Spore Story

Chapter 413 Barometer and Priest Mountain God

Chapter 413 Barometer and Priest Mountain God

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All living beings cannot escape life and death, there is no eternal life, and nothing is immortal. ———Pengzu's "Fate Theory"

Kong Huan has always been wondering about a phenomenon, that is, why Shuangyuexing only saw the dead souls of friends, but not other creatures.

But it's not right to think about it carefully, because he has also seen a kind of animal soul called the light scale beast, but that has been a long time ago, and besides that one, he still hasn't seen any other species of soul, Not even the strongest creatures.

Once, Kong Huan asked 8051 about this matter, but the answer she got was that she didn't know either.

"Perhaps the friends have a system to take care of them." This is the extremely irresponsible answer they got after discussing.

And after 8051 became the will of the planet, because both parties forgot about it, they didn't mention it again. Anyway, this pair of friends should not be a bad thing.

But today, at the scaled creature that had just lost its life, Kong Huan once again felt the feeling that a dead soul was about to be born.

Could it be that the second ghost of a non-friend creature is about to appear.But at this moment, Kong Huan's first reaction was to turn his head to look at Shuangyue, the planet's will. After all, this thing seemed to belong to her.


Little Lolita obviously ignored Kong Huan's gaze, and was excitedly pointing at the huge skeleton of the scaled creature in front of him, where a mass of consciousness was forming.

But Shuangyue jumped onto the skeleton excitedly as if seeing a dead soul for the first time, looking at the fist-sized consciousness, which made Konghuan a little confused.

"Shuangyue is the first time to see the souls of the dead take shape. In the past, in the will of the planet, all I saw were independent consciousness bodies that returned to the will of the planet after losing their autonomy." 8051 answered the empty fantasy.

And hearing this, Kong Huan also nodded in understanding.

Therefore, not long after, in the team of three, there was a soul-level epic creature strangely added.


(So ​​fast development progress ==)

"Is the consciousness of epic creatures only at the soul level?"

Obviously, it is very difficult for Kong Huan to accept the fact that this epic creature is only at the soul level. You must know that even in the clouds before, Kong Huan and the others can still feel the huge spiritual oppression coming from this creature. With such oppression, no animal dared to approach the place where the bones were located.

And according to the standards of the friends, this mental oppression is already close to that of Chu Xia, who is at the level of Yin God, but the reality is so ridiculous. The creature that controls such a huge amount of mental energy has only soul-level consciousness, and it is still barely there. Early soul level.

Thinking of this, Kong Huan suddenly looked depressedly at the curious baby-like Shuangyue. She seemed to be very interested in this newly-appeared dead soul. At this time, she was walking around the newborn epic creature on the mind power platform created by Kong Huan. Revenant spins.

However, the dead soul of this epic creature has the same depressed expression as Kong Huan.

Because, he was tens of meters tall before, but now he is only the size of a little lolita. Thinking about the size of a hill before, he is like a floating cloud, which has disappeared. What's more, everyone is flying in the air at this time , and this dead soul seems to have never flown so high before.

After hearing what Kong Huan said before, 8051 said with a smile: "The spiritual level of epic creatures lies entirely in the accumulation of mental power in the extremely high number of cells in the huge body, and they almost have no brains. Epic creatures can have the level of consciousness at the initial stage of the soul level, which is already considered powerful."

"Oh, really."

This kind of situation obviously overturned the impression of the epic creature, but the Floating Mountain has already come into view, and for the Youshen class, it means that the destination has been reached.

With a slight mental tremor, Kong Huan felt the detection from the Youshen level in the Priest Mountain, and after conveying his identity through spiritual power, the few people landed steadily on the top of the Priest Mountain, and there were already people standing there. Good to welcome.

"Master Konggen, Master Kongling, welcome to the Priest School on Priest Mountain."

The one who greeted everyone at Priest Mountain was Lingxin, the elder of the Priest School. Because of his Youshen-level strength, he was also a member of the Presbyterian School. After receiving the information, it was left on the Priest Mountain as the resident protection force of the Priest Mountain.

After all, although the priest school has almost half the number of soul ranks in the main battle team, most of these soul ranks are researchers and teachers. Combat power is still far behind.

Therefore, having a Youshen rank in the formation can also provide a security guarantee for Priest Mountain.

The flying speed on the priest's mountain is very high, and the whistling sound almost fills the entire space. Therefore, the building constructions are all hemispherical, and they tend to go deep into the ground.

With the sun shining much earlier than the ground, Mount Priest entered a new day.

Stretched, the empty fantasy who got up early took his own tail (8051), and the tail of this tail (double moon), and the tail of this tail's tail (epic dead soul =.=) flew to the main building of the Priest School of Priest Mountain The group is dubbed by Konghuan as the Priest School of the Moon Base.

The entire Priest Mountain, considering that the magical floating principle has not yet been ascertained, and according to physics, in order to avoid too many or heavy foreign objects, causing the floating mountain to fall into the ground, all buildings are built as much as possible. It is possible to extract the common raw materials of the floating mountain itself.

