Spore Story

Chapter 410 General Assembly and Silk and Technology Bureau

Chapter 410 General Assembly and Silk and Technology Bureau
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What would a civilization look like if it was backed by the will of the planet at the beginning of its development?

Kong Huan used to do fantasies, and with the performance before 8051, he has roughly felt the benefits that are incomparable to any race. Think about the current Far West and West Land groups. With the help of the 8051 of the former, I am afraid that it is still outside the jurisdiction of the illusion, let alone the establishment of six overseas provinces.

However, there seems to be a slight discrepancy between reality and fantasy in the illusory discovery at this time.

"I'm sorry, Kong Huan, although we have just become the real will of the planet, the functions we have mastered are actually not as many as the previous executors, it's just that the status is higher. Of course, there should be some functions, but I haven't found them yet. "

In the elder's house, 8051 clasped his hands together, looking apologetic in front of Kong Huan.And Shuangyue little Lolita was in the elders' courtyard, playing with Xiao Lingyun and the Hell Butterfly and Rabbit Gate that Chu Ling had let in.

But from Kong Huan's point of view, it's just these mischievous animals circling around the double moon, maybe it feels the kindness.Just like the main consciousness's natural intimacy with friends, the double moon, which is the rotation node of the entire double-moon star consciousness, obviously has a natural intimacy with the entire double-moon star species, and in this regard, 8051 Seems to have it too.

"What's going on here, tell me?" Curious about the will of the planet, Trend Konghuan asked 8051.

"What about this?" After thinking for a while, maybe thinking about how to explain it in illusory language, Shuangyue looked at this side curiously, and continued to play with the Hell Butterfly.

"By the way, let's use spiritual power as an example. Didn't the friends have studied it for a long time before they have so many skills? Didn't Konghuan only use spiritual power to observe the world at the beginning, and didn't even know that it was spiritual power, and I ..."

Looking at Little Lolita, 8051 continued: "I'm the same as Shuangyue, and I'm still at the stage of getting familiar with these abilities, but Shuangyue is just born, and although she has a lot of knowledge, she needs a little understanding; and I want to analyze these unfamiliar abilities."

"Oh, that means it's not impossible, but it's not possible." Kong Huan suddenly realized.

"That's about the same."

"Forget it, let's not talk about this." This thing can only be done step by step, and Kong Huan didn't think about forcing it. The current development momentum of the friend clan is very fast, and he is worried that because of the rapid changes, the people of the ethnic group will not be able to accept it.

Just like the beginning of unification, the ethnic group still used boneware and pottery, but within a few years, they began to use copper, then bronze, and within a few years, they turned into steel again. It can be said that most of the current friends , it took 25 years to go through a process that other civilizations need thousands of years to develop.

This speed, if combined with the full function of the planet's will, I don't know if Kong Huan will fly into the universe tomorrow?

"Well, it's scary just thinking about it."

Indeed, with a current population of only 25, the Peng Clan wants to fly into the universe, just like the tens of millions of District 11 people trying to rule the mainland, and the arm-sized snake trying to swallow an elephant. It's pure courting death...

"But speaking of it, what was that sapphire-like thing before? It's okay to eat it."

"That is the crystallization of the planet's will. It seems that the part of the planet's will that chose me was condensed. It was not eaten, but was fused by me. After that, I officially obtained the identity of the planet's will."

"So is this a success? The previous plan?"

Looking distressedly at Shuangyue, who was standing there straight and seemingly motionless, Kong Huan turned his head to stare at 8051 with a mischievous face, not knowing how to comment.

And when he heard Kong Huan's words, 8051 bowed his head in distress and thought about it, and finally nodded reluctantly.

"Well, that counts."

—————The confrontation between Konghuan and Shuangyue...it’s strange—————

On the sixth day of the New Year’s Eve in 25 AD, that is, on January 1, although there was an unexpected appearance of Shuangyue Lolita, which made Kong Huan and 16 seem a little preoccupied, but Kong Huan still fulfilled the duties of the elder. , obediently took 8051 and sat in the first row of the venue.

