourself in the position of the will of the planet, the behavior before 8051 will obviously incur strong retaliation from the other party. It's not right or wrong, it's just victory or defeat.

But it is obviously impossible for Kong Huan to give up 8051. To be honest, 8051 is also Kong Huan's closest relative in this world. Even Dark Blood and Bai Nong, who are clones, can't compare to this.

(What should I do?)

Kong Huan was sweating profusely, although his body was stiff, he still stood between the two of them.His idea is actually very simple, (Perhaps, with the support of my consciousness of civilization that belongs to the planet, the other party may give up.)
As for whether the other party can recognize himself as the main consciousness, does this still need to be considered?
However, Kong Huan soon sadly discovered that his own existence seemed to have no effect on the current situation at all.

The little loli-like unidentified creature in front of him tilted his head and looked at Kong Huan curiously. If he didn't know the level of the other party, Kong Huan might have been ruthlessly cute. Unfortunately, what he hates the most is the truth.

However, the little Lolita's movement only lasted half a second before she raised her right hand and looked at Kong Huan... 8051 behind her.

Kong Huan can clearly see that although Little Lolita's dark pupils are printed with the shadow of Kong Huan, her mind is definitely 8051, because it can be seen from the other party's actions that she completely ignores an illusory existence.

At this time, the reaction of 8051 behind him also made Kong Huan feel worried: 8051, who was still trembling at the beginning, suddenly stopped when the little Lolita raised her right hand.

"8051, are you okay!"

Although there was no coercion, Kong Huan was completely terrified by his positioning of the loli-like dangerous creature in front of him, and couldn't turn his head. It was only when he felt a light slap behind him that Kong Huan breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, 8051's doubtful voice came from behind.

"Shuangyue, what can I do for you? 8051 asked anxiously." Perhaps because of nervousness, 8051 added the suffix again.

If someone looks at the three people at this time from a distance, they can find that the emptiness in the middle seems to be regarded as air by the other two. It is obvious that the emptiness completely blocks the way of the two people looking at each other, but the two people really It is true that they are looking at each other through Kong Huan, but Kong Huan is just fixed like a statue.

(Why do I feel like a clown?) With tears in Kong Huan's eyes...

At this time, little loli moved again.

Hearing 8051's inquiry, she was obviously also a little puzzled, and saw a light blue gem suddenly appeared in the palm of her tender right hand, and with the slight shaking of her little hand, the gem flew up like this, passing through the gap between the two of them. The distance, of course, passed through the empty body and fell into 8051's hands.

"This, for my sister."

"..." (Who can tell me what happened? Sister? Is it really a relative?)
The miserable passer-by, Kong Huan, was not only ignored by the two of them at this time, but was even ignored by the gem, because it was able to pass through Kong Huan's body unimpeded, without giving Kong Huan any abnormal feeling.

However, 8051, who received the gem, did not feel any hostility from the other party, or even much emotion.Carefully looking away at the gemstone in his hand, 8051 gradually calmed down and began to raise his own doubts.

"what is this?"

Blinking her eyes cutely, the little Lolita seemed to be thinking about it, the hair on her head drifted a few millimeters strangely as if there was no gravity, and then fell down again, and then the little Lolita spoke again.

"Sister's, it should be given to my sister."

At this time, he can no longer feel the good and evil of the other party, and Kong Huan has lived in vain for so long.After confirming that it was harmless, the feeling of fear that frightened him disappeared instantly, and Kong Huan immediately relaxed, and stood unsteadily to the side, looking at 8051.

At this time, 8051 was also fiddling with the gemstone in his hands in doubt. Neither of them spoke. The communication between them seemed to be far more than what Konghuan felt. After a while of silence, 8051 suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed the gemstone. And made a satisfied expression.

Before Kong Huan could react further, a burst of bright light instantly enveloped 8051's entire body, completely covering the hillside outside Pengcheng.

