Spore Story

Chapter 411 Magnetic field network and consciousness interface

Chapter 411 Magnetic field network and consciousness interface

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The magnetic field network of the Pengzu so far has been popularized to LV3 energy control, so almost 60% of the winged people and 16% of the original people can already communicate in real time through the magnetic field network covering the entire group.

This is a gratifying achievement. It not only further strengthens Pengcheng's control over the entire Pengclan, but also promotes the deepening of exchanges in all aspects of the Pengclan.

However, if this achievement cannot go further, the magnetic field network that Kong Huan and others place high hopes on will only stop at a free real-time wireless telegraph communication system.

Because, although the existing magnetic field communication seems to have a lot of restrictions, it can reach Lv3, but people still have to learn the magnetic field communication language. This and the human generation system allow them to speak Mandarin, but not necessarily he can It's the same as learning Mandarin, so this aspect is obviously a big trouble.

At this time, the Technology Bureau seems to have discovered a solution in this regard, and this solution is actually related to the Spirit Race people, although it is just an introduction.

"Everyone knows that the spirit race people have no vision and rely entirely on spiritual power to perceive the world. When the biological research team studied the spirit race people, they found through the study of the dream world that the information obtained from their perceptions prompted them to react. It is similar to the visual perception of ordinary creatures to obtain information and prompt the responses of ordinary creatures."

Seeing that Kong Huan and the others were at a loss, Bai Min thought for a while, rubbed his forehead helplessly, and spread his hands and said, "To put it simply, their mental perception signals, like the consciousness perception signals of the dead souls, are translated into visual perception signals." Signal, at least in their brains it should be."

"..." Obviously, several non-professionals were still dizzy.

But obviously, Bai Min's ability to explain is not very good: "Well, to put it simply, the world they see with mental power is the same as the world we see with vision."

After hesitating for a while, when Bai Min, who was not very good at explaining, seemed to be about to cry, the three of them nodded hesitantly, expressing that they should understand. As for that (that one?) little loli, please ignore it because of the long silence. Well, although she nodded early.

"But what does that have to do with our network?"

Bai Min felt powerless for a moment...

Although somewhat sympathetic, Kong Huan still chose to ignore Xiao Baimin at this time, and turned his head to look at the empty technical bureau square.

Then Kong fantasized about it, waved his hands and used his mind power to pass through the gaps in the cement boards, leveled the soil on the ground, and made some tables and chairs out of it, before letting everyone sit down and talk.

The warmth of spring is dispelling the cold, making it easy for people to fall asleep. Even if the spirit and consciousness of the few people present are already high, they are not easily affected by the body. After leaning back, several people still showed expressions of enjoyment and distress.

"Forget it, drink some tea to refresh yourself."

Seeing this situation, Kong's illusion power was mobilized again, a pair of tea sets, a stove, a few pieces of dry firewood, and several cups of tea leaves flew from all over and gathered together to form. Clear water fell steadily into the teapot on the stove.

This series of smooth movements fully demonstrated Kong Huan's strong control over the power of thought.

And when Bai Min saw the desks and chairs that appeared from scratch and even a tea set in just a moment, he said enviously: "No wonder Aiyi is so arrogant, the spirit power of Youshen level is really easy to use." , It would be really great if the Technology Bureau could have dozens of users of mind power."

"Uh, let's work hard, everyone." Kong Hua, who didn't know what to say about this, could only answer like this.

At this time, Bai Min seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and turned to Kong Huan and asked casually: "Speaking of which, Kong Huan, why don't we set up a research group to study mind power?"

"If there are spare researchers, that's all right. The Elder's House can support it," Kong Huan replied with a smile to Bai Min's words. Indeed, if mind power can be studied, then the magnetic field network will be popularized step by step, and friends will develop. It will definitely be stronger.

But upon hearing this, Bai Min suddenly became depressed: "It's not like you don't know that, although the Yi people are very smart, there are not many people who really transfer their intelligence to research, ah! This year, they will cooperate with other departments It is really painful for factories to rob graduates.”

"Won't you discuss the ratio with other departments?" Kong Huan said in amazement: "It's very troublesome to rob each other every year."

"Don't you think there are none?" Bai Lekong glanced at him, and Bai Min stretched out his finger to tease Shuangyue sitting in 8051's arms, but found that this loli was sitting there shamelessly, and didn't even look at her. glance.

But soon, Bai Min turned pale with shock, because she found that this little loli was also learning to wave her little hand like a fantasy, and a lump of mud in front of her little hand was pulsating up and down as if it was alive and suspended in both hands In between, changing shape from time to time.

It is impossible for a senior researcher like Bai Min not to recognize such an obvious use of mind power, but what does this represent?Bai Min was stunned for a while, then slowly regained his composure, and then gave Kong Huan a jealous look, staring at Kong Huan inexplicably.

"As expected of Kong Huan and 8051, are they all at the Youshen level when they give birth to a child?"

