Spore Story

Chapter 415

Chapter 415

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The climate in the tropics has always been criticized by the Black-Bone Tribe people, because it is too hot and humid, and all kinds of mosquitoes are flying around, causing these Black-Bone Tribe people to suffer unbearably.

Moreover, there are often sick individuals in the group who die painfully due to lack of treatment.But in the face of these illnesses, the explanation of the gods is that they blasphemed the gods and must be executed. Therefore, even some family members did not go near them because of fear.

Of course, in fact, many people think that this should have nothing to do with the gods, but the problem is that Shishen is still in a dominant position, and they are not religions without fighting power.

However, in this small village located in the middle of the Black Bone Tribe, there once appeared a kind man who cared for his relatives and friends. He questioned Shishen's judgment on the patient, so he worked hard and used some common plants to make a painful patient of patients recovered.

This is actually not a big deal, the patient's illness is not serious, and he will be weak for half a year at most, and the medical treatment of a good person only saves this person half a year of time.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long. Not long after the news came out, Shishen, who felt that his majesty had been provoked, no longer cared about the reputation of a good man, and used the same crime of "blasphemy" to reconcile the good man and the patient. and put to death.

Faced with this situation, ordinary people can only watch, because they can't beat Shishen.

However, the healing plants of good people spread among ordinary people.

Of course, with the lessons learned from the past, everyone tacitly did not promote it. Later, it seems that some people in Shishenzhong are using these methods.

Thus, this so-called 'blasphemy' became empty talk.

And this situation made ordinary people deeply disappointed with these so-called gods.

Velen Grassleaves is an ordinary member of this small village located in the north-central part of the Black Bone Tribe. He went out today because of a very old-fashioned storyline (from the perspective of fantasy): his younger brother is sick and he needs to come out Collect some, the good man left behind the kind of plant mentioned in the knowledge, otherwise the younger brother who is a little weak at this time but not dying, will definitely be killed by Shishen for the crime of 'blasphemy'.

However, when he was walking carefully in the forest, he suddenly heard a noisy sound in the valley in front of him. It seemed that many people were gathering there. In the north, the population is not large, and within a few kilometers is the only tribe where I am, a small tribe with a population of just over a hundred people.

"What's the matter?"

Curiosity is a common problem of young people like Velen. He stretched out the inner circle of God, thinking that there was no danger. He carefully put the medicinal herbs he collected into a rattan frame, and then hung them on a small tree. Before that, he climbed into a raised rock crevice in the valley ahead.

"A lot of people? What are they doing?"

To Wei Lun's surprise, there were hundreds of people densely packed under the mountain in front of him, but after taking a closer look at these people, Wei Lun was almost scared to death.

If these people are dressed correctly, then...

"All...all Shishen!"

This kind of situation is obviously not clear to Vinyl. Vinyl, who still has a trace of sobriety, quickly recognizes the reality and must leave immediately.The Shishen here is not something that the Kongting God Kingdom where he is in can have.

Well, this is likely to be an infiltrated force of the enemy country, which means...

"Is war about to break out again?"

"I have to go back, my brother is still at home, nothing can happen!"

This place is so close to my own tribe, and with so many Shishen gathered, it is very likely that the first target is my own tribe. Although I don’t know that my tribe is so ordinary that even the food has only recently begun to grow. What is the attraction? These Primordial Gods, but he didn't want to take risks.

However, just when he was about to quit, he found a situation where he wanted to scold himself to death.

It turned out that in order to better observe the situation in the valley just now, he had chosen a higher terrain. It was easy to go up, but he might be found if he went down.

"Damn it, what should I do!"

If you just hide here, although you have heard that "you will have nothing to hide when facing Shishen True God", but like "blasphemy", these things have become rubbish in the eyes of many ordinary people, so continue to hide here , should not be found.

But what about these gods attacking the tribe?What about my younger brother?Even if they don't kill ordinary people, but my younger brother is sick. At this time, they are likely to impose a crime of 'blasphemy' on his younger brother, and maybe they will use it as a tool to promote their power.


