Spore Story

Chapter 416

Chapter 416

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"Team 07 moving north."

"Confirmation, by the way, the black shadow that jumped over just now is the scout of the Shadow Clan."

"Yes, don't talk nonsense, here is the battle... The enemy is found! The Arrow team is ready!"

A sound of pulling strings twitched the corners of the shocked eyes of several members of the Shadow Clan who were walking through the investigation. They subconsciously looked back at the neatly arranged original troops of the Friends Clan who were raising their steel crossbows to aim at the sky.

"As expected of a race of gods, with such great strength."

"What nonsense, anyway, we are incomparable in this respect, but we are better at stealth."

"Don't talk nonsense! Be careful not to be rushed in by the tailless monster, otherwise there will be no braised pork tonight. Hey, when will my family be able to make this delicious food?"

"Uh, pretend to be tight, and be on guard!"

At this moment, there was a whining sound of piercing through the air, and the Black Bone Race army that was charging in the distance stopped suddenly. Dozens of soldiers fell to the ground, but the soldiers below them skillfully recovered from the fallen soldiers. Jumping over his body, he drew out his flying spear at the same time, ready to throw.

But soon, from behind the two Shadow Clan soldiers, there was another string pulling sound.

"So fast!"


At this time, the winged men in the sky had already charged down, and the rain of arrows all over the sky aroused the anger of the soldiers of the Black Bone Race who were raising their spears in front, although most of them raised their shields, which seemed to be part of the power The arrows were not big, but there were some black bone men who were not afraid of death, and they raised their sticks and roared at the sky.

"What are you yelling! Give me all shields and continue to attack!"

A captain of the 'Black Bone Tribe' guard kicked the soldier in front of him depressedly, his face full of helplessness.

"Boss, I didn't say that, isn't this too tormenting? It's such a routine every time. I'm tired of practicing it!"

"Yes, boss," another soldier on the side nodded approvingly: "It's okay to say that we are soldiers of the friend tribe, but we are soldiers of the black bone tribe who were killed. We have practiced the suppressing tactics no less than [-] times, and of course they are not bothered anymore, and they were the ones who were inserted again, and we were the ones who were injured."

Facing the two soldiers who completely ignored the flying arrows in the sky and only complained to him, the guard captain was very annoyed.But just when he was about to say something, the flying arrows from the sky fell down again, which happened to put the three guys who had completely ignored the battlefield into a chill.

For a moment, the three of them looked at each other helplessly, and appeared in another corner of the world.

"Die again."


The three of them, who had all turned into ordinary black-skeleton soldiers, looked at the wooden weapon in their hands depressedly, looked at each other, shook their heads and sighed.

"Why are you still an ordinary soldier of the Black Bone Race?"


This is the War Illusion Training Ground of the Friends. As the inserted enemy soldiers, they are all souls who have not broken through the soul level. After training, they become a part of the Illusion as actors, which greatly helped The Illusion Maker enriches the reality of the Illusion.

But now it seems that the endless war training has obviously made these dead souls dissatisfied.

If it's a formal war training, it's okay, they can go all out for the purpose of destroying the opponent. Although they are not reconciled, but because they can exercise the opponent's ability in that way, the harder these ghosts who play the enemy's attack, the more powerful the fantasy world Manufacturers are more supportive.

And this kind of formal war training has become a time for the dead souls to vent their depression.

But unfortunately, with the continuous deepening of training, even in formal war training, the strength of the dead actors is not much, because the army of the friends has become more and more regular, and the combat power is becoming more and more stable.

Of course, because everyone knows that this is a fantasy world, it is inevitable that there will be some slack, resulting in a discrepancy between the data and reality.

"It seems that the illusion training can be suspended."

Putting down the psychological test reports of soldiers and dead souls in her hand, Long Yue looked at Yao Tian, ​​who became the third dean of the Military Academy after herself, and nodded her head to make a suggestion.

"Yes, although the long-term and intensive training in the fantasy world has allowed the soldiers to acquire valuable knowledge of warfare and fighting instincts, physical training still takes time, and the priests of the gods also need to carry out psychological training on these soldiers and dead souls. to avoid problems."