However, the brilliance was only for a moment, and when the light stopped, the little girl who had been expressionless on the opposite side raised the corners of her mouth slightly, obviously in a good mood.

But at this time, 8051 looked at the little Shuangyue girl in front of him with a complicated expression, and seemed to be a little unacceptable to certain things.

"How is it?" At this time, the illusion used as the background was able to speak.

"What do you say?" 8051 tilted his head in distress, then looked at the worried face of Kong Huan, his heart softened, and he spread his hands decisively and said: "Happiness came too suddenly, I'm not ready yet."


Although 8051's tone jumped too fast, making Kong Huan feel a little suffocated, but it seemed that there was no danger, so he was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

At this time, the loli who was judged not to be an enemy and had been staring at 8051, waited for 8051's body, which didn't seem to have changed in any way, to completely calm down, and then spoke again.

"Sister, go home."

"Go home?" 8051 looked puzzled.

Little Loli pointed to the ground below her.

Shaking his head, 8051 took a few steps forward, hesitated for a moment, then reached out and rubbed the little loli's head, then pointed to Pengcheng behind him, his fingers seemed to be in the void between himself and Pengcheng drifted by.

"No, my home is also here, so I want to stay here."

For the first time, the eyes moved away from 8051. The action of the little loli this time was very obvious. Most of the time her eyes were focused on Kong Huan, and only a small part of the time swept across the friend city. When her eyes swept over the friend city At that moment, Little Loli seemed to hesitate for a moment, because her hair fluttered slightly again. (Han Huan seems to have come up with the weird formula of 'Little Lolita's hair floating = thinking'=.=)

Then, she nodded, walked to 8051 and stood still.

"What do you mean?" Looking at the little loli who cherishes words like gold, Kong Huan's head is full of confusion.

When he heard Kong Huan's question, 8051 patted Shuangyue little Lolita on the head affectionately, then turned to look at Kong Huan and explained, "It means that she wants to follow me."

"then you……"

"Of course I stayed, I don't want to hand over the money for you to spend!"

"Uh, what is this?" Kong Huan looked at 8051 with his hands on his hips, full of arrogance and arrogance, feeling a little relieved for some reason.


"This little loli... well, Shuangyue, it won't be dangerous to follow us."

I don’t know the truth, I’m a strange sorghum, I may think that what Kong Huan said was ‘little loli is in danger’, but neither Kong Huan nor 8051 is obviously a strange sorghum, 8051’s female doesn’t explain it, and as far as Kong Huan’s age is concerned, even it is a ‘weird grandpa’ Yes, Ga.

Smiling, 8051 nodded to Shuangyue to signal him to keep up, and then walked towards Konghuan: "Don't worry, now in terms of power level, Shuangyue and I are at the same level, but in terms of life..."

Lolita Shuangyue lovingly squinted her eyes, and 8051 said: "Shuangyue and I can be said to share life, because we are all self-awareness of this planet now, and I am an older sister. In terms of emotional coping; and Shuangyue, who is regarded as a younger sister, tends to routine rational coping."

"What's the situation?" Kong Huan was confused: "Has there been a similar phenomenon before? Can one planet have two planetary wills?"

"No." Shaking his head, 8051 also had a confused look on his face: "I don't know how this happened, Shuangyue, do you know?"

Shuangyue 'thought' once again, then shook her head in the same way.

"Wake up, that's it."


"What a painful way to speak." There is no 8051's communication ability that seems to have other information contact functions. As a relatively normal person, it is difficult for Kong Huan to understand the communication between the two, so he can only make complaints and lead the way. .

"Ah! When did I become a tour guide when I was the patriarch of a dignified friend?"

"Do you have any dissatisfaction? 8051 looks at the void ahead with concern."

"Look at..." by Shuangyue Little Lolita.

"..." by the emptiness in the speechless.

Just like that, two people, one big, one small, and three people began to stroll on the streets of Pengcheng, attracting countless eyes with different emotions.

daily life continues...

(End of this chapter)

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