Spore Story

Chapter 412 The journey to the floating mountain and the epic battle

Chapter 412 The journey to the floating mountain and the epic battle

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No matter how lively the big annual meeting is, there is an end time. Although 25 years is a bit special, because it is clear that there will be a war in the future, but because of this, the progress of various proposals is very fast, because the managers need to go back to prepare for the war.

Therefore, in just 15 days, the discussions at this year's annual meeting have ended.

According to 25 years of statistics, among the current government revenue, agricultural taxation accounts for 7%, commercial taxation accounts for 6%, while the income of large and medium-sized factories still accounts for the bulk of government fiscal revenue, accounting for 85%, of course, there is another 2%. Others, I won't go into details about this.


In terms of military affairs, it is estimated that the preparation for this war will take two years. Because of the absolute asymmetry of information, with the support of 8051, it can be said that the Black Bone Clan has no blind spots for the Friends Clan, so for the final victory , no one suspects.

What everyone considered was how to achieve victory with the least casualties of friends.

However, regardless of the expenses and work conditions of these managements who worked together and researched, after handing over the [Consciousness Interface] technology that they had planned to hand over to Bai Min and the others, Kong Huan took the 8051 and dual Yue, flew on the way to the Priest Mountain.

Before leaving, I took a look at the breeding nest of the Eldar that left a deep impression on the elders. The eight breeding insects have resumed their leisurely wandering life. As for the dozens of eggs, there is still no response, or even Whoever sees them hatching eggs.

"Speaking of which, I haven't been to Fukong Mountain for a long time... Ah no, it's Priest Mountain now."

Recalling that in order to find Bai Nong, he conveniently wiped out Bai E, the unplanned Youshen level, Kong Huan was deeply moved. Without technical support, Bai E could be promoted to Youshen level, and even developed a dream battle method, if it didn't cause more harm, it would be like leaving it behind, but it's a pity...

"It's been decades since I went to Priest Mountain. 8051 said with deep emotion."

Decades have passed, and concrete cities have been built on the territory of the friends;
Decades have passed, and Shuangyuexing has entered the era of the intersection of civilizations, and it is still facing war;

Decades have passed in this way, the friends have entered the iron age from the bone age, and are marching towards the energy age, but the enemy is still strong;
And the same decades have passed, the ruin-like floating mountain has now become the priest mountain of the Pengzu, and there is the largest and most complete higher classification school of the Pengzu on it, the Priestly School of the Pengzu, which is owned by the Pengzu source of priesthood.

But at this time, the three people flying in the air, obviously didn't express much emotion.

"Shuangyue, call me brother."


"It's not cute, you know, little loli has to learn this way to be loved by everyone."


"Hey, kids nowadays, really."

"My sister said, I am older than you."

"Uh... No, you have only formed self-awareness for a few years, and it is obvious that I am older than you."

"I'm stronger."

"...power, this is Chiguoguo's power! What is the law of heaven?"

"Is something wrong?"


Watching Kong Huan and Shuangyue playing tricks, 8051 laughing nonchalantly from the sidelines.As we get along longer and longer, Kong Huan treats Shuangyue from being cautious at the beginning, to now he is completely unscrupulous, but most of the time, Kong Huan is unexpectedly defeated by this seemingly harmless little animal. loli.

"Hey, Kong Huan, is it fun to bully children?"

After laughing, 8051 stood up, looked at Kong Huan with a depressed face, and Shuangyue who didn't care, and asked jokingly.

"Are you mistaken? You are the one laughing there, but I am the victim!" Kong Huan, who was seriously injured physically and mentally, resolutely refuted.

However, this behavior is obviously useless at all.

"So, Shuangyue is just my younger sister, you are not allowed to catch her attention."

"Yes, this is the crystallization of our [beep——], how could we... oops!"

The flushed 8051 stomped Kong Huan on the ground, and the continuous shadowless feet made Kong Huan return to the earth without even saying a last word.