"It's my sister!" Kong Huan was speechless, while 8051 still smiled and said nothing.

"Okay, okay, it's my sister."

I don't know what Bai Min's rolling eyes are thinking, but she didn't get too entangled here, but continued: "The proportion of graduates that we share every year has actually been discussed a long time ago."

"But, having a ratio doesn't mean you can relax, because everyone wants a good student, but what makes a good student is not quantifiable, so every year, everyone will make a fuss."

It's a trouble, but it's just some verbal conflicts when these departments meet the people they all want. No one will hold grudges afterwards, and the graduates' own ideas must be considered after all.

But when it came to this, Bai Min shook his head sighingly: "Fortunately, the students still have their own development direction, so there are no quarrels in all aspects."

(I'm really envious of the students of the Peng family.) Kong Huan smiled wryly, and if he thought about it: "We must employ people in all aspects..."

"and many more!"

Kong Huan's eyes suddenly brightened: "Bai Min, the number of soul-level undead returning from the undead world is gradually increasing, and it is impossible for all of them to be incorporated into the shadow team. There is some lack of power, but some applied research can play a very good role."

"Why don't we use the dead souls as the main research staff in the sub-bureau of the Component Technology Bureau, so that the imaginative living can be drawn out to do more important research?"

"Hmm... that's a good idea. It seems to you that it's still useful."


With a beginning, Kong Huan and Bai Min quickly discussed the further application of the dead soul, and after a while, the wood grain on the side also joined in.

The existence of dead souls is obviously of great significance to the friends, because the population of the friends is too small, and the immortal souls are no different from normal friends after entering the Youshen level. Although it is difficult to enter the Youshen level, But after all, where is the base.

Even soul-level undead, their wisdom will not be restricted, so the role of undead is obviously great.

And the behavior of using all soul-level undead souls to form the shadow team like before Konghuan is completely a waste.

You know, the number of the Shadow Team of the Friends has almost formed the three major teams of the Revenant.

"However, those things will be discussed later, let's talk about the topic. 8051 found that everyone has gone off topic again."

After unexpectedly actively breaking the discussion among the people, 8051 was taken aback by himself, but none of them noticed anything unusual about 8051, and only Shuangyue looked at 8051 suspiciously.

"Dead soul?"

"It's nothing, Double Moon."

Although she believed that the role of dead souls was really great, for some reason, 8051 found herself somewhat resistant to this topic, and even more resistant to being known by Shuangyue. She carefully kept an eye on it, thinking about the reasons.

However, she explained to Bai Min first: "Didn't Bai Min talk about the Internet before? What is the solution?"

Dazed for a moment, Bai Min blushed slightly: "That...huh! The topic was actually diverted by Kong Huan."

"Hey, didn't you divert it yourself?"

"Yes, I don't think so."


"Okay, don't talk nonsense," Bai Min patted the table, ignoring the illusory white eyes, and said directly: "As long as the energy control is above Lv4, if you are careful, you should be able to detect all kinds of perception in your body. Electrical signals are used to convey to the brain, right?"

Kong Huan nodded, even if he didn't have his own perception, the research knowledge of human beings can confirm this.

"In other words, why can't we convert communication signals into electrical signals that the brain can receive?"

"You mean?" After thinking about it, Kong Huan came up with a general idea, but since Bai Min proposed it, it obviously has some results.

"Yes," Bai Min nodded, and said proudly: "After we discovered that phenomenon, we did a lot of experiments, spent more than a year summarizing a small part of the electrical signals, and using formulas to calculate According to the law, it was found that if both parties to the communication use this kind of electrical signal, it is indeed possible to achieve a face-to-face conversation, but..."

Shaking his head, Bai Min held the steaming teacup, looked up at the floating clouds in the sky in the distance, and looked bored.

"Let's not talk about the level of knowledge required to learn this kind of electrical signal. I'm afraid even the students of the classification school can't reach it. Just this kind of chat, when the two parties communicate, because what they receive is also an electrical signal that perceives a world. It is easy to conflict with the electrical signals sensed by the surrounding environment, and it is very likely to produce unknown results."

"This makes the researchers very worried. After all, it is a challenge for people to perceive the situation of two worlds at the same time. So far, we are still stuck in theoretical preparations."

"Then what's the solution?" With a gesture of throwing his hands away from the shopkeeper, he didn't pay attention to the troubles that he couldn't solve, but asked directly: "Anyway, we will provide you with the support we can, and the rest is up to you. "

"Cut, although it is true, it makes people very uncomfortable."

Cursing her lips, Bai Min shook the tentacles on the back of her head, as if there was a tendency to tie knots, but she quickly calmed down.

Then, Bai Min drank the warm tea in one gulp, turned his head to stare at Kong Huan and said, "There is indeed a solution, which is to form an interface similar to an attribute box, and combine the electrical signal sent by the other party with the body's perception. The electrical signals are separated. The received communication electrical signals are completely handed over to this interface for display.”