Hardened, Velen thought that he could no longer stay here, even if he risked being discovered, he had to go back.But at this moment, a palpitating sense of oppression came from the sky, proclaiming his might like a king.

"This is!"

Velen, who was scared by the coercion and did not dare to act, carefully hid under the rock and looked at the sky through the gap above his head. Then, he saw a scene that was rarely seen in his life.

From the sky above, facing the scorching sun at noon, there were a dozen or so figures faintly flying and converging in the sky here from all directions.

It was getting closer, everything in front of him made Velen rub his eyes in disbelief, it turned out to be one after another black-skeleton man flying in the sky, and they could fly in the sky without wings.

"Is that so!"

The black bone people in the sky stopped above the valley, and formed a circle around each other in a regular way. Generally speaking, there should be nine directions, and the extra ones followed behind one of them; while the valley The gods in the middle, when they felt the coercion, also began to combine with each other, and soon became nine groups, bowing to the flying black-boned man in the sky.

The facts are already very clear, these black-skeleton men flying in the sky are just...

"T-True God!"

However, after being shocked for a while, Velen's heart relaxed a little.

He was no longer worried that these were attacking troops. After all, with so many true gods, it could only be the gathering of true gods from the Nine True God Kingdoms.Then, if they don't start a war here, they won't do anything to their own small tribe.

What's more, there should be a true god in the Kongting True God Kingdom where I am.

After a little relaxation, the coercion of the nine true gods in the sky seemed to have weakened a lot. With the cover of the rock, Velen looked at the sky again, driven by strong curiosity.

True God, that's not what ordinary people like me can see under normal circumstances, not to mention facing the True God, the current self can't escape, so it's better to stay and see and see.

However, although he despises "blasphemy" all day long, when he really sees those true gods who fly in the sky against common sense, Velen has to be afraid and dare not look directly.

Although his eyes were also looking at the sky, they were just peeking carefully. Of course it was very laborious to look at this way, but it made Wei Lun feel a surge of excitement and excitement in his heart.

Finally, he found the True God Kongting where he was, not because he had seen the True God, but because he had heard that the symbol of the True God was a sacred mountain floating in the sky.

It is said that the God Kingdom of Kongniwa where he is located faces the sea in the east, and the high mountain flying in the sky was met by the God Kongniwa when he was out and about. Although he had never seen what that kind of mountain looked like, the dozen or so people present Among the true gods, there is only one symbol, which is a mountain that looks a little weird.

Well, it was obviously this one, and even if it wasn't, Velen's subconscious would make him think that it was, because in this way he could gain a little sense of security.

At this time, one of the dozen or so true gods floated out of the team, flew to the center of the circle, and released an object in his hand under the crowd's onlookers.

Strangely, this item did not fall from the sky, but was fixed in mid-air.

Because it is not a true god, and it does not look like a symbol of a true god, Velen dared to see it clearly this time, and was sure that it was a humanoid creature with six wings.

But when he saw this thing clearly, Velen became depressed and frightened again.

Now the various tribes under the Kingdom of the Black Bone Clan are mostly mixed after years of war.

And Velen once heard a veteran in the tribe who participated in the battle of "The Fall of the Evil God" show off, saying that the great man who led all the Black Bone Tribes overthrew the rule of the evil gods and sealed the evil gods at the cost of his life. The symbol is a six-winged humanoid creature. (Rumor =.=)

The true gods in the sky had a commotion because of the appearance of this symbol. Although it quickly calmed down, the debate began.

After a while, they landed from the sky, and then stood among the Shishen group below.Immediately, the voice of controversy spread from a few true gods to hundreds of primordial gods.

Cautiously lurking under the rock, although Velen was far away, he still heard some words intermittently: North, Windmark God, threat, together...

"What does it mean?"

These things may sound like nothing individually, but why can't they be combined to understand?Waylon felt helpless for a while.