As for Shuangyue Lolita, who is full of doubts on the side, but continues to learn 8051 as always, and secretly gave Kong Huan a kick, everyone should continue to ignore it.

At this time, 8051's angry words continued: "It's not that you, Hun Dan, didn't explain clearly, and said that this is so fun, why not keep Shuangyue's identity secret! Sinai! Go to hell!"

With an air of unrealism, he looked helplessly at the dark world, and left a sentence with a sense of sight.

"Sajia's life is worth it...Gah."


"Ah! What a mess!"

With the protection of thought power, this little damage obviously didn't even break the skin. Kong Huan got up from the ground, cleaned up the dirt and other substances on his body with thought power, and then looked around suspiciously.

He seemed to have felt a very strange voice just now, but at this moment, 8051 beside him was looking at him with an uneasy face: "What should I do now, even if I explain, a group of guys don't believe it, and now we have to live in despair. run out."

"Well, it's nothing." He waved his hand, and looked at 8051's angry expression jokingly, and suddenly felt that such an expression was actually not bad.

However, he apparently forgot a major vice of 8051.

"Very good, do you want to reincarnate once?"

"No, it's not!" (I actually heard my inner thoughts.)

Looking at 8051 covered in black mist, Shuangyue beside him blinked innocently, then stepped forward and tugged at the corner of 8051's clothes, biting the fingers of his little hand, pointing at Kong Huan with the other hand, and pointing at Pointing to 8051, he asked in a childish voice.

"Sister, dad? Mom?"


Before falling into the illusion of darkness, one thing was confirmed at the last moment, the little loli is actually natural black.

—————Leader inspects the dividing line—————

"If Tang Seng brought three beauties instead of three monsters, even if there were no 81 difficulties on the road, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to make it to the West Paradise alive. So those monsters are still too weak, and they don't even have a combat power of 5."

"What did you say?"

8051, who was teaching some common sense of life to a little loli on a natural black planet, and discussing how to use the planet's will ability, seemed to come from a female's terrifying intuition, and suddenly looked up at the void.

"No, nothing, I just said that the Priest Mountain is coming soon."


"Huh," think about it carefully, those guys in the ethnic group did a little too much, Bai Nong actually rushed in to see his niece, it is conceivable that 8051, who was still in a playful state of mind and didn't say a word, at that time expression.

However, these are past tense.

Even if it wasn't, otherwise Kong Huan wouldn't want to face a tsundere little 8, especially with a tough loli behind him.Originally, with the increase of experience, Kong Huan was able to draw a tie with 8051 at some point, but now there are more powerful double moons, and Kong Huan was immediately bounced into space by the balance...

"Let's tidy up the image first. You are an elder anyway. Your messy appearance will make the elders' house questioned."

Looking up at the black dot floating in the air in the distance, 8051 turned around and just saw the phantom wrinkled clothes, got up and stretched out his hand to pull it to make it look smoother.

Although he really wanted to say 'who is to blame for this', seeing 8051's expression at this time, Kong Huan consciously swallowed these words, and then continued to fly with the three of them with his thoughts.

At this time, the energyization has progressed for a few years, and the four wings of the illusion, the internal circulation and some internal organs have completed the energyization, and now it is promoting the muscles and the remaining internal organs. Less than 1/3 of people.

While losing weight, energy is increasing sharply, so the entire light body can easily fly for a long time through the ability to move through the planet's magnetic field.

However, in order to take care of the two powerful accomplices, Konghuan's thought power was not idle, but flew with 8051 and Shuangyue, which didn't weigh much at all.

In other words, the illusion at this time is more like a mount, although it is tragic.

[Han Huan, after arriving at Priest Mountain, the problem of dead souls may be a bit tricky. 】

While Kong Huan was enjoying 8051's rare 'gentleness', a voice suddenly sounded in his mind. Although the voice was exactly like Kong Huan's own thoughts, in terms of tone and feeling, it was obviously 8051.