Of course, this time there is only one (one) planet-level little loli. (Oops)
Still sitting in that position, it was the first time she saw Shuangyue's wood grain with a surprised face, and her eyes turned back and forth between Konghuan, 8051 and Shuangyue, until even Konghuan felt dizzy, she didn't Suddenly a sentence popped up.

"Congratulations, Master Kong Huan and Master Kong Ling, how old is your daughter? It's really embarrassing to release it now."

Because it was very uncomfortable to be seen by the wood grain, and the two of them both drank tea to cover up, and immediately sprayed the wood grain all over their faces.

"What a mess! This is Shuangyue, sister of 8051!"

"younger sister?"

Seemingly more surprised by the situation of 'sister' than the situation of 'daughter', Mu Wen looked at 8051 with a strange face, and then looked at the little loli who ignored all the changes around her and focused on dealing with the fruit water in her hand , His face was full of doubts, doubts, doubts.

"When did Master Kong Ling have a younger sister? Master Kong Huan, although I am very embarrassed, don't lie to me with such lies! A daughter is a daughter."

I didn't expect to tell the truth, but in exchange for Mu Wen's face of contempt, Kong Huan stared at the side and laughed but didn't explain 8051, looking around depressed.

The sound insulation field has blocked the embarrassing conversation before, but the action of spraying water before Konghuan and 8051 obviously attracted a lot of attention, so that the dean of the Executive Yuan, who was speaking on the podium at this time, had to pause a bit.

After a while, he coughed a few times in embarrassment, and after attracting everyone's attention, he was able to continue speaking.

"Hey, well, we haven't made much changes regarding the classification of the civil service system. We just replaced the previous five-level manager levels of none, elementary, middle, high, and control with six-level."

"The lowest rank is the sixth rank, with a salary of 500 copper coins per month, which is the level of the general village head; the highest rank is the first rank, with a monthly salary of 3000 copper coins, and benefits such as free housing in Pengcheng, free medical care, etc. The detailed division has been distributed to everyone. I believe everyone has seen it..."

The rating of managers is only one point of government function planning, and the rating of military chiefs is the military rank system recommended by Dark Blood.

As for Kong Huan, who was sitting under the stage, he was flipping through the conference report book in his hand boredly.

Regarding Shuangyue's identity issue, Kong Huan doesn't want Mu Wen to know for the time being. After all, even the real identity of the editing space and 8051, Mu Wen is not clear. It can be said that only Lingxue Chuxia and the others can know the truth.

It's not secrecy, it's protection.

As for Shuangyue, don't look like you don't know anything, it's just because the freshmen are still comprehending the huge amount of information in their memory.

Rubbing the high-quality paper in his hand, a gratified smile appeared on Kong Huan's face.

Since I used the research model to find out the available paper production methods, I handed over all follow-up research in this area to the Technology Bureau, and the paper team of the Technology Bureau has been working hard on research.

After that, all kinds of good and bad papers, large, medium and small, also appeared one after another, enriching the life and cultural fields of the friends.

At this time, the paper in Kong Huan's hand was printed with movable lead type. Although the printed meeting report would be somewhat blurred if the text on the paper was too complicated, it was actually quite good in terms of practicality. .

"Speaking of wood grain, has the Technology Bureau gained anything good recently?" After thinking about research through paper, Kong Huan, who has been busy with war issues recently, suddenly realized that he hadn't been to the Technology Bureau for a while, and Wood Vin has just stepped down from office, so he should know something about it.

"The Technology Bureau is Bai Min and the others, um..."

Tilting his head and thinking about it, it seems that because he was determined to step down, he started to train his successors early, and Mu Wen didn't seem to remember these things very clearly.After thinking for a while, she still shook her head and said, "Let's go and have a look later, it's true that we haven't been there for a long time."

"Alright." Kong Huan looked at 8051, who was just dazed aside, and Shuangyue, who sat obediently beside 8051 and looked around with curious eyes, but was extremely quiet, looked away helplessly and nodded.

"So, you're here?"