"Well, it's up to you to think about how to do it. I'm very relieved that the Military Academy is in your hands. The management still has something to do, so I'll leave first."


After Long Yue, who had become the patriarch, left, Yaotian, the head of the military academy, glanced at the report in his hand, seemed to think of something, and nodded to signal the maid not far away to come over.

"grown ups?"

"Give me a report on the latest military equipment and the expected mass production of future equipment."


"By the way!" He stretched out his hand to stop the maid who was about to leave. Under the searching eyes of the other party, Yaotian continued: "By the way, send me a copy of the current positions of the three major teams and the training situation of the teams in each place. come over."

After the maid left, Yao Tian, ​​who was the president of the military academy and the former chief of staff of the military academy, got up and walked to the large sand table in the center of the hall of the military academy. He kept thinking about this war plan and perfected the details.

This large 5X5 sand table is the result of decades of hard work by many quasi-priests and shadow team members of the Pengzu. It includes the entire surrounding area of ​​the Pengzu, including the southern Shadowclan Plain and the Broken Bone Canyon (where the Quackape was located in the original canyon) region), the Eastern Dawn Desert, and most of the northern region.

The precision is extremely high, and the mountains, rivers, hills, etc. are all marked on it.

In the eyes of these people in the Military Academy, this is the fruit of the hard work of the members of the friends, but what surprised these military personnel is that not long ago, the elders Konghuan and Kongling of the elders group came here. The southern part of the Pengzu, the land terrain of the black-boned man, the target of this war, was marked out one by one.

What is even more surprising is that it even includes the distribution of the nine kingdoms of God within the Black-Bone Man. This is the first time they know that the Black-Bone Man has actually split into nine kingdoms of God.

"The group of elders is really omnipotent." Faced with such a precise map, everyone in the Military Academy could only sigh in this way, because they couldn't find any other words to describe it.

And with such a detailed sand table map, the preparations for various military plans can be more adequate. After spending more than half a month to modify the details of the previous plan, everyone in the current staff department of the Military Academy is waiting for the above approval.

Of course, it is said that the official war will not be said until the next spring, when the rice is sown.

"This is also what it should mean. Although our family's food reserves, even if we don't grow food, we can last for three years, but it is impossible to always think about consuming the stored food."

If he preached to the staff officer who complained that the start of the war was too late, Yao Tian felt very comfortable at this moment.

Longyue's high position gave everyone a good expectation. Although as long as she was promoted to the Youshen level, she could enter the real power elder's house, but the elder's house didn't manage practical things very much after all.In Yaotian's view, the Elder's House is a place where people retire from the stage and enter behind the scenes.

But his wish is to be like Long Yue, to be able to ascend from the head of the military academy to the position of patriarch, and then enter the elders' courtyard in a glorious manner after making some achievements.

Then, in the face of the war that is about to break out, after the responsibilities and wishes are unified, he must do his best to make complete preparations, and he must fight beautifully and achieve the final result with the least casualties.

That way, it should be much easier to become the patriarch yourself, Quack.

Thinking of the happy place, Yao Tian held the long stick in his hand, feeling as if he was holding the whole group of friends, his body trembled excitedly.

At this time, a vigilant staff officer saw a Dunjia man walking in from the door, and he changed the time mark on the side of the hall on his own, and the time suddenly changed from 6:7 p.m. to [-] p.m. It was [-] o'clock, and he turned over the hourglass that had just finished flowing.

Nodding his head, the staff officer remembered something, got up and walked in front of Yaotian who was exuding a domineering aura, and reminded: "Master Yaotian, your wife Mrs. Dove said that after you get off work at seven o'clock Just go home as soon as possible."

"Ah?" Yaotian, the director of the Military Academy, who was slightly dissatisfied because of the interrupted fantasy, trembled undetectably when he heard 'Dove', and then quickly regained his composure: "Well, all seven It's time."