However, this is not spiritual communication, is it?

[Don't answer, just listen. 】

Seeing that Kong Huan had the idea of ​​asking, 8051 blinked, ruthlessly tugged at Kong Huan's collar, and instantly stopped his words.As for Kong Huan, he looked at Shuangyue subconsciously, and he was slightly relieved when he realized that she was still enjoying the world that belonged to her under the guidance of his thoughts.

Then, Kong Huan cast doubtful eyes on 8051.

[Han Huan, don't forget, Shuangyue and I are both the will of the planet. 】

[The dead souls are supposed to return to the will of the planet and enter the natural cycle, but most of them were detained by the friends. 】

[If it's just existences above the soul level that don't dissipate naturally, and they aren't called by the planet, then that's fine.However, if Shuangyue knew about the existence of a large number of dead souls below the soul level, something bad might happen. 】

Hearing this, Kong Huan was startled. The purpose of the friends to retain the souls of the dead was to keep these individuals with a lot of knowledge, so as to make up for the lack of population of the friends from other aspects.

But in any case, from the perspective of the will of the planet, this is against it, which is obviously different from the behavior before 8051.

After all, 8051 should be supported by planetary creatures, so it can obtain a part of the identity of the planet's will; but this behavior of the friends completely snatched a part of the planet's will cycle...

At this time, Kong Huan suddenly thought of something and looked at 8051, asking with a clear thought in his heart.

(8051, what about you? Do you also feel uncomfortable?)
Dazed for a moment, 8051 whispered, "This... yes."

But seeing Kong Huan's tense expression, 8051 smiled, stretched out his hand to smooth the clothes on Kong Huan, and then wiped the cold sweat that Kong Huan was startled.

[What are you worrying about, I just said to pay attention, don't forget, I'm here. 】

[Also, in the will of the planet, I am emotional and will think outside the rules, so I will not do anything to our race, but...]

[Shuangyue is rational, she only considers things according to the rules. Fortunately, all the dead souls below the soul level of the friends have entered the world of the dead, so they will not be discovered by Shuangyue for the time being, but this is all temporary. Spawn new souls.Therefore, we have to come up with a method that complies with the rules, at least most of the rules, so that this situation of friends can go from the dark to the bright. 】


"It seems that you really have to think about it."

The content of the chat between the two was not discovered by Shuangyue, she just sat happily on the Nianli, looking at the earth speeding past below.

Because as long as you are within the atmosphere of the double moon planet, it belongs to the permanent ability coverage area of ​​the planet's will, which is the same as the electromagnetic field or spiritual power naturally emitted by friends, so double moon does not have any discomfort.

While feeling the dazzling scenery, in her heart, she also felt a little proud of the decision she made before to stay.

"Bugs." Pointing at the bottom of the cloud, Shuangyue suddenly uttered a voice, startling 8051 and Kong Huan, who were harboring evil intentions.

Knowing that looking at Shuangyue's pure eyes, the important thing is her actions, and seeing that she didn't have any thoughts about Kong Huan, the two calmed down and looked at each other with wry smiles.

However, when the two of them followed Shuangyue's fingers and looked down, their expressions suddenly became richer.

"Bug, what is this?" Kong Huan was speechless...

"Perhaps from Shuangyue's point of view, yes. 8051 is not quite sure of what he said."

What makes the emptiness speechless is that there is still an old friend below, that is Mr. Tulong.

"Why is he everywhere?" Kong Huan rubbed his forehead depressedly, his face full of helplessness.And hearing Kong Huan's words, 8051 looked at Kong Huan suspiciously: "Have you seen it?"

"I've seen it twice."

"Good luck."

"Thank you, seeing you every day, our luck is already very good."


At this time, Shuangyue Lolita's words unexpectedly saved the momentary illusion: "Bug, fight."

Immediately lowering the height to allow himself to see more clearly, Kong Huan discovered that the earth dragon was actually biting a slightly smaller but still huge scale-like creature.

