Spore Story

Chapter 414 The Floating Ore and the Moon Spirit Man

Chapter 414 The Floating Ore and the Moon Spirit Man

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Everything has its cause, the so-called mystery is that we haven't discovered its principle yet. ——Pengzu "Physics in Middle School"

The Mountain of Priests doesn't seem to have changed in any way, but it has actually become different because of the addition of a will of the mountain, a weakened version of the will of the planet.It can be said that the current spiritual heart is a node where Shuangyue and 8051 manage the priest mountain.

However, these things actually did not change much, because the Priest Mountain has reached a natural balance cycle, and artificial changes will only cause unknown factors.

However, at this time, what everyone is concerned about is still being able to fully perceive the priest's mountain to discover the secret soul of the priest's mountain floating in the sky.


"Yes, the power of the entire Floating Mountain seems to be a kind of ore, which is located inside the Priest Mountain. They are gathered together, but they don't have a regular shape, or we don't recognize the rules."

"Moreover, the outer part of these ores does not seem to be active, but the inner part has a subtle energy flow, which produces a magnetic field fluctuation similar to the energy body flying. However, where does this energy come from?"

"Huh? What's going on? Can you perceive it?"

Kong Huan looked at the will of the mountain with some surprise. For the soul who seemed to enjoy this kind of complete perception at this time, the entire mountain of priests was like his body, and there was no obstacle at all in perception. (Any friend with mental power control Lv2 or above can perceive his own inner self.)
"No." Shaking his head, Lingxin continued: "I can only sense the center of the ore, as if something is emitting extremely fine energy, and it is these energies that have stimulated the mass-energy reaction in the ore. Causes these ores to generate a collective magnetic field."

Frowning, Lingxin found that he could not perceive the specific identity of the other party, which was obviously unacceptable for him who felt the sense of complete control.

After thinking about it, Lingxin's expression moved, and then, some soil gushed out from the priest's mountain, and a passageway appeared.

"Let's go and see."

After speaking, Lingxin rushed into the hole.

Without the slightest hesitation, the three of Kong Huan also followed.

From the initial soil and rocks to the gray-black soil-like minerals in the center, these are not the kind of floating minerals mentioned by the spiritual heart.

Carefully wrapping some of these strange minerals with mental power, everyone continued to move forward, while the passage behind them was quickly blocked by the replenished soil.

The water source of Fukong Mountain all comes from the small river formed by the melting snow on the top of the mountain, and that small river forms a small lake at the corner of Jiji Mountain.In the past, when there were no friends here, the small lake would often flow out from the water channel at the other end because of its full water, and a small suspended waterfall hung on the side of the Priest Mountain, flowing into the earth. Although the scene is not spectacular, it is extremely beautiful.

But people now have to consider mainly survival rather than entertainment, so after the school of priests moved in, the water in the small lake became barely enough for people to eat, and the hanging waterfall became a thing of the past.

Of course, maybe at some point in the future, it can reappear in the world.

I felt the surrounding soil with my hands. Maybe this is under the small lake, so the soil layer is slightly moist.After passing through this gray-black soil layer, everyone continued to move forward.

Since they were moving obliquely upwards from the bottom of the Fukong Mountain, the few people only now began to encounter the roots spreading from the vegetation on the surface of the Fukong Mountain.

Obviously, these grass roots are far more developed than the plants on the planet's ground, and to a certain extent, they have played a role in fixing the soil of this floating mountain. This is also the reason why the school of priests explicitly prohibits students from destroying the plants here.

In the condition of not hurting these roots as much as possible, the few people finally came to the front of a piece of turquoise ore.

At this time, the spiritual heart that opened the way also stopped.

"This is the kind of ore, and here is their edge, we go into..."

"and many more!"

Opening his mouth to stop the spiritual heart in front of him, Kong Huan stretched out his hand to stroke this turquoise ore, carefully feeling the energy flow in it.

"It's very regular, like a network, forming a whole with the surrounding ore."

"Unreal, what do you mean?"

In terms of these technical knowledge, although Void is not very strong among friends, there is only one loli (just born), one non-energy professional teacher (Lingxin was originally the dean of the School of Spiritual Power at the Priest School), and one Miss Yu 8 (=.=), Kong Huan, the former head of the Technology Bureau, obviously has a lot more power to speak.

"I mean, if these ores act as a whole to produce some kind of force that pushes the Priest Mountain to float or even move, then this force has obviously reached a certain balance."

"If we pass through here rashly at this time, it's like when we fly with a magnetic field, the magnetic field in a certain direction suddenly loses its effect, think about what will happen?"

Obviously, in this way, the balance of force will be broken, and the priest mountain may slow down, may speed up, but is more likely to fall...

Everyone broke out in a cold sweat. Even if they are priests, being able to sense the body does not mean they understand the body. With the level of knowledge of the soul, they will definitely be negligent in certain things. After all, he is not like Shuangyue. All kinds of natural activities exist like instinct.