Yao Tian, ​​who thought that he had to maintain his image, looked at everyone calmly, and said, "If there is nothing to do, everyone should get off work and go back to accompany the husband and wife. Only the Gu family can love the family."

After finishing speaking, Dean Yaotian, who was full of arrogance before, took three steps and two steps in parallel, seemingly steady, but actually rushed towards the gate of the Military Academy at high speed.


At this moment, a heavy aura like the ancient prehistoric suddenly enveloped the entire space. The aura was so powerful that it far surpassed the perception of the Youshen class by the soul-level people present, and in this aura, it was full of Feel joy, relaxation, emotion and a little bit of unwillingness and other emotions.

Sensing these situations, the expressions of all the people present froze immediately. Whether it was Dean Yaotian who was charging, or the members who stayed at their posts, they all raised their spirits subconsciously so as not to be affected by this emotion. Powerful emotions are the things that are most likely to cause people's emotional confusion.

And at this time, we can see the internal standard of the Military Academy. Yao Tian's reaction is the most relaxed (relatively), while most of the other members' expressions are not very good, but fortunately, this thick and powerful aura quickly disappeared without a trace Without a trace, it is as abrupt as its generation.

"What was that just now? A legendary epic creature?"

The staff officers who woke up looked around in surprise. Many of them were curious and courageous, and wanted to rush out to see the epic creatures. After thinking about it for a while, he relaxed, and stopped the reckless people by the way.

"It's okay, it's not an epic creature."

"That is……"

"It should be Lord Zhengshen of the East who has been promoted to Yinshen level."


"Doesn't this mean that we already have two Yin God level powerhouses!"


Looking at the cheering military academy, Yao Tian turned around with a smile and walked out the door.

The two Yinshen ranks, more importantly, proved the feasibility of energyization, so it is beyond doubt that the future of the Pengzu will be more brilliant.

——————We are the dividing line for soy sauce—————

"Chu Jie should be happy now. 8051 is just congratulating Chu Jie."

Subconsciously glanced at the calendar not far away, the words 'July 26 A.D.' were written on it, Kong Huan could only shake his head with a wry smile.

"Happy is for sure, but from the feeling just now, don't you know it? Obviously, that strong guy predicted for himself for a year, but it took nearly five years to complete the Yinshen level energyization situation , but I am very unwilling, so I should consider how to comfort her."

"I don't need your comfort! No matter how you say it, it should be a celebration! Hey!"

Chu Jie, who had no idea when she appeared next to Kong Huan, naturally gave Kong Huan a big jump, while 8051 and Shuangyue at the side seemed to have no intention of reminding them at all, and one could tell from their expressions that these two Those with black belly and natural black all knew that Chu Jie was coming.

(Why am I so miserable.)
At this time, morality and so on should be completely ignored.

So, Kong Huan stood up resolutely, of course, he didn't intend to launch the Tiger Landing Form, which would change the color of the world, but he reached out his hand and patted Chu Jie's shoulder very normally, very kindly, and said in relief: "Yes! We must celebrate well! "

But his hand was quickly slapped away by Chu Jie, and he said: "Forget it, Chu Xia didn't celebrate much when she was promoted, we don't want to waste it, let's continue to celebrate with our cute little maid, Ga."


Depressedly looking at the nonchalant Chu Jie in front of him, Kong Huan shook his head and didn't intend to get entangled in it.

"From this point of view, in fact, whether it is a Youshen body or a Youshen level, it will take a few years to transform into energy."

Kong Huan stretched out his hand to let a few people sit down, while Chu Jie, who had just been promoted to the Yin God level and was not quite used to it, was floating in the air at a height of half a meter. .

"Because Chu Xia was the first one, there is a great experimental nature, so it took more than 20 years to quantify it, so there is nothing to say about it."

"As the same as Youshen level, the energyization of those of us has only been five years, and now I only have Chu Xia's brain and skin left unfinished."

Speaking of this, Kong Huan waved his hand in a showy manner, and the clouds in the sky immediately began to gather, and then pressed down, bursts of thunder began to erupt above everyone's heads.