At the same time, Mount Priest also has a team dedicated to calculating the flight altitude. They calculate the current flight altitude of Mount Priest every day and compare it with the original data, so that when the Mount Priest sinks at a dangerous height, the entire Priest School will be informed. Forewarning.

Of course, everyone hopes that the priest mountain will not have that day.

This kind of work is very hard. In the absence of an altimeter, the initial measurement team used the most stupid direct measurement method, using a slender rope to measure. At the time of the priest's mountain, people saw a rope from the mountain. While fishing all the way to the ground, no matter it is wind, animals and other natural factors, it will interfere with it, not to mention that the speed of the priest mountain is actually very fast, and it is difficult to measure the standard on the ground.

With the development of geometry, students began to use trigonometric calculations to measure angles and side lengths, and then calculate heights through formulas.However, the accuracy of this method is still not high, but at least once a day can be satisfied, and the manpower and material resources consumed are much smaller, which is barely usable.

However, after the appearance of the Youshen class, the spread of spiritual power measured in kilometers can measure the true flying height of Fukong Mountain, but the entire Pengzu only has a dozen Youshen classes, so how can it be possible to arrange a special Youshen class? Where is the altitude calculated every day?
So, in the end, it's all about teamwork.

So recently, after the physical theories of various classification schools and technical bureaus have been continuously improved, the Priest School has applied to the Elder's House, requesting to use the strength of the gods and the ability to control thoughts, combined with air pressure and other related knowledge, to create some A fine barometer, and then the students can use simple formulas to calculate the level of the priest's mountain.

And this time Kong Huan went to Priest Mountain, the obvious task was to deliver these barometers.

Of course, everyone knows that it's just an excuse. Whoever has seen such an unimportant thing has to be personally escorted by the Youshen class, but no matter whether it is the soul or the illusory, they consciously did not make it clear. .

What's more, let others know that I and 8051 escaped to avoid those hateful guys in the friend city, isn't that obvious and makes people laugh.

"Master Lingxin, the data from the test just now, after several calculations, we have concluded that the current flying altitude of Priest Mountain is 5733.2 meters."

When Konghuan arrived yesterday, he had handed over the barometer to Lingxin and the others, and after a night of practice, the students in the altitude measurement group were able to clearly calculate the flight altitude.

After Lingxin nodded, one of the students turned around and walked towards the hut not far from the measurement site, which was on the same level.

"Master Konghuan, go and see?"

He looked at 8051 beside him, and 8051 looked at Shuangyue, seeing that Shuangyue did not object, 8051 nodded.Facing the emptiness of laughing and crying at this scene, they nodded depressedly to Lingxin who could not bear to laugh, and several people walked towards the hut in a mighty manner.

Pushing away the clean and tidy hut, a very familiar scene was introduced to the empty illusion.

"Wall of time?"

But soon, Kong Huan himself denied it: "No, it's not."

Because, the content on these walls is not Bainong's calendar, but a series of height coordinate charts.

Among the existing data, the scale difference of altitude is at the level of hundreds of meters, which indicates the lack of accuracy.

Although the lines on these charts are extremely stable, basically a straight line, it looks like the height of the priest mountain has not changed at all, but because the accuracy is only [-] meters, this kind of convincing power is very low, so it can only be used as refer to.

And after looking at the charts, Kong Huan still saw some not-so-good things from these straight lines.

"The floating mountain is descending?"

Dazed for a moment, Lingxin shook his head and smiled wryly: "Indeed, although the accuracy is limited to [-] meters, sometimes we also let students test the flying height of Priest Mountain by themselves through student activities. You know, sometimes Students have far more fantastic ideas than us, but many of them cannot be used as conventional means.”

"When we measure, we always use the widest platform in the center of the Priest Mountain as the benchmark, so the data of the students are all accurate. However, compared with the first few years, the Priest Mountain in recent years has indeed declined. There are more than ten meters, if the data of the students is not accurate, we still can't find this situation."

"Have you found out why?"

The priest mountain is an important part of the Pengzu, and with the continuous development of the Pengzu, it has almost become a symbol of the Pengzu. If it is just a little bit down, it does not need to be lowered to the ground, but only needs to be lowered to the top of the highest mountain along the way. Below, then, the priest mountain will become history.

Thinking of this, Kong Huan burst into a cold sweat.

"No, in the future, the benchmark for calculation will be placed at the lowest point of Mount Priest, and the heights of all the mountains along the route will be calculated at the same time, especially the peaks on the route of Mount Priest."

Lingxin, who was about to answer Void, was shocked when he heard this, and couldn't help feeling scared that he and others didn't notice this.

"Yes, Mr. Unreal, I will take care of this right away."

"Okay, there is no room for loss on the priest's mountain, so, do you have a clue about the reason for the descent?"

"There is a general conclusion, but let's go outside and have a look."


Seeing Ling Xin's expression, Kong Huan's expression moved, but finally calmed down.

Nodding to 8051 at the side, they flew out of the mountain.