"Then what should we do now? The thing in the middle is like a switch. I didn't know it before, but now I know it, but I always worry that if one day, the switch suddenly breaks, what will happen to Priest Mountain?"

"Well," after thinking for a while, Kong Huan raised his head and calculated: "In this way, it should not be difficult for you, Lingxin, to find the center of gravity of these ores, and then we will enter from directly above the center of gravity."

At this time, everyone didn't think of any better way, so they still led the way with their spiritual hearts, and moved along the edge of these ore to the top of the ore, and behind them, the cave was gradually closed.

"It's here. If you use the knowledge of force and center of gravity in physics to calculate, this is the best place to enter it."

Nodding to the soul, Kong Huan bent down and began to feel the energy flow inside.

And the few people present were carefully concentrating their energy so as not to interfere with the existing ore energy.

After a while, Kong Huan raised his head, nodded to several people, and then gently placed his hand on one of the turquoise ore.

"The magnetic field here is relatively weak, so it should be ok." After finishing speaking, the illusory thought power began to cut the ore like a sharp blade.

Under the influence of powerful strength, in the blink of an eye, a turquoise stone the size of a fist appeared in Kong Huan's hands.

In just an instant, the energy in the stone calmed down.

Indeed, it just calms down, not dissipates.

Kong Huan could clearly feel that when the stone was just taken out, the stone seemed to have no gravity, and even felt like flying, but after the energy calmed down, the stone became the weight of an ordinary stone, and the inside The energy didn't dissipate either, it just changed to another storage mode.


But at this moment, Kong Huan suddenly felt dizzy, and soon, everyone clearly felt the floating mountain below him, which seemed to shake slightly, but returned to normal after a while.

"What's going on?" Lingxin looked around suspiciously, and finally focused his gaze on Konghuan's hands.

"The magnetic field is disordered." Ignoring Lingxin's eyes to signal him to put the stone back, Kong Huan shook his head and said, "It seems that these ores are a whole, and the magnetic field generated caused the floating mountain to fly, but the one just removed ore……"

Speaking of this, Kong Huan shook the mineral that had turned into an ordinary blue-green stone in his hand, and continued: "This thing should not have a big impact, but because of the sudden cancellation, which temporarily disturbed the overall balance, there will be Shaking before."

"And now, it should have reached a new balance. If you put this thing back again, it will only cause disturbance again, and it will not go back to before."

Everyone shook their heads depressedly. Judging from the situation at this time, I am afraid that before knowing the specific situation of these ores, several people will not even think about continuing this kind of activity.

"Wait, let me ask about the situation at this time"

Stopping everyone's next move, Kong Huan used his mental power to connect to the student who was in charge of measuring the altitude. With the help of the barometer, these people felt a lot easier.

Now, they only need to sit in the room and look at the barometer from time to time, and they can easily calculate the flight altitude of the Priest Mountain. They don't have to run to the ground as before.

"By the way, I suddenly thought of something!"

After clapping his hands, Kong Huan turned his head and looked at 8051 beside him: "Isn't the will of the planet capable of teleporting inside the planet? Can you move into the ore and bring out the contents."

"No, if it's really what you said, Mr. Unreal, we obviously can't touch the things inside, because it has completely become a switch to make these ores float. Unless we can find another substitute, we don't want to touch it. it."

Lingxin shook his head and continued: "Everyone saw it just now, just moving a piece of ore can make the Priest Mountain shake, if the switch inside is removed, I am afraid that our entire Priest Mountain will fall directly. I don’t want the Priest Mountain to have problems like this.”


At this time, the student in charge of the calculation sent back the calculation result through the connection with their mental power through the void.

"5733.5 is actually a bit higher, but the location of the measurement is different, so it is within the allowable range of error."

Looking at these data, Kong Huan breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately there were no major changes.

Then, he ordered a few students to continue to calculate in order to obtain real-time data, and then turned to look at a few teammates.

"The fluctuation is not large, and the calculation shows that the priest mountain is not worrying, but the shaking just now is indeed obvious, and the barometer calculation is not very accurate, so the overall trajectory of the priest mountain, I guess there may be slight changes, but the impact is not big. "

"However, judging from the current situation, it is better not to touch these ores for the time being. It is best to protect the soul. The buildings of the college like to go deep into the ground. It is only about 50 meters away from the ground of the priest mountain. The distance is still too close, so don't be fooled by it." The students dug here, those guys are monsters who are not afraid of anything."

"Hehe, I know that."

Looking at the turquoise ore in his hand with a frown, Kong Huan couldn't believe it. Such a fist-sized ore could actually cause a floating mountain the size of a village to tremble.

And most importantly, through the reaction when the ore was just taken, it can already be confirmed that this kind of ore has very good floating properties.

"This is a good thing. I want to take it back to do experiments. Only when the data of this ore is researched can we deal with the problem of Priest Mountain."

Lingxin couldn't refute this, not to mention that Konghuan ordered him to monitor the internal energy flow of the ore here, especially to monitor the movement of the 'weak energy switch' inside.