The quarrel below seemed to be getting more and more intense, and there were even a few times when swords were on the verge of breaking out, which shocked Velen, who was hiding in the distance, into a cold sweat.

Fortunately, some true gods present seemed to be playing the role of peacemakers very well, and the six-winged creature statue that was still floating above the valley was looked at by these people from time to time, as if they wanted to confirm something.

As dusk approached, Velen couldn't help feeling anxious again.

Although my brother's illness was not very serious, no one went back to pay attention to him when he was asked to rest in the house for a day.

But I can't do it myself. If Velen himself waits here any longer, God knows what will happen.After all, illness is only one aspect. Those villains who try to betray their tribe and gain Shishen's appreciation are the ones who really need to worry.If they noticed that they hadn't gone back for too long, and then found out about his brother's situation, they would probably be told Shishen.

"Just die!"

Carefully looking around, Velen stepped back a little bit, considering whether to jump directly or climb down a little bit.But at this moment, the quarrel in the valley suddenly quieted down.

"What happened? Was it discovered?"

Wei Lun, who broke out in a cold sweat, thought about it and carefully stretched his head out.But what met Velen's eyes was Shishen scattered in all directions, and a dozen true gods who looked at each other, seeming to flow some kind of emotion called tacit understanding.

"What, it turned out that the meeting was adjourned."

Carefully breathing a sigh of relief, Velen carefully hid his body in the crevice of the rock, and only after the dozen or so true gods in the sky disappeared without a trace, and there was no abnormality around him, did he carefully find his body. The medicine box, killed the long snake that sneaked into it and transferred it back into the medicine box, by the way, as the prey, and just like that swaggered back home.

—————— Approaching black shadow dividing line—————

With a bang, a chubby thing made a trail on the grass, and then crashed into a pile of chubby objects.

"Weiyi, the mission objective, a head of a black bone man, completed."

"Congratulations on your successful trial, officially confirming the rank of Sergeant of the Razor Legion."

The Shadow Clan recorder, who was in charge of recording, smiled and handed an iron plate to the soldier in front of him, and then roughly inspected the head of the calm black bone man on the ground.

It can be seen from the expression that this unlucky guy should have been assassinated with one blow while sleeping, and then his head was easily cut off.Because the cut of the neck is very flat, except for the repeated signs of the spine cut in the middle, the rest should be done with a single cut, but I don't know how the other party's body is now.

"Not bad, Wei Yi, your saber skills have improved."

"Haha, what is this, the hateful thing is that the bones of this thing are too hard, and it even made a little gap in my knife."

Wei Yi carried the slender lancet in his hand, stroked the blade with satisfaction, and showed a childlike innocent smile on his face.

However, with the pile of heads with different expressions beside the recorder, it looks weird no matter how you look at it, although only one of them is his masterpiece.

According to the friends' calendar brought by Lord Thor, it is already the summer of AD 26. The three legions have been training for more than a year, and people have long been impatient to let the legions participate in actual combat.

However, because the Warhammer and Guardian Legion are still experimental legions, after discussion, these two legions were only temporarily upgraded to official legions, and the Razor Legion with special work content began to conduct actual combat 'practices'.

Due to the assassination characteristics of the Razor Legion, after consideration by the council, the council decided to give them a group model, let them go to the southern camp of the Black Bone Race in batches, conduct assassination trials, and use the head of the Black Bone Man to determine whether they are qualified or not.

In order not to start the war between the two sides prematurely, all Razor Soldiers made a big circle, attacking and fleeing from the south of the Black Bones Camp or from the southwest, southeast, and the number of each time did not exceed ten people, even Thor. Three gods were also sent as protection.

So much so that the Black Bone Clan thought that these were the remnants of the Ancient Shadow Clan, and they raided the Black Forest several times, expanding the open area several times. This kind of thing can't be hidden for long.

In the first more than a month, the Razor Legion gained a huge harvest of 677 black bone heads, but only lost 17 people.The high ratio made the members of the council think that the Shadow Clan could almost wipe out these black-boned men at once.