Because the attribute box only needs 1 civilization point, in order to promote technological development and confirm the level of members, there are obviously not a few members of the friend clan who have opened the attribute box.

"However, in order for the electrical signals to respond, the brain is clearly required, and all at the same time."

"That's not the most important thing. After all, it's very common for Yi people to use one mind for three purposes. Even if the original people work a little harder, it's very easy for them to use one mind for two purposes."

"However, what we lack is the technology to produce this interface." Speaking of this, Bai Min looked at Kong Huan meaningfully: "And I heard, Kong Huan, you seem to be researching this, have you got any results?"

Needless to say, just looking at Bai Min's eyes, you can tell what she means, to let Kong Huan hand over this technology as soon as possible.

The method that seems to form an attribute interface in front of his eyes, but is actually only formed in his consciousness, and only he can see it, is obviously very useful in Bai Min's view, and since he is studying it, Void Fantasy obviously also values ​​it.

But when it comes to interface research, Kong Huan is full of complacency: "I finally realized the importance of me."


Bai Min, who couldn't get used to Kong Huan's expression, turned her head decisively; Mu Wen also smiled and watched Shuangyue's mind-shaping performance; Bai Min said something, and the other party reluctantly turned his head to look at Kong Huan.

"You can tell by your expression that something has been achieved, so let's take a look." Bai Min still spoke stubbornly.

"It's not cute."

"……"I will endure.

"Okay, this interface, in fact, I have been studying it for a long time." Under the lesson of blood, knowing that these double-moon females should not be forced too hard, coughed a few times, and then Said: "I found that the creation of the interface is actually similar to the dream world or even the fantasy world."

"However, compared to the dream world and the fantasy world, this consciousness interface is obviously much smaller, but the precision is extremely high, which is why I haven't achieved results for so long."

"However, after the [Semi-separation of Consciousness Technology] was developed in the recent research mode, I have barely made the first interface."

"Well, what technology?" When it comes to research, Bai Min's enthusiasm is obviously much higher than that of Kong Huan.

"Semi-separation of Consciousness Technology," wrote these words on the table with the power of thought, and imagined to explain: "In fact, it is an advanced version of multi-tasking, although at the beginning my purpose was to rely on this technology to let people Create a fantasy world without falling asleep, so that I can continue to be active in the real world.”

"However, after the technology took shape, I discovered that the phantom world requires too much attention and computing power. Even the best phantom world maker cannot maintain the existence of the phantom world while operating in the real world. .It can’t even maintain a dream world, this technology seems a bit tasteless.”

"And my previous idea has been proved to be feasible, but its practicality is almost zero."

"Well, it's very fantasy style."


"Okay, let's get down to business!" Rubbing his forehead depressedly, Kong Huan continued: "Although the original purpose was not achieved, it unexpectedly helped the [Consciousness Interface] I was researching, this technology, somehow the research The model has been unwilling to accept it, and others have no intuitive experience, so only me and 8051 can study it."

"But although 8051 has been used for a long time, it just doesn't know the principle. I'm afraid it belongs to the plug-in method like me." Looking at 8051 who is drinking tea leisurely, Kong Huan continued: "Although the semi-separation of consciousness technology, although it can't deal with the illusion There are things with a lot of information in the dream world, but a small interface is not difficult."

"So, after figuring this out, I used the knowledge accumulated earlier and quickly formed an interface in consciousness."

"In fact, 'interface' is just a name, you can even say it is a [miniature dream] formed in consciousness, a dream that only you can see, and a dream that can exist at the same time as reality."

"Using a method similar to spiritual communication, we can even condense part of the information in this [miniature dreamland], and then carry out 'interface communication' between the two parties."

"Is it mental power?"

Hearing the empty explanation, Bai Min was slightly disappointed, because the key to the magnetic field communication network is electromagnetic fluctuations, electrical signals and the brain, but this is only a temporary loss.

Soon, Bai Min cheered up again: "It seems that research on the exchange of mental power and electrical signals is also a key."


"However, the magnetic field network is really a big project. It is only now that I realize that biology, spirit, energy, and consciousness have been designed... Maybe I have to add external components. This is not a full-field research."

Speaking of these, Bai Min's eyes are bright. Thinking about it carefully, Bai Min has been in charge of this research from the beginning. When this kind of great research is successful, Bai Min's harvest is immeasurable.

"That's true. However, the magnetic field network is still one aspect. Has the Technology Bureau achieved any war results recently?"


"..." So straightforward.

"Don't look at me like that," Bai Min seemed to be dissatisfied with Kong Huan's gaze, shaking his head and said, "Did you forget that since the Armor Factory and the Armed Forces Department under the Military Academy joined forces, most of the military research in the Technical Bureau has been transferred to Are they there?"

"The current technology bureau is only responsible for basic research and civilian and general-purpose applied technology research."

"Moreover, even for basic research, most of it is actually concentrated in the Priest School on Priest Mountain."


(End of this chapter)

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