"However, what is it inside?" People are like this, unknown things are always easy to attract attention: "It can actually emit energy. Could it be the legendary energy source? Or some kind of monster?"

At this time, Shuangyue pulled 8051, then pointed to the ore and said: "There is no life."

It is easy to understand that the absence of life means that the inside is not a living body, at least not a living life body.

Although it is impossible to perceive the specific outline of the other party, it is obviously not difficult for 8051 and Shuangyue, who are the will of the double moon star planet, to determine whether it is a living thing.

"It can be confirmed that there is no life, no consciousness, and no spirit inside. Simply put, it is a dead thing."

"Then don't worry about it." Turning to look at Lingxin, Kong Huan patted him on the shoulder and said, "Dead objects will not change by themselves without external interference, so you just need to protect it." Here, just wait for our research results."

On February 25, 2 A.D., Kong Huan and the others who stayed in Jiji Mountain for a few days hurriedly returned to Pengcheng.

As for the floating ore, the research named [blue pumice] was not urgent, so Void was directly handed over to the mining team under the Technology Bureau. After instructing them to focus on the research, they rushed to the elders' house without stopping, and participated in the A military preparation meeting on the ShadowClan and Darkbone side.

After that, he had to rush to the Eldar lair he had captured before, because the eggs hatched successfully.

"The hatching time is not long. The egg laying time is January 1th, and the hatching time is February 7th. In about a month, these eggs will be hatched. According to the information given by you, Master Void, while hatching, We combined two spirits."

Pointing to the bewildered spirit man at the entrance of the cave, it is obvious that although the consciousness level of the two of them at this time has reached the strength of the initial stage of the ghost level, they have not received any enlightenment education, so they are still like children.

After Kong Huan and the others checked the two spirits curiously, and then comforted them with kind spirit power, the manager in charge of the situation here continued with a little fanaticism.

"There are six 'brainworm larvae' and seven 'double sickle larvae' in total. We followed your instructions and did not combine them."

"It is already February 2th, and four of the 'brainworm larvae' have begun to grow squirming limbs and can do some simple movements; three 'dual sickle larvae' have begun to close the brain junction and grow small And they all started to try to eat, but the few reproductive worms under their bodies might not be able to survive, because they don't even have nutrient storage organs, and if it takes longer, they will starve to death."

"Yes, this is the price."


"However, it's really a magical creature." Smiling, he looked at 8051. The other party didn't seem to like those crawling breeding bugs, and Shuangyue also rarely showed a hint of disgust.

(Could it be that the Eldar's evaluation of the will of the planet is really so bad?)

Almost convinced of this idea, in order to hug these breeding bugs that he planned to cleanse, Kong Huan led the two out. As for the dead soul of the scale creature, it was still floating behind Shuangyue , seems to have fully adapted to the life of the dead.

In front of Shuangyue, this guy has no awareness of being an epic creature at all. From Kong Huan's point of view, he is just a puppy begging for mercy...

"Hang Huan, is your method really good? If those new spirits rebel in the future, what will friends do?" It seems that because of the promotion of the will of the planet, 8051 will inevitably be affected by the will of the planet.

After thinking about it, Kong Huan still showed a reassuring smile to 8051.

"Our principle is that education starts from the baby. From the very beginning, we must plant the idea of ​​'total allegiance to friends' in the minds of these spirits. They are asexual creatures. Every real spirit, whether it is At this time, the Eldar who have risen in the 'No War Theory' are still weapons in our hands."

"Of course, necessary psychological care is also needed, and education starting from the basics is the key."

Stretching out his finger, he pointed behind him, there was already a Winged Man there, leading two Moon Spirits to learn simple vocabulary.

Spiritual beings don't have vision, and they usually use their spiritual power to communicate, but they still have a voice. Although the pronunciation is weird, Teacher Yiren patiently taught the two Moonlings about knowledge. (In the future, spirit people of the spirit clan and spirit people of the friend clan will be distinguished. The spirit people of the friend clan are called [moon spirit people]=.=)

The first thing these moon spirits have to learn is "Simplified Friends Language", and then they will learn "The History of the Double Moon Gods", and then special officers will go to teach the spirits how to fight in preparation for future battles.

Of course, they no longer learn body control. After all, this is an ability that the will of the planet firmly opposes. What they need to learn is close combat, the use of weapons, and simple mental power skills.

As for the spiritual power language of the Spirit Race itself, the empty plan is that only those moon spirits who need to perform special tasks will learn it.

"So, my goal is to completely transform the spirit race into a basic race of the friend race, a race that is even more basic than the Dunjia race, and relying on the fecundity of the spirit race, when we face the Zerg race, we can also fight against the Zerg race." Have greater confidence, instead of nesting underground like the current Eldar, unable to expand due to food problems."

"It's really evil. 8051 looks at Kong Huan approvingly, but never expresses his approval."

"Sister, expose yourself."


"Shuangyue, good job, Goodjob."


(End of this chapter)

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