Looking at Bai Min who was wearing a linen robe in front of him, but a thin layer of veil was draped over his shoulders, Kong Huan's eyes lit up, and he didn't notice the depression in Bai Min's eyes at all.

"Have you got all the gauze out yet?" Although he could conjure any clothes with his own ability, 8051 still had eyes shining when he saw the layer of gauze fluttering on Bai Min's shoulders. It is much quieter. As for what he thinks in his heart, Void and morally did not check.

"You say this?"

At first, I was a little dissatisfied with the sudden visit of Kong Huan and the others, but they were just wandering around, but seeing the two women and a little loli who seemed to be a product of disharmony staring at the thing on her shoulder, Bai Min decisively ignored it. The emptiness on the side.

"This is the latest product of the textile department. I heard that it is woven little by little according to what my brother said called silk, but the process is too troublesome and the practicality is not high, especially if you want to expand production. The waste of manpower generated was too great, so they only made a small amount and announced the discontinuation of production."

"Oh, that's a pity, it's bound to be popular."

Obviously dissatisfied with the discontinuation of such a good thing, 8051 rarely took the initiative in business.

I saw her hugging the expressionless, doll-like Shuangyue, staring at Kong Huan with shining eyes, and Shuangyue loli seemed to be in order to cooperate with her sister, or she was just learning, and she also made a decisive move. That kind of expression, God knows if she understands the meaning and lethality of this look.

"How can production be discontinued! Void, we must expand production!"

"Yeah," the little girl who didn't know anything nodded.

"Um..." (You guys are fouling!)

Being stared at by two similar guys, one big and one small, Kong Huan unscrupulously turned his head away. He was very worried that if he continued to watch, he would go to see the master of the system.

In fact, he didn't have much love for this silk-like object, and he only considered its economic value, practical value and production conditions.

Of course, the economic value of this kind of thing can be known from the reactions of several people, but when it comes to practical value and production conditions...

At the side, Bai Min and Mu Wen got together.

"Patriarch, who is that next to Lord 8051? The daughter of Kong Huan and Lord 8051?"

"Do you think so too?" Mu Wen looked at Bai Min in surprise, as if she had found a bosom friend, pointed at herself with a smile and said, "I just stepped back, just call me Mu Wen, but I also do the same. I think it looks like a family no matter how you look at it.”

Pointing to the location of the three of them, it happened to be the time when 8051 was holding the little Lolita and launching a super invincible star eye attack on Konghuan.

In the eyes of outsiders, this is exactly the mother and daughter who have found something they love, and they are looking at the stingy father with longing eyes, and the father is still turning his head away as if avoiding... .=)

Fortunately, there were only Bai Min and Mu Wen who were chewing their tongues around at this time, so there was no bloody disaster.

"Yeah," Bai Min nodded in agreement; "This guy Kong Huan didn't expect to be so quick, my brother is still a bachelor (who do you think it's because of =.=), but this daughter is so cute!"

"Yeah, but." Only then did Mu Wen react, and said with strong distrust: "Master Kong Huan's explanation is that she is the younger sister of Master Kong Ling, but I don't believe it, but that little loli has never been so serious. Speaking, and Kong Ling-sama is just laughing, and I can't refute that."

Spreading his hands, Mu Wen shook his head speechlessly.

"Well, forget it, anyway, it's their business, no matter how Kong Huan explains it, we just know it."

"Right, that is it."

Bai Min, who completely ignored the reality, had confirmed his guess.But Mu Wen actually nodded in agreement, and exchanged a look of "just understand in my heart" with Bai Min.

The illusion of cups.

However, hearing the conversation between the three of Kong Huan at this time, Mu Wen still asked Bai Min about the relevant situation. After all, she still likes this kind of silk item very much, and seeing Bai Min walking around in the dress, it is obvious that she I also like it.

But Kong Huan is still persuading 8051 earnestly.

"...Now we are about to enter the war period. Many things have to serve the war. Isn't it too wasteful to suddenly mobilize manpower to manufacture luxury goods such as silk?"

But in this regard, 8051 seems to be unusually persistent, coupled with Shuangyue's energy booster, Kong Huan felt that he was retreating step by step, although the other party didn't say anything.