"Could it be two epic creatures!"

Kong Huan was a little surprised. Two epic creatures, which are rare for a person to see in his life, actually appeared today. This situation obviously made Kong Huan have a strong interest, and 8051 and Shuangyue, although it is very likely that they have all of Shuangyuexing's Epic creatures, but I haven't seen many with my own eyes, so I seem to be very interested at this time.

The 'slender' body of the earth dragon was obviously smaller than that of the scale-like reptile, but it made good use of its ability to hide from the ground, and burrowed into the ground when it saw something bad.

But as time went by, the scale-like reptile gradually figured out the attack routine of the earth dragon after paying a few wounds on its abdomen.

It seemed to have some simple wisdom, when the earth dragon was about to break through the ground, it suddenly jumped out of place, then quickly turned around and swung its tail.

With a whip-like tail tens of meters long and several meters thick, with whistling wind and gleaming scales, it scraped the ground fiercely and cut off the earth dragon that had just sprung out of the ground, making the illusion and 8051 on the clouds Suddenly took a breath.

Kong Huan is very aware of the solidity of the earth dragon's body, but it was the existence of Kong Huan who had worked so hard at the beginning, even with gloves made of scaled iron, he couldn't make a cut.

"What a domineering power!"

"Indeed, with such a big impact, I'm worried that the tail of the scaled reptile is okay."

The process of the battle was boring, but it seemed to end a little too soon. Before Kong Huan could slow down, the earth dragon who had the upper hand was cut in two by the opponent's tail.

"not dead."

Shuangyue, who was also paying attention to the scene, suddenly said these three words.

Everyone knows that earthworms can survive even if they are broken into two pieces. Although earth dragons and earthworms are very different in size, they seem to be the same in some respects.

When Shuangyue was speaking, the half of the earth dragon's body on the ground was still writhing in pain, while the slightly loose scaled reptile suddenly burst out another big mouth from under the abdomen, and then passed through the scaled creature directly. body of.

If it weren't for the bloody cut below the earth dragon when it left the ground, everyone would probably think it was two earth dragons.

But soon Kong Huan discovered that there were indeed two of them 'already'.

The half of the earth dragon that got used to the pain gradually got up and began to swim around the howling scale creature, while the half that succeeded in the attack sneaked into the ground carefully, as if guarding against the scale creature.

However, the scale creature, whose abdomen was severely injured, failed to possess the powerful ability of the earth dragon. When it finally roared and charged the earth dragon on the ground, it was rushed out by the earth dragon again, and finally fell to the ground.

The following eating scenes are omitted...

Seeing the two earth dragons leaving, after receiving confirmation from 8051, Kong Huan brought the three of them down, and at this time, there was only a small mountain of fresh bones left on the ground.

"Sure enough, you have to get close to feel the shock."

Previously at an altitude of several thousand meters, what I saw was just two monsters the size of a thumb fighting, but when standing in front of the corpse of a scaled creature, the skeleton tens of meters high, compared to its own height of more than one meter, appeared out the difference between the two sides.

Suddenly, Kong Huan looked at Loli who was beside him and asked, "Is Shuangyue scared?"


Looking at Shuangyue with its head tilted, Kong Huan retreated.

Now that the Peng Clan has already entered the Iron Age, the huge pile of bones in front of them is not very useful. As for the powerful scale armor, it seems that the earth dragon has focused on it, and it has been eaten up.

Glancing at the opponent's coccyx, Kong Huan tested the strength, it was slightly stronger than steel, but weaker than scaled iron, after thinking about it, Kong Huan still didn't have the idea to use such a coccyx.

And just when the three of them were about to leave, suddenly, there was a feeling of heart palpitations from the bones.

At the same time, Shuangyue next to 8051 shines brightly.

The thunder was super strong in the morning, and the Internet was stopped for a whole day, what a tragedy...

(End of this chapter)

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