"What a powerful ability, this is the benefit of energyization."

"Cut, what is this?" Unaccustomed to Kong Huan's self-indulgent expression, Chu Jie snorted arrogantly, and the thunder cloud in the sky suddenly sent out a thunderbolt as thick as a bucket and smashed against Kong Huan in the elders' courtyard... , so that the presence of several people depressed.

"Okay, don't show off, Kong Huan, it will kill someone."


When there is a conflict with a close female friend, it is definitely the man who is wrong. ——Penzu "Female Psychology"

Faced with this common problem of any species like the truth, Kong Huan could only rub his forehead depressingly, and didn't intend to say more.Because he knows very well that the more he talks, the more 'mistakes' he makes.

"Let's get down to business, so the Youshen class with a body, its energyization process should take about ten years."

Shaking his light blue fluorescent tail, Kong Huan said with a smile: "As for Youshen Body, Chu Jie, you belong to No.1 just like Chu Xia..."

"Yeah," Chu Jie was obviously much happier when she heard this description without mistakes, and nodded in satisfaction. (No matter how I count, I still have the first place, ga.)
"Ahem, because Chu Xia is No.1, she has used it for more than 20 years; but with her experience, we only need about ten years."

"As for Chu Jie, you are also No.1. You have used it for five years without any reference; now that you have your experience, the other ghost bodies may only need two or three years."

"So, are you thinking about starting to quantify these guys now?"

"Although this analogy is not necessarily correct, even if it only takes five years, our friends can still obtain more than a dozen Yin God ranks." Regarding this, 8051 nodded approvingly.

And Shuangyue, because she abides by the principle of neutrality, even if there are punitive measures, they are carried out in a natural way and there is no abnormality in herself. Therefore, in the eyes of others, she appears very silent, as if she is indifferent to everything.

However, in order to clarify the embarrassing misunderstanding before, Kong Huan and the others informed Shuangyue's true identity to several people who knew 8051's true identity after they returned from Fukong Mountain.

Although Chu Jie is working hard so that she doesn't come and go, but with Die Wu, a little maid, she knows no less than anyone else.

Therefore, the few people present, faced with Shuangyue wandering around like a child at this time, even if the thunder just struck, they just looked at it curiously and showed no interest, they all adopted an attitude of ignoring it.

Otherwise, facing the situation where the powerful thunder she sent was ignored by a little loli, Chu Jie didn't know how hard she would be hit.

"By the way, empty fantasy."


"Shuangyue and I will take a neutral position in the war against the Black Bone Clan. I'm so sorry." 8051 smiled and winked at Kong Huan, but there was indeed an apology on his face.

The will of the planet is originally in an absolutely neutral position. Even if 8051 is perceptual, it is impossible to break the rules, but giving friends some information support is already a great help.

Kong Huan didn't know which one was more important, the combat power of a spirit god, or the increase in combat power provided by the information advantage.

However, now that 8051 has become the will of the planet, Kong Huan must discard his previous considerations, not to mention, he still has to consider 8051's feelings.

"Don't worry, with some information support, it's already a good situation."

He reached out and rubbed the little head of Shuangyue who had just passed by. The other party didn't seem to resist this behavior, and narrowed his eyes as comfortably as when 8051 was touching her.

This made Chu Jie next to her stare, because Chu Jie couldn't even touch the lovely Shuangyue. Every time her hand was about to touch Shuangyue, she would find that the other party had disappeared. Shuangyue was obviously impossible. disappeared, then it could only be that Shuangyue took the initiative to teleport away.

"The will of the planet, you really only get close to special existences like you, Konghuan."

"No," unexpectedly, Shuangyue shook her head.

"Oh, why is that?"

Seeing that Shuangyue actually responded, Chu Jie suddenly regained her spirits.But what made her depressed was that after Shuangyue said a word 'no', she once again kept company on her own, and the Hell Butterfly, who was frightened by the thunder just now, played with the net rabbits.


In the Chu Jie OTZ who reached out to strike...

(End of this chapter)

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