—————The World of Floating Mountain—————

Being at an altitude of more than 5000 meters, the presence of two Youshen-level and two planetary wills obviously won't cause any trouble, but it's just a small soul-level animal that is crawling on the ground from beginning to end.

However, it was under the protection of Shuangyue at this time, and no one thought about it.

Seen from mid-air, Priest Mountain is like a diamond-shaped object, suspended in the light and light blue sky. The white snow reflecting the light on the peak forms a sharp contrast with the mud in the shadow at the bottom of the mountain.

In the widest area in the center, those green and semi-circular buildings set off the entire Priest Mountain with vitality.

"How beautiful."

Lingxin looked at the place where he lived with emotion. He never lacked love for this mountain in his heart, and it was this kind of love that made him leave here no more than 10 times.

At the same time, in order to protect this mountain of priests, the team he led is always inquiring about the principle of this mountain.Because he still remembered what the old principal Jijishan said before his death, "If you can't even understand, how can you protect her." '

"Yeah, it's like a small world."

Nodding in agreement, Lingxin opened her arms to the entire priest mountain: "This is my little world, no matter what, I will protect her."

And at this moment, the Priest Mountain under the morning sun is completely a world reflected in the sacred light, and at this moment, the spiritual heart seems to have merged with the Priest Mountain.

"Like it here?"

Unexpectedly, what breaks the sacredness of this moment is actually Shuangyue who rarely speaks.She looked at Lingxin with a rare seriousness, and said the above words.And 8051 seemed to realize something, and was slightly surprised.

At this time, Lingxin nodded without thinking.

In his opinion, Shuangyue in front of him is just a taciturn child.

Moreover, no matter who it is, he will answer this question like this.

"So, do you want to protect it all the time?"

At this time, Kong Huan also realized that something was wrong, because there seemed to be an oppression in the space.Kong Huan has only seen this kind of oppression once, and that was when Chu Ling and Ling Yun took over as the main consciousness.

(8051, what's going on here?) Not wanting to interrupt the atmosphere with words, Kong Huan immediately pointed to 8051's head, and then thought.

(I don't know if this is good or bad, but Shuangyue seems to intend to hand over the management of the entire Priest Mountain to the soul, which is like assigning authority. In the past, when I pursued the will of the planet, the agent and so on were on a large scale , I am directly the sole controller of the will of the planet.)
(But this time, the spiritual heart is made to become the will of the priest mountain, and then subordinate to the will of the planet... Well, the specifics are very complicated. In simple terms, it is like something like a mountain god and an earth god.)

Although this should be a good thing, after hearing 8051's explanation, Kong Huan became uncontrollably embarrassed.When, in this scientific world of ours, there are such fantastical things as mountain gods.

Still, there are some things to figure out.

(Why do you say you don’t know good or bad? It seems that if the soul gets this authority, wouldn’t it be a good thing for us?)
(However, this is more restrictive than the temple. Once it is completed, the ghost level of Lingxin will be completely bound in the priest mountain area. Even if the temple is built outside, he can't get out, and can only develop step by step Or expand your own floating mountains.)
(Is that so?) Frowning and thinking for a while, Kong Huan looked at Lingxin with a firm face, and Shuangyue who was looking at Lingxin, not knowing what he was thinking, finally smiled and shook his head.

(8051, after all, there must be someone to guard the priest mountain. It is better to let the soul do it than others. Besides, with the start of the experiment of energyization, the isolation of the soul level, the ghost level, and the ghost level is being broken. A Youshen level is no longer so important.)
(Besides, since Shuangyue agrees, it is impossible for you, as a perceptual planetary will, to be unmoved.) Speaking of this, Kong Huan looked at 8051 jokingly, but for 8051, he first considers everyone from the standpoint of his friends , he is of course very happy.

(What, are you jealous?)
(Uh, what a mess.)
Glancing at 8051 depressedly, Kong Huan seemed to remember something, and turned to ask 8051, (Speaking of which, how many floating mountains are there in Shuangyuexing?)

(There are only 26 mountains floating in the sky, most of which are similar in size to the priest mountain.)
(Really?) Thinking of the high mountains floating in the sky, I can’t help but be fascinated by the illusion, (If I can control these mountains, that would be great.)
Hearing Kong Huan's words, 8051 also nodded, (Shuangyuexing's floating mountains have fixed trajectories, and it will not be difficult to find them in the future, but the control range of the Pengzu is too small now, so it's better not to allocate manpower for the time being .)
(I know this,) nodded, Kong Huan glanced around, and found that the coercion in the surrounding space was getting heavier, and Lingxin finally realized that something was wrong, and was casting a look at Kong Huan to ask.

Kong fantasized for a while, let 8051 temporarily appease Shuangyue, and then looked at Lingxin seriously.

"If we let you become the god of the Priest Mountain, you control everything in the Priest Mountain, but you can never leave here again, are you willing?"

After a brief silence, Lingxin looked at the few people present, and then at the priest mountain floating freely in the sky in the distance, with a smile on his face.


(End of this chapter)

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