At this time, the sound of wood grain sounded like the sound of nature, attracting the attention of the three 'people'.

"My lord, the silk is actually pretty good too. Expansion of production will obviously be welcomed."

(Okay, the sound of nature, that’s not it!) Looking at Mu Wen with emptiness and resentment, (Mu Wen! Did you give up the overall view just after resigning as the patriarch?)

(Oh my god! Little Lolita actually spoke!)

Seeing Kong Huan's tangled expression, Mu Wen smiled and said, "Master Kong Huan, what you are actually worried about is that the luxury of silk consumes more manpower and softens people's thinking, right?"

Seeing Kong Huan's nod of approval, and even eyes with a little emotion like 'it seems that you haven't let me down', Mu Wen shook his head under the gaze of Kong Huan's hopeful expression.

"My lord, your confidence in us is still too small, how could we be softened because of such a little thing?"

"As for the manpower, it doesn't have to be attended by working friends, is it? Some housewives who are bored at home, and those who have no work but are handy among the Dunjia people, etc., can't they all be used?"

In the end, Kong Huan was defeated by a series of available methods of Muwen, and he finally discovered the gap between himself and Muwen, who had practiced for 15 years.

"Practicality does not mean life. To make our family develop, the development of life is also essential," Mu Wen launched the final blow.

"Okay, as long as the Ministry of Commerce approves it, we will agree."

Seeing that there was still some fluke in the air, 8051 smiled and gave Mu Wen a thumbs up, and the little loli also imitated 8051's movements and cast a approving look at Mu Wen.

Therefore, in less than half a day, there was no need to go through the elders' house at all, and this product was directly verified by the Ministry of Commerce of the Executive Yuan.

Of course, it will take some time before mass production, but this is not what a few people need to pay attention to.

"Okay, let's get down to business."

"So you still have business to do."

"Um...not as knowledgeable as a little girl like you," Kong Huan gave Bai Min a glare.With Bai Nong's connection, in fact, Bai Min can also be regarded as Void's younger sister, and this girl seems to have some illusionary memories, so everyone never regards this girl as an outsider.

"Hmph." Bai Min raised her head proudly.

"Okay, I mainly want to know the progress of the network this time, mainly in terms of personal independence, network information preservation, and personal security. How have you solved it?"

"It's the same thing every time I come here," Bai Min still thought about it.

After all, this magnetic field network project was her first public job project after she officially joined the friends, and it was because of this project that she was able to enter the Technology Bureau, and even achieved the current position of director.

"The research on the magnetic field network, now we have expanded many groups to carry out at the same time, because the transfer station technology has been perfected, encryption is also very simple, and the filtering technology is also popularized to Lv3 energy controllers, so now all Lv3 All energy controllers can use the magnetic field network."

"However, the current magnetic field network is a complete real-time communication network, not something like an information platform like what you said in vain fantasy."

"That's why I asked about those things, after all our purpose is to grow the platform."

"I know, but be patient, okay? Don't you know how to proceed step by step!"

Glaring at Kong Huan viciously, ignoring Kong Huan's dumbfounding eyes, Bai Min continued: "Well, personal independence is what I'm after, a number. This requires standard setting, and it will take up a lot of personal thinking."

"To be honest, the people in that team are now looking for breakthroughs from external objects."

After thinking for a while, Bai Min pointed to a corner of the Technology Bureau and said: "The suggestion of the network information preservation group is to use a living brain and open the memory of the brain to everyone, but this involves security issues, and it is also related to personal Privacy, so it comes and goes, and it comes down to the external device in the end.”

"..." For two consecutive questions, peripheral devices are required, and for personal safety, there is no hope at all.

"But now our technology can't produce external devices such as hard disks and servers. If it reaches that level, we will not study biological networks."

"Yeah, hehe," Bai Min could still laugh at this time, she smiled and nodded to Shuangyue, and then said: "But, we found a problem."

"Why do we have to limit ourselves to energy and the brain?"

"what do you mean?"



(End of this chapter)

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