But soon, the black-boned men who were suddenly attacked began to organize. Various defenses, sentries, etc. were spread all over the camp, and there were many mobile and fixed patrols in rotation. In the next half month, although the Razor Legion still gained The result of 329 people, but paid a full loss of 101 people.

Therefore, the president of the church decisively ordered to stop the actual combat training, and only maintained a small amount of harassment.

And Wei Yi is a razor soldier who just returned recently.

"Uncle, the edge of the knife is broken again, please help to repair it."

Putting the lancet in his hand on the table, the Shadow Clan man who was working in the steaming blacksmith shop raised his head, first glanced at the shiny new short knife in the sweater, then carefully stroked the cut, nodded and said: "Come and get it tomorrow."


The people of the Shadow Clan are not very powerful. It’s okay to say that simple forging iron is fine, but it takes a long time to do this thing, and the whole clan can’t find a single person... No, some people joked in private, if someone really can do it, I am afraid that there is only Akagi, the head of the Warhammer Legion.

However, this is just a joke.

Therefore, for those special weapons traded by Friends to Shadow Clan, Shadow Clan can only do some detail processing such as polishing and repairing.

However, due to personal hobbies, some guys who have a good relationship with the 'blacksmiths' also drew some special blood grooves on their weapons to show off their differences, and that's not all.

At this time, the Shadow Clan's council was also having a heated debate.

"Everyone has seen the combat power of the Razor Legion. The master of the Dark War God is right. The Razor is only suitable for assisting assassination. They can display their abilities beyond the limit in the shadows. But in the face-to-face battle, although they are not incapable, It's a huge waste."

"But everyone can't wait any longer. Everyone has seen the combat power of the Razor Legion. Now the Warhammer Legion and the Guardian Legion have expanded to the level of regular legions, and they have also conducted adaptive training for a month and a half. If they don't launch an attack now, When autumn comes in October, they have to be called back to harvest food, and then comes the cold winter, do we want everyone to launch an attack in the cold winter?"

"Member Control Yu! According to the plan, we will not attack until next year. Didn't everyone discuss this before?"

"It is impossible for any plan in this world to remain unchanged. This is what Lord Thor said."

"You are distorting Lord Thor's will! Lord Thor's..."

"Please watch your words!"

"Okay! Why are you arguing, one and two are both big and big, how about a bit of image!"

The chairman showed his power, and the members sat down as a matter of course.

"The previous matter has been exposed. Lord Thunder God is tolerant, and he will not say anything just because of this matter, but please pay attention to me in the future!"

"Then start a war..."

"Let's fight, let's fight! Don't forget how the Ancient Shadow Clan was wiped out!"

Speaking of this, the president felt out of breath, especially when he saw the expressions of some of the congressmen after getting the results of the Razor Legion's battle, he felt deeply worried.

"The result of the Razor Legion's victory this time is because the opponent was caught off guard, but! Everyone should also see the situation in the last half month, and they have already reacted! Our assassination is struggling."

"I'm not wanting others to destroy my prestige, but I want to warn everyone that the other party is the enemy who has wiped out the Ancient Shadow Clan. We either don't fight, or we must be absolutely sure if we want to fight, and we must stay awake. Destroy the opponent completely!"

The murderous words immediately dispelled the dissatisfaction in the conference room. Although some councilors were still unwilling, but after all, there was an example from the Ancient Shadow Clan. After thinking about it carefully, everyone knew that they should not be too arrogant.

Seeing that the surrounding councilors calmed down, the chairman breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, let's talk about the weapons specially prepared for us by the friends brought by Mr. Thor."

"Among them [thorn shield] and [wooden scale gun] are allocated to guard; [willow dagger] and [strong crossbow] are allocated to razors; [Mitsubishi thorn] and [collapsing wood armor] are allocated to warhammers, and there are also some civilian items..."

(End of this chapter)

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